1 課務組工作報告 Brief of Curriculum Section. 2 課程規劃 Curriculum plan 碩士班 ( 含碩士在職專班 ) 、博士班之課程,由各系所依其 教育目標與特色,視各班別之人才培訓目標,規畫各班課 程。 The curricula of graduate program.

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Presentation on theme: "1 課務組工作報告 Brief of Curriculum Section. 2 課程規劃 Curriculum plan 碩士班 ( 含碩士在職專班 ) 、博士班之課程,由各系所依其 教育目標與特色,視各班別之人才培訓目標,規畫各班課 程。 The curricula of graduate program."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 課務組工作報告 Brief of Curriculum Section

2 2 課程規劃 Curriculum plan 碩士班 ( 含碩士在職專班 ) 、博士班之課程,由各系所依其 教育目標與特色,視各班別之人才培訓目標,規畫各班課 程。 The curricula of graduate program (Master & Ph.D.) are designed by departments according to their educating purposes and the characteristics of departments. 學士班課程架構涵蓋三大部分,分別為「普通課程 ( 涵蓋共 同課程與通識課程 ) 」、「系專門課程」與「自由選修」 The curricula of undergraduate have three parts: General Courses (core & general), Core/Specialized courses of department, and Selective courses.

3 學士班課程規劃 Curriculum plan for Undergraduates 3

4 4 課程架構 — 師資培育學系 Curriculum plan for teacher education departments

5 5 教育與學習科技學系、幼兒教育學系及特殊教育學系 Dept. of Ed. & Learning Technology, Dept. of Early Childhood Ed., and Dept. of Special Ed. 師培組畢業最低學分數為 144-148 學分,其中系專門課程已能 滿足教育部規定之相關教育學程修課要求,三系師培組學生依 規定修習本系專門課程,便可取得教育學程認證。 For teacher certification program, the minimal credits is 144-148. The courses of three departments are fulfill the requirements and certified by Ministry of Education in Taiwan. 非師培組學生修習畢業最低學分數 128 學分即可畢業,但不能 取得教育學程認證。 For Non-teacher certification program, the minimal credits is 128. However, they cannot obtain the teacher certification.

6 6 課程架構 — 非師資培育學系 Curriculum plan for non-teacher certification departments

7 7 非師資培育學系之學生只要修滿最低畢業學分數,即可取得學士學位 In non-teacher certification departments, the minimal credits for B.A. or B.S. is 128. 學生若有意參與師資培育,則需參加甄選,錄取後得加修「教育學程」科 目 You can apply for teacher certification program, after passing the selecting exam, you can start taking the courses for teacher certificated. 惟為考量學生的修課負擔,因此允許在自由選修中涵蓋教育學程學分至多 20 學分,因此 104 學年度修習特殊教育學程者最低畢業總學分數為 148 學分、 修習國民小學教育學程者最低畢業總學分數為 157 學分、修習幼兒教育學程 者最低畢業總學分數為 171 學分 From 2015 school year, the minimal graduate credits for the teacher certification of special education is 148, 157 for elementary-level, and 171 for early childhood education. And the maximal teacher certificated credits which can transfer from selective courses are 20 credits

8 8 普通課程 General courses 共同科目:國文、英文、英語聽力訓練、體育、體育 ( 興趣選項 ) 共 10 學 分。 Core Courses: Chinese, English, English Listening, Physical, & Physical (selective), 10 credits. 通識課程:共 20 學分。 Courses for General Education: 20 credits. 本校提升學生外文能力實施辦法規定: 學士班學生畢業前須通過校外外語基本能力檢定,未通過者必須自大三 上開始修習校內 0 學分 4 小時英文檢測訓練,通過後,始得畢業。 One has to pass the foreign language test to receive bachelor degree.

