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Presentation on theme: "汉译英之段落的翻译."— Presentation transcript:

1 汉译英之段落的翻译

2 翻译作业五 中国经济出现高增长,低膨胀的新局面。国民经济持续快速增长,市场物价基本稳定。
据统计,去年,我国GDP完成74772亿元,比上年增长8.8%, 其中第一产业增长3.5%,第二产业10%,第三产业8.2%。物价涨幅持续走低,去年全年零售价总比上涨0.8%,居民销售价2.8%,涨幅比去年回落5.3 和5.5个百分点。

3 作业分析 The economic of China appeared new situation of high growth and low expansion following by sustained rapid growth in national economy, stabilized basically in market price. The economics of china appeared to a new situation of increasing rapidly, and low inflatuation. National stuff price is keeping stability.

4 翻译练习 故宫是中国现存最好,最完整的古代建筑群。占地面积72万平方米,建筑面积约15万平方米。有大小数十个院落组成,房屋九千多间。
The Imperial Palace, which is the most superb and the best preserved of all ancient architectural complexes, covers an area of 720,000 square meters with .

5 建筑面积约15万平方米。有大小数十个院落组成,房屋九千多间。
The build-up part, made up of dozens of large and small courtyards with more than 9,000 chambers, has a total floor space of some 150,000 square meters.

6 英汉·汉英段落翻译与实践 作者:蔡基刚 复旦大学出版社

7 段落翻译中句子信息处理 Haliday, Quirk 等英语语法家均指出,从听者的角度来看,说话人首先提出的信息往往是已知信息(given information), 最后提供的往往是新信息(new information)。从说话人的角度来看,说话人首先选择要说的内容是主位(theme),最后要说的是述位(rhyme),一般来说,这两者是一致的,其基本精神就是:在一句句子中,信息值逐步增高的,所以信息核心往往安排在最后,取得尾心。 汉译英时,有时可以不必调整,有时需要作出必要的调整,取得必要的尾心。

8 例子:另外一部分对这样的机会求之不得,以便进入到诸如工程和金融领域。能够在华尔街的主要金融公司工作是很多实用主义的中国本科生的梦想。

9 译文1:Others jump at the opportunity to enter fields like engineering and finance. Numbers of pragmatic Chinese undergraduates dreams of a job in a large Wall Street financial firm. 译文2: Others jump at the opportunity to enter fields like engineering and finance. Working for a major financial firm on Wall Street is the dream of many pragmatic Chinese undergraduates.

10 分析:“工程和金融”这一信息已经出现在第一句中,所以第二句的“金融”就变成了已知信息,而已知信息一般放句首,在第二句中要在句尾介绍新的位置信息,就是“实用主义的”。

11 部分结构前移以取得尾心 有时候需要对一些结构作出必要的调整,以便符合主位,述位的规律,是译文更加流畅,自然。
例子:(改革开放的胆子要大一些,敢于试验。) 看准了,就大胆地试,大胆地闯。深圳的重要经验就是敢闯。

12 译文1:Once we have a clear objective in our mind, we should dare to struggle and achieve breakthrough. The important experience of Shenzhen is daring to pioneer. 译文2: Once we have a clear objective in our mind, we should dare to experiment and break a new path. That is the important lesson to be learned from Shenzhen.

13 最近,有的外国人议论,马克思主义是打不倒的。…. 事实求是是马克思主义的精髓。
Recently, some foreigners said that Marxism can not be defeated…The essence of Marxism is seeking truth from facts.

14 经典汉译英句型 1. A + a 结构 这种结构通常是指一个大句子后面带有一个小结构,翻译方法通常可以将前者翻译成中心句,后面翻译成同位语,介词短语或是分词和定语从句。 例1:现在我们有16个系,下设39个专业。 There are 16 departments with 39 specialties in our school. (后面翻译成with的介词结构,这种形式是最常见的方法。)

15 例2:北京有10个区9个县,总面积1万6千800平方公里。
例3:中国在2000年悉尼奥运会上,获得28枚金牌,在奖牌榜上名列第三。 例4:在过去的一年里,中国贯彻扩大内需的方针,经济得到稳步发展。

16 There are 10 districts and 9 counties in Beijing with a total area of 16 thousand 8 hundred square kilometers. China won 28 gold medals at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Game, ranking the 3rd on the medal tally. (这句是将后面的句子翻译成分词结构。) Last year, China implemented the policy of enlarging domestic demands, which led to steady economic development.

