Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 节能融资在中国 --- 现状、主要问题及未来方向 Energy Efficiency in China—Current status, main issues and the future trend 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 节能融资在中国 --- 现状、主要问题及未来方向 Energy Efficiency in China—Current status, main issues and the future trend 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 节能融资在中国 --- 现状、主要问题及未来方向 Energy Efficiency in China—Current status, main issues and the future trend 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 Energy Efficiency and Investment Evaluation Professional Committee China Energy Research Society www.chinaenergycouncil.org 焦 健 Jiao Jian 2014.12.17

2 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 内 容 contents 背景 Background 现状 Current Status 主要问题 Main Issues 未来方向 Future Direction

3 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 节能减排低碳发展 --- 社会发展进步的需要 Energy saving, emission reduction and low carbon development---demanded by the progress of society 近 200 年经济长波和科技创新的周期曲线以及推演的未来新一轮周期模型 the cyclical curve of economic growth and S&T innovation and Future projection cycle model 科技引领发展 创新推动进步 Science and technology driven development; innovation promotes progress 科技创新 --- 引领未来新经济的增长点 S&T innovation—growth points leading future new economy 波长越来越短,频率越来越快 Wave length is be shorter and shorter and the pace faster and faster 波长越来越短,频率越来越快 Wave length is be shorter and shorter and the pace faster and faster 工业 1.0 industry 1.0 (机械化 mechanizatio n ) 工业 2.0 industry2.0 (电气自动化 electric automation ) 工业 3.0 industry 3.0 (电子信息化) (electric informatization) 工业 4.0 industry 4.0 (数字智能化) (digital intelligence) 未来 future (智慧化) (intelligence) 应对全球 气候变化 adapt to global climate change

4 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 节能减排低碳发展 --- 国家战略目标的需要 energy saving emission reduction and low carbon development— demanded by the national strategic goals 2010 年 2020 年 2015 年 “ 关键期 ” ; 中国经济社会发展转型升级 “ 关键期 ” ; 全面建设小康社会、实现国家碳强度控制目标( 40%- 45% )的 “ 收官期 ” ; 实施百年强国梦 “ 第三步战略目标 ” 的 “ 布局期 ” 。 Critical period of China’s economical and social transition Foma; stage in building up the well off society, achieving national carbon intensity control target ( 40-45%) The [;ammomg amd de[;pu,emt stage fpr the 3 ste[ strateu tp achieve the china dream of building a strong nation “ 关键期 ” ; 中国经济社会发展转型升级 “ 关键期 ” ; 全面建设小康社会、实现国家碳强度控制目标( 40%- 45% )的 “ 收官期 ” ; 实施百年强国梦 “ 第三步战略目标 ” 的 “ 布局期 ” 。 Critical period of China’s economical and social transition Foma; stage in building up the well off society, achieving national carbon intensity control target ( 40-45%) The [;ammomg amd de[;pu,emt stage fpr the 3 ste[ strateu tp achieve the china dream of building a strong nation “ 十一五 ” 11 th 5 year “ 十一五 ” 11 th 5 year “ 十二五 ” 12 th 5 year “ 十二五 ” 12 th 5 year “ 十三五 ” 13 th 5 year “ 十三五 ” 13 th 5 year 总量目标 Overall Target 能源消费总量 Total of energy consumption 能源消费总量 Total of energy consumption 40 亿吨标煤左右 4 billion tons of standard coal 40 亿吨标煤左右 4 billion tons of standard coal 电力消费总量 Total of power consumption 电力消费总量 Total of power consumption 6.15 万千瓦时左右 Around 61.5thousand kwh 6.15 万千瓦时左右 Around 61.5thousand kwh 分项目 标 target broken down 碳强度降低 17% Reduce carbon intensity by 17% 碳强度降低 17% Reduce carbon intensity by 17% 非化石能源所占比重达到 11.4% Non fossil fuel reduced to 11.4% 非化石能源所占比重达到 11.4% Non fossil fuel reduced to 11.4% 能源强度降低 16% Reduce energy intensity by 16% 能源强度降低 16% Reduce energy intensity by 16% 森林覆盖率达到 21.66% ,蓄积量增加 6 亿立方米 Forest coverage rises to 21.66%, standing stock increase by 600 million m3 森林覆盖率达到 21.66% ,蓄积量增加 6 亿立方米 Forest coverage rises to 21.66%, standing stock increase by 600 million m3 时期 perio d 时期 perio d 时间 2005 年 国家战 略 national strateg y 能源消费总量控制 48 亿吨标煤左右 Energy consumption total controlled to 4.8 billion tons of standard coal 能源消费总量控制 48 亿吨标煤左右 Energy consumption total controlled to 4.8 billion tons of standard coal 碳强度降低 40%-45% Carbon intensity reduced by 40%-45% 碳强度降低 40%-45% Carbon intensity reduced by 40%-45% 非化石能源所占比重 达到 15% Non fossil fuel energy accounts for 15% 非化石能源所占比重 达到 15% Non fossil fuel energy accounts for 15% 2030 年 非化石能源所占比重 达到 20% 非化石能源所占比重 达到 20%

