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5° e-commerce players annual meeting 第五届电子商务与物流企业家年会

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Presentation on theme: "5° e-commerce players annual meeting 第五届电子商务与物流企业家年会"— Presentation transcript:

1 5° e-commerce players annual meeting 第五届电子商务与物流企业家年会
The smart logistic center 智能物流中心 How FIVES can contribute to the development of e-commerce logistics in China 法孚可以为中国的电子商务发展做些什么 Beijing 19° November 2015

2 The smart logistic center 智能物流中心
The CHALLENGE: 面临的挑战: Increasing urbanization (Cities are growing!) 城市化进程加快(城市在发展!) Increasing volumes of on-line purchases 日益增长的在线购物交易量 Increasing service levels expected: shorter time between order and delivery 日益增长的服务水平需求:从下单到送达的时间越来越短 FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

3 The smart logistic center智能物流中心
The impacts on the LOGISTIC CENTER: 对物流处理中心的影响: More orders/shipments to be handled in less space – space will be more expensive and difficult to obtain in crowded cities 有限空间内需要处理越来越多的订单/出货- 场地成本升高,在大城市很难获取足够空间 The performances will be pushed to higher values: more throughput, more accuracy, less tolerance to interruptions 对系统处理能力要求越来越高:更高的处理量,处理更精确,系统干预越来越少 In the highly density populated areas the “zero emission” will become a must 对于人口密集地区,必须做到“零排放” FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

4 The smart logistic center智能物流中心
What is FIVES OFFER to respond to these needs? 对于上述需求,法孚能够做些什么呢? The most advanced technological solutions based on state of the art own products – in particular the GENI-belt cross belt sorter 基于自主研发的最先进的技术方案- 特别是交叉带分拣机GENI-belt Ultimate performances, designed, proven and tested in several severe applications worldwide. 最优处理能力,在全球范围内的多个应用行业得到了验证。 A solid tradition in sustainable innovation, recently confirmed by the ENGINEERED SUSTAINABILITY recognition given to the GENI-belt 一贯保持持续创新方针,最近GENI-belt获得了ENGINEERED SUSTAINABILITY 认证。 The attitude and the capacity to listen and to develop solutions as a real business partner 作为一个真正的商业合作伙伴,倾听客户的声音,有能力为客户提供研发解决方案。 FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

5 Fives, an international industrial engineering Group 法孚,是一个国际化的工业工程集团
Fives designs and supplies machines, process equipment and production lines for the world’s biggest industrial players. 法孚专注于为世界最大工业行业提供工艺设备,生产线以及工程设施的设计与供货。 FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

6 An international organization based on a worldwide network of subsidiaries
法孚是一个国家化集团组织,子公司遍布全球。 €1,626 million 百万 subsidiaires and commercial offices in about 30 countries 分部和办公室,遍布30多个国家 90 about of sales 销售额 8,000 Employees员工 Close to FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

7 Fives is organized around teams of dedicated experts 法孚在各个领域都有自己的专家团队
Steel Chemtec Sugar | Bioenergy Aluminium Metal Cutting | Composites Combustion Piping Solutions Automation Manufacturing Filling | Sealing Maintenance Cutting Tools I Abrasives Intralogistics Grinding | Ultra Precision Cement | Minerals Cryogenics | Energy Induction Glass FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

8 Intralogistics solutions Intralogistics的物流方案
FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

9 10 million百万 2,000 Innovating for optimizing solutions 最新科技 最优方案 70年
years of experience in intralogistics 在物流行业的经验 10 million百万 parcels delivered every day 每天分拣的包裹量 More than 超过 2,000 Installationsworldwide全球项目施工案例 FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

10 Innovative solutions for the material handling sector 物料处理行业的方案革新
Sortation 分拣 Singulation 分离系统 Order fulfillment 订单分拣 WCS Courier 快递 Postal 邮政 Distribution 配送中心 Airport 机场 FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

