WIN 110 介绍微软企业服务 张维建, 微软咨询部 李科研,微软技术中心.

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Presentation on theme: "WIN 110 介绍微软企业服务 张维建, 微软咨询部 李科研,微软技术中心."— Presentation transcript:

1 WIN 110 介绍微软企业服务 张维建, 微软咨询部 李科研,微软技术中心

2 微软企业服务的组织结构 企业服务: 设施 微软咨询部(MCS) 微软大客户支持(Premier)
微软技术中心 (5个在美国, 4个在欧洲, 3个在亚洲) 微软服务实验室 (Issaquah, Washington , Irving, Texas, Charlotte, North Carolina)

3 企业成功的10种法宝(不仅是产品) 财政 产品 过程 提交
Business model 财政 Networking 2. 网络 enterprise’s structure/ value chain 1. 商业模型 how the enterprise makes money 6. 产品系列 extended system that surrounds an offering Product performance 产品 Product system Service 7. 服务 how you service your customers 5. 产品性能 basic features, performance and functionality Core process 过程 Enabling process 3. Enabling process assembled capabilities 4. 核心过程 proprietary processes that add value 提交 Channel Brand Customer experience 8. 客户渠道 how you connect your offerings to your customers 9. Brand how you express your offering’s benefit to customers 10. 客户体验 how you create an overall experience for customers

4 微软企业服务的宗旨 Microsoft Services and IT help customers and Microsoft realize their potential through 加速采用与有效的利用微软技术. We are strong customer advocates and Microsoft’s first and best customer to drive 推动产品的改进. We attract 吸引优秀人才 who are passionate about serving customers and are trusted advisers on Microsoft technology

5 新技术被人采用的生命周期

6 微软咨询部:服务种类 战略咨询 (ESC) 应用开发 基础设施(infrastructure)

7 咨询项目的种类 客户合同项目 概念论证 (Proof of Concept) 多厂家对打(Multi-vendor shoot-out)

8 大客户服务Premier Service Lines
客户技术经理(TAM): 支持客户基础设施及服务器。 应用开发咨询 (ADC): 基于微软技术的应用开发 需要较强的技术,交流与客户管理技巧。

9 微软企业服务的纵向: Public Sector: 联邦, 州与市政府,教育界。
Communications Sector: 通讯, 网络服务商, 大众传播与娱乐。 Commercial Sector: 金融, 零售, 医疗卫生及保险。


11 通讯纵向 无线电话 有线电话 有线电视 通讯设备供应商 广告 音乐 电影 广播 发行 网站管理

12 通讯纵向: 业务现状 客户环境 微软的着重点 行业兼并 法规松绑, 特别在欧洲 不断增加的来自新技术的竞争(下页) 传统业务收入减少
降低客户的运行费用 新的机会 微软的解决方案:CCF (Contact Center Framework) CSF (Connected Services Framework)

13 通讯业的竞争 WiMAX (Wireless Interoperability of Microwave Access) 无线电话
Cingular, Sprint Revenue decline: $15billion, 7%/year ( ) CLEC via ILEC infrastructure MSO via cable infrastructure: Digital phone service TV Programming Internet broadband E.g. AT&T Broadband, Comcast MSO advantages over ILEC’s: strong revenue bundle ent & telecom less regulated env less legacy voice issue ILEC fights back with fiber-optic Network: Digital phone service TV programming Internet broadband VoIP via Internet

14 微软技术中心 微软服务实验室 北美: Austin, Boston, Chicago, Reston, Silicon Valley
欧洲: Copenhagen, Munich, Netherlands, Thames Valley, Paris, 亚洲: 北京, 台北, Dubai 微软服务实验室 美国: Issaquah, WA, Charlotte, NC, Irving, TX

15 微软技术中心 录像: 介绍微软技术中心

16 中国微软技术中心介绍 李科研 经理, 中国微软技术中心 Please direct questions and feedbacks to:
Keyan Li Office: x 8359 Mobile phone:

