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ProQuest- Hospital Collection ‎ ‎ 教育訓練 智泉國際事業有限公司.

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1 ProQuest- Hospital Collection ‎ ‎ 教育訓練 智泉國際事業有限公司

2 ProQuest Overview ProQuest Medical Library ProQuest Health & Medical Complete ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source ProQuest Health Management ProQuest Hospital Collection ProQuest Pharma Collection ProQuest Public Health ProQuest Family Health British Nursing Index Pharmaceutical News Index International Pharmaceutical Abstracts

3 Hospital Collection  結合了 ProQuest Medical Library™ 中的臨床研究刊物和 成百上千的其他消費者與健康管理刊物。  ProQuest Hospital Collection 收錄超過 400+ 家出版社 期刊, 包括超過 3,900+ 種出版物,其中超過 1,300 + 種 是全文提供,另外還有超過 900 + 種包含 MEDLINE® 索 引。  此外,資料庫還包括醫學研究中必需的所有圖表、示意 圖、圖片、表格、照片及其他圖形元素。

4 Hospital Collection 主題範圍 解剖學 生理學 生物化學 藥理學 微生物學 免疫學 寄生蟲學 病理學 傳染病 心血管疾病 肌肉骨骼疾病 呼吸系統疾病 造血系統疾病 淋巴系統疾病 消化系統疾病 泌尿生殖系統疾病 內分泌疾病 神經系統 精神病學 外科醫學 婦科學 產科醫學 皮膚醫學 小兒科 老人醫學 牙醫學 耳鼻喉科學 眼科學

5 Hospital Collection  期刊涵蓋了所有主要的臨床和醫療學科,其中包括醫學 、免疫學、藥學與藥理學、護理學、身體健康與衛生、 外科及其他學科。 這些刊物包括:  The New England Journal of Medicine  The Lancet  Journal of the National Cancer Institute  Journal of Clinical Investigation  American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine  The American Journal of Psychiatry  Diabetes  Canadian Medical Association 。 Journal; CMAJ  Rheumatology  American Journal of Public Health

6 Hospital Collection. 重要期刊 -1 Coverage Starts 1996+ Embargo: 90 days Publisher: Massachusetts Medical Society, Publishing Division Subject: MEDICAL SCIENCES Impact Factor: 50.017 Features in Brandon Hill Medical List, “Starred” title Features in Core Collection List Awarded 10 / 10 in study by Florida State University

7 Hospital Collection. 重要期刊 -2 Coverage Starts 1990+ Embargo: 60 days Publisher: Elsevier Subject: MEDICAL SCIENCES Impact Factor: 28.409 Features in Brandon Hill Medical List, “Starred” title Features in Core Collection List Awarded 9 / 10 in study by Florida State University

8 Hospital Collection. 重要期刊 -3 Coverage Starts 2002+ Embargo: None Publisher: American Society for Clinical Investigation Subject: BIOLOGY Impact Factor: 16.559 Features in Brandon Hill Medical List Features in Core Collection List Awarded 7 / 10 in study by Florida State University

9 Hospital Collection. 重要期刊 -4 Coverage Starts 2003+ Embargo: None Publisher: American Thoracic Society Subject: MEDICAL SCIENCES-- RESPIRATORY DISEASES Impact Factor: 9.792 Features in Brandon Hill Medical List, “Starred” title Features in Core Collection List Awarded 10 / 10 in study by Florida State University

10 Hospital Collection. 重要期刊 -5 Coverage Starts 1988+ Embargo: None Publisher: American Psychiatric Association Subject: MEDICAL SCIENCES-- PSYCHIATRY AND NEUROLOGY Impact Factor: 10.545 Features in Brandon Hill Medical List, “Starred” title Features in Core Collection List Awarded 10 / 10 in study by Florida State University

11 Hospital Collection. 重要期刊 -6 Coverage Starts 1997+ Embargo: None Publisher: American Diabetes Association Subject: MEDICAL SCIENCES-- ENDOCRINOLOGY Impact Factor 8.398 Features in Brandon Hill Medical List, “Starred” title Features in Core Collection List Awarded 9 / 10 in study by Florida State University

12 Nature Publishing Group 重要期刊 -7 50+ ‘must have’ titles Leading journals in many research fields Average impact factor above 9 Backfile varies

13 New: Slack journals 重要期刊 -8  Jan,2011, exclusive distributor of Slack journals  These journals offer researchers and practitioners high- quality, peer-reviewed content in the areas of medicine, nursing, allied health, and sports medicine.  Many of them w/ Impact Factor  No embargo  Key titles featured include: the AAOHN Journal; Athletic Training & Sports Health Care; The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing; Cardiology Today; Diabetes Vital and Orthopedics Today.  Over 30 titles  Slack journals have been included in PQ Health and Medical Complete, PML and PQ Hospital Collection.

