赴欧文化交流业务简介 Go Europe Culture Exchange Service 2011.10.

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1 赴欧文化交流业务简介 Go Europe Culture Exchange Service

2 德国艾亚国际文化 (上海) 有限公司     艾亚国际文化(Asian Arts Connection)来自德国柏林,是一家国际知名的文化活动策划以及艺术经纪管理公司。旗下独家管理并经营着包括德国柏林交响乐团,奥地利维也纳管弦乐团,德国世界杯特使歌王马克思哈勃,意大利歌剧女王柯碧尼,美国百老汇魔幻剧光影人luma及德国格海兹舞台剧公司制作剧目在内的众多世界一流艺术表演团体和艺术家的演出相关事务。包括中国最佳舞剧云南映像,上海轻音乐团,内蒙古歌舞剧院,遵义杂技团等在内的众多国内舞台艺术精品也都委托之进行海外巡演的运营策划。     艾亚国际文化近年来在全国各地包括在北京国家大剧院,人民大会堂,上海大剧院,东方艺术中心,广州星海音乐厅,深圳保利剧院等专业演出场所举办了超过两百多场的高端涉外文艺演出。参与了包括北京奥运会,上海世博会,上海国际艺术节,哈尔滨之夏国际艺术节等重大文化活动。 艾亚国际文化长期为德国驻华使领馆,美国驻沪总领馆等外国驻华政府机构及众多国际知名企业例如德国奔驰,宝马,瑞典山特维克重工,日本资生堂,中国银行,中国移动,洲际酒店集团,大上海时代广场等提供高端活动服务。 在长期的国际文化交流与演艺活动组织策划中,艾亚国际文化积累了丰富的海内外相关资源和管理执行经验 ,所策划组织的相关活动得到了客户的一致好评。

3 Asian Arts Connection Co. ,Ltd. Shanghai
Asian Arts Connection (AAC) is a renowned international company from Berlin, Germany that deals with cultural event planning and art management. It operates performances of many first-class troupes and artists such as Berliner Symphoniker, The Music ambassador of 2006 World Cup Max Raabe und das Palast Orchestra, Pasadena Roof Orchestra,12 Tenors, Broadway show Luma, The Berliner Philhamoniker quartet, Conductor Lior Shamabdal, Italy soprano Silvia Colombini, French Pianist Kim Barbier etc, as well as overseas tours of many excellent Chinese programs like Dynamic Yunnan “Shangrila”. In recent years, AAC has presented numerous high-end performances and shows at such venues as Beijing National Grand Theater, People’s Conference hall, Shanghai Grand theater, Oriental Arts Center, City Theater etc and participated in many major cultural events, including Opening Ceremony 2008 Olympic Beijing and performance in Australia pavilion, Japan pavilion of Shanghai Expo 2010. AAC as U.S.Consulate General Shanghai, German Embassy Beijing as well as government agencies and well-known international companies, including Mercedes-Benz ,BMW,sandvik, SHISEIDO, Bank of China, China Mobil, InterContinental Hotels, Starwood Hotels, Shanghai Times Square etc. With its abundant resources and profound experience in performance planning and management, Asian Arts Connection has been well received by its clients.

4 赴欧盟各国文化及商务交流活动业务介绍    

5 公司自2005年在德国柏林成立以来业务开展广泛,组织并接待了很多前往欧洲进行商务考察,专业培训及留学旅游的团体和个人,为他们的需求提供建议,安排机票,住宿及行程等;
公司的主要服务范围包括:组织考察欧洲特定市场,为中国政界精英和及工商界的领袖企业家到欧洲投资考察和经商提供一系列参观、交流和翻译服务,铺路搭桥,打开进入欧洲的大门; 为有意办理子女赴德国艺术类留学的家庭提供咨询代办及至实地考察访问,使之接触和领略世界高水平的文化教育领域,其范围涵盖高中至研究生; 按照不同的标准和要求,提供具有特色的旅游线路及景点。公司在欧洲各地都有密切的合作伙伴,全程配备经验丰富的双语导游,让客人们更多更深地了解欧洲,认识欧洲; 提供各种文化冬令营和夏令营、企业及专业培训以及发出邀请函等一系列服务。 我们与欧洲的各国政府机构,大中小企业,学院和各类组织建立了密切的联系和合作关系。作为一个沟通的桥梁,为客人们提供一个商务平台,创造着商业合作机会。

6 Established in Berlin at 2005, the company has provided services to both groups and individuals who have come to Europe to conduct commercial survey, business research, professional training, student study abroad, as well as leisure and sightseeing. Our expertise span through trip planning and consulting, itinerary arranging, local transportation, international flight and hotel booking. The company’s core functions are as follows. Organize the research and study of Europe markets with investment potentials. Arrange and facilitate of on-site investigations, professional workshops and seminars. Provide recommendations, including school visiting, to parents who want to send their children to the Europe to study for Arts school, or to individuals who like to continue their graduate/post graduate work. Plan according to each individual’s needs and budgets,provide unique and specialized touring routed and itineraries. The company has business partners in all Europe, with experienced bilingual tourist guides. Organize and facilitate other group activities such as winter/summer arts camp, professional training, and arranges business invitation documentations to engaged business entities for visa purpose. Over the years, through the China Chamber of Commerce, the company has nurtures close relationships and networks with various government agencies and professional institutions. Bridging the connections, the company provides a platform has accommodated many satisfied tour groups from Mainland China,

7 我们的服务特色 Our service features:
1、准确把握客户需求制定最优方案 The best business plan according the cleint needs     清晰彻底的领悟客户需求,由具有丰富国际文化交流实战经验的资深人士设计活动方案,不断根据客户需求改进方案,制定最佳的活动内容和行程安排。We understand what the cleints need first, then make the best plan through the experts, ensure the best plan and program during the tour. 2、德国本部地接服务 German local service     德国本部地接人员均为长期生活在欧洲,具有丰富生活及工作经验,了解欧洲社会最新动态的双语高素质人才。在赴欧考察的活动过程中,有能力可以随时根据客户的要求安排特色活动,解决突发情况。We provide the local peoples who could speaking both Chinese and German are able to innovative ideas and designs for companies who want to reflect their distinctive corporate idea and concepts.

