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帕金森病的临床诊断和治疗 陈彪 首都医科大学宣武医院.

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1 帕金森病的临床诊断和治疗 陈彪 首都医科大学宣武医院

2 讲课内容 帕金森病的临床特点、诊断及治疗原则 原发性震颤的临床特点及鉴别 运动障碍病的概念及症状学特点
病人的治疗应该什么时候开始?用什么药? 什么情况下病人应开始用左旋多巴制剂? 如果病人对左旋多巴效果不好,怎么办? 什么病人应该考虑手术治疗?

3 掌握重点 帕金森病的临床特点、诊断标准及治疗原则。 原发性震颤与帕金森病的鉴别。 什么是运动障碍病?



6 流行病学资料 患病率:15-328/十万,》55岁,1% 发病率:10-21/十万/年 流行特征: 男》女; 白种人》黄种人》黑人
年龄:40-50岁—~40/十万;50-59岁—~100/十万;60-69岁—~ /十万;》70岁—~700/十万

7 帕金森病的病理生化改变 选择性黑质多巴胺神经元丧失(50-70%);
纹状体多巴胺含量显著减少( 80- 99% );与临床症状的严重程度成正比; 路易氏(Lewy)小体:含大量共核蛋白; 胶质细胞增生; 进行性多巴胺神经元变性和死亡。


9 帕金森病的临床特点 静止性震颤 运动迟缓 肌张力增高 姿势平衡障碍

10 病史 多在55岁以上发病; 约5%为早发性帕金森病; 起病缓慢,多为单侧起病。

11 帕金森震颤 多数患者以震颤为首发症状。 静止性震颤,4~6次/秒。 多为不对称性。 情绪激动或精神紧张时加剧,睡眠中可完全消失。

12 原发性震颤 原发性震颤:姿势性震颤(postural tremor),做精细动作(action tremor)时加重,对称性,以手震颤为主,也可影响头、发音、舌、唇等,也可影响躯干和下肢。激动、疲劳可加重,喝酒可减轻震颤。严重时可影响生活功能。 生理性震颤:幅度细小,自然情况下多仅能被电生理仪器测得。手外伸、或做精细动作、或紧张焦虑情况下可放大而肉眼可见。在一些疾病情况下,如甲亢、低血糖、停药或戒酒时也可出现。注意与原发性震颤鉴别。 意向性震颤:节奏性震颤,在接近目标时加重,与小脑病变有关。 静止性震颤:见前


14 原发性震颤的鉴别 特点 原发性震颤 帕金森病 震颤 肌张力 运动迟缓 治疗 预后 双侧、肢体或头身、姿势性、动作性加重、进展慢
单侧、肢体、静止性、进展快 肌张力 正常 增高 运动迟缓 治疗 不用、或用心得安等 左旋多巴等 预后

15 肌强直 初期患者感到患肢运动不灵活,有僵硬或紧张的感觉,出现动作困难。 对侧肢体的自主运动可诱导出肌张力的增高。

16 运动迟缓 指病人有(1)运动起动困难和(2)动作执行困难,是病人最常见和较特殊的表现。 早期以肢体远端受累 对左旋多巴治疗反应好

17 运动迟缓的具体表现 一般性表现: 特殊表现: 动作启动困难 解系鞋带、扣纽扣难 “小写症” 自主动作变慢、幅度变小 “面具脸” 手摆动减少
重复动作易疲劳 做序列性动作困难 不能同时做多个动作 僵住 特殊表现: 解系鞋带、扣纽扣难 “小写症” “面具脸” 手摆动减少 流涎 言语减少,语音低沉、单调。



20 姿势平衡障碍 慌张步态 病人站立不稳,肢体反射减弱,容易向前或向后倒。 后拉试验 提示疾病已进入中晚期


22 其他 植物神经功能紊乱现象,如唾液和皮脂腺分泌增多,汗分泌增多或减少。 小便排泄困难或/和直立性低血压,多在疾病晚期,使用左旋多巴后。

23 影像学检查 磁共振成像(MRI):T2图像见到中脑黑质区变薄或大小不规则以及尾核变小和密度减低。
[18F]dopa-PET和I123 β-CIT标记多巴胺转运蛋白(Dopamine transporter,DAT)的SPECT扫描可帮助诊断早期病人。

