Diabetes and Cholesterol 52 岁姐妹从中国回来。 在国内期间去华侨 医院查体。结果如下 总胆固醇 201(<200) 好胆固醇 72(>60) 甘油三酸酯 300(<150) 坏胆固醇 69(<100) 空腹血糖 116(60-100) 糖化血红蛋白 6.4 % (5.4-6.0%)

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Presentation on theme: "Diabetes and Cholesterol 52 岁姐妹从中国回来。 在国内期间去华侨 医院查体。结果如下 总胆固醇 201(<200) 好胆固醇 72(>60) 甘油三酸酯 300(<150) 坏胆固醇 69(<100) 空腹血糖 116(60-100) 糖化血红蛋白 6.4 % (5.4-6.0%)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Diabetes and Cholesterol 52 岁姐妹从中国回来。 在国内期间去华侨 医院查体。结果如下 总胆固醇 201(<200) 好胆固醇 72(>60) 甘油三酸酯 300(<150) 坏胆固醇 69(<100) 空腹血糖 116(60-100) 糖化血红蛋白 6.4 % (5.4-6.0%) 其它结果正常。 她在家照顾孩子 们, 身高 1 米 68 , 体重 70 公斤。 没有其它疾病。 有爱心的姐妹们给了她很多不同的 建议, 让她有点担心,但不知道 怎么办。 52 years old sister just came back from China. She had a physical while in China, with the following results Total Cholesterol201(<200) HDL72(>60) TG300(<150) LDL69(<100) Fasting BS116(60-100) HbA1c6.4 % (5.4-6.0%) All other lab results were normal. She is a home maker taking care of her three kids at home. She is 1.68 meters tall and weights 70 Kg. She has no other past medical conditions. A few sisters from church eagerly volunteered their opinions as following. she is not sure what to do. Poll: http://p2.gg/8athttp://p2.gg/8at Result: http://p2.gg/8at+

2 Diabetes Mellitus and Cholesterol 建议 A 开始药物治疗胆固醇, 甘油三 酸酯和糖尿病 B 只吃胆固醇和甘油三酸酯药, C 只吃糖尿病药 D 千万不要吃药, 一旦吃了就停 不了, 要吃一辈子的 E 开始饮食锻炼,过几个月再检 查一次 Your suggestions Astart medication for treatment of cholesterol, triglyceride and diabetes. Bonly start treatment for cholesterol and and triglyceride, she does not have diabetes. Cshe has Diabetes and needs treatment now. D DO NOT take medicine, you can not stop it once your start taking it. EStart diet and exercise, check lab in a few months. Poll: http://p2.gg/8ayhttp://p2.gg/8ay Result: http://p2.gg/8ay+

3 Diabetes Mellitus and Choleterol 如何诊断糖尿病 A 病人尿液中检查到糖 B 医生从病人尿液中品尝到糖 C 空腹血糖 146 以上 D 空腹血糖 126 以上 E 糖化血红蛋白 6.5 % 以上 F 非空腹血糖 200 以上 How was Diabetes Mellitus Diagnosed A Detected sugar in patient’s urine BDoctor tasted sugar in patient’s urine C Fasting blood sugar over 146 D Fasting blood sugar over 126 EHemoglobin A1c over 6.5 % FRandom blood sugar over 200

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