9 畢業門檻 Requirements for Bachelor Degree 本校提升學生外文能力實施辦法規定: 學士班學生畢業前須通過校外外語基本能力檢定,未通過者必須自大三上 開始修習校內 0 學分 4 小時英文檢測訓練,通過後,始得畢業。 For bachelor degree, one has to pass the foreign language test or from first semester at third year taking and passing “English test-training course” for four hours, 0 credit. 本校服務學習課程施行辦法規定: 102 學年度(含)以後入學,修習本校學士學位者,必須於在學期間累計 完成 72 小時的服務學習課程服務時數(其中專業服務學習課程及一般服務 學習課程各至少 12 小時、愛系環境教育服務學習時數依各系規定),方得 以畢業。 Since 2013, one has to earn 72 hours of service-learning credits to receive bachelor degree, include at least 12 hours for expertise and regular, and environmental education hrs. decided by depts. 9

10 10 自由選修 Selective/Specialized courses 教育專業學程:國小學程、特教學程、幼教學程 Teacher Certification Program: Elementary-level, Special Ed., and Early Childhood Ed. program. 學分學程:各系所開設增加就業競爭能力之系列課程,如潛能開發學 分課程、外語學分學程、華語教學學分學程、運動指導學分學程等 Enhanced Program: serials courses for increasing abilities for career development in every department, e.g., Human Potential Development, Foreign Language, Teaching Mandarin, and Sports Advising Program. 可跨系、跨校、跨國修課 Taking courses from other Dept., Univ. and overseas. 加修本系專門課程 Taking more specialized courses in your major.

11 11 開學前網路選課初選登記:初選登記期間結束後,選修 人數超過可選上人數上限時,透過抽籤篩選機制決定修 課名單 Enroll courses on-line: After the period of preliminary enrolling, if the enrollment is over the class limits, the final list will be decided by drawing process. 選課階段 - 開課前 The procedures for selecting courses- Before the new term begins

12 12 選課階段 - 開學後 The procedures for selecting courses- After the new term begins (1/3) 三階段之一 First of the three stages 開學第一週,選課途徑同初選登記,每天晚上 12 點系統關機 ,就已登記資料進行電腦自動亂數篩選 → 隔天上午 9 點,再上 網「確認選課狀況」(未顯示已選上者, 表示沒選上,可於有 人退選時,繼續登記,再參與抽籤 ) 。 The first week after the new term begins, enroll courses on- line as the period of preliminary enrolling. The system is close at 12:00PM every night and reopen next day at 9:00AM. Please confirm the selecting status on-line next day. If you do not on the list of the class by the drawing process and when others withdraw from the class, then you can enroll again.

13 13 選課階段 - 開學後 The procedures for selecting courses- After the new term begins (2/3) 三階段之二 Second of three stages 開學第二週,本階段可在網路上進行即時加退選、線上加簽 、重覆修習申請等 Second week after the new term begins, one can add/drop courses on-line and other applications.

14 14 選課階段 - 開學後 The procedures for selecting courses- After the new term begins (3/3) 三階段之三 Third of three stages 網路加退選後,以書面加退選 Third week after the new term begins : After the period of on-line enrolling, using paper work to add/drop courses. 受理內容:本階段處理科目停開或其他特殊因素需辦理書面 加退選的選課資料,退選部分以不得造成停開課為限;加選 部分已不得超過教室容量為限 In this stage, it is only for special reasons to add/drop courses, e.g., the course is cancelled. However, the dropping won’t lead to the closure of the course and the adding won’t be over the capacity of the classroom.

15 義工服務規定 Regulations for required service 15 為養成同學審慎選課之態度, 因個人因素而 產生之網路加退選後書面加退選者, 需義務 工讀 4 小時 After the period of selecting and dropping courses on-line, if one still need to apply for courses change without appropriate reason, she/he has to provide for four hours as student worker.