24 影像学检查

25 神经系统检查 简短的认知功能检查 眼共视运动障碍;皮层感觉检查 震颤:区别类型 运动迟缓:对指试验,轮替试验,踏地试验等 肌张力:类型

26 帕金森病的临床诊断标准 存在至少两个下列主征:静止性震颤、运动迟缓、齿轮样肌强直和姿势性反射障碍;但至少要包括头 两项其中之一。
没有可以引起继发性帕金森病的病因:如脑外伤、脑血管疾病、病毒感染、金属中毒、一氧化碳中毒等。 没有下列体征:眼外肌麻痹、小脑征、体位 性低血压、锥体系损害以及肌萎缩。

27 帕金森病疾病临床分期 Hoehn-Yahr 疾病分期评分 I 期 : 单侧受影响 II 期 : 双侧受影响但无姿势平衡障碍
IV 期 : 病人日常生活明显受限 ,但在他人帮助下仍可进行 一定活动 V 期 : 病人生活完全不能自理 ,必须卧床

28 定义 帕金森病综合征:以震颤、运动迟缓、肌张力增高、和平衡障碍为临床特征的一组疾病症侯群。 帕金森病:病因不明的帕金森病综合征。
继发性帕金森病:由已知原因所致的帕金森病综合征,如脑炎或MPTP引起的。 帕金森病叠加综合征或非典型性帕金森病:具有帕金森病综合征和其它症状的一组神经变性疾病。

29 帕金森综合征(Parkinsonism)
遗传家族性帕金森病 帕金森叠加综合征 遗传变性病 原发性帕金森病 继发性(症状性)帕金森病

30 帕金森病综合征分类(1) 原发性帕金森病(Primary) 继发性帕金森病(Secondary) 药物引起(抗精神病药) 感染(脑炎、梅毒)
代谢性(肝脑变性、缺氧、甲状腺功能紊乱) 结构性(脑肿瘤、脑积水、脑外伤) 中毒性(CO、二硫化碳、锰、氰化物、MPTP) 血管性(动脉硬化)

31 帕金森病综合征分类(2) 帕金森叠加综合征(Parkinsonism-plus syndrome)
进行性核上性麻痹(Progressive supranuclear palsy, PSP) 多系统萎缩(Multiple system atrophy,MSA) 纹状体黑质变性(Striatonigral degeneration,SND) Shy-Drager综合征(SDS) 橄榄桥脑小脑萎缩(Olivopontocerebellar atrophy,OPCA) 皮层基底节变性(Corticobasal degeneration,CBD) 弥散型露易小体病(Diffuse Lewy body disease,LBD)

32 提示帕金森叠加综合征的症状和体征 无静止性震颤 左旋多巴治疗效果差 小脑和植物神经功能障碍 眼球共视运动障碍 神经行为功能障碍

33 帕金森病的药物治疗

34 PD治疗目的 改善病人的运动和非运动症状 提高病人的日常生活能力 减少药物治疗后的并发症 治愈疾病

35 Survival in Parkinsonism Prior to Levodopa
This shows 215 parkinson patients who had onset and first clinic visit before January 1, 1974, when levodopa was least accessible to most of these patients. The observed survival is significantly reduced compared to expected survival in the general population of the same year of birth and same sex, with p< Since the widespread use of levodopa, 565 parkinson patients had onset and were first seen after December 31, 1973 when levodopa was readily available in the study area, and covered by medical insurance. The survival is reduced compared to expected (p=0.029). The difference between the observed and expected survival in these patients is much smaller than in patients who had restricted access to levodopa.

36 PD治疗原则 改善病人运动协调功能----康复 增加神经递质传递功能-----对症治疗 阻断神经细胞的变性和死亡----治愈

37 疾病发生、发展及预防 时间 临床期 临床前期 非疾病期 一级预防 二级预防 三级预防 疾病慢性期、死亡 危险因素干预和治疗
多巴胺神经元变性和死亡呈进行性 纹状体多巴胺含量减少 80%以上 黑质多巴胺神经元大量丧失 临床前期 危险因素干预和治疗 纹状体多巴胺含量减少 ,但《80% 非疾病期 危险因素预防和干预

38 Potential Strategies for Neuroprotection
Selegiline (MAO-B inhibitor) Anti-oxidants (vitamin C or E) Co-enzyme Q Dopamine agonists Levodopa Estrogen NMDA receptor antagonists Neurotrophic factors Riluzole Neuroimmunophilin ligands Regrettably, there are currently no “definitive” neuroprotective agents for Parkinson’s disease. While selegiline has been widely discussed as a potential neuroprotective agent, an extensive and well-performed clinical research study, DATATOP, was unable to demonstrate that selegiline clearly delays the progression of Parkinson’s disease. Vitamin E was conclusively demonstrated not to be neuroprotective in that study. Nonetheless, the “oxidative stress hypothesis” continues to be an important theoretical factor in the etiology of neurodegenerative disease, and many patients continue to take antioxidant agents. Another of these agents, coenzyme Q, is available at health-food stores, and is currently being studied in a clinical trial. In addition, dopamine agonists have been suggested to be neuroprotective in a number of clinical trials. More recently, levodopa is being evaluated for a potential neuroprotective role. Estrogen is commonly overlooked as a putative neuroprotective agent. A number of clinical research trials have demonstrated that estrogen reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, and it may have potential for Parkinson’s disease, as well. Other compounds being studied for potential neuroprotection include NMDA receptor antagonists, neurotrophic factors, riluzole, and neuroimmunophilin ligands.

