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Unit6. It's a grapefruit. Lesson 31 张 凡 Number 6 Middle School, Hami, Xinjiang.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit6. It's a grapefruit. Lesson 31 张 凡 Number 6 Middle School, Hami, Xinjiang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit6. It's a grapefruit. Lesson 31 张 凡 Number 6 Middle School, Hami, Xinjiang

2 1. 学会单词: coconut, grapefruit, hami melon, hami melon, 2. 学会句型: Can I have one? Yes. I'll buy one for you. Yes. I'll buy one for you. 3. 能够针对水果或其他物品进行观 察与提问,并且能和同伴进行交流。

3 Hey! My dear neighbor ! I'm Crazy Dave. Welcome to my backyard. 欢迎来到我家的后院。和我一起寻宝探险吧!

4 请帮我找出丢失的水果,并 快速说出水果名称!

5 Oops!

6 Are you kidding me?


8 Aha!


10 你找到它们了!真棒!请看管好我的宝贝植物,小心那些僵尸!!

11 Which one is missing? 哪个水果消失了?快速抢答。

12 Hello ! We win! Thank you for the fruits! Yummy! 我们赢了! 谢谢你的款待,水果营养又健康, 真好吃! ---- 僵尸 ---- 僵尸

13 Oh, my !!! Where are my plants? 天哪!我的植物都被僵尸吃掉了?! Let‘s buy some new weapons for him ! 让我 们为他买一些新的植物武器吧!


15 coconut ['kə ʊ kən ʌ t] What's this? It's a …

16 coconut ['kə ʊ kən ʌ t]

17 Can I have one? Yes. I'll buy one for you.

18 c c n t oo u We got a new plant! 我们得到了一株新植物!


20 grapefruit ['gre ɪ pfru ː t] What's this? It's a …

21 grapefruit ['gre ɪ pfru ː t]

22 Can I have one? Yes. I'll buy one for you.

23 We got a new plant! 我们得到了一株新植物! gr pefru t ai


25 hami melon ['melən] What's this? It's a …

26 hami melon ['melən]

27 Can I have one? Yes. I'll buy one for you.

28 We got a new plant! 我们得到了一株新植物! hami m l n eo

29 Well done! Now, it's game time!

30 水果消消乐! 找出 3 个相同的水果并 快速说出单词!





35 请你扮演 Crazy Dave, 观察周围的植物, 两人一组完成对话: : What's this / that? : What's this / that? : It‘s a / an … : It‘s a / an … : Can I have one? : Can I have one? : Yes. I'll buy one for you. : Yes. I'll buy one for you. Let's act!

36 Thank you ! 谢谢你们帮 我买了新武器,它们太棒 了!唔,又有人来了,去 看看!

37 : Mum, what's this? : Mum, what's this? : It's a grapefruit. : It's a grapefruit. : A grapefruit ? It's so big. : A grapefruit ? It's so big. Can I have one? Can I have one? : Yes. But not these. We'll buy one in a shop. : Yes. But not these. We'll buy one in a shop. : What's that, Mum? : What's that, Mum? : It's a coconut. : It's a coconut. : Is it yummy? : Is it yummy? : Yes, I'll buy one for you. : Yes, I'll buy one for you. : Thank you, Mum! : Thank you, Mum! what's = what is It's = it is we'll = we will I'll = I will 找出缩写形式 :

38 请任选一个小店,四人小组完成对话: A: What's this/that? B: It's a/an … C: Can I have one? D: Yes. I'll buy one for you. 小熊文具店 新鲜水果店

39 新鲜水果店 A: What's this/that? B: It's a/an … C: Can I have one? D: Yes. I'll buy one for you.

40 小熊文具店 A: What's this/that? B: It's a/an … C: Can I have one? D: Yes. I'll buy one for you.

41 Perfect!你们可真出色! 我还想考考你们! Go!Go!Go!

42 你学会了吗?请帮它们归位! cocoutn  garepfurit  hmia mleon  coconut grapefruit hami melon

43 1. is, What, this 2. a, grapefruit, It's 3. I, Can, one, have 4. for, I'll, buy, one, buy 你学会了吗?请连词成句! What is this ? It's a grapefruit. Can I have one ? I'll buy one for you.

44 你学会了吗?请牢记: Can I have one? 是一般疑问句, Can 和 I 可连读,句尾为升调。 I‘ll=I will 我将要、我将会做某事。 同样: we'll=we will, you'll=you will, they'll=they will, she'll=she will, he'll=he will, it'll=it will

45 Fantastic! 你们棒极了! Nothing can stop you now! Please remember: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” 一日一苹果,医生远离我。 ” 一日一苹果,医生远离我。 ” 多吃水果蔬菜,健康合理饮食 !

46 Do you know? 你知道吗? 椰子大多产于温暖的海南等地。 Yummy!

47 葡萄柚像葡萄一样成串生长,故得此名。 Yummy!

48 每年,我们都会举办盛大的哈密瓜节,哈密瓜闻名于全世界,是我们哈密人的骄傲! Yummy!

49 1.Search the information of different fruits and plants. 了解不同水果植物的生长过程, 并查阅相关资料。 2.Make a fruit book. 根据查阅的内容制作 一本水果植物书。 3.Love our homeland--Hami. 热爱我们的家乡 -- 哈密。 热爱我们的家乡 -- 哈密。 Thank you! Thank you! The End!

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