全球環境 (國際管理) Managing in a Global Environment

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1 全球環境 (國際管理) Managing in a Global Environment
交通大學 任維廉 教授 2012

2 妳今天早上怎麼起床?來上班的? “culture shock” national culture vs. organization culture, 何者 影響員工行為更大? 企業界最有用的語言是英文,第二呢? 開車一定是向右行駛?西方人如何分辨來自東 方的觀光客?龍的傳人?洗門風 ?

3 Culture shock the difficulty people have adjusting to a new culture that differs markedly from their own. (Wiki)

4 綱 要 What’s your global (local) perspective? 全球視野 vs. 偏狹地域觀念
綱 要 What’s your global (local) perspective? 全球視野 vs. 偏狹地域觀念 Understanding the global environment, 變遷的全球環境 Doing business globally: 國際化之三階段 Managing in a global environment, 外國環境之管理

5 1. 全球視野 Parochialism Is viewing the world solely through its own eyes and perspectives. Is not recognizing that others have different ways of living and working. 討論: 聯合國考題:你對於世界糧食短缺問題的看法。從美 國 (台北) 看天下。世界是平的,只要有網路和雄心。 墊高看世界的角度:全世界的夜景 (東方明珠),宗教 禁忌,日本習俗,不雅的手勢。


7 *Usama bin Laden, Jr., Leonardo da Vinci,
Barack Hussein Obama II, Henri Fayol, Max Weber





12 Adopting a Global Perspective
Ethnocentric Attitude, 種族優越中心 The parochialistic belief that the best work approaches and practices are those of the home country. Polycentric Attitude, 多中心 The view that the managers in the host country know the best work approaches and practices for running their business. Geocentric Attitude, 地球為中心 A world-oriented view that focuses on using the best approaches and people from around the globe.

13 全球經濟新視野 世界是平的,只要有網路和雄心?
聯想集團一直都有國際性的企圖心,當年購並IBM PC是 想買三樣東西:品牌,技術,國際化資源。 三星集團先在新興市場成為第一名的品牌,才試圖攻佔已 開發市場,最後才攻打美國市場。 王品集團在臺灣已做到連鎖餐飲第一名,有非常好的管理 制度和企業文化。欲複製成功經驗到中國大陸與東南亞。 Where do you want to go? 先分析公司面對的市場有多大? 再評估這樣的環境下,公司有無競爭力? 13

14 全球企業進入新興市場 1. 複製:選擇核心產品,確保正確輸出,在外僑社區先測 試。Domino 進軍澳洲,幾乎失敗。
2. 調整:Nestle, 鼎泰豐創造出順應當地需求風味的新產品。 3. 從根本重新思考在地化策略:KFC 在中國,蘇敬軾捨棄 在美國的基本邏輯:餐點項目精簡,價格低廉,著重外 賣。改為: (1)因地制宜:改變菜單(粥)及各地分店之配方 (2)快速擴展:1987~, 現有3300家,平均一天增一家 (3)發展後勤網,掌握供應鏈 (4)提供員工訓練,成為學習型組織 (5)專注發展直營店,而非加盟店 (6)防止反彈風險:改變菜色,教導消費者注重健康 * Bell & Shelman, KFC‘s Radical Approach to China, HBR, 2011 14

15 2. 變遷的全球環境: 區域貿易聯盟 Regional Trading Agreements
1. 歐盟, The European Union (EU), A unified economic and trade entity, Economic and monetary union (Euro) 2. 北美自由貿易協定, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Eliminated barriers to free trade (tariffs, import licensing requirements, and customs user fees), United States, Canada, and Mexico 3.東協, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Trading alliance of 10 Southeast Asian nations, 加1,3,6,8 蘇東坡? African Union, Southern Cone Common Market (Mercosur),

16 European Union Countries

17 Mercousur Members

18 ASEAN Members

19 The World Trade Organization (WTO)
Evolved from the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in China/Taiwan (2002) Functions as the only global organization dealing with the rules of trade among nations. Has 153 member nations and 30 observer governments. 討論:FTA, APEC 亞太經合會, ECFA

