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CHN201 10/08/2010 Lesson 5 选课 / 選課. Grammar 对 …… 来说 / 對 …… 來說 as far as … concerned  对他来说 / 對他來說 as far as he’s concerned  对我来说 / 對我來說 as far as I’m.

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Presentation on theme: "CHN201 10/08/2010 Lesson 5 选课 / 選課. Grammar 对 …… 来说 / 對 …… 來說 as far as … concerned  对他来说 / 對他來說 as far as he’s concerned  对我来说 / 對我來說 as far as I’m."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHN201 10/08/2010 Lesson 5 选课 / 選課

2 Grammar 对 …… 来说 / 對 …… 來說 as far as … concerned  对他来说 / 對他來說 as far as he’s concerned  对我来说 / 對我來說 as far as I’m concerned  as far as Xiao Wang is concerned 对小王来说 / 對小王來說

3 Grammar 对林老师来说,说中文比说英文简单。 對林老師來說,說中文比說英文簡單。 As far as they’re concerned, the thing most needed to be done is to pick a good college. 对他们来说,最需要做的事情是选一个好大学。 對他們來說,最需要做的事情是選一個好大學。

4 Grammar As far as Xiao Wang is concerned, the most important thing in year is to find a job. Otherwise, both food and housing would become problematic. 对小王来说,今年找到工作最重要,要不然吃饭、住 房子都会有问题。 對小王來說,今年找到工作最重要,要不然吃飯、住 房子都會有問題。  对你来说,什么最重要? 對你來說,什麼最重要?

5 Grammar——Resultative Complements Generally speaking as long as an action produces a certain result, a resultative complement must be used. i.e. 伸手 “extending one’s hand” results in one’s arm being stretched out, hence 伸出手 林老师伸出手。 subject + verb + resultative complement (+ object)

6 Grammar——Resultative Complements Resultative complements elucidating the verb:  搬家 → 搬完家 I’ll go get some household necessities at the shopping center as soon as I finish moving. (我 —— 搬家,搬 —— 完) 我搬完家就去购物中心买日用品。 我搬完家就去購物中心買日用品。 subject + verb + resultative complement (+ object)

7 Grammar——Resultative Complements Resultative complements elucidating the verb:  选课 → 选好课 選課 → 選好課 Have you finished selecting classes for next semester? (你 —— 选课,选 —— 好) (你 —— 選課,選 —— 好) 下学期的课你选好了吗? 下學期的課你選好了嗎? 我选好了。 我選好了。 我没有选好。 我沒有選好。 subject + verb + resultative complement (+ object)

8 Grammar——Resultative Complements Resultative complements indicating a new state or change on the part of the agent of the action of the subject. In other words, by performing a certain action, the person brings upon himself or herself the result indicated by the complement.  I understood what the teacher said. (我 —— 听,我 —— 懂)(我 —— 聽,我 —— 懂) 老师说的话我听懂了。 老師說的話我聽懂了。 subject + verb + resultative complement (+ object)

9 Grammar——Resultative Complements Resultative complements indicating a new state or change on the part of the agent of the action of the subject. In other words, by performing a certain action, the person brings upon himself or herself the result indicated by the complement.  Professor Zhang was tired from writing articles. ( 张教授 —— 写,张教授 —— 累)(張教授 —— 寫,張教授 —— 累) 张教授写文章写累了。 張教授寫文章寫累了。 subject + verb + resultative complement (+ object)

10 Grammar——Resultative Complements Resultative complements indicating a new state or change on the part of recipient of the action or the object; in other words, the complement indicates the action’s result on the object.  Why did you hit your younger sister and make her cry? (你 —— 打妹妹,妹妹 —— 哭) 你怎么把妹妹打哭了? 你怎麼把妹妹打哭了? subject + verb + resultative complement (+ object)

11 Grammar——Resultative Complements Resultative complements indicating a new state or change on the part of recipient of the action or the object; in other words, the complement indicates the action’s result on the object.  You have to wash the clothes clean [finish the laundry] before you can go see the movie. (你 —— 洗衣服,衣服 —— 干净)(你 —— 洗衣服,衣服 —— 乾淨) 你要把衣服洗干净才能去看电影。 你要把衣服洗乾淨才能去看電影。 subject + verb + resultative complement (+ object)

12 Grammar——Resultative Complements Whether verb can be combined with an adjective or a verb to form a “verb + resultative complement” is not random, but rather follows certain patterns. Therefore, it is best to memorize each verb together with its resultative complement as if they were one unit.  吃 学 记 吃饱了 学会了 记住了吃饱了 学会了 记住了

13 Grammar 至于 / 至於 is used to introduce new subject matter which is related in some way to the subject of the preceding discussion, or a different aspect of the issue in question.  A: 你看这条牛仔裤的大小、样子、颜色怎么样? 你看這條牛仔褲的大小、樣子、顏色怎麼樣? B : Both the size and style are perfect for you. As for the color, I think it’s ugly. 这条牛仔裤,对你来说大小、样子都合适。至于颜色, 我觉得太难看了。 這條牛仔褲,對你來說大小、樣子都合適。至於顏色, 我覺得太難看了。

