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2016年8月30日星期二 2016年8月30日星期二 2016年8月30日星期二 1 College English I &II Preparation for the test Teacher: Li Hui

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1 2016年8月30日星期二 2016年8月30日星期二 2016年8月30日星期二 1 College English I &II Preparation for the test Teacher: Li Hui E-mail:

2 2 Topics Part I Vocabulary and Grammar Part II Reading and Comprehension Part III Cloze Part IV Translation Part V Writing

3 词汇语法的考察点 言语交际 同义词,形近词辨析 重点词汇的用法 语法 Part I Vocabulary and Grammar

4 例 1 Sue: Do you like these grapes? Nancy: ______ A.Not at all. B. I've tasted better. C. Very little. D. They taste terrible. 针对性,礼貌原则,委婉原则,文化原则 Part I Vocabulary and Grammar言语交际

5 She is very beautiful! Where ! Oh, every where 。 Part I Vocabulary and Grammar 针对性,礼貌原则,委婉原则,文化原则

6 例 2 Many patients insist on having watches with them in hospital, _____ they have no schedules to keep. A 、 even though B 、 as if C 、 as long as D 、 as far as 形近词,形近词组是考试的重点 Part I Vocabulary and Grammar 形近词, 形近词组

7 A 、 preserve 保存,保护,维护 B 、 reserve 储备,保留,预约 C 、 deserve 值得 D 、 observe 观察 Part I Vocabulary and Grammar 例 3 The committee will suggest ways to _____ historically important buildings in the downtown area. A 、 preserve B 、 reserve C 、 deserve D 、 observe Part I Vocabulary and Grammar重点词汇

8 语法之冠词 冠词: 不定冠词: a, an 第一次提到 定冠词: the 特指: 第二次提到,独一无二的东西,修饰语来限定 A Mr. Green came here to meet you. the sky, the earth, the girl in a red hat a blue sky a Mr. Green an MP3 a humourous boy an honest boy a university

9 例 4 Two hours later we landed at San Francisco, passports were examined and exit formalities completed. A. when B. where C. which D. while 定语从句, which 指代物,指代前一个分句 who 指代人, that 指代人或者物 where 指代地点, when 指代原因, why 指代原因 注意介词 +which 的用法 Part I Vocabulary and Grammar语法之定语从句

10 例 5 Yesterday, I asked him__________________ A. where the hotel is? B. what is the hotel. C. where is the hotel. D. where the hotel is. 间接引语语序:采用陈述句语序即在辨别出疑问词后 + 1. 主语 + 谓语(动词) + 其他 2. 句子是陈述句语气,不需要 question mark Part I Vocabulary and Grammar语法之间接引语语序

11 例 6 “Can’t you read ?” she said ____to the notice. A angrily pointing B and point angrily C angrily pointed D and angrily pointing 非谓语动词, 1. 判断句子是否需要非谓语动词 2. 句子的语态(被 “ 动用 ”ed 形式 or “ 主动 ” 用 ing 形式) 3. 句子时态(完成 have , 将来用 to be, 不强调时态用 ed 或者 ing 即可) Part I Vocabulary and Grammar语法之非谓语动词

12 例 7 We need to have our TV set __________ before this weekend. A 、 repair B 、 repaired C 、 to repair D 、 repairing Part I Vocabulary and Grammar

13 词汇题重点 1. 言语交际 2. 形近词,近义词等 3. 重点词汇的用法 语法重点: 1. 从句的语序 2. 定语从句 3. 非谓语形式 4. 其它 (it 的用法,强调句等) 小结 conclusion Part I Vocabulary and Grammar

14 复习与学习建议: 1. 关于词汇 背诵简短文章,把词汇放入语境中来背诵,比如新概念第二 册; 扩大简短文章的阅读量,比如说小书虫; 2. 关于语法 找本简单的语法小册子,或者课本单元后语法小结里的语法 知识 Part I Vocabulary and Grammar 简单原则,掌握为主

15 文体特点 记叙文: wh-words who( 人) →when (时间) →where (地点) →what( 事情) →conclusion (升华 小结) 议论文: 由背景引出论点 → 若干个分论点 → 总结 说明文 说明对象 → 说明对象的各个特点 Part II Reading and Comprehension 带着题目去读文章