5 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 政策 policy 金融 finance 服务 service 技术 technol ogy 交通 transportatio n 建筑 building 工业 industry 生活 life 消费 consumption 生产 production 节能市场 energy saving market 节能引擎 energy saving drivers 节能驱动 energy saving drivers 三大驱动 3 major drivers 三大领域 3 major fields 三个方面 3 aspects 一个引擎 1 driver 节能驱动原理示意 Diagram of the rationale of energy saving drivers

6 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 能效投融资的边际 margin of energy efficiency investment financing

7 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 “ 十一五 ” 中国能效资金总规模 11 th 5 year period China’s total funding scale for energy efficiency 8466 亿元 846.6 billion rmb

8 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 “ 十一五 ” 能效资金渠道和来源 11 th 5 year period funding channels and funding sources for energy efficiency purpose

9 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 “ 十一五 ” 能效资金投入领域和使用效果( 1 ) EE funding input areas and effects during the 11 th 5 year plan period (1)

10 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 “ 十一五 ” 能效资金投入领域和使用效果( 2 ) EE funding input areas and effects during the 11 th 5 year plan period (2) 能效投资直 接形成节能 能力 3.4 亿吨 标准煤,对 完成节能目 标的贡献度 为 53.8% 。 EE investmen t result in 340 million ton tce energy saving capacity, 53.8% contributi on to reaching the goal of energy saving

11 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 24 % 76 % 能力建设投资 3550 亿 元,占总投资的 21.3% ,可形成节能 能力 3850 万 tce capacity building investment 355 billion rmb, 21.3% of total investment, 38.5 million tce of energy saving capacity 直接项目投资 13120 亿元,占总投资的 78.7% ,可形成节能 能力 29670 万 tce direct project investment 1312 billion RMB, 78.7% of total investment, resulting in 296.7 million tce of energy saving capacity 24 % 76 % 单位:亿元 工业领域 节能改造 淘汰落后 产能 建筑领域 交通领域 “十二五”能效资金投入需求和使用效果 Demand and effects for fund input in EE in 12 th 5 year period 实现 “ 十二五 ” 节能目标,全 社会能效投资需求总额约 为 16670 亿元,是 “ 十一五 ” 全社会能效投资的近 2 倍。 可形成节能能力 33520 万吨 标准煤。 Achieving energy saving goals for 12 th 5 year plan, total investment for EE is 1667 billion rmb, 2 times of the value for 11 th 5 year plan, resulting in 335.2million ton tce energy saving capacity

12 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 “ 十二五 ” 节能减排形势 Energy saving and emission reduction situation in 12 th 5 year plan 《节能减排 “ 十二五 ” 规划》 12 th 5 year plan for energy saving and emission reduction 基本实现全年目标 Annual target basically reached 未完成年度目标 annual target not reached 取得明显进展 Obvious progress achieved 单位 GDP 能耗 下降 2.01% Unit GDP energy consumption drop 2.01% 单位 GDP 能耗 下降 3.6% Unit GDP energy consumptio n drop by 3.6% 单位 GDP 能 耗下降 3.7% unit GDP energy consumpt ion drop by 3.7% 2013 年 单位 GDP 能 耗下降 3.9% Unit GDP energy consumpti on drop by 3.9% 单位 GDP 能耗 下降 3.9% Unit GDP energy consumptio n drop by 3.9% 2011 年 2012 年 2014 年 2015 年 54.3% 进度目标 60%

13 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 外援性 社会资金 2850 亿元 银行业金 融机构投 资 2782 亿 元 非银行金 融机构投 资 67.8 亿元 股权投资 0.16 亿元 杠杆比 1:3.4 财政投入 1146.7 亿元 Budgetary input 114.6 billion rmb 财政投入 1146.7 亿元 Budgetary input 114.6 billion rmb 社会投资 3900 亿元 Non budgetary investment 390 billion rmb 社会投资 3900 亿元 Non budgetary investment 390 billion rmb 2013 年能效领域 全社会投资总额 5046.7 亿元 2013 年中国能效投融资进展 --- 市场化融资成为主渠道 2013 EE investment and financing progress---market oriented Financing becomes the main channel 可实现节能能力 7750 万吨标准煤, 为实现万元 GDP 能耗 下降 3.7% 的节能目 标提供了有效支撑。 Provide strong support to reach the goal of unit GDP energy consumption drop by 3.7%

