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贷款项目评价方法及案例 招商银行 孟军 2013年7月
一、贷款项目评价内容 贷款项目评价内容主要包括: 1、市场分析Market analysis 2、技术评价Tech analysis
3、财务评价Financial analysis,包括: 现金流及财务指标计算; 不确定性分析(盈亏平衡,敏感性及概率分析). 贷款项目结束后,应进行 4、后评价Post-completion audit
二、项目贷款典型风险分析 银行贷款项目评估报告最主要组成部分是财务评价,但项目贷款的风险主要来自市场和技术分析偏差。
案例A:(Market risk case)协和式飞机项目。1962年,英法签署协议共同生产超音速飞机。协和项目技术合作堪称典范(当时劳斯莱斯公司(Rolls-Royce)参与协和喷气式发动机设计制造),协和式飞机成为航天技术杰作masterpiece。
关于协和飞机的主要数据: 1976开始商业运营commercial flights ,共运营27年. 巡航速度:2179km/h(2.04 mach) 巡航高度:60000 feet 协和项目原始投入 £1.3 billion( s 价) 每架协和飞机可变成本 £23 million (1977价)
项目市场预测:在投产后 头几年可销售300架,实际总共销售14架。虽然英法政府补贴法国航空公司Air France和英国航空公司British Airways (BA)购买使用协和超音速飞机,仍不能挽救亏损 。由于难以承受巨额亏损,协和式飞机于 2003停飞,项目停止。 协和项目市场预测偏差原因: (1)油价1970s后高涨,只有富人能坐得起协和飞机; (2)超音速飞机音障噪音,多国领土上空禁飞; (3) 前苏联Tu-144超音速飞机1973年在法国航空展坠毁,原因一直难有定论,引起对超音速飞机的怀疑 ,导致协和潜在买家撤单。
案例B:2003年,我国中部某城市某企业家以其敏锐的嗅觉感受到高档小汽车在中国销售的业务机会并着手在华中开首家某高档品牌汽车4s店(当时上海已开店)。 经市场预测,测算预计销售300(辆/年)。根据计算,销售达到240 (辆/年)可盈亏平衡。 由于趋势把握得好,加上好运,实际销售大大好于预期: ,这家4S 店销售突破700(辆/年)(约 ¥5亿元p.a.).使其业务迅速发展。很快就取得巨额利润,目前该公司拥有数十家高档车4s店,并通过资本运作在境外上市。
案例C: 我国一家规模汽车制造商2009开始生产自主品牌小汽车。自主品牌小汽车价格相对低在100000元以下。当时该制造商市场预测销售40000 辆p.a.。根据计算,盈亏平衡点为35000辆。但实际销售远远低于预期,2010 及2011销售均不足30000辆,造成该制造商自主品牌车数年亏损运营。 In China there is a phenomenon, luxury, fancy cars sell like hot cakes, while some low priced cars have poor sales (these low priced cars are not necessarily of low quality, and they have higher performance/price ratio). This means that people buy cars not just for the practical usage. No wonder the Director-General of the WTO (World Trade Organization), Pascal Lamy, once says on a CCTV interview he is wondering whether China is a poor country with many rich people or a rich country with a lot of poor people. I’m not commenting on his opinion, you can judge from yourselves. When making market analysis, we have to take this phenomenon into account.
案例D(技术分析案例):某造船厂原主要建造LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas)船,2009年,一家欧洲运输公司向该造船厂订购两艘5000吨沥青船 tanker. 经过简单的技术可行性分析,该船厂认为其有能力建造这种吨位的沥青船。他们认为:这两艘沥青船吨位不大,技术难度与LPG船差别不大。按照外商与该船厂签订的合同,该船厂须在2010年4月交船。但实际上,该船厂的技术人员对沥青船的温度控制系统和中央控制系统的复杂程度及建造难度认识严重不足,到2011年仍无法完成建造。严重拖期后,该船厂不得不四处聘请技术人员将造船的某些核心部分外包,使建造成本大幅增加。直到2012年才交船。这单合同造成该船厂5000万元以上的损失(包括推迟交船的罚金和建造成本增加) Discussion: When making technical analysis, you have to carefully and objectively assess your capability to produce the contract products. Any misunderstanding of this would lead to your default (breach of contract) and great loss.
