Thermodynamics thermo-, thermal :熱、溫 「熱」: 「熱(不冷): warm 或 hot 」 「熱量: heat 」 thermal (形容詞) → thermo- (字頭) Thermodynamics electric (形容詞) → electro- (字頭)

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Presentation on theme: "Thermodynamics thermo-, thermal :熱、溫 「熱」: 「熱(不冷): warm 或 hot 」 「熱量: heat 」 thermal (形容詞) → thermo- (字頭) Thermodynamics electric (形容詞) → electro- (字頭)"— Presentation transcript:



3 Thermodynamics

4 thermo-, thermal :熱、溫 「熱」: 「熱(不冷): warm 或 hot 」 「熱量: heat 」 thermal (形容詞) → thermo- (字頭) Thermodynamics electric (形容詞) → electro- (字頭) Electro-magnetism -dynamics : 力學 Thermo-dynamics :熱力學 熱(量)力學、熱力學 (都不對)

5 幾個定義: The theory of the relations between heat and mechanical energy, and of the conversion of either into the other. Thermodynamics is mainly concerned with the transformations of heat into mechanical work and the opposite transformations of mechanical work into heat. ( A. D’Abro ) 不能說錯,不能算對

6 課本定義 Thermodynamics is the branch of natural science that deals with the macroscopic properties or characteristics of nature and always includes the macroscopic coordinate of temperature for every system. The presence of temperature distinguishes thermodynamics from other macroscopic branches of science, such as geometrical optics, mechanics, or electricity and magnetism.

7 Guggenheim

8 The science of Thermodynamics, in the widest sense in which the word is used nowadays, may be said to be concerned with the understanding and interpretation of the properties of matter in so far as they are affected by changes of temperature. ( Fermi ) Thermodynamics :溫力學

9 Thermodynamics :熱力學 冷熱的熱 (不是熱量的熱)

10 何謂宏觀( macroscopic ): 古典 thermodynamics 建立於十九世紀,在電磁 學之前,更遠在近代原子說之前。因此不使用 組成物質的個別分子的力學性質,如分子位置、 速度、質量等微觀性質。 宏觀性質: 1 不涉及物質結構、場、輻射的假說。 2 可直接感覺。 3 可直接測量。 4 為數甚少。 例如:溫度、容積( volume )、壓強( pressure )


12 何謂溫度?

13 From Principles of the Theory of Heat by E. Mach

14 熱接觸 thermal contact adiabatic :絕熱的 diathermic :傳熱的

15 熱平衡 thermal equilibrium


17 1824 熱力學第二律( 2 nd law, Sadi Carnot ) 1848 熱力學第一律( 1 st law, Helmhotz, Kelvin ) 1931 熱力學第零律( 0 th law, Ralph Fowler ) ???? 熱力學第負一律(大概不會有)

18 Sommerfeld, p 1



21 這是溫度的定性( qualitative )概念。 溫度的定量( quantitative )表示要用溫標 ( temperature scale )。 建立溫標需要三個要素: (趙凱華、羅蔚茵) ( 一 ) 測溫物質,即溫度計 thermometer ( 二 ) 測溫屬性 thermometric property ( 三 ) 固定標準點 fixed point

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