17 面对大型与复杂项目的挑战 解决方案的开发周期 挑战 Evaluate Plan Build Deploy Operate 如何管理
Don’t understand technology Huge opportunity + huge risk 技术与产品:太多的选择 Availability & Reliability Performance Interoperability Security 许多不确定性 Schedule & Cost Developer skills How to maintain

18 介绍微软中国技术中心 Strategy Briefing POC Workshop Architecture Design Session
Play video MTC Mission: MTC’s mission is to reduce risks for customers & partners during their decision making process to accelerate adoption of Microsoft platform, and to create innovative business solutions using emerging Microsoft technologies MTC Purpose: Increase success rate for enterprise projects: =>Successful Projects!  Envision, Architect and Validate for enterprise solutions Shortens decision cycle and increase success rate Help adoption of new MS products: =>Competitive Advantage!  Technology labs/programs to support customers/partners MTC Offerings: Strategy Briefing POC Workshop Architecture Design Session ATU: opp generation STU: increase win rate ?: what is the win rate for FY05? Evaluate Plan Build Deploy Operate

19 微软中国提供的服务 远景展望 架构设计 论证 Offering: .NET Strategy Briefing, Business
Value Assessment* Duration: 1 Day Location: MTC Envisioning Center Audience: Business & Tech. Decision Makers 架构设计 Offering: Architecture Design Session Duration: 2-5 Day Location: MTC ADS Room Audience: Architects & Development Leads 论证 Offering: Proof of Concept Duration: 2-3 Weeks Location: MTC Development Suite Audience: Development Team

20 Introducing China MTC Keyan Li, Manager, China MTC
Workloads Coverage Map Workload ADS POC Perf Test /Benchmark Portal & Collaboration x x (POC accelerator) Data Platform Business Apps & Integration Directory & Identify IW Security Management Networking EPM Mobility Developer Tools Storage

21 微软技术中心的全球规划 World-class facilities for accelerating customer and partner value realization through excellence in operations and experience Executive Briefing Envisioning Session Strategy Briefing Architectural Design Session Proof of Concept Thames Valley Vaedbeck Chicago Redmond Boston Munich Paris DC (Gvm’t) Mtn View Beijing Tokyo Austin Dubai Taipei Add to left side of arrow graphic: Executive Strategy Briefing. Change Strategy Briefing label to Topic/Solutions Briefing. Add to right side of graphic: Executive Events and Field Tours ISV’s and SI’s Enterprise Customers & Partners

22 与微软技术中心合作的过程 Ask your Microsoft representative to Request MTC service for you Your Microsoft Representative MTC (Apply four weeks in Advance) Services Submit MTC Service Request Forms to Internal Business Review No Go/Go Explain Reasons to Requester Joined Planning & Scheduling Perform Service Report Status to Customers/Partners Record Customer Survey/Feedback, Engagement Summary Follow up

23 在中国的成功案例 Customer Name Ministry of *** Customer Location Beijing
Opportunity The Ministry developed a prototype of human resource management system that would be deployed to nation wide offices. They needed the proof that SQL Server and .NET can support the performance requirement under the required data load. MTC Engagement Performance Tuning Engagement Result The prototyped was tuned to have a near 1000% increase in performance. This resulted in successful completion and deployment of the system.

24 在中国的成功案例 Customer Name A Major Stock Exchange Customer Location
Opportunity The Stock Exchange was evaluating technology for an enterprise application platform. 通过验证微软.NET体系架构的Clustering技术,包括NLB,CLB,MSCS,以及相关的HA技术,验证.NET体系架构满足行政业务系统的技术要求. MTC Engagement Proof of Concept Engagement Result MTC technical architects to construct the test bed and test application for this crucial engagement, which included establishing a simulated environment that used NLB, CLB, MSCS to conduct pre-defined high availability tests. The result was successful.


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