God’s Present Intentions The Church as a Window 神目前的心意:教会成为窗口

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1 God’s Present Intentions The Church as a Window 神目前的心意:教会成为窗口
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Present Intentions The Church as a Window 神目前的心意:教会成为窗口 Opening Slide Trainer Name Ministry 培训者姓名 事工 Last Updated 7/07

2 神对我们目前有何好消息? Introduction 简介
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Introduction 简介 What might be God’s “good news” for the present? 神对我们目前有何好消息? Methodologies: Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have small groups brainstorm what might be God’s “good news” for the present and then report back to the large group. Last Updated 7/07

3 “我们在天上的父,愿人都尊祢的名为圣。愿祢的国降临,
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Key Verse 主题经文 This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:9-10 所以,你们祷告要这样说: “我们在天上的父,愿人都尊祢的名为圣。愿祢的国降临, 愿祢的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。” 马太福音 6:9-10 Methodologies: Probing Questions Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Read Matt. 6:9-10 This is one of the most significant scriptures in the whole Bible – do we know the significance? What is it? Last Updated 7/07

4 Key Verse Discovery Questions 主题经文问题探索
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Key Verse Discovery Questions 主题经文问题探索 Where is God’s will perfectly done? 神的旨意在何处得以完全成就? Methodologies: Probing Questions Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask Where is God’s will done perfectly? In heaven What would happen if God’s will was done in your nation as it is in heaven? Last Updated 7/07

5 Key Verse Discovery Questions 主题经文问题探索
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Key Verse Discovery Questions 主题经文问题探索 Where is God’s will perfectly done? 神的旨意在何处得以完全成就? What are we to pray about God’s will? 我们当祷告神的什么旨意? Methodologies: Probing Questions Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask Where is God’s will done perfectly? In heaven What would happen if God’s will was done in your nation as it is in heaven? Last Updated 7/07

6 Key Verse Discovery Questions 主题经文问题探索
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Key Verse Discovery Questions 主题经文问题探索 Where is God’s will perfectly done? 神的旨意在何处得以完全成就? What are we to pray about God’s will? 我们当祷告神的什么旨意? What are God’s intentions for the present? 神目前的心意是什么? Methodologies: Probing Questions Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask Where is God’s will done perfectly? In heaven What would happen if God’s will was done in your nation as it is in heaven? Last Updated 7/07

7 Key Verse Discovery Questions 主题经文问题探索
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Key Verse Discovery Questions 主题经文问题探索 Where is God’s will perfectly done? 神的旨意在何处得以完全成就? What are we to pray about God’s will? 我们当祷告神的什么旨意? What are God’s intentions for the present? 神目前的心意是什么? What makes the difference between heaven and earth? 什么造成了天上和地上的区别? Methodologies: Probing Questions Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask Where is God’s will done perfectly? In heaven What would happen if God’s will was done in your nation as it is in heaven? Last Updated 7/07

8 Key Verse Discovery Questions 主题经文问题探索
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Key Verse Discovery Questions 主题经文问题探索 Where is God’s will perfectly done? 神的旨意在何处得以完全成就? What are we to pray about God’s will? 我们当祷告神的什么旨意? What are God’s intentions for the present? 神目前的心意是什么? What makes the difference between heaven and earth? 什么造成了天上和地上的区别? What would happen if God’s will were done on earth as it is done in heaven? 若神的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上, 会发生什么? Methodologies: Probing Questions Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask Where is God’s will done perfectly? In heaven What would happen if God’s will was done in your nation as it is in heaven? Last Updated 7/07

9 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s general intentions for the present? 神对目前的整体心意是什么? John 14:13 约翰福音 14:15 Mat 28:18-20 马太福音 28:18-20 Methodologies: Large group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have someone read each of these verses out loud and then summarize what is learned. Last Updated 7/07

