老年高血压患者 RAAS特点分析及其治疗对策

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1 老年高血压患者 RAAS特点分析及其治疗对策

2 RAAS名称使用的注意事项 RAAS: RAS: 常见笔误或口误: Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System
Renin-Angiotensin System,血管紧张素II促使醛固酮分泌,醛固酮可反射性抑制肾素分泌 常见笔误或口误: 如RAAS系统,S已表明是系统

3 对RAAS的传统认识 缓激肽释放 Ang-(1-7)功能 是血管紧张素家族重要成员之一
主要来源于Ang I及Ang II, 被ACE降解失活,又可抑制ACE活性 ACEI通过两条途径使Ang-(1-7)  有降压、血管保护、调节水钠平衡作用 与BK在血管保护方面有协同作用 缓激肽释放 血管扩张 NO生成 凋亡激肽释放 1. Perico Int J Clin Pract Suppl 111; 14 3

4 RAAS中血管紧张素Ⅱ和醛固酮 是发挥生物作用的效应分子
是强大的血管收缩物质(仅次于内皮素) 是强大的促细胞增殖物质(通常在血压升高前引起血管和心肌肥厚) 是重要的生理物质(生长发育、水电平衡等生理功能的必需物)等 醛固酮 保钠排钾,水钠储留 促细胞增殖 反射性抑制肾素分泌等 Plasma Renin Activity Levels in Hypertensive Persons:( /j.amjhyper

5 健康人肾脏随年龄增长结构发生多重改变 体积越来越小,硬化程度加重
2. D. Bolignano et al. The aging kidney revisited: A systematic review. Ageing Research Reviews 14 (2014) 65–80

6 老年肾脏的多方面功能改变 如脱水,高钠和高钾 导致二个基本结局: 水钠储留容量扩张 低RAAS活性易导致老年人水电解质异常
2. D. Bolignano et al. The aging kidney revisited: A systematic review. Ageing Research Reviews 14 (2014) 65–80

7 正常血压老年人 肾素活性下降至青年人的一半
3. Noth, R.H., Lassman, M.N., Tan, S.Y et al. Age and the renin–aldosterone system. Archives of Internal Medicine 1977; 137, 1414–1417.

8 然而,老年高血压患者肾素活性却增加 Plasma Renin Activity Levels in Hypertensive Persons: Their Wide Range and Lack of Suppression in Diabetic and in Most Elderly Patients N=4170 Plasma renin activity distribution by age 4. Michael H. Alderman, Hillel W. Cohen, Jean E. Sealey, and John H. Laragh. Plasma Renin Activity Levels in Hypertensive Persons: Their Wide Range and Lack of Suppression in Diabetic and in Most Elderly Patients . AJH 2004;17:1–7

9 老年对Ang II反应过度 实验表明:老年对Ang II反应过度 但是,对RAAS抑制剂ARB的反应保留
5. Tank JE, Vora JP, Houghton DC, Anderson S. Altered renal vascular responses in the aging rat kidney. Am J Physiol 1994;266:F942-F948. 6. Hye Eun Yoon and Bum Soon Choi . The renin-angiotensin system and aging in the kidney . Korean J Intern Med 2014;29:

10 ARB良好的降压疗效 24h平均下降值 Diastolic BP Systolic BP Telmisartan Olmesartan
-14 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -16 -18 Losartan Valsartan Irbesartan Telmisartan Olmesartan Systolic BP 20. Fabia MJ, et al. J Hypertens. 2007;25: 7. Fabia MJ, et al. J Hypertens. 2007;25:

11 ESH/ESC 2013 ARB类药物优先适用的情况,尤其是肾脏保护作用
左心室肥厚 微量白蛋白尿 肾功能不全 既往卒中 既往心肌梗死 心衰 预防房颤 ESRD/蛋白尿 代谢综合征 糖尿病 新版通过对特定人群的降压药物推荐,我们不难看出:左心室肥厚、微量白蛋白尿、肾功能不全、既往卒中、既往心肌梗死、糖尿病等是优选考虑ARB类药物的,而这些都是细胞增殖常见的合并症 这些与血压高/细胞增殖有关常见的合并症 8 .G. Mancia et al.Journal of Hypertension 2013;31:

