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Chapter 9 全球市場進入策略:授權、投資與策略聯盟

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1 Chapter 9 全球市場進入策略:授權、投資與策略聯盟
Global Marketing Warren J. Keegan Mark C. Green

2 簡介 貿易障礙在世界各地出現 公司必須具有進入全球市場的策略

3 The various entry mode options form a continuum; as shown on this slide, the level of involvement, risk, and financial reward increases as a company moves from market entry strategies such as licensing to joint ventures and ultimately, various forms of investment. When a global company seeks to enter a developing country market, there is an additional strategy issue to address: Whether to replicate the strategy that served the company well in developed markets without significant adaptation. To the extent that the objective of entering the market is to achieve penetration, executives at global companies are well advised to consider embracing a mass-market mind-set. This may well mandate an adaptation strategy.

4 要選擇何種市場進入策略 主要是取決於: 高階經理人的願景 對風險抱持的態度 擁有多少投資成本 希望獲得多大的控制權

5 授權 一種契約行為,公司(即授權者)依契約提供資產給另一家公司(即被授權者),以換取權利金、授權費或其他形式的報酬 專利權 商業機密
產品配方 公司名稱

6 授權的好處 以少額的投資來強化最後利潤 能夠規避關稅、限額等出口障礙 吸引人的投資報酬 履行合約的成本低
First, because the licensee is typically a local business that will produce and market the goods on a local or regional basis, licensing enables companies to circumvent tariffs, quotas, or similar export barriers discussed in Chapter 8.

7 特別的授權約定 契約製造 加盟 公司提供技術規格給承包商或當地製造商
授權的公司能專注於產品設計和行銷,然後將製造責任轉給有製造設備的承包商與子承包商 加盟 母公司(特許者)與加盟者(被特許者)之間的契約,讓加盟者在支付權利金並遵從母公司的政策和規範的情況下,得以經營母公司所發展的事業

8 加盟問題 當地消費者會買你的產品嗎? 當地的競爭有多激烈? 當地政府是否尊重商標權和加盟公司的權益? 母公司很快就能賺到錢嗎?
能否在當地採購所需要的原料? 能否取得開店地點,而且店租是否負擔得起? 當地的夥伴在財務上是否可靠?他們是否具備加盟的基本概念?

9 投資 在母國以外擁有部分或全部經營所有權 國外直接投資 可採取的形式 合資 取得少數或多數股權 直接收購

10 合資 進入單一目標國家市場,並與合作夥伴共享經營所有權的策略

11 合資(續) 優點 缺點 可降低財務與政治不確定性的風險 可藉由合資更深入了解新市場環境 運用合資策略能夠達到結合不同價值鏈的綜效
當進入市場遭遇困難時,合資也許是進入該市場的唯一方式 缺點 合資必須分享報酬並共同分擔風險 合作夥伴間的潛在衝突 有活力的合資夥伴可能會變成強大的競爭者 Joint venture investment in the big emerging markets (BEMs) is growing rapidly. China is a case in point; for many companies, the price of market entry is the willingness to pursue a joint venture with a local partner. Procter & Gamble has several joint ventures in China. China Great Wall Computer Group is a joint-venture factory in which IBM is the majority partner with a 51 percent stake.

12 經由所有權或股權的投資 全新創設事業 合併現有的企業 收購現有的企業 新建營運 新建投資
Large-scale direct expansion by means of establishing new facilities can be expensive and require a major commitment of managerial time and energy. However, political or other environmental factors sometimes dictate this approach. As an alternative to greenfield investment in new facilities, acquisition is an instantaneous—and sometimes, less expensive—approach to market entry or expansion. Although full ownership can yield the additional advantage of avoiding communication and conflict of interest problems that may arise with a joint venture or coproduction partner, acquisitions still present the demanding and challenging task of integrating the acquired company into the worldwide organization and coordinating activities.

13 全球策略夥伴 可能的形式: 合作協議 策略聯盟 國際策略聯盟 全球策略夥伴
Recent changes in the political, economic, sociocultural, and technological environments of the global firm have combined to change the relative importance of those strategies. Trade barriers have fallen, markets have globalized, consumer needs and wants have converged, product life cycles have shortened, and new communications technologies and trends have emerged. Although these developments provide unprecedented market opportunities, there are strong strategic implications for the global organization and new challenges for the global marketer. Such strategies will undoubtedly incorporate—or may even be structured around—a variety of collaborations. Once thought of only as joint ventures with the more dominant party reaping most of the benefits (or losses) of the partnership, cross-border alliances are taking on surprising new configurations and even more surprising players.

