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中美劳动法 对比 Comparing China and U.S. Employment Law

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1 中美劳动法 对比 Comparing China and U.S. Employment Law
作者E. Patrick McDermott博士 Presented by Dr. E. Patrick McDermott Perdue商学院教授,Salisbury大学冲突解决中心调查评估主管 Professor – Perdue School of Business and Director of Research and Evaluation, Center for Conflict Resolution, Salisbury University 2014年11月 November2014 中国北京 Beijing, China 乔治华盛顿大学人力资源管理博士 Ph.D. – Human Resource Management – The George Washington University 纽约大学法学院法律硕士 Masters of Law – New York University School of Law Rutgers-Newark法学院法律博士 JD – Rutgers-Newark School of Law 康奈尔大学劳资谈判硕士 MS – Collective Bargaining – Cornell 康奈尔大学工业和劳资关系学士 BS – Industrial and Labor Relations - Cornell – 2008 –华东政法大学Fulbright特聘讲师 2007 – Fulbright Lecturer in Law – Hua Dong Zhengfa Daxue 中美劳动法 – 合作讲师(与董宝华) Co-lecturer with Professor Dong Bao Hua – U.S. and China Labor Law E. PATRICK MCDERMOTT LLC律师事务所 LAW OFFICE OF E. PATRICK MCDERMOTT LLC 迪斯尼劳工关系顾问 Labor Relations Counsel – Disney 泛美航空公司劳工关系顾问 Labor Relations Counsel – Pan American World Airways 美国主要律师事务所合作伙伴 Partner – Major U.S. Law Firm 强生公司劳工谈判 Labor Negotiations – Johnson & Johnson 国家劳工关系委员会代理 Agent – National Labor Relations Board

2 历史上的差异 Historical differences
中国China 美国US 从铁饭碗转变 Transition from the Iron Rice Bowl 开放 Kaifang 集体主义的文化 Collective culture 资本主义和工人权利一起,从原始资本主义转变为更为复杂的模式 Capitalist with changes from crude capitalism to more sophisticated model with worker rights 个人主义文化 Individualist Culture

3 公共部门(排除在外) Public Sector - we will exclude
中国CHINA 美国US 独立公共部门的模式——更多的保护 SEPARATE PUBLIC SECTOR MODEL – more protection 独立公共部门的法律——更多的保护 SEPARATE PUBLIC SECTOR LAW – more protection

有一种减少工人集体权利但保护工人个体权利的趋势 There is a trend to reduce the collective rights of workers but to provide individual rights 为什么? Why?

5 工资的制定(其他就业方面) Setting of Wages (other terms of employment)
中国China 美国US 国家及地方政府工作制定 National and Local government wage setting 影响更多工人 Impacts more workers 包括食品价格控制(节假日等) Includes food price controls (holidays etc.) 法律规定带薪休假 Legal right to vacation 国家最低薪资标准 National minimum wage 各州可以设定更高的工资标准 States permitted to set a higher wage 主要针对服务行业的员工 Primarily relates to service workers 无法律规定带薪休假 No legal right to vacation

6 工作时间 Hours of Work 中国China 美国US 中国薪资法律规定平常8小时以后算加班,而且周末和节假日支付加班费。
China wage laws provide for overtime after 8 hours worked in a day and premium pay for weekends and holidays 超出40个“工作小时”后,超时部分按照1.5倍薪资支付。 After 40 “hours worked” entitled to payment of time and one-half 周末及节假日无加班费。 No premium pay for weekend work or holidays 工会工人劳资谈判中可以设定更高的加班费。 Collective bargaining may set higher standards for overtime and premium pay for union workers.

7 监管实施 Enforcement 中国China 美国US 政府劳动监察员 Government labor inspectors
在仲裁过程中和在人民法院内由雇佣律师代表工人。 Private worker attorneys who represent workers in arbitration and in the People’s Court 联邦和州政府机构进行雇员调查及起诉。 Federal and State government agencies have investigative staff and may prosecute 美国也有从事劳务官司获利的律师团体。 US also has a cadre of worker attorneys who prosecute cases for profit 总体来说美国的监管实施更加完善及深入。 Overall US enforcement is more developed and consistent

8 社会保障 Social Security 中国China 美国US 主要是农民工保险问题。
Major issues with coverage for nongmingong 以省为建制的系统。Provincial based system 医疗保险以工作地点和退休地点进行区分。 Medical coverage issues based on where worked and where retired 系统提供基本津贴,但是可受政府管控。 System provides basic benefits, but subject to change by government. 老年保障医疗制度提供了优秀的医疗服务,但是退休工人要分摊费用。 Excellent health care under Medicare, but retired workers share costs.

