益生菌与益生元 功能研究进展 齐鲁工业大学 生物工程学院 刘新利 教授

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1 益生菌与益生元 功能研究进展 齐鲁工业大学 生物工程学院 刘新利 教授 vip.lxl@163.com

2 国际益生菌与益生元学会( ISAPP )

3 国际会议 ISAPP 2014 Annual Meeting

4 The technologies of metagenomics and metabolomics are broadening our knowledge of the roles the human gut microbiota play in health and disease. Indigenous microbiota

5  Normally not harmful.  一般情况下无害 Opportunistic bacterium 机会性致病菌 Opportunistic bacterium 机会性致病菌 Beneficial bacterium 有益菌 Beneficial bacterium 有益菌 Harmful bacterium 有害细菌 Harmful bacterium 有害细菌  Beneficial for host animal.  对宿主有益.  Harmful for host animal.  Cause diarrhea and disease.  对宿主有害  引起腹泻和疾病 Predominance of Beneficial bacterium keeps good condition inside intestine 有益菌保持肠道健康起主导作用。 Predominance of Beneficial bacterium keeps good condition inside intestine 有益菌保持肠道健康起主导作用。 > Bifidobacterium > Lactobacillus etc. 双歧杆菌,乳酸杆菌等 > Streptococcus > Bacteroides etc. 链球菌,类杆菌等 Three types of intestinal bacterium >Enterobacteriac ( E. Coli , Salmonella etc.) > clostridium etc. 肠杆菌 ( 大肠杆菌,沙门氏菌) 梭菌等


7 关于益生菌对人体影响的研究越来越深入

8 Activities of the gut microbiota are now known to play a central role in host energy requirements Some functional foods are supplemented with probiotics, Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are currently the most marketed probiotic bacteria worldwide.

9 Depiction of the beneficial roles of probiotics in the mammalian gastrointestinal tract IgA, immunoglobulin A; TLR, Toll-like receptor. ( many foodborne pathogens )

10 Other types of Bifidobacterium 双歧杆菌的种类 InfantAdultMonkeyDogPigChicken Cattle Sheep Mouth Honey bee B. bifidum ★★ B. longum ★★ B. infantis ★ B. brave ★ B. adolescentis ★●● B. thermofilm ●●● B. pseudolongm ●●●●● B. animalis ● ●● B. indicum ● B. astroides ● *B=Bifidobacterium


12 我国食品可用乳酸菌目录

13 Representation of potential or proven effects of prebiotics in the intestinal tract

14 Selective stimulation of beneficial bacteria Fructo-oligosaccharides(FOS) Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) Arabino-oligosaccharides (AOS) Human milk oligosaccharides ( HMOs ) Inulin-type prebiotics

15 Inulin-Type Prebiotic Nomenclature

16 * As shown, FOS is composed of glucose combined with 1~3 fructoses. 如图所示, FOS 是由一个蔗糖分子加上 1-3 个果糖而构成的。 Sucrose 蔗糖 Fructoorigosaccharides (FOS) G F GF2 G F F GF3 G F F F GF4 G F F F F Enzyme 酶 Composition of FOS 果寡糖( FOS )的组成


18 Microbiological changes reported in human feeding studies

19 Healthy controls (white) Ulcerative colitis patients in remission (gray) Ulcerative colitis patients in relapse (black) Target genes encoded 16S rRNA The potential prebiotic properties of arabino-oligosaccharides (AOS)

20 Structural features of human milk oligosaccharides ( HMOs ) Sialic acid

21 L. Renee Ruhaak , 2012 , BMB Reports

22 determined using MALDI FTICR MS. Asterisks represents number of fucose residues on the specific oligosaccharide depicted by the mass/charge ratio (m/z). J Agric Food Chem. 2011

23 Depiction of the beneficial roles of prebiotics in the mammalian gastrointestinal tract and their systemic effects. Ca2+, calcium; GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide-1; Gpr41, G-protein coupled receptor 41; SCFA, short-chain fatty acid.


25 低聚糖系列:如低聚异麦芽糖、大豆低聚糖、低 聚甘露糖、低聚果糖、低聚木糖、聚葡萄糖等; 双糖系列:异麦芽酮糖醇、麦芽糖醇、海藻糖、 木二糖等 单糖系列:甘露糖、甘露醇、木糖、木糖醇、 L -阿拉伯糖、 D -核糖等


27 New functional ingredients


29 Metabolic Fate of Inulin-type Prebiotics

30 Enzymes of lactobacilli

31 Research of Microbial Bioactivity Metabolites



34 Survival and activity of probiotics can be enhanced by encapsulation in the presence of prebiotics utilized by probiotics Microencapsulation


36 高活性菌粉的制备 菌种活化液体培养离心收集菌体制备菌悬液平衡 冻干保护剂测菌活 低温冻结真空冷冻干燥 菌粉 真空密封保存 测菌活

37 公益服务

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