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通过教师专业化发展计划与信息技术 促进学校改革

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1 通过教师专业化发展计划与信息技术 促进学校改革
Ron Owston 教师教育国际论坛 2012 年 6 月 武汉

2 今天我们主要探讨… 1.教师专业化发展对学校改革为何如此重要? 2. 怎样使教师专业化发展更加有效? 3. 信息技术能提供什么帮助?
Significant reform of schools takes time: 3 yrs for primary; 6+ yrs secondary 3. 信息技术能提供什么帮助?

3 1. 教师职业发展为何如此重要? 来自 Darling-Hammond,1998

4 教师专业化发展是学区的最佳投资! 花 500 美元就可明显提高学生成绩 资料来源:Darling-Hammond,1998

5 在田纳西州,不同教师对 学习数学有困难学生的影响
Mathematics as assessed by state wide tests. The Tennessee data show dramatic differences for middle and high-achieving groups of students, too. For example, high-achieving students gain an average of only 2 points under the direction of Q1 (least-effective) teachers but an average of 25 points under the guidance of Q5 (mosteffective) teachers. Middle achievers gain a mere 10 points with Q1 teachers but realize point gains in the mid-30s with Q5 teachers. Tennessee is one of the few states with data systems that make it possible to tie teachers to achievement in their classrooms. Moreover, the state's value-added approach for assessing student achievement allows observers to look at the gains students make during a particular school year. William L. Sanders, director of the Value-Added Research and Assessment Center at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, has studied these data extensively. By grouping teachers into quintiles based on their effectiveness in producing student learning gains, his work allows us to examine the impact of teacher effectiveness on the learning of different types of students, from low to high achievers. Sanders 与 Rivers,1996

6 田纳西州连续安排多个教师授课对 5年级数学分数产生的累积效果
Similar study in Dallas, TX show same magnitude of results over 3yrs for reading and mathematics Differences of this magnitude—50 percentile points—are stunning. As all of us know only too well, they can represent the difference between a "remedial" label and placement in the accelerated, or even gifted, track. And the difference between entry into a selective college and a lifetime at a hamburger joint. Sanders 与 Rivers,1996

7 波士顿市的 10 年级学生在优质教师的教育下取得进步的情况
Top and bottom 1/3 teachers NAEP tests this means that one third of Boston public school teachers are producing six times the learning seen in the bottom third. As one frustrated headmaster put it, "About one third of my teachers should not be teaching." 引用 Haycock 的数据,1998

8 2. 怎样使教师 专业化发展(PD)更加有效?

9 不该做的事项!

10 PD*LEARN: 高效专业化学习的7 大原则
Permanent坚持 Driven 驱策 Learning 学习 Embedded嵌入 Assessed 评估 Relevant 相关 Networked交流 First, make sure that professional development focuses on the subject matter teachers will be teaching. Second, align teachers’ learning opportunities with their real work experiences, using actual curriculum materials and assessments. Third, provide adequate time for professional development and ensure that the extended opportunities to learn emphasize observing and analyzing students’ understanding of the subject matter. Fourth, ensure that school districts have reliable systems for evaluating the impact of professional development on teachers’ practices and student learning.

11 1. 坚持 应该持续、不间断 不能三天打鱼两天晒网

12 2. 驱策 受到学生期望与实际成绩之间差距分析的驱策
This analysis defines what teachers need to learn Teachers can use the analyses to explore usefulness of different teaching strategies Makes PD more accountable

13 3. 学习 遵循成年人学习的原则 让老师们参与制定有关自己学习的规划
Increases teacher motivation and commitment to learn Decreases cynicism and detachment

14 4. 嵌入 专业化学习应该“嵌入到工作中”,比如,成为教师日常工作的一部分
Most powerful learning opportunities are those linked to authentic and immediate problems in the classroom Increases teacher motivation and engagement Does not deny out-of-school learning too

15 5. 评估 应该对专业化学习方案进行评估 就未来学习规划的设计提供反馈
Use multiple sources of information Must be non-threatening Ideally changes in teaching and student learning should be assessed

16 6. 相关 确保学习的重点与教师将要教授的课题相关
Focus on content students need to learn and problems they might encounter General information about instructional strategies (e.g. cooperative learning) or unrelated content enrichment is not effective

17 7. 交流 专业化发展应该符合个人需求,但也要与其他教师协同合作
Collaborative cultures facilitate school improvement Problem solving teams can break down isolation, and create a shared understanding of good practice

18 再次强调,职业发展必须遵循以下七大原则…
PD*LEARN Permanent坚持 Driven 驱策 Learning 学习 Embedded嵌入 Assessed 评估 Relevant 相关 Networked交流

19 结合面对面培训和在线学习的混合式学习共同体
3.信息化能给教师职业发展提供 什么支持? 结合面对面培训和在线学习的混合式学习共同体 Since PD must be long term and collaborative, technology can help

20 混合式学习充分发挥两大学习环境的优势 环境优势 理想中的 技术导向的学习环境 面对面的 学习环境 混合的 技术导向和面对面学习 不尽人意的
环境缺陷 资料来源: Graham,2006

21 4 个教师混合式学习实例 约克大学研究生课程 约克大学职前课程 ABEL/学习关系 教师数字化学习项目

22 模式举例 - 我的约克大学课程 职前教育技术课程 – 2 节面对面课, 1 节集体学习课(每周更替进行)
毕业生技术问题课程 – 第1个月面对面授课,接下来2 个月的同步视频课(安排在最后)

23 学生的视角…

24 学生的视角... 即时反馈 共同学习有助于加深对课程的理解 灵活 在线轻松融入教室 随时随地

25 ABEL/学习关系 –持续的教师支持网络 Training Days
• Webcast Series • Speaker Series • Pilot Applications • Virtual Professional Learning • Digital Literacy Leadership Seminars • Leadership Roundtable • ABEL Supporting Your Annual Learning Plan • Self-Directed Professional Learning • Additional Qualification Opportunities

26 专业化学习规划 - ABEL 暑期学院(ASI) - 领导力峰会 - 试用工具应用 - 在线研讨会与发言人

27 学习关系项目活动 关注 4-6 年级的读写能力与数学成绩 校区“佼佼者”与他们的老师合作拟定年度计划,借助技术提高语言/数学的教学效果 在线社区提供持续支持

28 教师数字化学习项目 9 月份某日一整天面对面的会议 然后每周进行在线讨论 12 月份某日一整天面对面的会议

29 我对于 3 个项目(教师相关) 的 研究发现 教师的变化主要体现在 2 个方面: 使用技术的水平提高了
在课堂中更多地采用了合作学习及以学生为中心的教学方法 Anyone here involved in The Learning Partnership?

30 我的研究发现(学生相关) 学生表现出了更高的参与热情 在开展研究性学习的班级,老师们表示考试成绩有所提高。

31 总结 您将如何支持教师学习? 教师专业化发展 是学校改革成功的关键所在 PD*LEARN 模式最为有效 混合式学习共同体前景广阔

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