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伟世通的中国之路 Cliff Dawson, 亚太区业务总监 Copyright 2004, Visteon Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "伟世通的中国之路 Cliff Dawson, 亚太区业务总监 Copyright 2004, Visteon Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 伟世通的中国之路 Cliff Dawson, 亚太区业务总监 Copyright 2004, Visteon Corporation

2 议程 伟世通概况 在中国的主要合作伙伴 成功的合资模式 中国汽车市场增速放缓-对汽车零部件厂商的冲击及其应对策略 自由提问
Copyright 2004, Visteon Corporation

3 伟世通集团 多元化的汽车零配件和系统供应商,产值高达187亿美元 能够提供汽车成本的40%强 遍布六大洲,25个国家,拥有72,000名员工
与所有世界级汽车制造商都有业务往来 See slide for messaging. Copyright 2004, Visteon Corporation

4 产品系列 空调 电子系统 内饰 外饰与车灯 底盘 动力系统 Copyright 2004, Visteon Corporation

5 伟世通亚太概况 12,000 名员工 十多年的亚太市场运作经验 34家机构 7家合作伙伴 良好稳定的客户关系 包括研发,制造,销售和服务中心
Copyright 2004, Visteon Corporation

6 Visteon AP Operations A/C Systems, Compressors, Radiators, Condensors, Heater Cores, Evaporators, Air Handling Assy. Fan & Shroud Assembly Visteon JV Visteon 100% Products Yanfeng Visteon Beijing Interior Systems Compressor Al.. Radiators Interiors HCC Dalian UARCO Changchun HCC Korea Pyongtaek, Taejon, Ulsan Duck Yang Group Ulsan, Yesan, Asan Visteon Climate Control Beijing HVAC IP, Cockpit Module A/C Systems, Condensers, Evaporators, Heater Cores, Controls, HVAC Assy. JCS Hiroshima Interiors Yanfeng Visteon Automotive Trim System Co., Ltd Chongqing ABS, Airbag RKE, GEM Visteon Electronics Hiroshima Powertrain Cooling, HVAC, Heat Exch. Visteon Engine Control Systems Chongqing IP, Seat, Door Panel Trim, Bumpers Yanfeng Visteon Shanghai CSIL Bhiwadi Radiator Visteon Electronic Shanghai Exterior/ Interiors Plastics VASI Pune GEM, Clock, Amplifiers, SWAM, Cluster As you can see we have an extensive footprint with our operations and what we manufacture in the region. This year we will open a new $80M compressor facility in Dalian, in northeastern China, that will enable us to expand our climate leadership in the region. The compressors will be supplied to major automakers in China and the Asia Pacific region. We also opened a $24M climate control facility in Beijing. Visteon Climate Control Beijing Co. Ltd. is majority owned by Visteon and will produce air conditioning and engine cooling modules. The Beijing facility is an excellent example of the kind of on-going collaboration taking place between Visteon and HCC. Actually, we began this business in a temporary facility and completed the new facility construction in record time this past summer. A/C Systems, A/C Hoses, Plastics (IP, Clusters, Bumpers) VASI Chennai Yanfeng Key Safety Systems HCC Thailand Rayong VPCSI Chennai Starter, Alternator Dongfeng Visteon Wuhan, Guangzhou, Shiyan Jiangxi Fuchang Nanchang Visteon Philippines Santa Rosa S/W, Airbag, Side Airbag, Seatbelt A/C Systems Condensers Al. Radiators, Controls, Evaporators, Heater Cores, HVAC Assy. IP, Cluster, Trim Parts VTL Thailand Rayong Al. A/C Hoses A/C Systems Fuel Rail, FDM, Throttle Body Interior, Exterior Trim Copyright 2004, Visteon Corporation

7 伟世通在中国 1 空调系统 内饰和外饰 2 电子系统 3 动力系统 4 5 1 8 7 2 3 6 13 7 7 8 7 8 9 10 11
长春 联合铝制散热器有限公司 (一汽大众,一汽) 铝制散热器,加热芯体 1 空调系统 北京 伟世通汽车空调(北京)有限公司 (北京现代) 冷暖风空调组件,发动机冷却,热交换器 内饰和外饰 2 电子系统 延锋伟世通(北京)汽车饰件有限公司 (北京现代,北京吉普,北汽福田) 内饰系统和零部件 3 动力系统 重庆 延锋伟世通(重庆)汽车饰件有限公司 (长安福特) 仪表板,座舱组件,保险杠,门板 伟世通发动机系统重庆 (长安,长安福特) 进气系统,发动机控制系统 4 长春 5 1 8 北京 沈阳 武汉 / 石堰 / 广州 7 2 3 东风伟世通 (神龙,东风尼桑,东风本田) 内饰系统及零部件,外饰 大连 6 13 烟台 7 上海 延锋伟世通 (上海大众,上海通用,上汽,奇瑞及其他整车厂) 仪表板,座椅,门板,控制台, 保险杠,内外饰 7 徐州 8 石堰 上海 武汉 延锋伟世通电子 (福特,马自达,上海通用,上海大众,南亚菲亚特,及其他整车厂) 通用电子模块,电子钟,仪表,收音机,功放,遥控门锁 7 8 9 10 11 8 6 6 7 8 绍兴 重庆 4 5 8 12 南昌 9 伟世通亚太总部 深圳 10 中国技术中心 8 11 中国采购办公室 南昌 江西福昌空调系统有限公司 (江铃) 空调管路/ 空调系统 12 备注:该图不包括延锋伟世通与江森(座椅)以及百利得(安全系统)的合资厂 大连 13 伟世通空调中国 (现代,福特) 压缩机 Copyright 2004, Visteon Corporation