14 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 主要问题 --- 融资困境分析 main issues--- analysis of financing difficulties 节能融资 的困境 Difficulties of ES financing 顶层设计 —— 制度与标准的不完善从根 源上加大了风险 Top tier design---system and standards insufficient which increase the risk 企业自身 —— 管理规范性不强降 低财务透明度 Enterprise themselves— management not up to standard, reduced financial transparancy 融资体系 —— 国内融资体系尚 不完善 Financing system- insufficient financing system in China 运营特点 —— 金融机构 缺乏对节能项目的风险 评估能力 Operational characteristics—FI lacks of the risk assessment capabilities on ES projects 产业发展 —— 项目规模小难 跨过融资门槛 industry development-project scale too small, difficult to reach investment threshhold

15 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 新常态、新趋势、新变化( 1 ) New norm, new trends and new changes (1) 政府: government: – 除关系国家安全和生态安全、设计全国重大生产力布局、战略性资源开发、和重大公共利益等项目外,一律由企业依法依规自主决 策,政府不再审批 – The government will not require prior approvals on projects, unless the projects are related to national security and eco security, national major productivity deployment, strategic resources development and major public interest projects. Enterprises have the discretion to decide according to the laws and regulations. – 强化节能节地节水、环境、技术、安全等市场准入标准 enhance the market access standards enforcement on energy saving, land saving, water saving, environmental standards, technical standards and safety standards. – 完善发展成果考核评价体系,纠正单纯以经济增长速度评定政绩的偏向,加大资源消耗、环境损害、生态效益 …… 等指标的权重 – Improve the performance evaluation system and correct the previous practice of evaluating political achievements simply by GDP growth rate. Increase the weight of indicators such as resources consumption, environmental damage and eco benefits. 国企: SOEs: – 实行以政企分开、政资分开、特许经营、政府监管为主要内容的改革。根据不同行业特点实行网运分开,放开竞争性业务 – Reforms should be carried out, main contents include: separating the state influence from the enterprise, separating the state from capital, concession operation and governmental supervision. According to different sector characteristics, grid and operation should be separated and competitive business should be open 外商: Foreign invested companies – 探索对外商投资实行准入前国民待遇加负面清单的管理模式 – Explore the management model based on national treatment prior to market access and negative list

16 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 新常态、新趋势、新变化( 2 ) New norm, new trends and new changes (2) 价格: Price: – 完善主要由市场决定价格的机制。凡是能由市场形成价格的都交给市场,政府不进行不当干预。推进 …… 石油、天然气 、电力、 …… 等领域价格改革,放开竞争性环节价格。政府定价范围主要限定在 …… 网络型自然垄断环节,提高透明度 ,接受社会监督 – Improve market oriented pricing mechanism. Let market decide the price if possible. Government should refrain from improper intervention. Push forward… the price reforms in areas such as oil and gas, power. Open the competitive pricing section. State price setting should be limited to …grid type natural monopoly sections, to improve the transparency and be subject to social supervision 税收: Taxation – 把高耗能、高污染产品纳入消费税征收范围,加快房地产税立法并适时推进改革,加快资源税改革,推动环境保护费改 税 – High energy consuming, high pollution products will be included in the consumption tax scheme. Accelerate the legislation on property tax and push forward reform when appropriate. Speed up the resource tax reform. Push forward the taxation reform changing the environmental protection fees to tax.

17 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 新常态、新趋势、新变化( 3 ) New norm, new trends and new changes (4) 2020 年 “ 双控 ” 目标: 2020 target for energy consumption and carbon intensity – 能源消费总量控制在 48 亿吨标准煤 energy consumption total should be controlled at 4.8 billion tce – 碳强度降低 40%-45% ( 2005 年) carbon intensity reduce by 40-45% (2005 ) 碳交易: Carbon trading – 2013 年启动碳交易试点 2013 will start the carbon trading pilot project – 2015 年基本形成碳交易市场雏形 by 2015, carbon trading market should come to shape – “ 十三五 ” 期间在全国全面开展交易 in the 13th 5 year period, carbon trading should be carried out all over China 投融资机制: Investment and financing schemes: – 实行统一市场准入,创造平等投资机会 – Adopt uniformed market access and create equal investment opportunities – 创新投资运营机制,扩大社会资本投资途径 – innovate the investment operation mechanism and increase the channels for non state invesment – 优化政府投资使用方向和方式,发挥引导带动作用 – optimize the direction and approach of state investment as the lead and guide – 创新融资方式,拓宽融资渠道 – innovate on the financing approaches and broaden the financing channels – 完善价格形成机制,发挥价格杠杆作用 – improve the price forming mechanism and allow the price leverage to function

