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Study on China’s Environmental Protection and Social Development

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1 Study on China’s Environmental Protection and Social Development
中国环境保护与社会发展研究 Study on China’s Environmental Protection and Social Development 国合会2013年年会 CCICED AGM 2013

2 Study on China’s Environmental Protection and Social Development
1.问题的提出 Problem Statement 2.中国现状 The Current China Situation 3.国际视角 Perspectives From International Practice and Theory 4.政策和行动框架 A Framework for Policy and Action 5.政策建议 Policy Recommendations 6.结论与展望 Conclusions and Outlook 中国环境保护与社会发展研究 Study on China’s Environmental Protection and Social Development

3 1.问题的提出 Problem Statement
经济、社会和环境是可持续发展三个不可或缺的部分 Economy, environment and society are the three pillars of sustainable development 中国改革开放后一直将经济发展作为战略规划和决策的 重点 Since the start of its reforming and opening up process, China has prioritized economic growth in its strategic planning and policy making 实现生态文明的美好愿景需要处理好环境保护与社会发 展的关系 Achieving the vision of ecological civilization requires policies that understand and address environmental protection and social development in a coherent manner. 提出了促进环境保护与社会发展相协调的短期和长期政 策框架,并为开展后续研究提出了建议 Proposed short and long-term policy framework to promote coordination of environmental protection and social development and recommendations for follow-up researches. s ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY Sustainable Development SOCITY

4 2.中国现状 The Current China Situation
环境污染引发群体性事件增多 Increasing mass incidents caused by environmental problems 环境恶化造成公共健康危害 Public health hazards caused by environmental degradation 环境破坏与贫困形成恶性循环 Vicious cycle between environmental degradation and poverty 环境问题带来新的社会不公 New social injustice brought about by environmental issues 城镇化快速发展使资源环境压力持续增加 Mounting pressure on resources and the environment in the rapid urbanization

5 3.国际视角 Perspectives From International Practice and Theory
工业革命以来环境与社会互动发展的历史回顾 A historical review on Environmental protection & social development since the Industrial Revolution 国际上主要关注 以下领域:环境与贫困,环境与人口,环 境、移民和城市化问题,环境与健康,环境与就业,环境 与社会公平,环境与可持续消费 Key policy issues and research fields include: environment and poverty, environment and population, environment, migration and urbanization, environment and health, environment and employment, environment and social justice and environment and sustainable consumption 如何理解环境与社会之间的关系? How to understand the relationship between environment and society? 可持续发展框架下三个维度的全面认识 Comprehensive understanding of three dimensions under the framework of sustainable development 内嵌式的方法 Embedded method

6 4.政策和行动框架 A Framework for Policy and Action
制定政策的基本原则 Basic principles 多方参与 Multi-party participation 长期与短期目标相结合 Long-term and short-term combination 政策目标一致性 Goal congruence 以法制为保障 Legal guarantee 公平正义 Equity and justice

7 4.政策和行动框架 A Framework for Policy and Action
从三个维度协调环境保持与社会发展的关系 Coordinating the relationship between environmental protection and social development from three dimensions

8 5.政策建议 Policy Recommendations
建议1:提出2050年愿景并制定实现愿景所需的阶段性政策和行动计划 Recommendation1: Elaborating a 2050 vision and developing a phased plan of policy and actions that will be essential in achieving that vision

9 5.政策建议 Policy Recommendations

10 5.政策建议 Policy Recommendations
建议2:形成生态文明的社会规范和价值观 Recommendation 2: Promoting social norms and values related to ecological civilization 制定教育和培训计划 Developing education and training plans 支持理论和政策研究 Supporting conceptual and policy-oriented research 运用多种媒体广泛传播生态文明价值观 Promoting values related to ecological civilization through extensive use of media

11 5.政策建议 Policy Recommendations
建议3:鼓励各类社会主体发挥作用 Recommendation 3: Encouraging all in society to exercise their appropriate roles 鼓励健康、可持续的生活方式 Advocating healthy and sustainable life styles 公众参与决策过程 Public participation 促进企业履行环境社会责任 Promoting acceptance by enterprises of their environmental and social responsibilities 支持环保社会组织进一步发展 Supporting the further development of environmental and social organizations

12 5.政策建议 Policy Recommendations
建议4:全面改进整个政府的公共治理 Recommendation 4: Strengthening public governance 制定经济、社会和环境“十三五”规划和年度计划报告 Developing 13th FYP and annual planning report on economy, society and environment 建立重大政策的环境社会评估机制 Establishing environmental and social evaluation mechanism of major policies 将环境保护成效纳入政府绩效考核评价体系 Incorporating environmental protection results into the government performance appraisal system

13 5.政策建议 Policy Recommendations
建议5:建立环境保护社会风险评估、沟通和化解机制 Recommendation 5: Establishing a sound mechanism to assess, communicate, and mitigate the social risks of environment protection 建立征求和吸纳民意的规范程序 Establishing standardized procedures to solicit and incorporate public opinion 建立环境社会影响问责制 Establishing environmental and social impact accountability 构建突发环境事件的应急机制 Building environmental emergency mechanism 提高环境信息的公开性和透明度 Improving the openness and transparency of environmental information

14 5.政策建议 Policy Recommendations
建议6:提高环境基本公共服务水平 Recommendation 6: Improving the level of public environmental services 保证环境基本公共服务均等化 Ensuring the equalization of public environmental services 通过购买服务提高环境基本公共服务水平 Improving the level of public environmental services through the purchase of services 逐步提高环境基本公共服务在财政支出中所占比重 Gradually raising the share of public environmental services in financial expenditure 建立生态补偿机制 Establishing ecological compensation mechanism

15 6.结论与展望 Conclusions and Outlook
认识社会发展与环境保护两者之间的关系将有助于中国制定行之有效的政策,避免各种意想不到的后果。中国政府在这些方面的成就将吸引许多国家和国际组织的关注。 Understanding this relationship will allow China to better develop effective policies that will avoid unintended consequences. The achievements made by the Chinese government in these areas will attract attention from many other nations and international organizations. 课题组开展的仅是初期框架性研究,下一步应当重点研究的问题包括: Task Force has only carried out the initial framework study and follow-up research priorities include: 如何促进生活方式和行为方式转变 How to promote the changes in lifestyles and behavior patterns 如何奠定社会和环境相协调的法律基础 How to lay the legal basis for coordination of environmental protection and social development 如何保证环境保护和社会发展相协调的资金资源 How to ensure the financial resources for coordination of environmental protection and social development

16 谢 谢 ! Thank You !

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