11 数十年来法孚在技术上的突破: 1975 ̶ The first shoe sorter 第一台滑块分拣机
Six decades of breakthrough technology 数十年来法孚在技术上的突破: 1975 ̶ The first shoe sorter 第一台滑块分拣机 1982 ̶ The first cross-belt sorter.第一台交叉带分拣机 1989 ̶ The first singulator第一个批量物品分离系统(平面) _ The first Linear Parcel Singulator 第一台直线式批量物品分离系统 _ The first low voltage fully electric conveyor 第一台低压全电动输送机 _The first single pass mega hub 第一个单次处理订单过百万的分拣应用 (more than 20,000 pph) (超过20,000 件/小时) _ The first ACCORD singulator 第一个批量物品分离系统(立体三维) 2009 ̶ The first slide sorter for automatic sortation of irregulars 第一台处理不规则物品的滑行式分拣机 2012 ̶ The first SDX 第一台SDX _ Launch of Trace® 3.0, Fives’ WCS 启动追踪系统® 3.0, Fives’ WCS FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

12 Experts technicians专家团队
A complete range of services 服务范围广 Experts technicians专家团队 specialized in automated logistics solutions 致力于研发自动化物流解决方案 OPTIMIZATION 优化 EVOLUTION 升级 OPERATION 运营 Data analysis and consulting Global service “on performance” Training and audits 数据分析和绩效考核 24/7 Hot line and on site support Operational rump up support 7天24小时热线和驻场支持服务 System and business evolution Upgrades Customer’s club 系统和业务升级 FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

13 + State-of the art technology
Build your customized solution with Fives 法孚根据客户要求量身定制解决方案 Listening 倾听客户的声音 + State-of the art technology 尖端技术 + Innovative culture 创新文化 = Ultimate solutions 最优方案 FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

14 Innovation success – solutions “out of the box” 创新取胜-“别出一格”的方案
FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

15 Customer: Chronopost – Lyon, France
Express Courrier 快递运输 Customer: Chronopost – Lyon, France 客户:Chronopost-法国 里昂 Type of sorter 分拣机型号 SBIR MD-W Object type 处理物品种类 Parcels and flyers 包裹和小件 Date of completion 竣工日期 2013 System capacity 系统处理能力 pph N° of destinations 格口数量 133 Two additional sorting systems put in operation in 2014 in Arras and Chilly Mazarin (France) 2014年在法国的Arras和Chilly Mazarin ,法孚又新供货了2套分拣系统 FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

16 Flat textile items + boxes
Dispeo – 3 Suisses (Otto Group) Order fulfilment for e-commerce 电商行业的订单分拣 Customer: 3 Suisses (Otto Group) 客户:3 Suisses (Otto Group) Type of sorter 分拣机型号 n°2 SBIR SD 2台交叉带分拣机 SBIR SD Object type 处理物品种类 Flat textile items + boxes 平装纺织品+盒子 Date of completion 竣工日期 2013 System capacity 系统处理能力 pph Sorter development 分拣机长度 2 x 295 m N° of destinations 格口数量 1.036 FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

17 Customer: MANGO – Spain
Order Fulfilment for garments 服装行业订单分拣 Customer: MANGO – Spain 客户:MANGO - 西班牙 Type of sorter 分拣机型号 n°2 SBIR SD + n°1 SBIR MD Object type 处理物品种类 Textiles 纺织品 Date of completion 竣工日期 In progress 项目执行中 Max. System capacity 最大系统处理能力 pph Total sorters development 分拣机总长度 675 m N° of destinations 格口数量 450 FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

18 Technologies and Solutions 技术和解决方案
FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

19 Our Products and Solutions 我们的产品和方案
Video of Chronopost Corbas Video of Arsta Remark – embed both in slide with simultaneous start side by side FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

20 70 years of successes 70多年的成就
FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

21 Major customers in Distribution 配送市场主要客户
FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

22 Major customers in Courier 快递行业主要客户
FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

23 Major customers in Postal 邮政行业主要客户
FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

24 FIVES Intralogistics - China e-commerce - 19th Nov 2015

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