14 Grammar 另外 Three ways to use  Before a noun or demonstrative pronoun: I plan to take three courses next semester. One of them will be computer science. As for the other two, I haven’t decided yet. 下学期我打算选三门课。一门电脑,至于另外两门课选什么, 还没决定。 下學期我打算選三門課。一門電腦,至於另外兩門課選什麼, 還沒決定。

15 Grammar  Be used as an adverb before a verb phrase: Next semester I will take a computer course, and I need to take two more courses to get enough credits. 下学期我要选一门电脑课,我还需要另外再选两门课才能得到 足够的学分。 下學期我要選一門電腦課,我還需要另外再選兩門課才能得到 足夠的學分。  Be used as a conjunction at the beginning of a sentence: Last weekend I bought some household necessities. I also bought a T-shirt. 上个周末我买了一些日用品,另外,我还买了一件 T 恤衫。 上個週末我買了一些日用品,另外,我還買了一件 T 恤衫。

16 Grammar 又、再、还 / 還  又 is usually used with actions that have already taken place. 老师刚才问了他一个问题,现在又问了他一个问题。 老師剛才問了他一個問題,現在又問了他一個問題。 Before 是 or certain modal verbs such as 想、能、要、可以 or 会 / 會, one can use 又 for a future recurrence of an action. 我们这星期上了中文课,下星期又要上中文课。 我們這星期上了中文課,下星期又要上中文課。

17 Grammar 又、再、还 / 還  再 indicates recurrences in the future. 那个饭馆的菜很好吃,我一定要再去一次。 那個飯館的菜很好吃,我一定要再去一次。  还 / 還 indicates an increase in quantity or amount. 我点了一个清蒸鱼、一个豆腐,还点了一盘饺子。 我點了一個清蒸魚、一個豆腐,還點了一盤餃子。

18 Grammar  她今天下午 ___ 要去见指导教授了。 她今天下午 ___ 要去見指導教授了。 又  我应该选三门课,现在选好了两门, ____ 要选一门。 我應該選三門課,現在選好了兩門, ____ 要選一門。 还 / 還  老师的问题有点难,我需要 ____ 想一想。 老师的问题有点难,我需要 ____ 想一想。 再

19 Words & Phrases 只是 or 就是  similar to 不过 / 不過 in usage and tone. However, it is milder in tone than 但是 and 可是 。  Usually appears in the second clause of a sentence. The first clause is often positive in meaning whereas the second clause modifies the first clause, pointing out a flaw in something that might otherwise be perfect.  It’s true that the style of that sweater is good. It’s just that the price is too expensive. 那件毛衣样子好是好,只是 / 就是价钱太贵。 那件毛衣樣子好是好,只是 / 就是價錢太貴。  那个饭馆很好,也不贵,只是 / 就是太远。 那個飯館很好,也不貴,只是 / 就是太遠。

20 Words & Phrases 不过 / 不過 introduces a turn in thought, but is less emphatic than 但是 or 可是 Discounted clothes may be inexpensive, but sometimes they are not the right size, style, or color. 打折以后的衣服便宜是便宜,不过有的时候大小、样子、 颜色不一定合适。 打折以後的衣服便宜是便宜,不過有的時候大小、樣子、 顏色不一定合適 。

21 Words & Phrases 肯定 an adverb that indicates there is no doubt whatsoever  A: 余老师会说中文吗? 余老師會說中文嗎? B: 余老师肯定会说中文,因为 …… 余老師肯定會說中文,因為 ……

22 Words & Phrases 这样 / 這樣 refers to what has just been mentioned. It connects a clause with the previous clause. You should shop when the stores are having sales. This is the only way to find bargains. 买东西应该等商店打折的时候去买,这样才能买到便宜的东西。 買東西應該等商店打折的時候去買,這樣才能買到便宜的東西。 学中文得经常听录音、念课文, ___________________________ 學中文得經常聽錄音、念課文, ___________________________ 学中文得经常听录音、念课文,这样才能提高听和说的水平。 學中文得經常聽錄音、念課文,這樣才能提高聽和說的水準。

23 Text 世界历史、电脑、政治学和中文 世界歷史、電腦、政治學和中文 对张天明来说 對張天明來說 ↓ ↓ 听和说 容易 聽和說 容易 只是 只是 写汉字 有点儿难 寫漢字 有點兒難 其它几门课 其它幾門課 受不了

24 Text 得选下学期的课了 得選下學期的課了 见指导教授 見指導教授 找别的同学聊聊 找別的同學聊聊 ↓ ↓ 大四的李哲 大四的李哲

25 THANK YOU The End

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