18 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 破题融资难 --- 金融改革渐行渐近 tackle the difficulty of financing---the impending financial reform 新股发行IPO 银行体系 Banking system 证券投资 Securitie s investme nt 融资渠道拓宽 Broaden the financing channels 融资门槛降低 Lower the threshold of financing 融资成本下降 Reducing the cost of funding 投资风险可控 Controllable risk of investment 金融创新 “ 新三板 ” 等 “ 新三板 ” 等 The 3 rd board “ 上海自贸区 ” 等 工具创新 Tool innovation 市场创新 制度创新 “ 科技与金融结合 ” 试点 Pilot on matching technology with finance

19 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 破题融资难 --- 大力发展节能服务产业 产品供应 商 product supplier 用能单位 user 2011.9 “ 十二五 ” 节能减排综合性工作方案 energy saving emission reduction work plan for 12 th 5 year period 2011.7 关于进一步加强合同能源管理项目监督检查工作的通知 notice on enhancing EMC project monitoring and supervision 2011.6 节能技术改造财政奖励资金管理办法 measures on managing the fiscal incentives 2011.2 关于促进节能服务产业发展增值税、营业税和企业所得税政策问题的通知 notice on VAT, BT, and Income Tax for ESCO 2010.1 关于财政奖励合同能源管理项目有关事项的补充通知 supplementary notice for fiscal incentives for EMC projects 2010.8 中华人民共和国国家标准合同能源管理技术通则 EMC technical principles 2010.6 关于合同能源管理财政奖励资金需求及节能服务公司审核备案有关事项的通知 2010.6 合同能源管理项目财政奖励资金管理暂行办法 2010.4 关于加快推行合同能源管理促进节能服务产业发展意见的通知 节能服务 产业 2005-2013 中国节能服务产业产值(亿元) ESCO industry value (by 100 million rmb ) from 2005-2013 2006-2013 中国合同能源管理投资(亿元) EMC investment (by 100 million rmb) From 2006-2013 (架起产品与应用的桥梁) bridging products and application

20 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 破题融资难 --- 市场化路径选择 tackling the financing difficulty---market oriented approach 节能减排 排放权交易 节能服务 下游建立排放市场机制 上游探索节能服务模式 监管部门 regulators 用能单位 Energy users  绩效考核体系决定了 经济发展依然是地方 政府重点关注的问题  Performance evaluation system still makes economic development priority for some local governments  区域限排,则该区域 在吸引投资方面将处 于劣势,进而导致区 域的长期发展受到影 响  Regional emission limitation puts the region at a disadvantaged position in attracting investment, affecting the long term development of that region  企业节能所降低的能 源成本有限,甚至还 要花费额外的节能成 本  The saved energy value is limited, and sometimes it will cost extra.  奖惩机制尚未完善, 企业排放成本较低  Insufficient award and penalty scheme. Emission cost of the enterprise is still quite low

21 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 破题融资难 --- 投融资策略( 1 ) tackling the financing difficulty—investment and financing strategy(1) 投融资 Investment and financing 投融资 Investment and financing 借助新型 融资渠道 Leveraging new financing channels 借助新型 融资渠道 Leveraging new financing channels 借助 VC/PE 实现股权 融资 using VC/PE for equity financing 登陆资本市场实现跨越 发展 using capital market for leap forward development 节能减排国家专项资金 工业、建筑、交通等节能专项资 金 earmarked fund by the state for energy saving and emission reduction in industry, building and transportation 节能服务奖励资金 ESCO incentive fund 融资租赁 financial leasing 保理融资 factoring 融资担保 guarantee 国际扶持 international aid 横纵发展 horizontal and vertical development 布局产业链 deploy industry value chain 用好用活 股权融资 Use equity financing 用好用活 股权融资 Use equity financing 利用政府 资金杠杆 Use state fund 利用政府 资金杠杆 Use state fund 企业适时 重组并购 Business M&A 企业适时 重组并购 Business M&A

22 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 破题融资难 --- 投融资策略( 2 ) tackling the financing difficulty—investment and financing strategy(2) 安全性safety收益性returns 流动性liquidity 可持续发展 Sustainable development 现状 Cur rent stat us 未 来 fut ur e

23 Logo 中国能源研究会能效与投资评估专业委员会 结 语 conclusion 明明在朝 穆穆列布 聚精会神 相得益彰 The state is clear about the goals and the officials committed to the tasks. With concentration and focus, different resources would be matched to achieve the best results —— 汉●王褒《圣主得贤臣颂》 Ode of having competent officials by the Lord, Wang Bao, of Han dynasty 谢 谢 大 家 ! thanks www.chinaenergycouncil.org

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