12 肾脏健康终点非常重要! JNC8强调的健康终点第一次包括肾脏 健康终点(死亡率;心、脑、肾、血管)
死亡率:总死亡率,心血管疾病(CVD)相关死亡率,CKD相关死亡率 心肌梗死,心力衰竭,心衰住院,冠脉血运重建术(包括冠脉旁路移植术,冠脉成形术和冠脉支架术) 卒中 终末期肾脏疾病(ESRD)(肾衰竭导致透析或移植),肌酐水平增加一倍,肾小球滤过率(GFR)下降50% 其他动脉血运重建(包括颈动脉、肾动脉、下肢动脉血运重建) 以往的数据显示随着时代的进步心和卒中事件在下降,但是肾脏事件在上升 肾脏健康终点非常重要! 9. JAMA. 2014;311(5):

13 *Age-adjusted to the 1940 U.S. census population.
不同性别和种族的冠心病患者经年龄调整的 死亡率百分比下降:美国( ) Percent Decline in Age-Adjusted* Mortality Rates for CHD by Sex and Race: United States, The decline in age-adjusted mortality for CHD in the total population is 53.2%.*Age-adjusted to the 1940 U.S. census population. 经年龄调整的冠心病死亡率总体下降53.2% *Age-adjusted to the 1940 U.S. census population. 10. Arch Intern Med Nov 24;157(21):

14 *Age-adjusted to the 1940 U.S. census population.
不同性别和种族的卒中患者经年龄调整的 死亡率百分比下降:美国( ) Percent Decline in Age-Adjusted* Mortality Rates for Stroke by Sex and Race: United States, The decline in age-adjusted mortality for stroke in the total population is 59.0%. *Age-adjusted to the 1940 U.S. census population. 经年龄调整的冠心病死亡率总体下降59.0%. *Age-adjusted to the 1940 U.S. census population. 10. Arch Intern Med Nov 24;157(21):

15 Adjusted for age, race, and sex.
终末期肾病的发病率 ( ) 253* Incidence of Reported End-Stage Renal Disease Therapy 解决终末期肾病是当今社会面临的重大课题 实际上,我们有了解决这一问题的办法 *Provisional data. Adjusted for age, race, and sex. 10. Arch Intern Med Nov 24;157(21):

16 JNC8强调RASI改善肾脏结局的重要性 年龄>18岁合并慢性肾脏疾病 的患者应选用ACEI或ARB行起始或叠加降压治疗以改善肾脏结局。该推荐适用于各种族、合并及不合并糖尿病的所有高血压患者。 强调特定的药物对肾脏预后的潜在获益 Recommendation 8 is specifically directed at those with CKD and hypertension and addresses the potential benefit of specific drugs on kidney outcomes. 9. JAMA. 2014;311(5):

17 一级终点:肌酐水平增加一倍、终末期肾脏疾病(ESRD)、任何原因死亡
We randomly assigned 1715 hypertensive patients with nephropathy due to type 2 diabetes to treatment with irbesartan (300 mg daily), amlodipine (10 mg daily), or placebo. 同时具备高血压、肾病、2型糖尿病的RCT 一级终点:肌酐水平增加一倍、终末期肾脏疾病(ESRD)、任何原因死亡 11. Collaborative Study Group. Renoprotective effect of the angiotensin-receptor antagonist irbesartan in patients with nephropathy due to type 2 diabetes. Lewis EJ, Hunsicker LG, ClarkeWR, et al; N Engl J Med. 2001;345(12):

18 厄贝沙坦显著降低一级终点 20%与安慰剂(P=0.02) 23%与氨氯地平(P=0.006) 2/24/2017
Renoprotective effect of the angiotensin-receptor antagonist irbesartan in patients with nephropathy due to type 2 diabetes. Lewis EJ, Hunsicker LG, ClarkeWR, et al; N Engl J Med. 2001;345(12): 11. Collaborative Study Group. Renoprotective effect of the angiotensin-receptor antagonist irbesartan in patients with nephropathy due to type 2 diabetes. Lewis EJ, Hunsicker LG, ClarkeWR, et al; N Engl J Med. 2001;345(12):

19 这种差异与血压无关 Mean blood pressure decreased over the course of the study
140/77 mm Hg in the irbesartan group, 141/77 mm Hg in the amlodipine group, 144/80 mm Hg in the placebo group. 11. Collaborative Study Group. Renoprotective effect of the angiotensin-receptor antagonist irbesartan in patients with nephropathy due to type 2 diabetes. Lewis EJ, Hunsicker LG, ClarkeWR, et al; N Engl J Med. 2001;345(12):

