職能治療技術學 學分: 2 學分 教室: MD169 時間: 13:40-15:30 授課老師:劉倩秀 老師 聯絡方式: phone:3926 Office:MD838 Office Hours: Fri. 9:00-12:00.

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Presentation on theme: "職能治療技術學 學分: 2 學分 教室: MD169 時間: 13:40-15:30 授課老師:劉倩秀 老師 聯絡方式: phone:3926 Office:MD838 Office Hours: Fri. 9:00-12:00."— Presentation transcript:

1 職能治療技術學 學分: 2 學分 教室: MD169 時間: 13:40-15:30 授課老師:劉倩秀 老師 聯絡方式: jodiliu96@gmail.com; phone:3926 jodiliu96@gmail.com Office:MD838 Office Hours: Fri. 9:00-12:00

2 Course Schedule 日期 Lecture / Practice 2/29IntroductionLecture 3/7Brunnstrom ApproachLecture/ Practice 3/14Rood ApproachLecture 3/21Bobath ApproachLecture 3/28 Quiz & 跑台 (Brunnstrom stages) 4/4 4/11ROM Practice ( 分組報告與操作 ) 自備 測量尺 4/18ROM Practice ( 分組報告與操作 ) 自備 測量尺 4/25Mid-term examination 5/2PNFLecture/ Practice 5/9ROM, strength, and enduranceTrombly CH 5, 22 5/16Task-oriented approachLecture 5/23Motor LearningLecture 5/30 跑台 (PNF & ROM) 6/6Wu’s HemiplegiaLecture 6/13Final examination

3 Ref: 1.Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction, 6th Ed, Trombly, CA. & Radomski, MV. Baltimore. Williams & Wilkins, 2008. 2.Occupational Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction,5th Ed, Pedretti, L W., & Early, MB. St. Louis, Missouri. Mosby, 2001. 3.Measurement of Joint Motion: A Guide to Goniometry Edition: 3rd Author(s): Norkin, Cynthia C. ISBN10: 0803609728 4. 關節活動度的測量 : 角度測量學習指引 (Measurement of Joint Motion: A Guide to Goniometry 3/e) ISBN 編號 : 9861262091 Grading: 1.Midterm exam:20% 2.Final exam: 20% 3.Practical Exam of Brunnstrom stage: 10% 4.Quiz : 10 % 5.Practical Exam of PNF: 20% 6. Practical Exam of range of motion: 20%

4 Goniometer

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