8 在中国的主要合作伙伴 汉拿空调株式会社 北京汽车工业控股有限责任公司 (BAIC) 上海汽车工业(集团)总公司 (SAIC)
These relationships have enabled us to access new markets and customers. One of our strongest and most significant relationships is with Halla Climate Control facility, in Korea. Halla is a market leader in Korea and a source of operational excellence – the staff is outstanding in the way it approaches design, development and manufacturing of product. When we set up our highly successful Yanfeng Visteon joint venture in 1994, we decided to partner with one of the country’s fastest-growing OEMs -- Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation -- to gain customer and market access. That decision proved correct, as Yanfeng has grown exponentially over the past 10 years. Another partner of ours -- BAIC (Beijing Automotive Industry Corporation) is a major automotive OEM in China. Visteon has a climate control joint venture with BAIC, the partner for Hyundai Motors Corporation. Yanfeng Visteon also has a joint venture with BAIC for automotive interior products supporting Beijing Hyundai and other customers in the region. BAIC is a strategic customer/partner following SAIC and DFM. (BAIC ranked 3rd largest for volume last year) Copyright 2004, Visteon Corporation

9 成功的合资模式: 实力雄厚的合作伙伴,追求双赢的合作目标是保证业务成功的关键
伟世通的优势 上汽的优势 先进的技术和管理模式 丰富的市场经验和本地化的运作能力 统一的延锋伟世通管理团队 合作战略---“统一管理平台” Copyright 2004, Visteon Corporation

10 “统一管理平台” 的优势 上汽: 支持上汽以系统为导向的业务整合战略 加速发展延锋伟世通技术中心的实力以支持上汽的未来发展规划 伟世通:
凭借延锋伟世通在上海的资源和实力来满足伟世通全球客户中国业务增长的需要 人力资源 生产与技术能力 财务能力 在协调的战略下,使用统一的管理模式,来整合伟世通在中国的主要业务 Copyright 2004, Visteon Corporation

11 中国技术中心 将成为电子与内饰系统的地区研发中心 预计于2005年第四季度投入使用 伟世通和延锋伟世通的工程技术人员将在此工作
将拥有内饰和电子系统的研发、样品制造及试验能力 向全球及亚太地区提供产品研发支持 The China technical center, is due to open later this year. It will house about 300 Visteon engineers and support staff, along with 400 engineers from Yanfeng Visteon – building capacity is approx 1,100. The new tech center will house prototyping and lab facilities to support interiors and electronics products that could be applied to both global and regional use. It will be comprised of two buildings: a main building that will house engineering and support personnel and a Testing & Development building that will house a styling studio and testing facilities. 中国技术中心 Copyright 2004, Visteon Corporation

12 中国汽车市场增速放缓 黄金时段2001 – 2004 - 保持连年的高增长 - 汽车整车厂和零部件供应商的机遇 - 市场需求旺盛
各公司都依照这个时期的市场趋势制订业务发展计划 产能过剩的弊端开始显现 2004年开始的新一轮宏观经济调整导致市场增速趋缓 Copyright 2004, Visteon Corporation

13 中国汽车市场增速放缓 市场调整的结果 中国“似乎”已开始成为世界汽车市场的重要组成部分 中国市场仍将保持增长
中国市场的规范化进程要求供应商有更加成熟的应对策略 Copyright 2004, Visteon Corporation

14 中国汽车市场增速放缓 什么是“市场规范化”的最佳应对策略 加强中国现有的伙伴关系 拓宽合作范围 充分利用业已具备的能力 加速本地化进程
供应链管理 精易生产 本地及区域采购 加速本地化进程 设计能力 工程与研发 采购及供应商管理 项目管理能力 Copyright 2004, Visteon Corporation

15 中国汽车市场增速放缓 道路曲折但必须脚踏实地的从基础做起 强化本地决策,提高灵活性 质量和成本是决定汽车零部件供应商成败的关键
Copyright 2004, Visteon Corporation

16 总结:供应商的成功之路 尽管市场增速放缓且充满变数,中国仍然是最具吸引力的市场 伙伴关系是长期成功的关键
市场的规范化进程要求供应商有更加成熟的应对策略以保证其在未来的汽车零部件市场中占有一席之地 Copyright 2004, Visteon Corporation

17 欢迎提问 Copyright 2004, Visteon Corporation

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