10 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s general intentions for the present? 神对目前的整体心意是什么? John 14:15 – Obey Him – if we love Him 约翰福音14:15 我们若爱祂,就顺服(遵守)祂 Mat 28:18-20 马太福音 28:18-20 Methodologies: Large group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have someone read each of these verses out loud and then summarize what is learned. Last Updated 7/07

11 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s general intentions for the present? 神对目前的整体心意是什么? John 14:15 – Obey Him – if we love Him 约翰福音14:15 我们若爱祂, 就顺服(遵守)祂 Mat 28:18-20 – Teach others to obey 马太福音28:18-20 教导他人遵守 Methodologies: Large group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have someone read each of these verses out loud and then summarize what is learned. Last Updated 7/07

12 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 How do we know God’s intentions – His will? 我们如何明白神的心意,即祂的旨意? Psalms 119:99-100 诗篇 119:99-100 Prov. 2:1-5 箴言 2:1-5 John 16:13 约翰福音 16:13 Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask the question – How do we know God’s intentions – His will Again, have a volunteer participant read the verses out loud and then use this and the following three slides to summarize what has been read. Last Updated 7/07

13 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 How do we know God’s intentions – His will? 我们如何明白神的心意,即祂的旨意? Psalms 119: – Meditate on and obey God’s Word 诗篇 119: 思想和遵守神的话语 Prov. 2:1-5 箴言 2:1-5 John 16:13 约翰福音 16:13 Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask the question – How do we know God’s intentions – His will Again, have a volunteer participant read the verses out loud and then use this and the following three slides to summarize what has been read. Last Updated 7/07

14 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 How do we know God’s intentions – His will? 我们如何明白神的心意,即祂的旨意? Psalms 119: – Meditate on and obey God’s Word 诗篇 119: 思想和遵守神的话语 Prov. 2:1-5 – Accept God’s Word to know His will. 箴言 2:1-5 领受神的话语从而知道祂的旨意 John 16:13 约翰福音 16:13 Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask the question – How do we know God’s intentions – His will Again, have a volunteer participant read the verses out loud and then use this and the following three slides to summarize what has been read. Last Updated 7/07

15 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 How do we know God’s intentions – His will? 我们如何明白神的心意,即祂的旨意? Psalms 119: – Meditate on and obey God’s Word 诗篇 119: 思想和遵守神的话语 Prov. 2:1-5 – Accept God’s Word to know His will. 箴言 2:1-5 领受神的话语从而知道祂的旨意 John 16:13 – The Spirit guides us into truth 约翰福音 16:13 圣灵引导我们进入真理 Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask the question – How do we know God’s intentions – His will Again, have a volunteer participant read the verses out loud and then use this and the following three slides to summarize what has been read. Last Updated 7/07

16 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s intentions for our personal lives? 神对于我们个人生命的心意是什么? Acts 14:22 使徒行传 14:22 Eph. 5:17-20 以弗所书 5:17-20 1 Thes. 4:3,11 帖撒罗尼迦前书 4:3, 11 Methodologies: Small Group Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Announce that we will look at specific areas of God’s intentions for the present. The first area is that of our personal lives. Have small groups answer the questions on the slide and then use the following slides that deal with that question to summarize and discuss. Give 5-7 minutes to do this. Last Updated 7/07

17 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s intentions for our personal lives? 神对于我们个人生命的心意是什么? Acts 14:22 – Endure hardship 使徒行传14:22 忍受艰难 Eph. 5:17-20 以弗所书 5:17-20 1 Thes. 4:3,11 帖撒罗尼迦前书 4:3, 11 Methodologies: Small Group Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Announce that we will look at specific areas of God’s intentions for the present. The first area is that of our personal lives. Have small groups answer the questions on the slide and then use the following slides that deal with that question to summarize and discuss. Give 5-7 minutes to do this. Last Updated 7/07

