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Music Education The way in Shanghai Conservatory, China

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1 Music Education The way in Shanghai Conservatory, China
Prof. Dr. Yu Dan Hong Dean of Music Education Department Shanghai Conservatory of Music


3 首任院长蔡元培先生( ) Mr. Cai Yuan-pei First President 萧友梅 (1884—1940) Dr. Xiao Youmei

4 1927年11月国立音乐院成立合影 National College of Music was founded in November, 1927

5 黄 自Huang Zi 萧友梅 Xiao Youmei 查哈罗夫 Boris Zakharoff 苏石林 Vladimir Shushlin 佘甫嗟夫 J. Shevtzoff

6 音乐教育系Department of Music Education 音乐剧系Department of Musical
作曲系Department of Composition 指挥系Department of Conducting 音乐学系Department of Musicology 民族音乐系Department of Traditional Music 钢琴系Department of Piano 声歌系Department of Voice 管弦系Department of Orchestral 音乐教育系Department of Music Education 音乐剧系Department of Musical 艺术管理系Department of Art Management 音乐工程Department of Music Media Technique. 现代乐器及打击乐系Department of Modern Instrumental Music and Percussion 公共基础部 Social Science Section

7 学院在教学体制上实行大、中、小学一贯制,附中、附小已成为我院及全国各音乐院校后备人才的重要培养基地。 A six –year secondary school and a three-year elementary section has been established to prepare better candidates for tertiary education, thus forming a self-containing system with a complete curriculum of music and academic education.

8 20世纪80年代以来近600人次在国际国内获奖,其中在国内比赛中获奖有
359人,在国际比赛中获奖有116人。600 people won awards in competitions home and abroad since 1980s.International winners: National winners: 359 30.17% 11.42% 其中35人次获金奖 35 are gold prize winners 其中41人次获第一名 41 are 1st prize winners

9 开展广泛的国际交流与合作 International Exchanges and Cooperation

10 开展广泛的国际交流与合作 International Exchanges and Cooperation
2007上海音乐学院 国际音乐院校长论坛 Shanghai Conservatory of Music International Forum for Directors of Music Institutions

11 国际钢琴大师班 International Piano Master Classes

12 2006年7月,国际著名小提琴教授祖克曼教授在本学科实验中心1号录音棚与美国曼哈顿大学音乐学院展开双向实时远程教学项目 Distance Learning Program with Manhattan School of Music presented by Maestro Pinchas Zukerman in July 2006

13 Music Education Department 1. 1928, Teachers Training 2
Music Education Department , Teachers Training , Teachers Training Music Education Department , Master Degree , APSMER , CEPROM of ISME

14 Performer or teacher. How to find a system for Chinese Music Education
Performer or teacher? How to find a system for Chinese Music Education? The relationship with social needs

15 Primary school student
Countryside school Primary school student In poor countryside

16 Thank You !

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