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报告提纲 中国和国外建筑碳排放比较 (Buildings Carbon Emission Comparison, China vs Developed countries) 低碳建筑案例分析 (Low carbon emission building case study) 低碳建筑的评估框架 (Evaluation.

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Presentation on theme: "报告提纲 中国和国外建筑碳排放比较 (Buildings Carbon Emission Comparison, China vs Developed countries) 低碳建筑案例分析 (Low carbon emission building case study) 低碳建筑的评估框架 (Evaluation."— Presentation transcript:

0 中国的低碳建筑,到底有多低? Low carbon buildings in China, how low are they
中国的低碳建筑,到底有多低? Low carbon buildings in China, how low are they? 许鹏 博士 Peng Xu, PhD 2010.2

1 报告提纲 中国和国外建筑碳排放比较 (Buildings Carbon Emission Comparison, China vs Developed countries) 低碳建筑案例分析 (Low carbon emission building case study) 低碳建筑的评估框架 (Evaluation framework) 建筑施工阶段 (Building construction phase) 建筑运行阶段 (Building operation phase) 建筑拆毁阶段 (Building demolition phase) “低碳”建筑的碳排放 (Is low carbon building emission really low?)

2 中国建筑是否是低碳建筑? (Is China building carbon emission low?)
Carbon Emission Per Capita Carbon Emission Per Unit Area CN Developed Countries US CA CN Developed Countries US CA 数据来源:清华建筑节能研究中心

3 建材生产 (Building Materials)
建筑碳排放的生命周期 (Building Carbon Emission Lifecycle Analysis) 总体而言,中国的建筑在运行使用阶段能耗要比发达国家低 (Overall, China Building carbon emission in operation phase is much lower than developed countries) 建材生产 (Building Materials) 施工 (Building Construction) 建材回收 (Recycle) 使用低碳 ≠ 建筑低碳 Low Carbon Operation Low Carbon Buildings 建筑拆毁 (Building Demolition) 建筑运行使用 Building Operation

4 与美国标准住宅建筑的CO2的排放量对比分析 (Compared with the US Buildings)
标准住宅建筑案例分析 (Typical Building) [B. Steven and R. Peter] 2层典型住宅建筑木结构,面积大约为227.6 m2 (2 level wood structure, 2276 ft2) 地下室外墙和地基采用混凝土结构 (Basements with concrete foundation) 地处冬季寒冷,夏季温和气候地区 建筑材料准备和建造施工阶段的一次能耗 为942GJ,占整个生命周期的6.1%左右 , (Carbon emission in construction phase is about 6.1%) 整个建筑运行阶段的能耗占了全生命周期 的93.7%左右,年均单位面积一次能耗为 1,273MJ/m2 (Carbon emission in operation is about 93.7%) 基于美国的能源结构,建筑材料准备和建 造施工阶段的CO2排放量为 kg/m2 Overall carbon emission is kg/m2 数据来源: 1. Steven Blanchard and Peter Reppe, Life Cycle Analysis of a Residential Home in Michigan, Center for Sustainable Systems. 4

5 与日本住宅建筑的CO2排放量对比分析 (Building Caron emission in Japan)
木质结构与钢筋混凝土结构类型 (Comparison of wood and concrete structure) 建筑材料准备和施工阶段的CO2排放量占整个生命 周期(35年)的12%左右,建筑运行阶段的CO2 排放量占整个生命周期(35年)的79%左右 (Use wood structure, carbon emission is about 12% of overall building carbon emission) 钢筋混凝土结构的住宅类型在建筑材料准备和施 工阶段中的CO2排放量要高23%左右 (Carbon emission of concrete structure is about 23%) 建筑材料准备和建筑施工阶段的CO2排放量约为 370kg/m2,与中国的全现浇板式住宅和混合住 宅类型的CO2排放量相当 (Carbon emission of concrete structure in Japan is 370 kg/m2, very close to China) 5

6 New ZeaLD. Demark Sweden
欧洲以及其他国家住宅建筑的CO2排放量的对比 欧洲以及其他国家的住宅建筑的CO2排放量对比分析(建材准备和施工阶段) Carbon Emission of European Countries (Materials and Construction) 不同住宅建筑结构类型 (Residential Buildings) Countries Levels Structure Energy CO2 数据来源(参考文献) 国家 公寓 层数 建筑结构 能耗(MJ/m2) 折算CO2排放(kg/m2) Adalberth (1997, 2000) 瑞典 1 木质 (Wood) 3,700 288.6 木质(Wood) 3,500 273.0 2 2,900 226.2 6 混凝土 (Concrete) 3,200 249.6 8 4 混凝土(Concrete) 16 4,500 351.0 15 钢筋/混凝土 3,400 265.2 Thormark (2002) 6,200 483.6 Nielsen (1995) 丹麦 砖块/混凝土 2,800 218.4 4,000 312.0 9 3 5,400 421.2 Buchanan & Levine (1999) 新西兰 钢筋/砖块 4,700 366.6 1,700 132.6 木质/砖块 3,900 304.2 New ZeaLD. Demark Sweden 6