18 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s intentions for our personal lives? 神对于我们个人生命的心意是什么? Acts 14:22 – Endure hardship 使徒行传 14:22 忍受艰难 Eph. 5:17-20 – Be sober, Spirit-filled, singing and thankful 以弗所书 5:17-20 要清醒, 被圣灵充满,歌唱感恩 1 Thes. 4:3,11 帖撒罗尼迦前书 4: 3, 11 Methodologies: Small Group Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Announce that we will look at specific areas of God’s intentions for the present. The first area is that of our personal lives. Have small groups answer the questions on the slide and then use the following slides that deal with that question to summarize and discuss. Give 5-7 minutes to do this. Last Updated 7/07

19 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s intentions for our personal lives? 神对于我们个人生命的心意是什么? Acts 14:22 – Endure hardship 使徒行传 14:22 忍受艰难 Eph. 5:17-20 – Be sober, Spirit-filled, singing and thankful 以弗所书 5:17-20 要清醒, 被圣灵充满, 歌唱, 感恩 1 Thes 4:3,11 – Live holy, pure, and productive lives 帖撒罗尼迦前书 4:3, 11 要过一个圣洁、清心,并有成效的生活。 Methodologies: Small Group Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Announce that we will look at specific areas of God’s intentions for the present. The first area is that of our personal lives. Have small groups answer the questions on the slide and then use the following slides that deal with that question to summarize and discuss. Give 5-7 minutes to do this. Last Updated 7/07

20 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s intentions for our families? 神对于我们家庭的心意是什么? Eph 5:21 以弗所书 5:21 Eph 6:4 以弗所书 6:4 Methodologies: Small Group Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have tables read the three passages and answer the one question – What are God’s intentions for our personal lives? Give 5-7 minutes to do this. Last Updated 7/07

21 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s intentions for our families? 神对于我们家庭的心意是什么? Eph 5:21 – Be submissive and give respect 以弗所书 5:21 顺从并尊重他人 Eph 6:4 以弗所书 6:4 Methodologies: Small Group Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have tables read the three passages and answer the one question – What are God’s intentions for our personal lives? Give 5-7 minutes to do this. Last Updated 7/07

22 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s intentions for our families? 神对于我们家庭的心意是什么? Eph 5:21 – Be submissive and give respect 以弗所书 5:21 顺从并尊重他人 Eph 6:4 – Train children in holy living 以弗所书 6:4 教导孩子过圣洁生活 Methodologies: Small Group Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have tables read the three passages and answer the one question – What are God’s intentions for our personal lives? Give 5-7 minutes to do this. Last Updated 7/07

23 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s intentions for our Christian brothers & sisters? 神对主内弟兄姐妹的心意是什么? John 13:34 约翰福音 13:34 John 17:20-23 约翰福音 17:20-23 Methodologies: Small Group Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have tables read the three passages and answer the one question – What are God’s intentions for our Christian brothers and sisters? Give 5-7 minutes to do this. Last Updated 7/07

24 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s intentions for our Christian brothers & sisters? 神对主内弟兄姐妹的心意是什么? John 13:34 – Love each other 约翰福音 13:34 彼此相爱 John 17:20-23 约翰福音 17:20-23 Methodologies: Small Group Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have tables read the three passages and answer the one question – What are God’s intentions for our Christian brothers and sisters? Give 5-7 minutes to do this. Last Updated 7/07

25 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s intentions for our Christian brothers & sisters? 神对主内弟兄姐妹的心意是什么? John 13:34 – Love each other 约翰福音 13:34 彼此相爱 John 17:20-23 – Live in unity 约翰福音 17: 合一生活 Methodologies: Small Group Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have tables read the three passages and answer the one question – What are God’s intentions for our Christian brothers and sisters? Give 5-7 minutes to do this. Last Updated 7/07

26 你社区中所有的基督徒是否在这些方面都有照着神的旨意而活?
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Question 问题 Do all Christians in your community live according to God’s will in these areas? 你社区中所有的基督徒是否在这些方面都有照着神的旨意而活? Methodologies: Probing Questions Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Do all Christians in your nation do this? Is this God’s will? For the future or now If we are not doing this something is wrong If we aren’t doing this, we aren’t obeying God What is the opposite of obedience – disobedience What is another name for disobedience? sin Last Updated 7/07

