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Week 12 Unit 16: Finance Cecilia He Nov 20, 2012.

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1 Week 12 Unit 16: Finance Cecilia He Nov 20, 2012

2 Tasks for this week Replenish background knowledge CI practice Mock conference

3 What is “finance”???




7 1. Background Knowledge Definition of “Finance” Key words: currency, credit, circulation of money Examples: issuance, foreign exchange, stocks, deposits, investment, loans, etc. Why is “Finance” important It’s the wisdom to manage money It concerns us all

8 2. CI practice Briefing: Speech at the opening of Asian Financial Forum by the chief executive of Hong Kong SAR. Glossary: NAFTA, RMB trade settlement pilot scheme, Bank of East Asia, RMB sovereign bonds, H-share enterprise, bond issuance, CEPA

9 3. Mock press conference Briefing: 中国中央银行就 “ 货币政策及金融改革 ” 答记者问。  Glossary: 银行存款准备金率,流动性头寸,国际收支平衡,顺差, 逆差,工商时报,货币清算,代理行,稳健的货币政策, 物价指数

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