20 Taiwan的困境: FTA ECFA - Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement,
APEC - 亞太經合會 韓國與歐盟及美國簽署 FTA TIFA - 台美貿易暨投資保障協議 TPP - 泛太平洋戰略經濟 夥伴關係協議 (Trans-Pacific   Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement) 新加坡、馬來西亞、汶萊、越南、日本 加拿大、美國、墨西哥,秘魯、智利 澳洲、紐西蘭 20

21 G7, G8 (Group of Eight), G-20 八大工業國組織 G-20 擁有全球 65%的人口,85%經濟活動
英國, 法國, 德國, 美國, 日本, 義大利, 加拿大, 俄羅斯 G-20 擁有全球 65%的人口,85%經濟活動 阿根廷, 澳大利亞, 巴西, 中國,歐盟, 印度, 印尼, 韓國, 墨西哥, 沙烏地阿拉伯, 南非, 土耳其 *BRICs *PIGS

22 全球 GDP 63兆美元 歐盟16兆,美國15兆, 中7.5兆,日6.5兆,韓1.0兆,台0.5兆, 東協十國2.0兆,俄羅斯1.6兆,
其他:拉丁美洲3.3兆,非洲2.5兆…… 22

23 全球人口 70億人 歐盟 4.7億,美國3.0億, 中國13億,印度11億,印尼2.4億,巴西1.8億,
巴基斯坦1.6億,俄羅斯1.4億,孟加拉1.4億, 奈及利亞1.4億,日本1.3億 其他:拉丁美洲5.6億,非洲9.0億…… 23

24 兩百年來改變全球經濟板塊的因素 1700, 蒸汽機, Lancashire (矽谷), Watt (Bill Gates)。
1830, 鐵路, 輪船。 1900, Mass Production: 鋼鐵,電力, 重工程, 石油, 汽車, Carnegie, Edison, Rockefeller, Ford (dot.com)。 1940,電腦 1971, Information & Telecommunication 海洋世紀,工業革命,資本主義,資訊科技(網路,通訊) 24

25 3. 國際化之三階段 How Organizations Go Global 外包 進出口,授權,特許加盟 策略聯盟,合資,外國子公司

26 Multinational Corporation (MNC): Maintains operations in multiple countries.
1. Multidomestic Corporation: an MNC that decentralizes management and other decisions to the local country. 2. Global Company: Is an MNC that centralizes its management and other decisions in the home country. 3. Transnational Corporation (Borderless Organization): Is an MNC that has eliminated structural divisions that impose artificial geographic barriers and is organized along business lines that reflect a geocentric attitude. 26

27 台灣傳統產業之發展軌跡 從小開始, 為外國客戶代工(成為OEM), 跨國分工, 投入研發設計, 掌握核心客戶(成為ODM),
提升台灣為營運總部, 自建品牌通路。 討論:Smile curve, 亞洲國際品牌?

28 世界級品牌 http://www.wpp.com/wpp/marketing/brandz/brandz-reports.htm
世界級品牌 2012 排名 2011排名 2010 排名 品牌 2012排名 2010 排名 1 3 Apple 8 7 22 AT&T 2 IBM 9 13 20 Verizon Google 10 中國移動 4 6 McDonald 11 GE 5 Microsoft 25 29 76 百度 Coke-Cola 28 27 26 TOYOTA Marlboro 55 67 68 Samsung

29 2011年二十大台灣國際品牌 排名 品牌 公司名稱 品牌價值 (億新台幣) 1 宏達國際 821.88 2 宏碁公司 500.20 3
華碩電腦 496.14 4 趨勢科技 404.35 5 康師傅控股 390.43

30 2011年二十大台灣國際品牌 排名 品牌 公司名稱 品牌價值 (億新台幣) 6 旺旺食品 239.52 7 巨大機械 102.12 8
聯強國際 101.06 9 正新輪胎 98.86 10 美食達人 81.25