8 3、专业的工作流程 Professional working procedures

9 3、专业的工作流程 Professional working procedures

10 Precise and effective organization and management
4、严谨并富有成效的活动组织和管理体系 Precise and effective organization and management 我们对于所有的活动流程都有着严格的质量评估标准和管理体系。 所有的考察活动都由公司派出专人跟团监管各类服务. 并且在行程中定时由客户填写服务反馈表,保证我们的服务质量,达到客户的期望标准 。 We have a strict evaluation and management system for all the Events and supervisions are carried out on a regular basis. We have around 30 detailed regulations to guarantee our service quality.

11 5、最佳性价比 Best Price Quality
艾亚国际文化在长期的国际文化交流活动策划组织中,积累了丰富的国内外各类资源。通过常年稳定守信的业务运营,与欧洲各国驻华使领馆以及各类机构团体保持着良好的长期合作关系,并获得众多世界一流艺术院团的中国区独家代理授权,在业内享有崇高声誉,并拥有各类诚信经商的服务供应商。 In Asian Arts Connection’s many years of Culture business planning and organization, we have accumulated profound resources and long-term relations with many Foreigner Governments and performance troupes or artists. We are also the sole agency of many world-class troupes and enjoy a great reputation in the artistic circle. 为保证价格优势以及服务管理,所有参与艾亚国际文化活动的各类服务供应商都是直接和公司签约。通过最严格的服务质量审核,减少运营中间环节,最大化的降低了运营成本,从而始终为客户创造着最佳性价比。 To guarantee the price advantage and the service quality for our clients, Asian Arts Connection sign contracts directly with the providers, which not only helps us to control the quality of the events via strict selecting procedures, but also cut the operation costs and eventually the cost of our clients.

12 6、后期增值服务 Late period value-added services
艾亚国际文化每年都参加各类国际文化展览会,并固定从海外引进高水品的文艺院团和艺术家来华巡演或者推动中国艺术家去往欧洲巡演,由此建立了大量欧洲本地的活动合作伙伴。借助分享国际文化交流平台,艾亚在欧洲各个领域的高端合作伙伴也能够成为您的潜在客户。 Every year we join the culture exhibition and introduce in high level performances and shows and present learned troupes and artists to the Chinese audience and therefore share with our clients the unique opportunities to have these programs also presented at their respective venue. What we provide here to our clients are not only the chances to have international high-end performances but the possibilities to have them as your potential clients as well. 7、良好的客户体验与服务 Good customer experience and service 艾亚国际文化可以随时为上海本地的客户提供上门咨询服务,每个项目都有专人负责。并且欢迎您随时来到我们多样化的活动现场,感受高水平文化活动带给我们的艺术魅力。 Asian Arts Connection provides on-site consulting service to our clients who is in Shanghai and has a program manager for each project. We welcome you to pay site visits to our diversified programs and experience our high level show and the glamour of art.

13 艾亚高端国际文化交流活动范例1 samples:

14 艾亚高端国际文化交流活动范例2 samples :

15 艾亚高端国际文化交流活动范例3 Samples :

16 艾亚的合作伙伴及客户包括 AAC Clients:

17 艾亚资质 AAC Qualification:

18 欧洲最大之一的现场娱乐制作公司 德国格海兹舞台剧制作有限公司与艾亚国际文化 进行战略独家合作 Exclusive cooperate with European Musical Producers

19 公司部分项目资料 Reference: 北京奥运会给艾亚的 德国驻华大使 中国最佳舞台剧云南映像
北京奥运会给艾亚的 德国驻华大使 中国最佳舞台剧云南映像 文艺项目合作委托书 给艾亚的贺词 独家授权艾亚

20 我公司具备国家文化部规定的演出A类资质,完全具备为此次项目组织各类文化演艺活动的资质与条件。
通过本书的提交,艾亚国际文化表明了参与策划及组织此次文化活动的强烈兴趣和意愿。如果需要我们提供具体的活动资料以及预算方案,我们将根据实际情况尽快制定。本书所提供有关艾亚国际的资料一切属实,若需进一步核实,欢迎联系。 By presenting this introduction, we want to show you our strong interest and capability of participating, planning and organizing your program. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more details and budget proposals. We affirm the authenticity of all our documents and welcome further verification. 我公司具备国家文化部规定的演出A类资质,完全具备为此次项目组织各类文化演艺活动的资质与条件。 Asian Arts Connection is qualified with first class events organization Level of Culture bureau China and boasts all conditions to organize your program. 我们深信艾亚国际文化将会成为您的不二选择。 再次感谢您给我们提交项目介绍的机会! We have the full confidence that Asian Arts Connection can become your one and only option and thanks again for the opportunity of presenting us to you.

21 Thames Town 626.Songjiang District, Shanghai
上海市松江新城泰晤士小镇626号星空剧场 Thames Town 626.Songjiang District, Shanghai 电话(TEL): 传真(FAX): 电邮: 网站 :

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