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1c YOUR NAME 天气预报 Natasha & Jessica.

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Presentation on theme: "1c YOUR NAME 天气预报 Natasha & Jessica."— Presentation transcript:

1 1c YOUR NAME 天气预报 Natasha & Jessica

2 韩国 Han Guo 今天在韩国是冬季。 出去的时候你要穿毛衣。在韩国很冷。 $ 3
今天在韩国是冬季。 出去的时候你要穿毛衣。在韩国很冷。 1st Class In South Korea today is winter. If you go out you need to wear a sweater. Cold in Korea. My Postal Service

3 美国 Mei Guo 今天在美国是夏天。 出去在美国带 帽子和带雨伞。在美国很日。 $ 3.00
In the United States today is the summer. If you go out from your home you need to wear Hat and umbrella. In the united states is so hot My Postal Service

4 欧洲 Ou Zhou 今天在欧洲是秋天。出去欧周戴雨伞和船贸易。在欧洲食谱冷也普日。
Today in the European autumn. If you go out from your house you need to wear an umbrella and sweater. Europe is not hot and not too cold.

5 澳大利亚 Australia 今天在澳大利亚是预计。出去澳大利亚待遇三何尝予以。
Today in Australia is expected. If you go out from your home you need to wear umbrella and a rain. In Australia is cold there.

6 谢谢

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