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Engineering Village™ Compendex®的基本搜索功能 Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering Village™ Compendex®的基本搜索功能 Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering Village™ Compendex®的基本搜索功能 Welcome.
This presentation will provide a tour of the basic features and functionality of the Compendex database on Engineering Village 2. No prior experience with either Compendex or Engineering Village 2 is assumed or necessary.

2 通用工程 土木工程 机械工程 电气工程 化学工程 原料 能源…
关于Compendex数据库 最详尽的工程文献数据库—资料新、范围广。 4000多种期刊、行业杂志、会议学报和技术报告的参考资料及摘要; 800万项记录(1969年至今); 每年新增500000项记录; 每周更新; 工程索引过刊: 年 (超过170万项记录) 175个应用科学和工程类别 通用工程 土木工程 机械工程 电气工程 化学工程 原料 能源… This presentation focuses on Compendex on Engineering Village 2 – the well-known global research database on all aspects of engineering. Global in scope, it provides comprehensive AND up-to-the-minute coverage of the world’s engineering literature. Some facts and figures: Bibliographic records from over 4,000 international research journals, trade magazines, conference material and technical reports Over 8 million records from 1969 onward About a half million records added each year – significant growth reflects volume of published literature that appears annually Weekly updates ensure currency For retrospective material, Engineering Index Backfile is now available, covering 120 years back to1884, it includes original reports of many historic discoveries and inventions – the Wright Brothers’ flight experiments, early nuclear-weapons research, the first manned space flights, etc.

3 快速搜索 上下文关联帮助 选择数据库 搜索关键词和相关领域 范围和分类选项 搜索提示

4 字段说明 All fields: 指EI数据库全部著录项目,该字段为系统默认字段。
Subject/Title/Abstract: 检索将在文摘、标题、标题译文、主题词表、标引词、关键词等字段进行。检索词可为词、词组或短语。 Author(或编者): 作者指论文作者,输入时姓在前名在后。作者名后可以使用截词符,如:Smith,A*表示系统将对Smith,a., Smith,A.A., Smith,A.B, Smith,Aarom, Smith,Aaron C.等作者进行检索。用作者字段检索时可参考作者索引表。

5 字段说明 Author affiliation: Ei数据库中,70年代以前机构名称用缩写表示,80年代使用全称,90年代用全称加缩写。机构查找时应使用作者机构索引选取机构名检索。 Publisher:可以直接浏览出版者索引。 Serial title: 包括期刊、专著、会议录、会议文集的名称。 Title: 文章的标题。检索时可以输入词、词组或短语,如:radio frequency;如果标题是其他语种,则译成英文。 Ei controlled term: 受控词来自Ei叙词表,它从专业的角度将同一概念的主题进行归类,因此使用受控词检索比较准确。

6 字段说明: Ei controlled term
文献A 著者用词: 电脑 叙词: 计算机 文献B 著者用词: 计算机 叙词: 使用叙词查询:输入:计算机 词表显示:√ 计算机 叙词表检索可以检全有关计算机的文献,且检出文献的主题均与计算机相关, 因此也可以提高检出文献的相关度。

7 检索规则 输入规则 检索词书写大小写均可,输入框按顺序键入。 逻辑算符 逻辑算符AND, OR, NOT, 各行间按输入次序运算。 词干检索
在快速检索中,系统自动执行词干检索(除作者字段)。如:输入management后,系统会将managing manager manage managers 等检出。取消该功能,需点击“autostemming off”。

8 检索规则 截词符 *:放置在单词的任意位置,表示替代零个或任意多个字符。
如:comput*, 命中computer,computerized, computation,computational等单词。 如:*sorption命中adsorption, absorption, desorption等单词。 ?:单字符通配符,代表一个字符。?? 代表两个字符;??? 代表三个字符等。可在一个单词中或在其末尾使用。 如:wom?n, 命中women, woman。

9 检索规则 精确检索 词组或短语需用引号(“”)或括号({})标注。 特殊字符
除了a-z,A-Z, 0-9,?,*.#,( )或{ }等符号外,其它符号均视为特殊符号,检索时将被忽略。除非用引号或括号将其括起,如:{n<7}。 禁用词 用短语检索时,允许句中使用禁用词(and ,or, not, near)。但该语句必须用引号或括号括起。 如:{block and tackle}(滑轮)或:“block and tackle”

10 检索规则 位置算符 NEAR/n:两词之间可插入0-n个词,前后位置任意。
如:laser NEAR/2 diode可检出:laser diode, diode laser, laser under diode, Diode-pumped tunable laser等。 ONEAR/n:两词之间可以插入0-n个词,次序不可调换。 如:laser ONEAR/2 diode可检出:laser diode, laser under diode, laser with transverse diode pumping等。 字段限定符: wn:例:{computer aided design} wn ti 将检索词限定在题名中出现。