39 帕金森病治疗方法 外科治疗 药物治疗 毁损术(苍白球或丘脑) 脑深部刺激术(DBS) 干细胞治疗 基因治疗 抗胆碱能药物 促多巴胺释放药物
左旋多巴类制剂 多巴胺受体激动剂 B型单胺氧化酶抑制剂(MAO-BI) 儿茶酚胺氧位甲基转移酶抑制剂(COMTI) 脑保护剂 外科治疗 毁损术(苍白球或丘脑) 脑深部刺激术(DBS) 干细胞治疗 基因治疗

40 多巴胺的合成和代谢 多巴胺受体激动剂 GTP BH4 单胺氧化酶抑制剂 Pargyline Deprenyl DA Amphetamine
Tyrosine Tyrosine GTP BH4 TH 左旋多巴制剂 L-DOPA L-DOPA 单胺氧化酶抑制剂 Pargyline Deprenyl AADC DA MAO quinone + H2O2 + .OH DOPAC + H2O2 NQO1 SOD DA Amphetamine Cocaine hydroquinone VMT .OH Reserpine reuptake pre-synaptic receptor HVA + H2O2 3-MT DA 多巴胺受体激动剂 COMT MAO Pargyline Deprenyl post-synaptic receptor Tasmar

41 一、多巴胺受体激动剂 作用:对早期病人可单用,也可与多巴制剂合用治疗中、晚期病人。它不易引起异动症和症状波动,并可推迟和减少多巴制剂的使用。
机制:直接作用突触后多巴胺受体。 使用:应从小剂量开始,缓慢增加剂量,使用剂量应个体化。 副作用:消化道症状、体位性低血压、幻觉及意识模糊等。睡眠发作是值得注意的副作用。

42 帕金森病对症治疗:多巴胺受体激动剂 药 物 剂 量 作 用 受 体 嗅隐停 协良行 泰舒达 7.5-20mg/d D2 + , D1ˉ

43 二、单胺氧化酶B抑制剂 作用:对早期病人可单用,也可与多巴制剂合用治疗中期病人。可能有神经保护作用?它不易引起异动症和症状波动。
机制:抑制多巴胺的氧化降解,减少氧化自由基的生成。 使用:司吉林(seleegiline)、丙炔苯丙胺(deprenyl);5-10mg, 两次/日。 副作用:消化道症状、体位性低血压。失睡多见,故不宜晚上用。

44 三、左旋多巴制剂 左旋多巴合并多巴脱羧酶抑制剂是目前最有效的 药物。
作用:对各期病人均有效。但一般主张在病人出现姿势平衡障碍或工作受到影响时使用。它对运 动迟缓和肌强直疗效好,对震颤亦有效。 机制:补冲外源性多巴胺前体 药物:左旋多巴+苄丝肼 =美多巴 左旋多巴+ 卡比多巴= 帕金宁

45 左旋多巴制剂剂型 剂型: 普通剂型: 左旋多巴控释剂:息宁 左旋多巴弥散型制剂或水剂 美多巴: 200mg 左旋多巴 + 50mg 苄丝肼

46 左旋多巴制剂治疗原则 治疗原则: 以小剂量缓慢开始,剂量应个体化(病人需求和生活质量),求长效,而不求全效。
一般 mg bid,每2-4天后,加125mg/天,以达到能维持一般生活质量的最低剂量为维持剂量。 饭前或饭后1小时服用

47 左旋多巴制剂副作用 消化道症状 体位性低血压、心律失常 幻觉、焦虑、错乱 剂未现象、开-关现象和异动症等并发症

48 左旋多巴与药物引起的并发症 5 年 病程 药效 DA储存 2.0 1.47 1.37 并发症 剂未现象 开关现象 异动症 僵住现象


50 四、儿茶酚甲基转移酶(COMT)抑制剂 作用:增加左旋多巴的生物利用度和作用时间,而不增加左旋多巴的峰值血桨浓度;可增加左旋多巴通过血脑屏障进入脑; 机制:抑制外周和/或中枢多巴的降解代谢,使血浆或脑内多巴胺明显增加; 适用症:出现剂末效应或“开-关”现象 药物:达是美 (Tasmar or Tolcapone) :外周和中枢抑制剂,与左旋多巴同时服用,100mg 或 200mg, tid 可能导致急性肝坏死