27 若所有自称是基督徒的人都在这些方面照着神的心意而活,那会有怎样的情形呢?
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Question 问题 Do all Christians in your community live according to God’s will in these areas? 你社区中所有的基督徒是否在这些方面都有照着神的旨意而活? What would happen if all who called themselves Christians lived according to God’s intentions in these areas? 若所有自称是基督徒的人都在这些方面照着神的心意而活,那会有怎样的情形呢? Methodologies: Probing Questions Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Do all Christians in your nation do this? Is this God’s will? For the future or now If we are not doing this something is wrong If we aren’t doing this, we aren’t obeying God What is the opposite of obedience – disobedience What is another name for disobedience? sin Last Updated 7/07

28 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s intentions for our relationships to those in the world? 神对我们与世人的关系的心意是什么? Rom 13:9 罗马书 13:9 James 1:27 雅各书 1:27 Jer. 22:3, 15-16 耶利米书 22:3, 15-16 Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Do this together as a large group. Last Updated 7/07

29 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s intentions for our relationships to those in the world? 神对我们与世人的关系的心意是什么? Rom 13:9 – Love our neighbors 罗马书 13:9 爱邻舍 James 1:27 雅各书 1:27 Jer. 22:3, 15-16 耶利米书 22:3, 15-16 Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Do this together as a large group. Last Updated 7/07

30 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s intentions for our relationships to those in the world? 神对我们与世人的关系的心意是什么? Rom 13:9 – Love our neighbors 罗马书 13:9 爱邻舍 James 1:27 – Care for widows and orphans 雅各书1:27 看顾孤儿寡妇 Jer. 22:3, 15-16 耶利米书 22:3, 15-16 Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Do this together as a large group. Last Updated 7/07

31 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s intentions for our relationships to those in the world? 神对我们与世人的关系的心意是什么? Rom 13:9 – Love our neighbors 罗马书 13: 9 爱邻舍 James 1:27 – Care for widows and orphans 雅各书1:27 看顾孤儿寡妇 Jer 22:3, – Advocate for those in need 耶利米书 22:3, 维护穷乏人 Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Do this together as a large group. Last Updated 7/07

32 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s intentions for our relationships to employers, servants, and government? 神对于我们跟雇主、员工和政府的关系有何心意? Col 4:1 哥林多前书 4:1 1 Pet 2:13-15 彼得前书 2:13-15 Rom 13:1 罗马书 13:1 Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask this question – Does the Bible really have anything to say about these things? I guess it is more than a manual for being a spiritual being. Last Updated 7/07

33 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s intentions for our relationships to employers, servants, and government? 神对于我们跟雇主、员工和政府的关系有何心意? Col 4:1 – Be fair to those under our authority 哥林多前书 4:1 公正地对待我们的下属 1 Pet 2:13-15 彼得前书 2:13-15 Rom 13:1 罗马书 13:1 Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask this question – Does the Bible really have anything to say about these things? I guess it is more than a manual for being a spiritual being. Last Updated 7/07

34 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s intentions for our relationships to employers, servants, and government? 神对于我们跟雇主、员工和政府的关系有何心意? Col 4:1 – Be fair to those under our authority 哥林多前书 4:1 公正地对待我们的下属 1 Pet 2:13-15 – Respect those in authority 彼得前书 2: 尊重掌权的 Rom 13:1 罗马书 13:1 Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask this question – Does the Bible really have anything to say about these things? I guess it is more than a manual for being a spiritual being. Last Updated 7/07

35 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s intentions for our relationships to employers, servants, and government? 神对于我们跟雇主、员工和政府的关系有何心意? Col 4:1 – Be fair to those under our authority 哥林多前书 4:1 公正地对待我们的下属 1 Pet 2:13-15 – Respect those in authority 彼得前书 2: 尊重掌权的 Rom 13:1 – Submit to those in authority 罗马书 13:1 顺服掌权的 Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask this question – Does the Bible really have anything to say about these things? I guess it is more than a manual for being a spiritual being. Last Updated 7/07