16 题型分类(简单 → 复杂) 主旨题:文章题目,文章大意;文章开头、结尾 词语理解:回归原文,看本句,前一句以及后一句 代词指代题:回归原文,看本句,前一句以及后一句 态度观点题:读文章的时候,一定注意作者的观点态度(有观点,无观 点) 文意推断题:文中没有特别注明,需要读者自己推断的 细节理解题:文章涉及面比较广,注意时间变化 做题技巧 看两道题回归原文阅读,再看两道题再回归原文 Part II Reading and Comprehension 带着题目去读文章

17 After a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Sleep is necessary for good health. During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the previous day. The rest that you get while sleeping enables your body to prepare itself for the next day. There are four levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before. As you sleep, your muscles relax little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reach the fourth level, your body shifts back and forth from one level of sleep to the other. Part II Reading and Comprehension文体:议论文题型:主旨题 1 、 A good title for this passage is_____. A 、 SleepB 、 Good Health C 、 DreamsD 、 Work and Rest

18 drowsy Although your mind slows down, from time to time you will dream. Scientists who study sleep state that when dreaming occurs, your eyeballs begin to move more quickly (although your eyelids are closed). This stage of sleep is called REM, which stands for rapid eye movement. If you have trouble falling asleep, some people recommend breathing very slowly and very deeply. Other people believe that drinking warm milk will help make you drowsy. There is also an old suggestion that counting sheep will put you to sleep! 2 、 The word “drowsy” in the last paragraph means____. A 、 sick B 、 stand up C 、 asleep D 、 a little sleepy Part II Reading and Comprehension文体:议论文题型:词语理解题

19 New technology links the world as never before. Our planet has shrunk. It’s now a “global village” where countries are only seconds away by fax or phone or satellite link. And, of course, our ability to benefit from this high- tech communications equipment is greatly enhanced by foreign language skills. Q: What is the author’s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment? A) Critical.B) Prejudiced. C) Indifferent.D) Positive. Part II Reading and Comprehension文体:描述性质的说明文题型:态度观点题

20 The existence of the so-called “halo effect” has long been recognized. It is the phenomenon whereby we assume that because people are good at doing A they will be good at doing B, C and D (or vice versa — because they are bad at doing A they will be bad at doing B, C and D). The phrase was first coined by Edward Thorndike, a psychologist who used it in a study published in 1920 to describe the way that commanding officers rated their soldiers. Later work on the halo effect suggested that it was highly influenced by the first impression. If we see a person first in a good light, it is difficult subsequently to darken that light. This is used by advertisers who pay heroic actors and beautiful actresses to promote products in which they have absolutely no expertise. Q1: The phrase “vice versa” in Para.1 can be replaced by “_______”. A) the reverseB) the equal C) differently D) similarly Q2: What seems to be the author’s attitude toward the “halo effect” used by advertisers? A) Approval.B) Disapproval. C) Neutral.D) Indifferent. Part II Reading and Comprehension文体:描述性质的说明文 题型:词语理解题 & 态度观点题

21 Part III Cloze 做题方法 三遍法则: 第一遍 : 浏览全文,确定文体,了解文章大意 第二遍:跳格读一段,逐句做题。 第三遍:核对整篇文章 篇→段/句→篇篇→段/句→篇

22 The death of a child, 1 one’s own child, is something the mind can hardly comprehend. It seems to go 2 nature. The end of a life that is still forming 3 has just begun is an almost unthinkable cruelty. But it happens. Parents sometimes must witness the illness and death of the children 4 whom they gave birth. And 5 will ever fill the empty place that the dead child leaves behind. Parents 6 to die before their children, which is the natural order of life events. When the situation is reversed and a child dies 7 the parents it seems wrong. Yet we never know why one person dies and another lives. But we do know 8 a child is gone, the parents still have a future, as grey and worthless as it may at first seem. Death may take the child, but the love never 9. The sorrow after a child’s death is one of the longest and hardest type of 10 to live with. And it takes long to deal with the parents’ own emotions. 1. A. especially B. special C. especial D. most 2 、 A. with B. against C. beyond D. above 3 、 A. and B. or C. but D. so 4 、 A. at B. with C. to D. for 5 、 A. everything B. other thing C. something D. nothing 6 、 A. think B. expect C. like D. surely 7 、 A. before B. after C. in front of D. as 8 、 A. as if B. as though C. even if D. that 9 、 A. gives up B. goes away C. goes back D. goes through 10 、 A. loss B. losses C. losing D. lost Part III Cloze 1—5 ABBCD 6—10 BACBA

