如何藉由 有聲書學英文 東吳大學 語言教學中心 雙溪外語自學室 製作人:英二 A 林靖珊 Learning How to Learn.

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Presentation on theme: "如何藉由 有聲書學英文 東吳大學 語言教學中心 雙溪外語自學室 製作人:英二 A 林靖珊 Learning How to Learn."— Presentation transcript:

1 如何藉由 有聲書學英文 東吳大學 語言教學中心 雙溪外語自學室 製作人:英二 A 林靖珊 Learning How to Learn

2 聽力 口說 閱讀 寫作

3  步驟一:看一遍有聲書 → 不查單字  步驟二:看第二遍有聲書 → 將生字寫在筆記本上 → 查單字意思(中+英)及例句 閱讀

4  Now to the second matter. I must tell you the whole history. George Wickham is the son of a very good man, who managed the Pemberley estates. In return for his many years of work, my father was very generous to his son. He paid for Wickham’s schooling and had a high opinion of him. He hoped he would become a clergyman. But I had a long known the real George. He could not hide his true character from a man of his own age. He was free with women, free with my father’s money and paid little attention to his studies.  First   First  ( 節錄自 Pride & Prejudice 第 11 章 )

5  Second   Second  ( 節錄自 Pride & Prejudice 第 11 章 )  Now to the second matter. I must tell you the whole history. George Wickham is the son of a very good man, who managed the Pemberley estates. In return for his many years of work, my father was very generous to his son. He paid for Wickham’s schooling and had a high opinion of him. He hoped he would become a clergyman. But I had a long known the real George. He could not hide his true character from a man of his own age. He was free with women, free with my father’s money and paid little attention to his studies.

6  schooling (n.) 學校教育 the education that you get at school →My grandmother had very little schooling.  clergyman (n.) ( 男 ) 牧師;教士 a man who is a member of the clergy → For example, one Episcopal clergywoman commented that “Clergy men tend to work for a hierarchical system from the top down.”  Vocabulary 

7 線上字典 線上字典 ─ Macmillan Dictionary

8 線上字典 線上字典 ─ Oxford Dictionary

9 線上字典 線上字典 ─ Cambridge Dictionary

10  A carriage drove up to the door and Mr. and Mrs. Wickham got out. Nothing in the last fortnight had changed Lydia. She was as wild as ever, and very pleased with herself. She talked and did not listen. Wickham was as charming as always. They were ashamed of nothing.  Practice   Practice  ( 節錄自 Pride & Prejudice 第 16 章 )

11  Practice   Practice  ( 節錄自 Pride & Prejudice 第 16 章 )  A carriage drove up to the door and Mr. and Mrs. Wickham got out. Nothing in the last fortnight had changed Lydia. She was as wild as ever, and very pleased with herself. She talked and did not listen. Wickham was as charming as always. They were ashamed of nothing.

12  Macmillan Dictionary  Oxford Dictionary  Cambridge Dictionary 推薦:線上英英字典

13 如何藉由 有聲書學英文 東吳大學 語言教學中心 雙溪外語自學室 製作人:英二 A 林靖珊 Learning How to Learn

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