36 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s intentions for our relationships to our enemies? 神对我们与我们仇敌的关系的心意是什么? Luke 6:27, 35-36 路加福音 6:27, 35-36 Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Oh NO!!! Our enemies too!! What does the Bible say about our interaction and responsibility to our enemies? Last Updated 7/07

37 Supporting Verses 辅助经文
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Supporting Verses 辅助经文 What are God’s intentions for our relationships to our enemies? 神对我们与我们仇敌的关系的心意是什么? Luke 6:27, – Love and bless without expectation 路加福音 6:27, 不带任何期待地爱与祝福 Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Oh NO!!! Our enemies too!! What does the Bible say about our interaction and responsibility to our enemies? Last Updated 7/07

38 你社区中的所有基督徒是否都在这些方面照着神的旨意而活?
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Question 问题 Do all Christians in your community live according to God’s will in these areas? 你社区中的所有基督徒是否都在这些方面照着神的旨意而活? Methodologies: Probing Question Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Do all the Christians in your nation, in your community live according to God’s will in all of these areas? What is wrong? Are we teaching our church members that obedience is not optional? Are we teaching our church members that God knows best how we are to live? Are we teaching our church members that if they love God they will obey Him? What will we teach them now? Last Updated 7/07

39 倘若所有自称是基督徒的人都开始照着神的心意而活,那会有怎样的情形呢?
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Questions 问题 Do all Christians in your community live according to God’s will in these areas? 你社区中的所有基督徒是否都在这些方面照着神的旨意而活? What would happen if all who called themselves Christians lived according to God’s intentions in these areas? 倘若所有自称是基督徒的人都开始照着神的心意而活,那会有怎样的情形呢? Methodologies: Probing Questions Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Could this become a vision or goal for your church? For your life? What would happen to your community? Maybe this is what God intends – for His people to live out His will on earth as it is in heaven Paraphrase II Chronicles 7:14 – If my people will seek me, turn from their wicked ways and do my will, I will heal their land!! Last Updated 7/07

40 God’s Intentions for the Present 神目前的心意
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Intentions for the Present 神目前的心意 Obedience = Demonstration of God’s Love 顺服=展现神的爱 Methodologies: Diagram Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: This is a diagram representing God’s general intentions for living in the present. Obedience Doing His Will Obeying God’s Will is demonstrating His love Serving others Loving one another Respecting, honoring and submitting This is what we will use to represent God’s present intentions. Last Updated 7/07

41 The Way it Should Be 本该如此
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Way it Should Be 本该如此 Man God’s intentions for: 人 神的心意: Present 目前 Future 将来 Methodologies: Visual Image Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Broken man should be able to see God’s intentions for the present and the future These are good intentions – Good News – present and future Last Updated 7/07

42 Sin 罪 目前 将来 The Effect of Sin 罪的后果 Present Future
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Effect of Sin 罪的后果 Sin 罪 Present 目前 Future 将来 Methodologies: Visual Image Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Oh no – there is a wall preventing the broken man from seeing God’s good intentions What is the wall? Sin Who’s sin? Their sin – the world? or Our sin – the church? If you were God – what would you do with this wall? Let’s see what God has done with this wall. Last Updated 7/07

43 The Church as a Window 教会成为窗口
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Church as a Window 教会成为窗口 Man人 Church教会 Present 目前 Future 将来 Methodologies: Visual Image, Probing Questions Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: What did God do? He didn’t knock it down. Sin will be with us until Jesus returns. So what did He do? He put a window in the wall. How many panes are in the window? Four What do you think these four parts of the window represent? Last Updated 7/07

44 The Church as a Window 教会成为窗口
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Church as a Window 教会成为窗口 Man人 Church教会 P 物质 Present 目前 So 社会 Future 将来 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: The four panes represent the four areas of God’s concern that we have studied earlier W 智慧 Sp 属灵 Last Updated 7/07