23 Part IV Translation 汉译英 翻译原则 1. 一个句子只有一套主谓宾 I bought some flowers in the shop last Sunday. 我 买 一些花 在商店 上个星期天。 主语 动词 宾语 地点状语 时间状语 I like her, talk with her. 一个句子出现了两个动词, like , talk 错误 I like her and am talking with her. 正确,由 and 连接两个动词 like 和 talk 。

24 汉译英 翻译原则 2. 先语态,后时态 他被爸爸带去美国了。 语态:被 时态:了 He was taken to America by his father. Part IV Translation

25 英译汉 翻译原则 1. 先翻译主句,然后补充其它成分。 2. 英语句子很长,可以翻译成两个汉语句子。 He, a professor in Peking University, whose major is English, is very popular among the students. 主句:他非常受学生欢迎。 分句 1 :他是北京大学的一名教授。 分句 2 : 他的专业是英语。 合成: 他是北京大学的专业英语教授,他非常受学生欢迎。

26 Kevin has no useful skills. Machines built in Japan do all the complex work, and there is little manual work to be done. Without education, without discipline, he cannot earn an adequate living wage. He lives in a slum where there is no heat, no privacy… 凯文没有一技之长。在日本机器可以做所有的复杂的工作,很少有需 要手工做的工作。没有受过教育,没有专业,他无法挣足够的生活费。 他住在贫民区里,没有暖气,没有私人空间,

27 1. 最好写成三段式 a. 第一段:介绍背景,引出话题,摆明观点 b. 第二段:文章主要内容,分层次来写, first of all, secondly, finally…. On the one hand,… on the other hand… c. 第三段:结尾段落,呼应第一段总论点,呼吁一下重大意义 2. 每段文章开头空五个字母,即电脑上一个 Tab 键 3. 每段最好由至少三句话构成 4. 句子最好不要太长,容易语法和拼写错误 5. 书信的格式要多加注意,称呼( Dearxxx, 要顶格写,然后加逗号); 落款要注意 Part V Writing

28 Kevin has no useful skills. Machines built in Japan do all the complex work, and there is little manual work to be done. Without education, without discipline, he cannot earn an adequate living wage. He lives in a slum where there is no heat, no privacy… 凯文没有一技之长。在日本机器可以做所有的复杂的工作,很少有需 要手工做的工作。没有受过教育,没有专业,他无法挣足够的生活费。 他住在贫民区里,没有暖气,没有私人空间,

29 你班将组队参加学校组织的集体舞比赛 (group dancing competition) ,班长希望大家积极参与。对此谈谈 你的想法 你的文章必须包括以下内容:你是否会参加比赛 你做出该决定的具体理由 A group dancing competition will be held in our school and the monitor calls on everybody to take an active part in it. While most of my classmates are still hesitating whether to participate, I have said yes to our monitor with great pleasure. Generally speaking, there are two reasons for my decision. First, it is a good opportunity for me to relax myself, which will enable me to study more efficiently. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so goes the saying, which clearly shows us the importance of relaxation. Besides, I think I am a good dancer after learning dance for more than five years. Participating in the contest will be a golden chance for me to show my dancing skills and make some contributions to the class. For the two reasons mentioned above, it is no surprise that I have such a strong enthusiasm on the group dancing competition.

30 小结 1. 模拟题最重要,每题都要搞懂 2. 注重阅读理解和完形填空 3. 买本语法小册子来看 4. 找些简短的文章来背诵,并且仿写 5. 英语要坚持学 6. 没事逛逛论坛,看看同学和老师

31 31 祝大家顺利通过考试!

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