20 指南推荐厄贝沙坦RCT靶剂量为300mg 11. Collaborative Study Group. Renoprotective effect of the angiotensin-receptor antagonist irbesartan in patients with nephropathy due to type 2 diabetes. Lewis EJ, Hunsicker LG, ClarkeWR, et al; N Engl J Med. 2001;345(12):

21 三大试验均强调RAAS抑制剂治疗这种差异与血压无关
JNC8 引用的降低肾终点事件的RCT 三大试验均强调RAAS抑制剂治疗这种差异与血压无关 9. JAMA. 2014;311(5):

22 For reduction of 10mmHg SBP and/or 5mmHg DBP
降压治疗显著减少CV终点事件 147项随机临床试验的荟萃分析 For reduction of 10mmHg SBP and/or 5mmHg DBP CHD events Strokes No of No of Relative risk Relative risk No of No of Relative risk Relative risk trials events [95% CI] [95% CI] trials events [95% CI] [95% CI] Blood pressure difference trials No history of vascular disease (0.72 to 0.86) (0.45 to 0.65) History of coronary heart disease (0.68 to 0.86) (0.53 to 0.80) History of stroke (0.62 to 1.00) (0.56 to 0.79) All trials (0.73 to 0.83) (0.52 to 0.67) Cohort studies (0.73 to 0.77) (0.62 to 0.66) 0.5 0.7 1 1.4 2 Treatment better Placebo 现有证据表明降压治疗显著减少CV终点事件,JNC8 强调RASI对于肾脏终点的重要性,原因是RASI显示肾脏终点的降低可以独立于血压之外,而且是双倍剂量 12. Law MR, et al. BMJ. 2009;338:b1665

23 2/24/2017 Effect of Renin–Angiotensin System Inhibition on Cardiovascular Events in Older Hypertensive Patients with Metabolic Syndrome Materials/Methods. We used the Cardiovascular Health Study, a prospective cohort study of individuals > 65 years of age to evaluate ACEI/ARB use and time to CVD events (including coronary and cerebrovascular events). The study included 777 subjects who had hypertension and ATP III-defined MetS, but free of CVD and diabetes at baseline. Cox regression models were used to evaluate the effect of ACEI/ARB as compared to other antihypertensives on the time to the first CVD events. 高血压一般人群无论用何 种药物,如果降压一样, 心血管获益一样。 但是,这个结果表明:老 年高血压伴代谢异常患者, RAS抑制剂可更多降低心 血管事件。 metabolism clinical and experimental 63(2014): 13. metabolism clinical and experimental 63(2014):

24 RAS抑制剂在老年高血压治疗中的 重要地位及注意事项
2/24/2017 RAS抑制剂有效降低老年高血压患者的死亡率、心血管事件发生率、和改善肾终点 老年高血压患者应用RAS抑制剂应监测血钾和肾功能 RAS抑制剂应用2个月内血清肌酐上升30%以内,而且稳定,表明可改善预后和保护肾功能 Faruk Turgut, Rasheed A. Balogun, and Emaad M. Abdel-Rahman. Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Blockade Effects on the Kidney in the Elderly: Benefits and Limitations. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5: 1330–1339, 2010 14. Faruk Turgut, Rasheed A. Balogun, and Emaad M. Abdel-Rahman. Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Blockade Effects on the Kidney in the Elderly: Benefits and Limitations. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5: 1330–1339, 2010

25 是ACEI+钙拮抗剂还是ACEI+利尿剂
2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for themanagement of arterial hypertension The only trial directly comparing two combinations in all patients (ACCOMPLISH) found significant superiority of an ACE inhibitor-calcium antagonist combination over the ACE inhibitor-diuretic combination despite there being no BP difference between the two arms. These unexpected results deserve to be repeated, because trials comparing a calcium antagonist-based therapy with a diuretic-based therapy have never shown superiority of the calcium antagonist. 唯一的试验直接比较两个组合发现ACEI+钙拮抗剂的组合显著优于ACEI+利尿剂。 这些意外的结果需要重复试验,因为以往试验比较钙拮抗剂为基础的治疗与利尿剂为基础的治疗从未表现出钙拮抗剂的优势。 8 .G. Mancia et al.Journal of Hypertension 2013;31:

