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1 FOUR SQUARE QUESTIONS! 四方塊問題 這是一個富有哲理的智力遊戲。特此翻譯為中文, 並推薦給大家。

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Presentation on theme: "1 FOUR SQUARE QUESTIONS! 四方塊問題 這是一個富有哲理的智力遊戲。特此翻譯為中文, 並推薦給大家。"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 FOUR SQUARE QUESTIONS! 四方塊問題 這是一個富有哲理的智力遊戲。特此翻譯為中文, 並推薦給大家。

2 2 Look at the diagram carefully. Now, I will ask you FOUR questions about this square. Are you ready? 仔細瞧瞧左邊這個圖 現在讓我來問您四個問題 準備好了嗎? BA D C 4Square Questions

3 3 Q Q 1 問題 1 Divide the white area in squareAinto two equal pieces. Easy! Isn't it? 請把方塊 A 中的白色區 域分成大小和形狀一 樣的兩個部分。 很容易。是不是? BA D C 4Square Questions

4 4 Q 1 Divide the white area in squareAinto two equal pieces. Here is the answer! 答案就是這樣簡單! BA D C 4Square Questions

5 5 Q 2 Divide the white area in squareBinto three equal pieces. Not so difficult! 請把方塊 B 中的白色區 域分成大小和形狀一 樣的三部分。 也不太難! BA D C 4Square Questions

6 6 Q 2 Divide the white area in square B into three equal pieces. Here is the answer! 答案就是這樣 BA D C 4Square Questions

7 7 Q 3 Divide the white area in square C into four equal pieces. Very difficult? That's right! 請把方塊 C 中的白色區 域分成大小和形狀一 樣的四個部分。 很難?的確如此。 BA D C 4Square Questions

8 8 Q 3 Divide the white area in square C into four equal pieces. Here's the answer! 答案如綠線所示。 BA D C 4Square Questions

9 9 Be ready! Here comes the last question! 準備好! 最後一個問題 來了! BA D C

10 10 Q 4 Divide the white area in square D into seven equal pieces. 請把方塊 D 中的白 色區域分成大小和 形狀一樣的七個部 分。 World Record is SEVEN seconds! 答出這個問題的最快 世界紀錄是七秒鐘! BA D C 4Square Questions

11 11 Q 4 BA D C Divide the white area in square D into seven equal pieces. Any ideas? 有什麼頭緒嗎 ? 4Square Questions

12 12 Q 4 BA D C Divide the white area in square D into seven equal pieces. Are you still puzzled? 是不是還在那 兒絞盡腦汁, 百思莫得其解 ? 4Square Questions

13 13 Q 4 BA D C Divide the white area in square D into seven equal pieces. Here’s the answer! 答案就在這裏! 4Square Questions

14 14 Q 4 BA D C Divide the white area in square D into seven equal pieces. Was it really that tough? 這個問題真的 那麼難嗎? 4Square Questions

15 15 Q 4 BA D C If you didn't get the answer, it was just that your mind was conditioned to seek a complex solution! 要是你沒能想出答案 ,那只不過是因為你 的心靈已經被前幾個 問題引導到 “ 尋求複雜 解決方案 ” 的思路上去 了! 4Square Questions

16 16 Lessons learnt: 從這個智力遊戲中獲得的教訓  Most of the times, our mind gets conditioned so much by the circumstances that we can not see the obvious.  在很多情況下,我們的心靈被周圍的環 境或氛圍引導到 “ 想得太複雜 ” 的路子上去 ,以至於對顯而易見的解決辦法反而視 而不見。 4Square Questions

17 17  When we go to a specialist doctor with a simple headache, diagnosis starts from migraine, upwards!  如果我們因為單純的頭疼去 找醫生,他往往會從懷疑你 有複雜的偏頭痛開始,往更 複雜的方向去進行他的診斷 過程。

18 18  We assume that things are so complicated and we get entrapped in the ghost of it’s thoughts.  我們常把問題想得如此複 雜,以至於深陷思維的泥 淖而無法自拔。

19 19  We carry on the same syndrome to our relationships and make them complicated.  對於人際關係,我們也常 犯這類綜合症,以至於把 它們搞得更加複雜。

20 20 BE SIMPLE IN LIFE ! 讓我們生活得簡單一點! THE GREATNESS OF THIS MAN WAS HIS SIMPLICITY! 上面畫像中這位老兄的偉大之處就在 於他的簡單性!

21 21 HAVE A NICE DAY! 祝您快樂!

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