11 Compendex详细记录 全文链接 点击作者姓名,搜索更多文章 30多种语言支持 该期刊上的更多文章
Sample detailed record (top half) – Yellow full-text button – go to complete article online (when available) Accession number– unique identifier for record Author names – hypertext functionality – click names for more papers by these people Author affiliation – corporate or institutional source Serial title - journal or source title Language – over 30 to choose from ISSN/CODEN – click to find more papers from this serial 该期刊上的更多文章

12 Compendex详细记录(续) 文章内容摘要 主标题 标准索引词 资料源中其它重要词句 大量相关主题 数字对象标识 文章风格
Bottom half of record Abstract summarizes the article Number of references - indicates size of bibliography at end of paper – one good review article is worth 20 little ones! Ei main heading – defines broad scope of article; derived from print Engineering Index heading Ei controlled terms – assigned by indexers from Ei thesaurus – specific terms for more precision subject definition Uncontrolled terms –assigned by Ei indexers; often derived from original document (“author keywords”) Ei classification codes – enable retrieval of broad groups of subjects. Treatment – defines nature or stylistic approach of paper (useful for limiting searches) DOI – Digital Object Identifier – used for electronic full-text retrieval Depending on type of article, other fields can appear including Conference details (location, meeting date, etc.) 数字对象标识 文章风格

13 高级搜索 浏览索引,确定精确词 多词输入区,用于建立命令行查询,点击“帮助”了解详情 搜索代码
For users who are comfortable with “deep” searching techniques, Expert Search gives you full command-line flexibility and functionality. Fully supports all truncation, Boolean search logic, nesting, etc. Command-line syntax is fully documented in Help. Click on the question mark (?) next to search box. Features: Larger dialog box for entering query Full list of search codes for all data fields Additional choices in Browse Indexes – treatment type, document type, language (all 30+ languages) 搜索代码

14 管理搜索结果 选择记录范围 选择格式 找到的记录数目 全文链接
After hitting SEARCH, a list of citations appears. The number of hits found appears at the top of the list – here, 143. Select checkboxes for records to manage, or select ranges. Management options appear at top of page: Choose format: Citation: author, title, source & publication details Abstract: Citation, abstract & controlled terms Detailed record: full bibliographic record, with indexing, etc. Choose output options: View selections: Read records onscreen selected references to yourself or colleagues Print: Format for paper printing Download: Save as RIS (for Reference Manager, Procite or EndNote), RefWorks or ASCII text file Save to Folder: Save references in folder for later viewing Upper right: 25 results per page appear; use pull-down menu to see next 25. If you wish, you can specify a range of references to view or download Up to 400 records can be selected. In the citations, author names appear hyperlinked; click on a name to retrieve more papers by that author. Yellow “Full Text” buttons link to full documents online (availability subject to your institution’s subscriptions). To see individual Compendex records online, click Abstract/Links for a medium record (citation, abstract, controlled terms) or Detailed Record/Links for a fuller bibliographic record (incl. treatment type, additional bibliographic details, etc.)

15 记录输出 点击电子邮件( )输出选项, 用户可以将其检索结果用电子邮件( )发送给自己或他人,此时将弹出一个电子邮件( )编辑框,用户可以输入电子邮件接收者的 地址(电子邮件)以及用户想发送的任何信息。打印选定的记录(Print Selected Records) 打印: 将对选择记录(Selected Records)页面重新排版,使其变为适合打印的格式。记录中与全文和本地的链接信息将被自动删除,使得出现在新窗口中的记录更便于打印。 下载 在对话框中用户可选择所希望的下载格式。有两种格式可供选择(RIS格式和ASCII格式)。RIS格式与大多数目录系统应用程序兼容,如EndNote, ProCite和Reference Manager,但是用户的计算机必须安装一种相应的软件,以便将选择的记录输入到应用程序。 保存选定的记录 可以创建一个在线的文件夹保存用户的检索结果。要求用户输入其帐号和密码。用户最多可创建三个文件夹,每个文件夹最多可容纳50条记录。

16 结果太多? 将词条限制在特定领域; 查看主题词表——改用更精确的词条; 仅限英语; 最近发表年份或最近更新日期; 具体文件类型;
具体使用类型; 关闭自动衍生功能; Suggestions for “tweaking” searches – to get answer set from thousands of references to a manageable number.

17 结果太多? 用截词要妥当; 使用合适的布尔运算式; 利用分网改进搜索。
cat* → cat, catalyst, catapults, caterpillar等; 使用合适的布尔运算式; 利用分网改进搜索。

18 从检索结果里使用包括(include)或排除(exclude)一个或多个关键词。
快速、高级和主题词表分网搜索 从检索结果里使用包括(include)或排除(exclude)一个或多个关键词。 点击每个关键词旁的复选框,在分网或分网间结合一个以上的关键词。 The Facets in the Quick & Expert interfaces offer greater flexibility when refining a search. The list of clusters facets includes: Databases, Author, Controlled vocabulary, Classification code, Document type, Language, year, and publisher. and an “Add term” field. Each facet displays the first 10 items that are relevant for your search. Click on more to find further information within each facet. Include / Exclude: Each term within a facet can be included or excluded from your initial search. A number of search terms can be added to the same search, i.e. combining author, year and publication or any other combination which is most appropriate to the search.