26 厄贝沙坦/氢氯噻嗪既作用于血管收缩又作用于容量扩张 契合老年高血压特点
强效降压 扩张 外周血管 降低血管平滑肌细胞内Na+含量 抑制醛固酮释放 促进排Na+ 促进水、Na+排泄 降低血容量 抑制水、Na+ 重吸收 阻断AT1受体 厄贝沙坦/氢氯噻嗪 首先从机制看安博诺的降压优势 厄贝沙坦是RAS阻断剂,能有效阻断AT1受体,抑制醛固酮释 放,促进排钠;扩张外周血管,强效降压; 氢氯噻嗪作用于肾远曲小管,促进水、Na+排泄,降低血容 量;降低血管平滑肌细胞内Na+含量,扩张外周血管,强效降 压; 由此可见,安博诺®双重排钠扩血管,协同增效强效降压。 15. 孙宁玲主编 .高血压治疗学.北京;人民卫生出版社:2009 26 26 26

27 厄贝沙坦/氢氯噻嗪治疗 中国老年高血压患者疗效卓著
起效迅速,治疗第1周可降低收缩压达13mmHg 强效降压,治疗第4周可降低收缩压达26mmHg -5 -10 -20 -30 -15 与基线相比的血压下降值(mmHg) N=212 *与基线相比P<0.001 -12.8* -25.5* -7.2* -10.9* 1周 4周 收缩压 舒张压 -25 2周 -20.4* -13.3* 安博维与安博诺对老年高血压的短期疗效比较.现代医学2006;34(6):417-9 16. 谢玉兰等,现代医学2006;34(6):417-9 27 27

28 联合治疗:厄贝沙坦/HCTZ比其他ARB /HCTZ减少心血管事件
2011年回顾分析: Retrospective Analysis of Real-World Efficacy of Angiotensin Receptor Blockers Versus Other Classes of Antihypertensive Agents in Blood Pressure Management 2/24/2017 — 真实世界,ARB与其他类别药物降压疗效的比较 联合治疗:厄贝沙坦/HCTZ比其他ARB /HCTZ减少心血管事件 17. Petrella R, Michailidis P. Retrospective analysis of real-world efficacy of angiotensin receptor blockers versus other classes of antihypertensive agents in blood pressure management. Clin Ther. 2011;33(9): Robert Petrella, et al, Clinical Therapeutics 2011;33(9):

29 对利尿剂的过多担心:利尿剂相关的糖代谢 异常与大剂量利尿剂引起的低血钾有关
△Potassium (mEq/L) △Glucose (mg/dL) Trial Arms (n=83) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 1 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 -5.00 -10.00 -15.00 -20.00 D Potassium Glucose Linear Tread 18 ZIHkb, A J, et al. Hypertension 2006;40:

30 厄贝沙坦可抵消12.5mgHCTZ对血钾的影响 厄贝沙坦150mg+HCTZ12.5mg 对血钾的影响<0.1mEq/L
-0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 100mg/天 300mg/天 8周时血清钾与基础值比较后的 平均变化(mEq/L) 使用噻嗪类利尿剂可能诱发低钾血症, 但和厄贝沙坦合用可减少利尿剂诱导 的低钾血症 联合使用厄贝沙坦能通过阻断RAAS ,逆转与利尿剂有关的钾的丢失 一项多中心随机双盲安慰剂对照研究,研究的目的是评估厄贝沙坦和氢氯噻嗪治疗高血压的疗效和安全性,随访8周。研究结果显示安博诺对血钾的影响<0.1mEq/L,是非常安全的,这从侧面也可以说明,厄贝沙坦可抵消12.5mgHCTZ对血钾的影响。 这点,在安博诺的说明书中也有明确说明: 使用噻嗪类利尿剂可能诱发低钾血症,但和厄贝沙坦合用可减少利尿剂诱导的低钾血症 联合使用厄贝沙坦能通过阻断RAAS系统,逆转与利尿剂有关的钾的丢失 19.Kochar M, et al AJH 1999;12(8): 20.孙宁玲, 等. 中华心血管病杂志, 2005, 33(7): 30

31 总 结 老年多方面结构和功能改变导致水钠储留和低RAAS活性 老年高血压患者肾素活性增加 老年对Ang II反应过度

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