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Presentation on theme: "345 我已揀選主耶穌 I HAVE CHOSEN LORD JESUS"— Presentation transcript:

我已揀選主耶穌,揀選祂作世界; I have chosen Lord Jesus, set Him to be my world 祂愛實在是充足,滿足我的一切。 His love alone is sufficient to satisfy me 主,我是祢的器皿,只有祢能充盈; Lord, I’m a vessel that can be filled only by You 敘加的水飲千井,渴仍不停。 I may drink from many wells the thirst remains Stanza 1 of 4 聖徒詩歌

2 耶穌,耶穌,我揀選主耶穌! 我心今正住在所有甘甜事物之源; 耶穌,耶穌,祂乃是我滿足! 是祂消除我的要求,平靜我的意願。
(副) 耶穌,耶穌,我揀選主耶穌! Jesus, Jesus, I have chosen Jesus 我心今正住在所有甘甜事物之源; My soul is now dwelling at the fountain of all things sweet 耶穌,耶穌,祂乃是我滿足! Jesus, Jesus, He satisfied my soul 是祂消除我的要求,平靜我的意願。 It’s He who removed all my wants and quieted my heart Stanza 1 of 4 聖徒詩歌

3 我已揀選主耶穌,揀選祂作喜樂; 有祂,我心雖痛苦,依然會唱詩歌; 有祂,我無別原因,也發喜樂聲音; 因我所有的歡欣,是在祂心。
(二) 我已揀選主耶穌,揀選祂作喜樂; I have chosen Lord Jesus, set Him to be my joy 有祂,我心雖痛苦,依然會唱詩歌; With Him by my side I can still sing when my heart aches 有祂,我無別原因,也發喜樂聲音; With Him by my side I rejoice without any reason 因我所有的歡欣,是在祂心。 For all my joy has its source in His delight Stanza 2 of 4 聖徒詩歌

4 耶穌,耶穌,我揀選主耶穌! 我心今正住在所有甘甜事物之源; 耶穌,耶穌,祂乃是我滿足! 是祂消除我的要求,平靜我的意願。
(副) 耶穌,耶穌,我揀選主耶穌! Jesus, Jesus, I have chosen Jesus 我心今正住在所有甘甜事物之源; My soul is now dwelling at the fountain of all things sweet 耶穌,耶穌,祂乃是我滿足! Jesus, Jesus, He satisfied my soul 是祂消除我的要求,平靜我的意願。 It’s He who removed all my wants and quieted my heart Stanza 2 of 4 聖徒詩歌

5 我已揀選主耶穌,揀選祂作希望; 祂賜基業甚豐富,使我不住思量。 將它賜我的救主,乃是我的至寶; 今天我心有催促:得祂最好。
(三) 我已揀選主耶穌,揀選祂作希望; I have chosen Lord Jesus, set Him to be my hope 祂賜基業甚豐富,使我不住思量。 He bestowed blessings so rich they occupy my thought 將它賜我的救主,乃是我的至寶; But my best treasure is my Savior who blessed me 今天我心有催促:得祂最好。 My heart quickens me to attain Him the best Stanza 3 of 4 聖徒詩歌

6 耶穌,耶穌,我揀選主耶穌! 我心今正住在所有甘甜事物之源; 耶穌,耶穌,祂乃是我滿足! 是祂消除我的要求,平靜我的意願。
(副) 耶穌,耶穌,我揀選主耶穌! Jesus, Jesus, I have chosen Jesus 我心今正住在所有甘甜事物之源; My soul is now dwelling at the fountain of all things sweet 耶穌,耶穌,祂乃是我滿足! Jesus, Jesus, He satisfied my soul 是祂消除我的要求,平靜我的意願。 It’s He who removed all my wants and quieted my heart Stanza 3 of 4 聖徒詩歌

7 我已揀選主耶穌,揀選祂作我主; 祂愛實在是難述,嘗到就會屈服。 我已奉獻我一切,向祂我無要求; 我心只求祂喜悅,怕祂心憂。
(四) 我已揀選主耶穌,揀選祂作我主; I have chosen Lord Jesus, set Him to be my Lord 祂愛實在是難述,嘗到就會屈服。 His love beyond measure captivates all who receive 我已奉獻我一切,向祂我無要求; I have surrendered all to Him, I have no want 我心只求祂喜悅,怕祂心憂。 But to please Him in all things and cause no grief Stanza 4 of 4 聖徒詩歌

8 耶穌,耶穌,我揀選主耶穌! 我心今正住在所有甘甜事物之源; 耶穌,耶穌,祂乃是我滿足! 是祂消除我的要求,平靜我的意願。
(副) 耶穌,耶穌,我揀選主耶穌! Jesus, Jesus, I have chosen Jesus 我心今正住在所有甘甜事物之源; My soul is now dwelling at the fountain of all things sweet 耶穌,耶穌,祂乃是我滿足! Jesus, Jesus, He satisfied my soul 是祂消除我的要求,平靜我的意願。 It’s He who removed all my wants and quieted my heart Stanza 4 of 4 聖徒詩歌

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