案例E:水泥是抵值建筑材料。在考察湖北的水泥生产商时,我们发现有共同的规律:水泥厂多建在有水运资源、有石灰石矿资源地区。从技术分析角度,由于水泥(以及石灰石矿)价值较低,运输成本占总成本比例不可忽略。水泥供应商之间的竞争存在明显的市场半径。对于汽车运输市场半径约 km ,铁路运输 km,而水运成本低,市场半径达到600km。如果水泥制造商没有水运和石灰石矿的优势,建议贷款谨慎。
三、不同时点现金流间的等价关系 两种不同的评价体系: 静态体系:不同时点现金流都等价 在静态评价体系,可用会计利润和现金流两种方式评价
动态体系:考虑资金时间价值 F = P(1+i) 只能用现金流方式评价,不能用会计利润评价(因为权责发生制不考虑资金的时间价值)。
四、贷款项目评价方法及案例 类别 方法名称 定义式 静态评价 现金回收期Cash Payback Period
会计收益率Accounting Rate of Return ARR = NI/ I0 动态评价 净现值Net Present Value 内部收益率Internal Rate of Return
投资现金流(包括固定资产投资和流动资金占用) 经营收入及成本现金流 处置资产现金流(包括现有资产和拟购买资产的残值处置) 与企业所得税相关的现金流(主要包括折旧及处置资产对所得税的影响)
由于所得税法典的复杂性,大大增加了项目评价中财务分析的难度。 The US income tax code is mind numbingly complex. As stated in Fortune magazine, ”No tax lawyer knows it all, few know much of it, and it may have become, in effect, unknowable.” 为突出重点抓住实质,我们对所得税率作简化处理—假定税率为简单定值.
固定资产投资:购买土地使用权(不提折旧),建厂房,购买设备等固定资产的投入(提取折旧); 流动资金占用:指资产负债表中流动资产的增加,如存货(原材料,在产品,产成品),应收帐款等占用增加. 流动资金占用不存在折旧,在项目结束时回收流动资金对企业所得税不产生影响.
1、资产出售对企业所得税的影响: (资产出售收入 – 帐面价值)х税率 2、折旧对现金流的影响: 折旧额х税率
案例G:综合案例;案例计算表 附:盈亏平衡图解及案例
An excerpt from The Wall Street Journal
Case study: Why did Volkswagen have difficulty operating at a profit in the early 1990s despite manufacturing high quality vehicles and achieving record sales? In the early 1990s, after a string of very bad years, Volkswagen AG of Germany had a record year in terms of number of vehicles sold. However, instead of experiencing record profit, the company’s profits plunged. The reason is that the company had allowed itself to get into a position where its break-even point was about 90% of capacity. As a result, there was a very narrow band of volume within which the company could operate profitably. The record car sales were made possible only by running its factories overtime using its expensive overtime labor. In contrast, some of the stronger European auto companies have break-even points below 70% of their capacity.
Example Acoustic Concept Company was founded by a graduate student in engineering, to market a radical new speaker he had designed for automobile sound systems. The company’s sales was 400 units last year. The unit price of the sound system is $250/unit, and the variable and fixed costs are $150/unit and $35,000/(total) respectively. The company’s income statement is shown in Table 1. Calculate the company’s break-even point; 2. The sales manager reports that a $10,000 increase in the advertising budget would increase sales by $30,000. Should the advertising budget be increased? Calculate the company’s new break-even point.
Solution of Example 6.1-1: 1. Calculate the company’s break-even point; Breakeven quantity: Q* = F/c = $35,000/$100 = 350 (unit), or Breakeven revenue: Q*P = F/(c/P) = $35,000/($100/$250) = $87,500 2. The sales manager reports that a $10,000 increase in the advertising budget would increase sales by $30,000. This means the Company’s income statement will change to Table :
The net income of the company will increase by $2,000 ($7000-$5000)
The net income of the company will increase by $2,000 ($7000-$5000). The increase in the advertising budget should be approved. Calculate the company’s new break-even point: Breakeven quantity: Q* = F/c = $45,000/$100 = 450 (unit), or Breakeven revenue: Q*P = F/(c/P) = $45,000/($100/$250) = $112,500
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