51 五、其它对症治疗:抗胆碱能药物 1867年Ordenstein首先使用 作用:只对以震颤为主的早期病人有效 机制:乙酰胆碱抑制剂
药物:安坦 (2-4mg tid) 副作用:口干、排尿障碍、扩瞳、心动过速、记忆减退、意识模糊等。对65岁 以上和有认知障碍者不用。

52 五、其它对症治疗:金钢烷胺 1969年Schwab等使用 作用:早期病人的运动迟缓和震颤、或与左旋多巴联合用药,可出现耐受性。
机制:弱兴奋性氨基酸受体阻断剂。 药物:金钢烷胺 (50-100mg, bid or tid) 副作用:少,恶心、眩晕,可加重精神症状。肾功能减退时不用。忌急撤药。

53 决定早期病人治疗时应考虑的因素 疾病的严重程度 病人的年龄 功能受损的程度 日常生活受影响的程度 合并症 药物耐受的发生风险
长期治疗后出现合并症的风险 Clinical decision making in early Parkinson’s disease involves many variables, but none are more important than the disease severity and the age of the patient. The degree of motor difficulty and the impact on the patient’s quality of life are major determinants in the choice of initial therapy. While elderly patients are more likely to develop side effects of acute drug intolerance, the risk of long-term complications is clearly greater in young patients with a longer treatment horizon. In addition, the older patient is more likely to have multiple comorbidities, as well as multiple other medications in use, increasing the probability of decreased tolerance to anti-Parkinson’s medications.

54 影响开始药物治疗时间的因素 目前尚无确定的神经保护治疗药物 而确定对症治疗的时间需要个体化的考虑 功能受损的程度 病人的生活方式
When definitive neuroprotective therapy is available, immediate intervention with these agents will become the standard of treatment in early Parkinson’s disease. Since no neuroprotective therapies are available, initiating therapy in Parkinson’s disease must be individualized. Evaluation of the degree of functional impairment and the individual lifestyle of the patient are important when making decisions about the proper timing of initiation of therapy. Similar clinical presentations may lead be different management styles based on variables such as the patient’s attitude towards medications, the patient’s employment, or perhaps the patient’s need to continue to be a caregiver for a spouse. Adequate patient education and partnering between patients and physician will promote empowerment from the patients and enhance clinical decision making.

55 初始治疗选择: 病人的考虑 是否能耐受药物 药物长期使用出现的合并症 多种药物的同时使用 合并症 病人的生活方式和所承担的责任 费用
生活能力与年龄的关系 Patient age frequently plays a decisive role in the choice of initial therapy for Parkinson’s disease. Elderly patients have a higher risk of acute drug intolerance, but a lower risk of long-term drug-related complications. Acute drug intolerance is more common in the elderly as they are more likely to have multiple comorbidities and consequently be taking multiple medications simultaneously. Successful strategies for elderly patients with Parkinson’s disease generally include utilizing simpler medication regimens. Since levodopa is the most potent medication available for Parkinson’s disease, and tends to be somewhat better tolerated than dopamine agonists in the very elderly, regimens using levodopa alone are usually the best choice. Caution should be exercised when introducing pharmacologic agents which may precipitate confusion in the elderly, including anticholinergic agents, amantadine, tranquilizers, and sedatives. The risk of long-term complications from antiparkinsonian medications is also a significant factor. A patient who is approaching 80 certainly has a reduced risk of long-term motor complications such as fluctuations and dyskinesia, which generally become problematic after 5 or 10 years of therapy. Conversely, younger patients are at greater risk, since they are likely to require more years of treatment.

56 初始治疗选择: 老龄病人的考虑 治疗时间可能相对较短 出现长期药物合并症风险较小 出现合并症的风险较高 Levodopa: 耐受好、效果好
慎重使用合并用药 避免使用镇静安眠药 Simple medication regimens with levodopa alone are generally well tolerated and effective in the elderly patient. Adjunctive medications such as dopamine receptor agonists or COMT inhibition may be helpful although they need to be added cautiously. Sedative medications should be generally avoided due to the increased risk of confusion in the elderly patients.

