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新目标 Go For It 九年级 Unit3 情景交际用语之问路与指路 广东省东莞市石碣袁崇焕中学 彭丽霞.

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Presentation on theme: "新目标 Go For It 九年级 Unit3 情景交际用语之问路与指路 广东省东莞市石碣袁崇焕中学 彭丽霞."— Presentation transcript:


2 新目标 Go For It 九年级 Unit3 情景交际用语之问路与指路 广东省东莞市石碣袁崇焕中学 彭丽霞

3 1.Learn how to ask for directions politely. 2.Follow directions.


5 Heaven Restaurant Save them!

6 Task1: Let's learn Save them! Task2: Let's talk Task3: Let's find Go! Go! Go!

7 Could you please tell me where the... is ? direction 方向, 指引 Heaven Restaurant

8 turn left A A A B Directions A turn right go/walk along... go past across from.. next to... on the right between...and...

9 ★ Could you please tell me how to get to the restaurant? ● Could you please tell me how I can get to...? ● Could you please tell me how I can get to...? ● Could you please tell me where…is/are? ● Could you please tell me where…is/are? ● Could you please tell me the way to…? ● Could you please tell me the way to…? ● Which is the way to …? ● Which is the way to …? ★ Is there a restaurant near here? ★ Do you know where I can have dinner? Asking for directions( 问路 ) Excuse me, 打扰一下, 请问可以告诉我怎样去到饭店吗 ? 请问这附近有饭店吗? 请问你知道在哪里可以吃晚饭吗?

10 Giving directions( 指路 ) 它在你的左 / 右边。 3.It’s on your left/right. 1.Go along the street/Walk along the street. 在第一个十字路口转左 / 右。 4.It’s B 沿着...... 直走。 2.Turn left/right (at the first crossing). 5. You can just, and at the second station. And you’ll see it. 在 A 和 B 之间在 B 的对面 在 B 的前面在 B 的旁边 between A and B across from B in front of B next to B 坐 1 号车 take No.1 bus 下车 get off

11 温馨提示温馨提示 1. 问路时应首先说一声 :“Excuse me.” 这样可以 引起对方的注意, 又不失礼貌。 2. 当你没听清时, 你可以说一声 “Excuse me, would you please say it again?”( 对不起, 请您 再说一遍好吗 ?) 或 “I beg your pardon?” ( 对不起, 请再说一遍好吗 ?) 等,礼貌地要求对 方重复一遍。 3. 问完路后, 千万不要忘记向对方说句 “Thank you for helping me.” 或 “Thank you.”

12 Task2: Let’s talk! ( 问路和指路 ) Yes. Go along… Turn… It’s … Excuse me…

13 Go along the street. Turn right. Go along Long Street. Long Street Turn left. Go along and it’s on your right. Excuse me, Could you please tell me how to get to the Heaven Restaurant?

14 Hospital It’s on your right. police station Post office HotelBus stationChurch Chinese restaurant Supermarket Library CenterstreetCenterstreet Newstreet Newstreet zoo A: Could you please tell me how to get to the hotel? B: Sure. Go along New Street. Turn right at the second crossing. Then go ahead. It’s on your right. A: Thank you. B: You’re welcome. Go along New Street. Turn right at the second crossing. Then go ahead. If you’re lost… Hotel you can ask the police for help.

15 Help 任务 : 分头找钥匙, 开笼救众人 Two groups should try to go to a place to get a key, then open the cage to save Cindy, Tiantian and Wuba. You can ask people for help when you don’t know the way.

16 Zoo School Police station Post office Library Bus station KFC Restaurant Supermarket Park Hotel Bank Bridge Street New Street Center Street Main S t r e e t P ay phone Go along Center Street. Turn right at the second crossing. Then go along Bridge Street. Turn left and then it's on your right.

17 Zoo School Police station Post office Library Bus station KFC Restaurant Supermarket Park Hotel Bank Bridge Street New Street Center Street Main S t r e e t P ay phone Go along Main Street. Turn left at the second crossing. Then go along Bridge Street. It's on your right.


19 ( ) 1. Topic:______________ 2. Skill focus : very good good not very good difficult Micro Course 3. Feeling (课堂感受) : ◆ Asking for directions politely: _________, could you please tell me...? ◆ Giving directions freely: ① ________the street. ② then____________ at the first crossing. ③ It's__________. ④ You can_________to get there.

20 ( ) 1. Topic:_________________________________ 2. Skill focus : ◆ Asking for directions politely: _________, could you please tell me...? ◆ Giving directions freely: ① ________the street. ② then____________ (at the first crossing). ③ It's__________. ④ You can_________to get there. very good good not very good difficult Micro Course 3. Feeling (课堂感受) : Ask for directions and give directions Excuse me Go along turn left/righton the right take a bus


22 The End! 授课教师 : 彭丽霞 联系电话 :18938222136 QQ : 76575789

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