31 2011年二十大台灣國際品牌 排名 品牌 公司名稱 品牌價值 (億新台幣) 11 ADVANTECH 研華科技 77.6 12 Merida
美利達工業 62.69 13 D-LINK 友訊科技 60.21 14 Uni-president 統一企業 45.52 15 Zyxel 合勤科技 42.23 16 JOHNSON 喬山健康科技 41.79 17 CYBERLINK 訊連科技 41.25 18 TRANSCEND 創見科技 38.72 19 DELTA 台達電子 35.00 20 WOWPRIME 王品 24.33

32 2010人氣商品大調查:美,中,日 by Bloomberg BusinessWeek
電影,電視節目, 小說,啤酒, 速食連鎖 , 搜尋引擎…… 32

33 電影 全球 阿凡達 33

34 電視節目 American Idol 走西口(晉商) 龍馬傳(阪本) 34

35 小說 丹布朗- 失落的符號 李可- 杜拉拉升職記 村上春樹- 1Q84 35

36 啤酒 百威(BUD LIGHT) 雪花 朝日 36

37 速食連鎖 Subway KFC 麥當勞 37

38 搜尋引擎 Google 百度 Yahoo 38

39 臺北人心中的臺灣地圖 39

40 臺灣人心中的世界地圖 40

41 韓國人心中的世界地圖 41

42 BenQ-Siemens Case 的教訓 1. 財務評鑑 2. 品牌 /品質 3. 執行力: 管理能力 人才素質 42

43 4. 外國環境之管理 1. 政法、經濟環境 2. 文化環境 個人、集體主義 權力差距 不確定之規避 成就或教養(重量或質,陽剛、陰柔)
長、短期導向 補充資料:南斯拉夫鈔票,女人女人





48 Managing in A Global Environment
The Legal Environment Stability or instability of legal and political systems Legal procedures are established and followed Fair and honest elections held on a regular basis Differences in the laws of various nations Effects on business activities Effects on delivery of products and services

49 The Economic Environment
Economic Systems Market economy An economy in which resources are primarily owned and controlled by the private sector. Command economy An economy in which all economic decisions are planned by a central government. Monetary and Financial Factors Currency exchange rates, Inflation rates, Diverse tax policies

50 The Cultural Environment
National Culture (Hofstede) Is the values and attitudes shared by individuals from a specific country that shape their behavior and their beliefs about what is important. May have more influence on an organization than the organization culture.

51 What Are Americans Like
Americans are very informal. Americans are direct. Americans are competitive. Americans are achievers. Americans are independent and individualistic. Americans are questioners. Americans dislike silence. Americans value punctuality. Americans value cleanliness.

52 Hofstede’s Framework for Assessing Cultures

53 Examples of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions
Source: Based on G. Hofstede, “Motivation, Leadership, and Organization: Do American Theories Apply Abroad?” Organizational Dynamics, Summer 1980, pp. 42–63.

54 Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions
PDI (Power Distance Index)  低平權 IDV (Individualism) 低將團體的利益置於 個人之上 MAS (Masculinity) 高強調積極進取、成功 低強調生活品質、人際關係、社會服務 UAI (Uncertainty Avoidance Index)  高不能容忍沒有規章 LTO (Long-Term Orientation) 高強調節儉、忍耐,為了長遠的未來

55 Hofstede’s Five Dimensions of National Culture
(1) Individualistic — people look after their own and family interests Collectivistic — people expect group to look after and protect them Individualistic Collectivistic United States, Canada Japan Mexico, Thailand Australia (2) High power distance—Accepts wide differences in power, great deal of respect for those in authority Low power distance—Plays down inequalities: employees are not afraid to approach nor are in awe of the boss High power distance Low power distance Mexico, Singapore, Italy, Japan United States, Sweden