45 The Church as a Window 教会成为窗口
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Church as a Window 教会成为窗口 Man人 Church教会 P 物质 Present 目前 Future 将来 Methodologies: Visual Picture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: But there is a problem There are some churches who believe that it isn’t the role of the church to deal with physical issues They believe this is the role of the UN, the government or development agencies So they do not see God’s good intentions for the physical area of life. Last Updated 7/07

46 The Church as a Window 教会成为窗口
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Church as a Window 教会成为窗口 Man人 Church教会 P 物质 So 社会 Present 目前 Future 将来 Methodologies: Visual Picture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Some churches feel that social work is not the work of the church and that area is blocked for the people outside the wall Last Updated 7/07

47 The Church as a Window 教会成为窗口
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Church as a Window 教会成为窗口 Man人 Church教会 P 物质 So 社会 Future 将来 Present 目前 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Some churches feel that people outside the wall need to come into the church before they can be exposed to God’s wisdom. So that area of understanding God’s concern is blocked W 智慧 Last Updated 7/07

48 The Church as a Window 教会成为窗口
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Church as a Window 教会成为窗口 Man人 Church教会 P 物质 So 社会 Present 目前 Future 将来 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Now we come to the “Spiritual” section of the window. Ah, yes, some churches say, “This is our area of exclusive focus.” And they tell of the good news of spiritual salvation and of heaven after we escape from the pain in the present world. When the people outside the wall look through the window, all they see are God’s spiritual intentions for them. And they ask, “Doesn’t God care about these other areas of my need?” W 智慧 Sp 属灵 Last Updated 7/07

49 The Church as a Window 教会成为窗口
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Church as a Window 教会成为窗口 Man人 Church教会 Present 目前 Future 将来 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: We as the church need to wash our windows so the world can see God’s intentions for our brokenness in all areas of our lives. Last Updated 7/07

50 Pictures of the Church 教会的写照
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Pictures of the Church 教会的写照 Deut 4:5-8 申命记 4:5-8 Mat 5: 马太福音 5:13-16 John 17:18 约翰福音 17:18 2 Cor 3:2-3 哥林多后书 3:2-3 Phil 2:5-8 腓立比书 2:5-8 1 Pet 2:12 彼得前书 2:12 Rom 8:19 罗马书 8:19 Methodologies: Biblical Metaphors Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Besides the metaphor of the window that we have just used, the Bible has some wonderful pictures of the church that will help us understand what the church should be to people outside the wall. Last Updated 7/07

51 Pictures of the Church 教会的写照
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Pictures of the Church 教会的写照 Deut 4:5-8 – Example (priest) to the nations 申命记4:5-8 各民族的榜样(祭司) Mat 5: 马太福音 5:13-16 John 17:18 约翰福音 17:18 2 Cor 3:2-3 哥林多后书 3:2-3 Phil 2:5-8 腓立比书 2:5-8 1 Pet 2:12 彼得前书 2:12 Rom 8:19 罗马书 8:19 Methodologies: Biblical Metaphors Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Besides the metaphor of the window that we have just used, the Bible has some wonderful pictures of the church that will help us understand what the church should be to people outside the wall. Last Updated 7/07

52 Pictures of the Church 教会的写照
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Pictures of the Church 教会的写照 Deut 4:5-8 – Example (priest) to the nations 申命记 4:5-8 各民族的榜样(祭司) Mat 5:13-16 – Purifying salt; light 马太福音5: 洁净用的盐;光 John 17:18 约翰福音 17:18 2 Cor 3:2-3 哥林多后书 3:2-3 Phil 2:5-8 腓立比书 2:5-8 1 Pet 2:12 彼得前书 2:12 Rom 8:19 罗马书 8:19 Methodologies: Biblical Metaphors Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Besides the metaphor of the window that we have just used, the Bible has some wonderful pictures of the church that will help us understand what the church should be to people outside the wall. Last Updated 7/07

