Use evidence 多用证据 Be selective 尽量选择最重要的点来讲 Use quotes sparingly 少用引号 Summarize and synthesize 多总结和综合 Keep your own voice 要有自己的观点 Use caution when paraphrasing.

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Presentation on theme: "Use evidence 多用证据 Be selective 尽量选择最重要的点来讲 Use quotes sparingly 少用引号 Summarize and synthesize 多总结和综合 Keep your own voice 要有自己的观点 Use caution when paraphrasing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use evidence 多用证据 Be selective 尽量选择最重要的点来讲 Use quotes sparingly 少用引号 Summarize and synthesize 多总结和综合 Keep your own voice 要有自己的观点 Use caution when paraphrasing 当转述他人观点时,要用词准确

2 Ownership structure can pose a significant effect on the nature of the agency problem of a firm. Research on this area mainly focuses on managerial ownership and ownership concentration. Two effects of managerial ownership have been identified, namely, entrenchment and alignment. Morck et al (1988) and McConnell and Servaes (1990) have found a non-linear relation between firm value and inside ownership for US firms. The alignment effects of inside ownership dominate the entrenchment effects when the level of inside ownership is not too high. However, when the inside ownership is beyond a certain level, the entrenchment effects will dominate that of alignment. In contrast, Demsetz and Lehn (1985) fail to find any relation between managerial ownership and performance and further argued that ownership structure is determined by other factors. Similarly, Himmelberg, Hubbard and Palia (1999) use panel data and suggest that managerial ownership and firm performance are determined by a common set of firm characteristics. In this sense, the casual link from ownership to performance is put into question.

3 Make sure you have presented in the most concise manner possible 确定你已经用尽可能准确的方式(学术规范)对文献进行了综述 Be sure to use terminology familiar to your audience 确定使用了你的读者熟悉的术语 Double check that you have documented your sources and formatted the review appropriately for your discipline. 再次检查, 确定你已经记录了应有的文献,并且格式符合本专业的要求

4 Reference tools: Endnote 参考文献编辑工具: Endnote Go to for a free trial version for 30 days 到上述网址下载一个 30 天的试用版 Reference format 参考文献有多种格式

5 Look at institutional settings of China 多从中国的特殊环境入手 Relate modern finance theory with China’s practice 将西方的现代金融理论与中国的实践相结 合 Empirical paper is relative easy to read and understand 实证型的文献比较容易读懂

6 Mutual funds performance – Factors affecting the performance of mutual funds – Ownership change of mutual funds – Open-ended vs closed-ended – Domestic vs foreign

7 Institutional investors – IIs include mutual funds, insurance companies, banks, pension funds etc – Role of IIs in corporate governance, such as M&A, connected party transactions, executive compensation, oversea investments Executive compensation – Managerial ownership – MBO – options

8 Capital structure – Theory of capital structure – Empirical evidence Corporate governance – Related party transaction – Tunneling – Independent director

9 Test of efficient market hypothesis – Small firm size effect – January effect – M/B etc – Trading strategies Microstructure – Usage of high frequency data Dividend policy IPO underpricing Cross-listing A share, B share, H share discount Merger & Acquisition Private equity

10 Shleifer and Vishny, 1997, a survey of corporate governance, The Journal of Finance, 52, 737-783 Claessens and Fan, 2002, corporate governance in Asia: a survey, International Review of Finance, 3(2), 71-103 Milton Harris and Arthur Raviv,1991, the theory of capital structure, The Journal of Finance, 46(1), 297-355. Ritter, Jay, and Ivo Welch, 2002,a review of IPO activity, pricing, and allocations”, The Journal of Finance 57 (4): 1795–1828. My thesis

11 文献综述不是逐一对文献进行描述的一个 列表文件 – 不要每段都是以某个作者的名字开头 – 相反地,应该把文献回顾组织成部分,每一部 分代表了不同的主题或者研究趋势 – 不要试图列出所有的发表文章,而是根据你的 文章或者研究问题来综合以及评价各种文献

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