56 Hofstede’s Five Dimensions of National Culture
(3) High uncertainty avoidance—Threatened with ambiguity and experience high levels of anxiety Low uncertainty avoidance— Comfortable with risks; tolerant of different behavior and opinions High uncertainty avoidance Low uncertainty avoidance Italy, Mexico, France United Kingdom Canada, United States, Singapore (4) Achievement—Values such as assertiveness, acquiring money and goods, and competition prevail Nurturing—Values such as relationships and concern for others prevail Achievement Nurturing United States, Japan, Canada, Greece France, Sweden Mexico

57 Hofstede’s Five Dimensions of National Culture
(5) Long-term orientation—People look to the future and value thrift and persistence Short-term orientation — People value tradition and the past Short-term thinking Long-term thinking Germany, Australia, China, Taiwan, Japan United States, Canada

58 Values Associates With Confucian Dynamism
*The relative importance of: *But the relative unimportance of: 1. Persistence(Perseverance)(韌性) 1. Personal steadiness and stability 2. Ordering relationship by status and observing this order 2. Protecting your face 3. Thrift 3. Respect for tradition 4. Having a sense of Shame 4. Reciprocation of greetings, favors, and gifts 58

59 GLOBE Highlights Source: M. Javidan and R. J. House, “Cultural Acumen for the Global Manager: Lessons from Project GLOBE,” Organizational Dynamics, Spring 2001, pp. 289–305. Copyright © Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

60 Global Management in Today’s World
Challenges Openness associated with globalization Significant cultural differences (e.g., Americanization) Adjusting leadership styles and management approaches Risks Loss of investments in unstable countries Increased terrorism Economic interdependence

61 重點回顧 比較:1. 全球視野 VS. 偏狹地域觀點 2. 國家 VS. 組織文化 3. 文化衝擊 (culture shock) 61

62 Do your assignment: 3組 3a. 上網測量自己的 cultural awareness, 然後討論:如 何克服 culture shock? 誰不適合外派? 3b. 韓國與印尼各屬於哪個區域貿易聯盟?請上維基 百科等網站蒐集她們的經濟、政治法律、與文化 環境之資訊,並討論其與我們的差異之處。 Cross cultural awareness cultural-awareness.html

63 實做練習Case: Who Owns What?
Acer, Apple, Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream, Coke, Disney, GE, Godiva, Green Giant, Grey Hound, Heineken, Holiday Inn, Hyundai, ThinkPad, Ikea, Intel, LG, Lipton Tea, Marlboro, McDonald, Microsoft, Nestle, Nokia, P&G, Philips, Rolex, Sam Sung, Shell, Sony, Swatch, Toyota, Tropicana, Volvo, Wal-Mart, Wrangler Jens,

64 Global mind-set Inventory (GMI)
知識資本:嫻熟全球企業營運,掌握複雜狀況, 開拓國際視野。 心理資本:熱愛多元文化,渴望冒險,自我肯 定。 社會資本:能和不同文化背景的人建立信任關 係,發揮人際影響力,善用外交手腕。 hbr.org/globalize-yourself-list

65 Case: From Regional Star to Global Leader
1. 個人閱讀 (10 minutes) 2. 小組演練 (10 minutes) 3. 課堂討論 (20~25 minutes) 65

66 Case: From Regional Star to Global Leader
在外商公司(法國家族企業)任專業經理人的 角色有哪些主要挑戰? 若你是楊建國,現在應優先做哪些事?找誰談? 若能重來一次,Should 楊建國 take the job? or 應先做好哪些準備工作? 跨國團隊如何有效運作?

67 Case:Overseas Assignment
美國人被派到中國大陸任專業經理人的角色有哪些主 要挑戰? 若你是 Joyce,現在應優先做哪些事? 若能重來一次,Should Joyce take the job? Or 應先做好 哪些準備工作? 誰不適合外派?如何克服 culture shock? 67

68 世界沒有那麼平 ! 68 68 68

69 E-Mail:wljen@mail.nctu.edu.tw 個人網頁:
Q & A 個人網頁:

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