53 Pictures of the Church 教会的写照
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Pictures of the Church 教会的写照 Deut 4:5-8 – Example (priest) to the nations 申命记 4:5-8 各民族的榜样(祭司) Mat 5:13-16 – Purifying salt; light 马太福音5: 洁净用的盐;光 John 17:18 – Embassy; ambassador 约翰福音17:18 大使; 使者 2 Cor 3:2-3 哥林多后书 3:2-3 Phil 2:5-8 腓立比书 2:5-8 1 Pet 2:12 彼得前书 2:12 Rom 8:19 罗马书 8:19 Methodologies: Biblical Metaphors Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Besides the metaphor of the window that we have just used, the Bible has some wonderful pictures of the church that will help us understand what the church should be to people outside the wall. Last Updated 7/07

54 Pictures of the Church 教会的写照
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Pictures of the Church 教会的写照 Deut 4:5-8 – Example (priest) to the nations 申命记 4:5-8 各民族的榜样(祭司) Mat 5:13-16 – Purifying salt; light 马太福音5: 洁净用的盐;光 John 17:18 – Embassy; ambassador 约翰福音17:18 大使; 使者 2 Cor 3:2-3 – Legible letter 哥林多后书 3:2-3 一封清晰易读的信 Phil 2:5-8 腓立比书 2:5-8 1 Pet 2:12 彼得前书 2:12 Rom 8:19 罗马书 8:19 Methodologies: Biblical Metaphors Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Besides the metaphor of the window that we have just used, the Bible has some wonderful pictures of the church that will help us understand what the church should be to people outside the wall. Last Updated 7/07

55 Pictures of the Church 教会的写照
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Pictures of the Church 教会的写照 Deut 4:5-8 – Example (priest) to the nations 申命记 4:5-8 各民族的榜样(祭司) Mat 5:13-16 – Purifying salt; light 马太福音5: 洁净用的盐;光 John 17:18 – Embassy; ambassador 约翰福音17:18 大使; 使者 2 Cor 3:2-3 – Legible letter 哥林多后书 3:2-3 一封清晰易读的信 Phil 2:5-8 – Obedient servant 腓立比书 2:5-8 顺服的仆人 1 Pet 2:12 彼得前书 2:12 Rom 8:19 罗马书 8:19 Methodologies: Biblical Metaphors Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Besides the metaphor of the window that we have just used, the Bible has some wonderful pictures of the church that will help us understand what the church should be to people outside the wall. Last Updated 7/07

56 Pictures of the Church 教会的写照
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Pictures of the Church 教会的写照 Deut 4:5-8 – Example (priest) to the nations 申命记 4:5-8 各民族的榜样(祭司) Mat 5:13-16 – Purifying salt; light 马太福音5: 洁净用的盐;光 John 17:18 – Embassy; ambassador 约翰福音17:18 大使; 使者 2 Cor 3:2-3 – Legible letter 哥林多后书 3:2-3 一封清晰易读的信 Phil 2:5-8 – Obedient servant 腓立比书 2:5-8 顺服的仆人 1 Pet 2:12 – Good neighbor 彼得前书 2:12 好邻舍 Rom 8:19 罗马书 8:19 Methodologies: Biblical Metaphors Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Besides the metaphor of the window that we have just used, the Bible has some wonderful pictures of the church that will help us understand what the church should be to people outside the wall. Last Updated 7/07

57 Pictures of the Church 教会的写照
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Pictures of the Church 教会的写照 Deut 4:5-8 – Example (priest) to the nations 申命记 4:5-8 各民族的榜样(祭司) Mat 5:13-16 – Purifying salt; light 马太福音5: 洁净用的盐;光 John 17:18 – Embassy; ambassador 约翰福音17:18 大使; 使者 2 Cor 3:2-3 – Legible letter 哥林多后书 3:2-3 一封清晰易读的信 Phil 2:5-8 – Obedient servant 腓立比书 2:5-8 顺服的仆人 1 Pet 2:12 – Good neighbor 彼得前书 2:12 好邻舍 Rom 8:19 – First taste of something delicious 罗马书 8:19 初尝的佳肴 Methodologies: Biblical Metaphors Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Besides the metaphor of the window that we have just used, the Bible has some wonderful pictures of the church that will help us understand what the church should be to people outside the wall. Last Updated 7/07