14 More Key Publisher Titles ….

15 Nursing & Allied Health Source  Includes core nursing journals, as well as wide-ranging relevant content covering midwifery, radiology, cytology, nutrition, physiotherapy, dental hygiene and much more  More than 15,000 full text dissertations and theses  Evidence-based content and tools from The Joanna Briggs Institute  Reports on cultural competency designed to raise awareness of cultural beliefs and practices where health care may be impacted  Video clips of procedures, assessment, anatomy, and more  Chapters from reference books  Deep indexing New! o Nearly 1 million index records for tables and figures o Records from over 500 journals

16 Nursing & Allied Health Source  內容涵蓋護理、醫學相關學科、替代和輔 助藥物等其他領域。 這一綜合性資料庫 旨在滿足醫療機構研究人員及學術機構中 護理和醫學相關項目的需求。   ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source 提供超過 850 種期刊的摘要和索引 ( 其中 715 多種以全文提供 ) ,另包括 12,000 多 篇可代表護理及其相關領域最高學術水平 的學術論文全文

17 ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source 主題  護理  醫學  物理治療法  職業治療法  細胞學  組織學  生理學  解剖學  老人醫學  老年病學  骨科  外傷學  放射學  診斷照影  核能醫學  營養學  口腔衛生 復健

18 ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source  收錄了護理及相關領域的重要出版物:  Association of Operating Room Nurses ( 手術室護理協會 ) 。 AORN Journal (AORN 期 刊 )  Journal of Nursing Scholarship ( 護理學會獎學金期刊 )  Oncology Nursing Forum ( 腫瘤學護理論壇 )  Journal of Gerontological Nursing ( 老年病學護理期刊 )  Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services ( 社會心���與心理健康 服務期刊 )  Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research ( 口語、語言及聽力研究期刊 )  Physical Therapy ( 物理治療 )  Journal of Athletic Training ( 運動訓練期刊 )  Journal of Rehabilitation ( 復健期刊 )  The Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy ( 加拿大職能治療學期刊 )  Journal of Allied Health ( 健康照護期刊 )  Applied Radiology ( 應用放射線 )  Clinical Laboratory Science ( 臨床實驗科學 )  Dental Assistant ( 牙科助理 )  Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy ( 加拿大呼吸治療期刊 )

19 Cultural Competency reports 多元文化報告 : Unique content form CultureVision ™  由 CultureVision 提供的多元文化報告  文化意識對於提供優質的醫療服務非常重要,因而我們新 增了 CultureVision 內容,為讀者提供文化報告的優異集 合,加深其對患者護理的理解。  CultureVision 報告約有 500 篇, 每月更新, 總計涵蓋 30 多 個種族和 11 個宗教,為針對患者信仰和習俗的診斷和治 療提供了寶貴的資源。

20 Cultural Competency reports 多元文化報告 : Importance of this content “Global migration among nurses, and the population at large, makes it imperative that nursing education programs include attention to cultural aspects of care and care delivery. The ethnic diversity of patient populations is changing rapidly and transforming the care that is required.” Fitzpatrick, J. (2007). Cultural Competence in Nursing Education Revisited, Nursing Education Perspectives, 28(1), 5.New York: National League for Nursing Inc. Many healthcare systems are increasingly requiring accreditation in cultural competence: “More demands are being put on nursing faculty to incorporate content related to cultural competence in the undergraduate curriculum” C uellar, N. et al. (2008). Cultural Competence in the Undergraduate Nursing Curriculum, Journal of Professional Nursing, 24(3), 143. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company

21 多媒體視訊訓練 : High impact content & Exclusive content  由 Medcom, Inc. & HCPro 提供的獨家視訊訓練  此類視訊涵蓋了許多重要主題,例如醫療安全、緊急 應變計劃、生命體徵檢查等等。 視訊以 Flash 格式提 供,並以章節細分,便於學生學習。 所有視訊均進行 了索引編制,以確保檢索結果的可靠性,並能提供文 件檢視的觀看模式,或將其下載到桌面以供讀者參考 。 Enhance your student learning with Nursing training videos from Medcom and HCPro:

22 包含 : Assessment 評估 Procedure 流程 Management 管理 Anatomy 解剖 Prevention 預防 And more! 多媒體視訊訓練 : Nursing subjects in video

23 多媒體視訊訓練 : Versatile and fast Video Clips: 可以下載摘要 / 引文 可以用 Flash 格式瀏覽 可以下載至電腦供以 後參考使用 每個檔案大約只有 2-5 分鐘, 可以快速瀏覽

24 ProQuest 檢索方式介紹 支援多國語言 依照習慣選擇 適當語系 支援多國語言 依照習慣選擇 適當語系

25 可檢索之資料庫選項 主題資料庫 可進階勾選您希望 查詢資料庫品項 資料庫主題分類 其平台首頁預設 值只會出現貴單 位有訂購資料庫 主題品項,其餘不 會出現資料庫主題分類

26 首頁 -ProQuest Medical Library 專輯主題單一檢索欄位 輸入關鍵字檢索 快速瀏覽內容: 包含哪些特殊小 專輯.以及科別專輯主題單一檢索欄位 輸入關鍵字檢索 快速瀏覽內容: 包含哪些特殊小 專輯.以及科別

27 包含哪些 小資料庫 適用哪些 醫學領域 檢索文章類型

28 自動輸入完成 當您輸入檢索關鍵字,會 自動判斷使用者可能要 查詢之關鍵字,提共相關 字詞或是提供經常被輸 入查詢之關鍵字,幫助使 用者拼字和快速查詢自動輸入完成

29 29 設定即時通知設定即時通知 拼字檢查 幫助避免查詢不到 結果, 其檢索平台會 建議正確關鍵字拼字檢查

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36 進階檢索



39 多媒體視訊訓練

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