7 China Europe and Other Developed Countries Wood Brick Concrete
欧洲以及其他国家的住宅建筑的CO2排放量对比分析(建材准备和施工阶段) (Building carbon emission of China and other developed countries) (Building materials and construction phase) 在建材准备和建造施工阶段过程中,木质结构、混凝土结构以及砖混结构等住宅类型的平均一次能耗 分别为3,300MJ/m2、3,700MJ/m2、 3,500MJ/m2 ;折算成CO2排放量为257.4kg/m2、 288.6kg/m2、 273.0kg/m2 (The average carbon emission of wood, concrete and brick construction is 257.4kg/m2、 288.6kg/m2、 273.0kg/m2) China Europe and Other Developed Countries Building material Energy consumption Wood Brick Concrete 7

8 万科低碳住宅案例分析 Vanke Residential Building Carbon Analysis
建筑全生命周期 Building life cycle 建材设备的准备 Building materials and equipments preparation 项目前期准备 Project preparation 建筑拆毁和维护 Demolition and recycling 运输 Transportation 建筑施工 Construction 装修及水暖电 Decoration 居民生活交通 Life and transportation 运行和维护 Operation and Maintenance 拆毁及清理 and clean-up 涉及人员 Personnel 取材及生产 Material preparation and production 建造施工阶段 Construction phase 建筑运行和维护 Operation and maintenance 场地清理 Land prepare  … 总建筑碳排放 Total building emission 部分建筑回收 Material recycling

9 Steel Cement Concrete Transportation
建筑施工阶段 建筑施工和施工工艺过程中的CO2排放量对比分析 (Carbon Emission of different materials in case study) 钢材、水泥砂浆及混凝土是三个最大的来源 (Steel, Concrete, and cements are three major sources, transportation is the forth one); 主要建材和施工工艺的CO2排放量 Carbon Emission of different materials in Case study Steel Cement Concrete Transportation

10 住宅建筑生命周期(50年)的CO2总排放对比分析 (Life cycle carbon emission analysis)
相对于传统住宅建筑而言,工业化住宅在建筑施工阶段过程中的CO2排放量降低了7.0%左右;建筑运 行阶段的CO2排放量降低了4.2%左右 (In this case study, the carbon emission of “low carbon” buildings of Vanke is only reduced by 7%, the operation is reduced by 4.2%) 就建筑准备阶段和建筑拆毁阶段的CO2排放量而言,两者的差别不大 (Carbon Emission in project development and demolition is small) Carbon Emission Preparation Construction Operation Demolition Typical “Low Carbon” ones

11 Carbon emission getting lower and lower
与国内其他住宅建筑的CO2排放量的对比 北京地区其他住宅建筑结构类型的CO2的排放量对比分析(建材准备和施工阶段) Compared with other typical buildings in Beijing area (Construction and material only) 不同住宅建筑结构类型 全现浇板式住宅建筑 框剪结构住宅建筑 框架结构商业住宅楼 混合结构住宅楼 Structure materials Decoration materials Construction 建材准备和施工阶段的CO2排放量 Carbon emission getting lower and lower Vanke typicals “Low carbon” Cast in Place Frame residential Frames coms Others 住宅建筑结构类型 非工业化住宅 工业化住宅 全现浇结构 板式住宅 框剪结构住宅 框架结构 商业住宅 混合结构住宅 单位面积CO2排放量(kg/m2) 562.9 519.6 373.4 487.4 540.6 366.3

12 对比分析结果与相关的减碳策略 结论 (Summary) 中国建筑不低碳 (Buildings in China are not “low carbon” Buildings 生活在建筑里面的人很低碳,但是建筑本身不低碳 (Chinese lifestyle is low carbon, buildings are not) 建筑不低碳主要表现在 (Main reasons) 建筑的材料以不可再生的水泥混凝土为主 (Building structure is not low carbon) 木结构和钢结果建筑比例偏 (Wood and steel frame structure is rare) 房产开发商的低碳项目不低碳 (Modern “low Carbon Buildings are not low) 房产项目主要是以概念炒作为主 Low Carbon is a marketing approach 缺乏量化分析 (lack of quantified analysis) 急需建筑碳排放计算量化标准 (Need carbon standards) 基线的制定 (Baseline) 生命周期计算的基本参数 (Parameters for lifecycle analysis) 12

13 谢谢! Thanks

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