14 The terminology used to describe the new forms of cooperation strategies varies widely. The phrases collaborative agreements, strategic alliances, strategic international alliances, and global strategic partnerships (GSPs) are frequently used to refer to linkages between companies from different countries to jointly pursue a common goal. A broad spectrum of interfirm agreements, including joint ventures, can be covered by this terminology. However, the strategic alliances discussed here exhibit three characteristics which are highlighted in this diagram and discussed on the next slide.

15 全球策略夥伴關係的本質 聯盟形成後,參與者仍維持獨立 參與者共享聯盟的利益,同時也有業務績效表現的控制權

16 真正的全球性策略夥伴關係 有五項特質 兩家或多家公司發展一項聯合的長期策略 互惠的合作關係 合夥人的願景與努力是全球化的
合作關係屬於水平而非垂直結構 面臨合夥關係以外的市場競爭時,參與者保有自己對國家和理念的認同 Companies forming GSPs must keep these factors in mind. Moreover, successful collaborators will be guided by the following four principles. First, despite the fact that partners are pursuing mutual goals in some areas, partners must remember that they are competitors in others. Second, harmony is not the most important measure of success; some conflict is to be expected. Third, all employees, engineers, and managers must understand where cooperation ends and competitive compromise begins. Finally, as noted earlier, learning from partners is critically important.

17 全球策略夥伴關係成功的因素 使命:成功的全球策略夥伴關係創造雙贏情境,參與者追求的目標是以相互的需要或利益為基礎
策略:公司可能與不同的夥伴建立個別的全球策略夥伴關係。如此的策略必須考慮如何避免衝突 治理:討論與共識是基本原則;必須平等看待合夥人

18 全球策略夥伴關係成功的因素(續) 文化:個人的相互融合是很重要的,如此才能成功發展出一套共同的價值
組織:創新的結構與設計是必要的,如此可抵銷多國管理上的複雜性 管理:必須先找出潛在的分歧問題,並建立清楚明確的直線職權,才能獲得所有合夥人的認同

19 與亞洲競爭者聯盟 策略聯盟產生錯誤的四個問題 每個合夥人都有「不同的夢想」
合夥人彼此都必須對聯盟有所貢獻,且必須視另一方在結盟中的參與程度而調整自身參與的腳步 在管理哲學、期望與方法上的差異 公司健忘症 Western companies may find themselves at a disadvantage in GSPs with an Asian competitor, especially if the latter’s manufacturing skills are the attractive quality. Unfortunately for Western companies, manufacturing excellence represents a multifaceted competence that is not easily transferred. Non-Asian managers and engineers must also learn to be more receptive and attentive; they must overcome the “not-invented-here” syndrome and begin to think of themselves as students, not teachers. At the same time, they must learn to be less eager to show off proprietary lab and engineering successes.

20 21世紀的合作策略:數位化的商社組織 數個產業內公司之間的結盟,這些產業正經歷轉型與聚合 電腦 通訊 消費性電子產品 娛樂

21 策略聯盟之外的合作關係 「關係企業」據說將成為策略聯盟演進的下一階段 超級聯盟 虛擬企業

22 市場擴張策略 公司必須決定拓展的方式 在現有國家市場的尋求新市場 尋找新的國家市場
The table illustrates the following strategies: Strategy 1, country and market concentration, involves targeting a limited number of customer segments in a few countries. This is typically a starting point for most companies. It matches company resources and market investment needs. Strategy 2, country concentration and segment diversification, a company serves many markets in a few countries. This strategy was implemented by many European companies that remained in Europe and sought growth by expanding into new markets. Strategy 3, country diversification and market concentration, is the classic global strategy whereby a company seeks out the world market for a product. Strategy 4, country and segment diversification, is the corporate strategy of a global, multi-business company such as Matsushita. Overall, Matsushita is multi-country in scope and its various business units and groups serve multiple segments.

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