16 16 學期修課學分上下限 The limits of credits hours for every semester 學年 學期 第一學年 First Year 第二學年 Second Year 第三學年 Third Year 第四學年 Fourth Year 上學期 Fall 下學期 Spring 上學期 Fall 下學期 Spring 上學期 Fall 下學期 Spring 上學期 Fall 下學期 Spring Minim al credits 16 88 Maxim al credits 28 25

17 17 超修規定 Regulations for taking over credits 學士生前學期學業成績平均 80 分以上,或平均 分數為該班前 20% 者;碩士生前學期學業成績 平均 85 分以上,次學期得經系主任核可加選 1- 2 科目學分。 For undergraduates, the total average score of last semester is over 80 or above 80% in the class and for graduates, the total average score of last semester is over 85, one can take one to two more courses by the approval of department chair.

18 18 停修規定 Regulations for dropping course 1. 停修課程每學期以一科為限。 Every semester, you can drop only one course. 2. 申請時間:該學期加退選結束至第 11 週申請辦理完畢 You have to apply for dropping the course before 11 th week of the semester. 3. 扣除停修之學分數後,總修讀學分數不得低於學則規定之最低應修 學分數。 After dropping the course, the total credits should not less than the minimal credits for every semester. 4. 停修課程仍須登記於該學期成績單及歷年成績表,並於成績欄註記 「停修」。 The dropping course will be noted “dropped” on the transcript. 5. 申請停修課程核准前仍應繼續到堂上課。 You still have to go to class before the approval of dropping course.

19 19 校際選課 Selecting courses from other university 1. 校際選課以本校未開設之科目為原則。 You can take course from other university, if the course doesn’t have in our university. 2. 每學期修習他校學分數,以該學期限修學分數上限 1/3 為原則,暑 修以二科為限,學分採計為自由選修學分。 The credits taking from other university up to third of the total credits every semester; two courses in summer; credits will be treated as “selective credits.” 3. 跨校修習外校開設之通識課程,以本校規定通識課程學分數之 1/3 為限 (6 學分 ) 。 For taking General education courses from other university, the credits limits are six hours.

20 20 扣考規定 Regulations for prohibiting taking exam 1. 曠課 1 小時,作缺課 3 小時論。 Missing class one hour without reason will be treated as absence for three hours. 2. 一學期曠課累計達 45 小時,應予退學。 Missing classes for up to 45 hours in one semester will be dropped from registered in school. 3. 某一科目,缺曠課累積達該科目授課總時數 1/3 者,不 得參加該科目學期考試。 Missing hours from one course up to third of the classes, can not be participant for the final exam.

21 21 修讀輔系、雙主修規定 Regulation of double majors and minors 1. 輔系需經過申請甄選始得修讀,各學系學生得於一年級下學期起申請修 讀輔系,經核定通過後,得自次學期起修習輔系課程。 You have to apply and be approved for taking minors. Application starts from second semester of the first year and taking courses from next semester. 2. 輔系於每學年度依本校行事曆辦理兩次申請 ( 每年 5 月及 11 月 ) 、雙主修 辦理一次申請 ( 每年 5 月 ) 。 Application for minors is in May and November, double majors in May every year. 3. 修讀輔系 ( 雙主修 ) 者除網路選課外尚需填寫輔系 ( 雙主修 ) 修習科目申請 表輔系 ( 雙主修 ) 修習科目申請 表 Taking minors or double majors courses have to select courses online and fill out the forms of application. 4. 修習輔系 ( 雙主修 ) 課程於規定修業年限內學校需專班開課時,需繳交學 分費。 Taking minors or double majors courses have to pay the tuition fee for charter classes.

22 22 詢問管道 Information Request 相關問題可直接洽詢各系系辦或課務組。 If you have any questions, you can contact with department office or curriculum section.

23 23 訊息公告管道 News announcement 相關訊息公告於本校主網頁最新消息、 課務組網頁、教務處公告欄。 Related announcement will be posted on the websites of NHCUE main page, Curriculum Section, and Department of Academic Affairs.

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