19 初始关键词和被排除的词条间会出现“-”符号。
包括和排除词条 包括词条 初始关键词和被添加的词条间会出现 “+”符号 。 排除词条 When including an author and document type the system will search for the original term AND the author AND the document type selected. In the example above we first searched for “acid”, then we included an author and a document type which resulted in a query that uses a ‘+’ sign between the initial key word and the added terms from the facets. When you exclude terms from the facets these are shown in the search path as ‘-‘ sign. 初始关键词和被排除的词条间会出现“-”符号。

20 搜索历史记录 单击搜索结果重新运行或修改 点击保存搜索结果** 整合搜索号,以便灵活查询 ** 需要的个人帐户

21 结果不够? 查看主题词表,采用含义更广的词条; 查看主题词表,看词条是否已发生变化; 工程信息主标题或分类码; 包括同义词;
浏览索引,查找作者的别名等; 包括所有领域; 打开自动衍生功能; More suggestions for tweaking searches – to grow, not shrink, results

22 结果不够? 利用截词*涵盖简单复数,不要忘了不规则形式; 使用“快餐”搜索查找好文章;然后扫描索引,查找主题标目; 使用合适的布尔连接器。

23 主题词表 搜索:查找索引词中的词条

24 主题词表 点击查看主题词表里的详细内容

25 主题词表 点击“i”查看与 该词条相关的更多信息 选择的词条会自动添加到搜索表 里
Boats is the controlled term. Click the yellow (I) to see the term’s history in the thesaurus and any broader Ei classification code that might be associated with the term. “Used for” = synonym To pick up a term to search, check the Select box to post it to the Search box at the bottom of the page.

26 主题词表 精确词:查看主题词表,选择工程信息控制词条
Exact Term lets you “cut to the chase” with a known Ei subject heading, to view thesaurus details.

27 主题词表 浏览:扫描主题词条的同义词列表 Browse: Page up and down an alphabetical list of controlled terms. Terms in italics (silica glass) = synonyms Italic term with asterisk (Silica – fused) = prior (replaced) Ei controlled term

28 Engineering Village还具如下特色:
其它特色 Engineering Village还具如下特色: 通过布尔逻辑运算进行高级搜索 保存记录文件夹 Blog This! RSS馈给 注册 注册登录后方可使用 登录

29 RSS 什么是RSS? 为什么RSS重要? RSS是一种用于在互联网上发布网络内容的XML格式; 也称为简单的连锁。
将更新的内容传递给阅读器; 避免弹出式广告和垃圾邮件等干扰,从而将注意力更好地集中在内容上。

30 复制提供的链接并粘贴到RSS 聚合板上,通过RSS馈给接收警报。
The next enhancement is the RSS or Real Simple Syndication feature. Here is how it works: Click on the RSS button, copy the links and paste it into your news aggregator. That’s it! This simple step allows you to get customized , automatic, updates through your news aggregator and provides a a ‘one-stop’ place to check all the web content that is of interest to you.

31 Engineering Village的RSS馈给

32 传递到您阅读器上的RSS A slew of software and web based RSS readers are for free on the internet. In this example you can see how records are delivered to “Newsgator.” I can view new search results as I check on all of my news sources, business news, weblogs and whatever else I choose to feed into my RSS reader. The point is that we are providing yet another option for delivering results to researchers in the ways they prefer to receive them.

33 博客允许任何人通过简便易用的发布工具,与他人分享自己的观点、资讯或激情。 博客记录可用来做什么?
Blog This 博客允许任何人通过简便易用的发布工具,与他人分享自己的观点、资讯或激情。 博客记录可用来做什么? 创设最近资料通告服务,在标题区强调最近发布的内容。 与您所在的机构以外的受众分享在Engineering Village平台找到的信息。

34 Blog This Finally, we added Blog This! Before I talk about the feature, please allow me to give a little background on this important and hot new trend in internet use What is a blog? A ‘blog’ is a short form for weblog; a personal journal published on the Web. This is a frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and Web links. More information on blogs can be found at Wikipedia. There are numerous blog hosts on the internet such as ( Blogcity ( and others. Blogging allows people to share their ideas, opinions, and in this case, research results. As more and more professors turn to web-based content, blogs are becoming increasingly important, especially on the university campus. How EV2 enables Blogging: Blog This works much the same way as the RSS feed. Simply click on the Blog This tab and copy the HTML code into your Weblog. Conclusion: Faceted browsing and searches allow users to conduct more comprehensive research and get more relevant results while RSS and Blog this! features by providing flexible alerting options. Used together, these tools will help researchers spend less time looking for the information they need and allow them to integrate their research into their other on-line activities. 点击‘Blog This’按钮,选择框内显示的内容,粘贴到您的公告栏里;一旦在公告栏中发布,其标题便会链接至“记录”摘要。

35 博客记录 添加标题 粘贴链接 发布

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