9 自由雇佣VS劳动合同 At – Will vs. Labor Contract
中国China 美国US 劳动合同法 Labor Contract Law 书面合同要求 Written Contract Required 明确注明持续时间 Specific duration 终止合同的规定 Termination provisions 遣散费 Severance pay 终身就业(北京对比上海等) Lifetime Employment (Beijing vs. Shanghai, etc.) 自由雇佣 At – will employment 无书面合同 No written contract 任何时候及理由进行解雇 Fired at any time for any reason 但有许多“受保护的理由” But there are many “protected reasons”

10 雇佣歧视 Employment Discrimination
中国China 美国US 种族地位 Ethnicity 丙肝(传染性疾病) Hep C (infectious pathogen) 残疾 Disability 性别 Gender 宗教 Religion 种族 Race 残疾 Disability 性别 Gender 年龄 Age 宗教 Religion

11 例子——美国受保护的理由 Protected Reasons in US – Examples
基于如下的歧视:种族、年龄(40岁及以上),性别、残疾、宗教…… Discrimination on the basis of: Race, Age (40 years or older), Gender, Disability, Religion… 美国劳工关系法保护的员工 NLRA “Concerted Activity” by workers “告密者”法案或防止报复法案 “Whistleblower” Laws or protection from retaliation ——职业安全与卫生条例 OSHA ——家庭与医疗假期法案 FMLA ——萨班斯-奥克斯利法案 Sarbanes-Oxley

12 自由雇佣 对比 劳动合同 At – Will vs. Labor Contract
中国China 美国US 工人可以通过劳动纠纷仲裁法庭实施合同法权利。 Workers can enforce contract law rights at Labor Dispute Arbitration Tribunal 2010年8月21期的《劳工与工业》头条,《中国劳动合同仲裁:没有工会,没有问题》,孙金月及Ruth Obar博士撰写。 Bucuo - Journal of Labour and Industry, August 2010, Vol. 21, No. 1, Chinese Labor Contract Arbitration: No Union, No Problem, with Dr. Jinyue Sun and Dr. Ruth Obar. “自由雇佣”也有例外,在这些情况下使用了一个复杂的诉讼模式,包括有联邦,州和地区的诉讼。 A complex litigation model involving both federal, state and local lawsuits where the exceptions to “at-will” are litigated 自由雇佣鼓励诉讼以进行保护活动。 At-will encourages litigation for protected activities

13 劳资纠纷的解决 Labor Dispute Resolution
中国China 美国US 更低廉的劳动纠纷仲裁法庭。 Less expensive Labor Dispute Arbitration Tribunal 在中国要付多少律师费?中华全国总工会的角色是什么? How are attorney fees paid in China? Role of ACFTU? 在广州费用转变的讨论——对不对? Discussion of fee shifting in Guangzhou – duibudui? 要找个专门的私人律师 Need to find expert private lawyer(s) 各种相关政府机构及法院。 Various forums-government agencies and courts 高费用 Expensive 低收入工人通常无法负担 Lower wage workers usually cannot afford

14 集体劳动法规 Collective Labor Law
中国China 美国US 中华全国总工会总负责 但是山高皇帝远。 ACFTU – hierarchy “The mountains are high and the emperor is far away” 发展中省份和地区的法规支持集体协商。 Developing Provincial and Regional Law re collective bargaining 法律在罢工中的角色 Legal role of the Strike 全国联邦负责 National federations 地方工会 Local Unions 某些城市中心及行业形成了强大的集体权利,如码头工人、建筑业、娱乐业。 Strong collective rights are found in certain urban centers and industries such as longshoremen, construction, entertainment

15 集体劳动权利 Collective Labor Rights
中国China 美国US 在理论上工人可以被代表,但是被代表的“程度”是个问题。 Workers may be represented in theory but there is issue as to “strength” of the representation 地区的集体谈判特性和劳工权利 Regional nature of collective bargaining and labor rights 许多工人没有被工会代表。 Many workers are not represented by unions. 美国有全国劳动法规定工会角色及集体谈判。 US has a national labor law that governs the role of the union and collective bargaining. 在美国的分区处理方案,他指的是工业?协调谈判。 By regional approach in the us, does he mean industry? Coordinated bargaining.

16 集体纠纷的解决 Collective Dispute Resolution
中国China 美国US 劳资纠纷仲裁部门有集体权利区域。 Labor Dispute Arbitration office has collective rights area 当地公安机构可能卷入集体纠纷事件。 Local law enforcement may get involved in collective disputes 发展中模式。 Developing model 联邦和州级机构:Federal & State Agencies: 劳动部门Departments of Labor 国家劳资关系委员会NLRB 联邦仲裁与调解局FMCS 工会抱怨申诉程序 Union grievance procedures 尤其对非工会劳工来说,这是个不完善的模式。 Imperfect model especially for non-unionized workers

17 集体谈判的难处 Collective Bargaining Challenge
工人需要用“工资竞争”作为谈判筹码。 Workers need to take “wages out of competition” for bargaining leverage 在全球化的今天,这更加困难——需要新的应对策略。 This is more difficult with globalization - new tactics are needed

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