17 2. A + a1 + a2 结构 这种结构通常是指在主句后面同时出现了两个小句子,翻译的方法通常是将后两者同时变化成定语从句或是同位语的结构,还可以把其中两个变成介词或是同位语结构,

18 例1:在过去的1年里,中国贯彻扩大内需的方针,经济得到稳步发展,人民生活水平得到显著提高。
Last year, China implemented the policy of enlarging domestic demands, which led to stable economic development and significant improvement of people’s living standards. (这种方法就是把后面两句全部变成定语从句,a1和a2同时形成并列结构。)

19  例2:黄河流经中国的9个省和自治区,全长5464公里,流域面积75万2443平方公里。
The Yellow River runs 5464 kms across 9 provinces and autonomous regions with drainage area of 752,443 square kms. (这句就是把最前句和最后句变成介词结构,中间变成谓语结构。)

20 3. A + a + B 结构 这种结构和A + a1 + a2非常类似,我们在翻译的时候就是要区分第三个句子究竟能不能和前一个句子连在一起,也就是说最后一个句子和前者有没有密切的关系,当然在有些情况下,这两个句子结构区分起来比较复杂,也比较难以区分。

21  例1:现在只有5个国家的妇女收入占男性收入的80%以上,而中国妇女的收入相当于男性收入的80.4%。
Now, there are only 5 countries where women’s salaries make up 80% of men’s, while the income of the Chinese women equals to 80.4% that of man’s. (这句话把含有80%的这个小句子翻译成了前者的从句,而后面的一个句子又重新起了一句,很显然前两个句子和第三个句子没有什么逻辑关系。)

22  例2:据世界卫生组织的报告显示,到2020 年,世界老人将超过10亿,其中7亿生活在发展中国家。目前,全世界60岁以上的老人大约有5.8亿。
 According to a report of WHO, by 2020 it is estimated that the population of senior citizens will increase to 1 billion, including 700 million live in the less developed countries. There are 580 million people more than 60 years old all over the world at present.

23 4. A + a + B + b 结构 这种结构就是把两个A + a结构放在一起,其实方法和第一种很像,但是要形成两个主句和两个从属成分。

24  例1:2000年,全国共有普通高中14600所,在校生1201万人,职业中学2万所,在校学生1295万人。
 In 2000, there were 14.6 thousand regular senior high schools in China with million students at school and 20 thousand vocational schools with million students at school. (这句的翻译方法就是用A + with + and + B + with的机构,这种方法在考试出现的频率是最高的。)

25 例2:2000年,全国有妇幼保健院609个,医务工作者7.2万人,妇幼保健所、站2598个。基层医务工作者7.5万人。

26 In 2000, there were 609 women and children health centers with 72 thousand health and medical workers and 2598 local women and children health centers with 75 grass root health and medical workers. China has become an aged society since October 1999 with an average annual growth rate of 3%. The number of the aged people over 80 years old reached 11 million with an average annual growth rate of 5%. (这句话说明了两个事实,所以在翻译的时候,我们可以分割成两个A + a结构来进行翻译。)

27 5. A + a1 + a2 + a3 结构   这种结构实际上就是以上几种结构的延伸,这样的延续可能多个,而不止三个,其实方法都是一样,就是将后三者变成并列层次,要么是定语从句,要么是同位语,要么是介词结构。

28  例1:奥林匹克公园占地1215公顷,其中包括760公顷的森林绿地,50公顷的国际展览体育中心以及405公顷的中华民族园。

29 The Olympic Games Park covers an area of 1215 hectares, including 760 hectares woods and grassland, 50 hectares International Exhibition Sports Center and 405 hectares Chinese Ethnic Park. /The Olympic Park covering 1215 hectares includes 760-hectare woods and grassland, 50-hectare International Exhibition Sports Center and 405-hectare Chinese Ethnic Park.

30 (这句话提供了两种翻译版本,前者是将后三者变成介词短语,第二种把后三者直接变成了表语,总之就是要体现出A句和后几句的差异和关系。)

31  例2:在奥林匹克公园主建筑区内将建成容纳8万人的主体育场、2个大型综合体育馆、运动员村和国际展览体育中心。
In the main building area of the Olympic Games Park, a main stadium which accommodates 80 thousand people, 2 large sports complexes, the athletes’ village and the International Exhibition Sports Center are now under construction. (这句用的方法还是把后面的四者都变成了主语,和“奥林匹克公园主建筑区”这句形成结构上的差异。)

32 Homework 中国人民银行上海分行的统计数据表明,到2001年底,上海的海外金融机构达到65家,其中54家是外国银行。上海的外国银行的总资产,储蓄存款和贷款平衡差额占中国所有外国银行的一半以上。到目前为止,世界排名前50位的银行中有八家已经在上海建立的分行。



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