57 初始治疗选择: 年轻病人的考虑 治疗的时间可能较长 出现长期药物合并症风险大 病人往往有较大的家庭和社会责任 单用多巴胺受体激动剂
尽量推迟使用和少用Levodopa 使用可能有神经保护作用的药物 Dopamine agonist therapy is an excellent choice for initial therapy in the younger patient. This permits delay of levodopa introduction. Since levodopa is the strongest agent available for Parkinson’s symptoms, and young patients have an especially long treatment horizon, dopamine agonist monotherapy may set the stage for a good long-term strategy of management. It is hoped that initial dopamine agonist monotherapy with the later addition of levodopa will delay or reduce the severity of long-term complications such as dyskinesia and motor fluctuations. Putative neuroprotective strategies are especially important in the younger patient, whereas in the elderly patient the risk of adverse effects may outweigh the addition of other medications.

58 五、早期帕金森病的治疗 非药物性治疗: 神经保护性治疗: 对症治疗: 教育、营养、锻练和物理治疗
维生素E和C ,CoQ10 → 丙炔苯丙胺→多巴胺受体激动剂 对症治疗: 抗胆碱能药物或金钢烷胺 → 多巴胺受体激动剂→ 左旋多巴制剂

59 影响早期治疗药物选择的因素 年龄:小于65岁 → 多巴胺受体激动剂;》65岁→左旋多巴制剂
认知障碍:没有→多巴胺受体激动剂;有→ 单用左旋多巴制剂,且尽量少用其它药 疾病严重程度:轻→多巴胺受体激动剂;重→左旋多巴制剂 对工作的影响:有→左旋多巴制剂或多巴胺受体激 动剂;无→多巴胺受体激动剂

60 Stages in Decline of Response to LD
I: Patient not aware of effect of individual dose II: Mid-afternoon loss of benefit III: Loss of sleep benefit; early-morning akinesia, possible foot dystonia IV: Regular “wearing off” every 4 hours at first, shortens with time V: Frequent wearing off, abrupt on-off, unpredictable dose response Development of motor fluctuations can occur as early as the first year after treatment with levodopa, and the literature suggests that 50% of patients have developed motor fluctuations after five years of levodopa therapy. Duvoisin reviewed the stages of declining response to levodopa and has subdivided these into five categories. In stage one, the patient is unaware of individual dose response to levodopa. In stage two, a mid-afternoon loss of benefit from the drug is seen. In stage three, loss of sleep benefit occurs, with early morning mobility problems, as well as possible foot cramping or dystonia, usually on the most affected parkinsonian side. Stage four is heralded by a predictable wearing off at approximately every four hours, this interval shortening with disease progression. Stage five is categorized as frequent wearing off, with sometimes abrupt and unpredictable response to levodopa dosing. Treatment of response fluctuations is based on identifying causes of motor changes.

61 Response Fluctuations: Treatment
Increase LD dose Increase DCI dose Add dopamine agonist Add COMT inhibitor reduce LD liver function monitoring Apomorphine rescue Treatment of these fluctuations include increasing levodopa dosing, increasing carbidopa or benserazide dosing, adding a dopamine agonist, adding a catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitor (with reduction in levodopa), and apomorphine rescue.

62 八、外科治疗

63 手术治疗适应征 患典型的帕金森病,对左旋多巴制剂有效 药物治疗症状控制不好,有明显开关现象 出现运动障碍合并症,调整药物效果不好

64 手术方法 苍白球毁损术或刺激术 丘脑毁损术或刺激术 丘脑底核毁损或刺激术 脑移植

65 手术治疗小结 减少症状波动,改善“关”期各种症状,延长“开”期时间 显著减少异动症 短中期疗效是肯定的 必须使用微电极介导的定位方法



68 运动障碍病的定义 锥体外系疾病:Extrapyramidal diseases 运动障碍疾病:Movement Disorders
由于脑基底节或黑质结构功能紊乱导致的以随意运动调节功能障碍为特征的一组疾病 运动障碍疾病:Movement Disorders 发生于意识清醒病人的随意运动调节功能障碍为特征的一组疾病

69 运动障碍疾病的特点 通常与基底节或多巴胺神经递质传导功能紊乱有关;
临床上导致运动调节功能障碍,而非运动能力本身;故肌力、感觉和小脑一般不受影响; 临床上主要表现为:肌张力降低-运动过多 所致的异常不自主运动和肌张力增高-运动减少所致的运动贫乏两大类; 所有不自主运动受病人精神状态影响,紧张时加重,睡眠时消失。

70 不自主运动的类型: 运动障碍或异动症(dyskinesia) 震颤(tremor) 舞蹈征(chorea) 肌张力障碍(dystonia)
抽动症(Tic) 投掷症(Ballism) 手足徐动症(athetosis)

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