58 在一张纸上画一扇四格的窗子,并且分别在每一格标出路加福音 2: 52节中的四个层面。
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Application 应用 Reflection 反思 Draw a window with four sections on a sheet of paper and label each section with one of the four areas of Luke 2:52. 在一张纸上画一扇四格的窗子,并且分别在每一格标出路加福音 2: 52节中的四个层面。 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have the participants work in small groups Ask them to draw a four paned window Last Updated 7/07

59 智慧上 属灵上 物质上 社会上 Example 例子 Wisdom Spiritual Physical Social
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Example 例子 Wisdom 智慧上 Spiritual 属灵上 Physical 物质上 Social 社会上 Methodologies: Application, Group Sharing Ideas Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask them to label each quadrant with the four areas. Last Updated 7/07

60 列出两个你们教会可以去实行的,涵盖以下四个层面的全新的项目,使其能够向你们所在的社区中的人们展现神目前的心意。
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Application 应用 List at least 2 new activities in each of the 4 areas that your church could do to demonstrate God’s present intentions to the people of your community. 列出两个你们教会可以去实行的,涵盖以下四个层面的全新的项目,使其能够向你们所在的社区中的人们展现神目前的心意。 Methodologies: Application Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have the groups work together to explore one thing that a local church in their context could do to express God’s good news for the present in each of the four areas. It is best if it is not something that their churches are already doing but something new. Give 5-10 minutes to think and write. Last Updated 7/07

61 一同祷告,求神帮助你推动你的教会能够在见证上更加整全。
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Application 应用 Pray together that God would help you be a catalyst in your church to be more wholistic in its witness. 一同祷告,求神帮助你推动你的教会能够在见证上更加整全。 Methodologies: Application, Peer accountability Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask the groups to pray together that God would help each of them be a catalyst in their respective churches to be more wholistic in the church’s witness. Last Updated 7/07

62 与你教会中的一位或多位领袖会谈,把你所列出的内容拿给他们看,并一同讨论你的想法的可行性。
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Application 应用 Meet with one or more leaders of your local church and show them your list and discuss the feasibility of your ideas. 与你教会中的一位或多位领袖会谈,把你所列出的内容拿给他们看,并一同讨论你的想法的可行性。 Methodologies: Action Plan Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Make a specific plan for when you could meet with leaders in your church about these ideas. Last Updated 7/07

63 God’s Present Intentions The Church as a Window 神目前的心意:教会成为窗口
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Present Intentions The Church as a Window 神目前的心意:教会成为窗口 Opening Slide Trainer Name Ministry 培训者姓名 事工 Last Updated 7/07

64 Review 回顾 福音目前和将来的好消息之间有何差别? 人们如何看到和理解目前的好消息? 教会的写照或隐喻有哪些?
God's Present Intentins - The Church As A Window VC Lesson Trainer Notes Review 回顾 What is the difference between the future and present Good News of the Gospel? 福音目前和将来的好消息之间有何差别? Why is the present Good News of the Gospel important? 为何福音目前的好消息很重要? How is the Good News of the present seen and understood? 人们如何看到和理解目前的好消息? What are some pictures, or metaphors, of the Church? 教会的写照或隐喻有哪些? Share one thing your local church could do in each of the four areas to be the present Good News of God’s love? 分享一件你的教会可以做的事情,以便在这四个层面中的每一个层面上成为神的爱目前的好消息。 Methodologies: Review Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Review Questions: What is the difference between the future and present Good News of the Gospel? Why is the present Good News of the Gospel important? How is the Good News of the present seen and understood? What are some pictures, or metaphors, of the Church? Share one thing your local church could do in each of the four areas to be the present Good News of God’s love? Last Updated 7/07

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