China Association of Plant Engineering Consultants 中国设备监理协会

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1 China Association of Plant Engineering Consultants 中国设备监理协会
Professional Indemnity Insurance & Risk Management 职业责任保险及风险管理 19 June 2009 2009年6月9日 Stephen Boddington Jardine Lloyd Thompson Asia 史蒂芬·博丁顿 怡和保险顾问有限公司

2 Agenda议题 Introduction to Professional Indemnity职业责任保险简介
Policy Overview保单概述 Sources of Claims索赔来源 Why Risk Manage为什么要进行风险管理 Risk Management风险管理

3 What is Professional Indemnity Insurance? 什么是职业责任保险?
An insurance policy which assists an Insured in protecting their balance sheet against its’ legal liability or alleged legal liability arising out of the performance of professional services 职业责任保险是一种帮助被保险人保护其因提供专业服务产生的法律责任,或被指称的法律责任而引起的财产损失。

4 Sources of Professional Liability 职业责任来源
Common Law 普通法 Hong Kong, United Kingdom, USA, Singapore, Australia etc  香港、英国、美国、新加坡、澳大利亚等  Civil Code 民法 PRC, Japan etc 中国、日本等   Statute 法规 Laws, rules, regulations etc passed by Government  政府通过的法律、规则、条例等。 Contract 合同

5 Why Purchase Professional Indemnity 为什么要购买职业责任保险
In addition to “protecting balance” sheet identified earlier 除了前面提到的“财产保护”功能外 Satisfy contractual obligations: 承担合同责任: > PI not a common requirement in China在中国,对职业责任保险通常没有要求 > Greater obligations outside China:在中国以外的国家责任更大: - International contracts国际合同 - International clients operating within China在中国经营的外资客户

6 Claims Made Policy 索赔发生制保单
FUNDAMENTAL基本概念 It is the policy in force at the time a claim is first made against the Insured and notified to Insurers which will provide indemnity to the Insured 在保单有效期内,被保险人第一次遭到索赔,并通知保险人时,保险人将向被保险人提供赔偿 It is not any policy that may have been in force at the time the services giving rise to the claim were performed可能引发索赔的服务并未发生在保单有效期之内

7 Policy Overview保单概述 Insured被保险人 Individual Consultant监理人员个人 Note: 注:
The policy does not include your client as an Insured party 保险单 的被保险方不包括您的客户 The policy does not include your sub-consultants as Insured parties, however the policy will provide an indemnity to You in respect of your vicarious liability arising from the acts of such sub- consultants 保险单的被保险方不包括您下属的监理人员,但对由于 此类下属监理人员行为产生的责任,保单将向您提供赔偿 Policy will indemnify current and past partners, directors, principals and employees of the firm 保单将对公司当前的和过去的合伙人、经 理人、负责人和员工进行赔偿

8 Policy Overview 保单概述 Insuring Clause / Scope of Cover 保险条款/赔付范围
The policy will:保险将: Indemnify the Insured in respect of actual or alleged legal liability for claims made against the Insured arising from any actual or alleged negligent act, error or omission in the performance of the professional services. 对被保险人在进行专业服务时产生的任何实 际的或被指称的过失行为、错误或疏忽引起的实际或被指称的法律 责任进行赔偿。 Policy commonly limited to “negligence” 保单通常限定为“过失” Broader forms may be required: 也可要求更为宽泛: > Any “act, error or omission” – removing negligence 任何“行为、 错误或疏忽”-去掉“过失” > Civil liability form民事责任形式

9 Policy Overview 保单概述 Policy is triggered when a claim:保单生效的条件是,当索赔
Is first made against the Insured during the Period of Insurance and notified to the Insurer 保险期内,首次向被保险人提出,并通知保险人 AND和 It arises from a negligent act, error or omission of the Insured occurring after the Retroactive Date 由被保险人在追溯日之后发生的过失、错误或疏忽引起

10 Policy Overview 保单概述 Professional Services专业服务
Defined in the policy – commonly includes: 在保单中定义-通常包 括: > Advice建议 > Design / engineering设计/工程 > Specification规格制定 > Supervision监督 > Management管理 Review to ensure definition reflects those persons who perform the services进行审核以保证该定义代表了提供服务的人员 Insurers may restrict this to:保险人可能将此限定为: > Professionally qualified persons and / or具有专业资格的人,和/ 或 > Persons with a minimum level of technical experience拥有最低技 术经验的人

11 Policy Overview保单概述 Retroactive Date追溯日
Policy may be subject to a specific “retroactive date”保 险可能以某个具体的“追溯日”为准 States that no cover is provided for services performed prior to this “retroactive date”声明在此“追溯日”之前提 供的服务不在赔偿范围内 Recommend negotiations with insurers to ensure a sufficient “retroactive date” is included建议与保险人商 谈,保证“追溯日”规定充分

12 Policy Overview保单概述 Typical Exclusions典型的例外情况
Liabilities covered by other policies其他保单包括的责任 Fines and penalties罚款和惩罚 Liquidated damages违约金 Fitness for purpose / express guarantees of performance适用性/明示性能 担保 Contractual liabilities (those that would not exist but for the contract)合约责 任(无合约即不存在的责任) Services performed prior to the retroactive date追溯日前提供的服务 Fraud and dishonesty欺诈或不诚实行为 Claims made prior to the inception of the policy保险生效日期前提出的索赔

13 Policy Overview保单概述 Policy Types保单类型 1. Annual Policy年度保单
Common approach – annually renewable通用方式-每年续保 Covers all activities performed by the Insured包括被保险人进行的任何活动 2. Project Specific Policy特定项目保单 Provides cover for individual contract over multiple years包括跨越几年时 间的某个合同 Dedicated cover for individual contract只针对单个合同 Increased cost – premium for period paid at inception增加费用-保险费要 在保险期间开始时支付

14 Possible Sources of Claims for Certification索赔证明的可能来源
Incorrect certification can result in many losses for clients: 错误的鉴定证明可能给客户带来许多损失: Damage to existing facilities对现有设施的损坏 Loss of production / reduced production生产损失/减产 Loss of revenue效益损失 Injuries to third parties给第三方造成伤害 Fines and penalties (ie breach of statutory regulations) 罚款和惩罚(违反法规)

15 Possible Sources of Claims for Certification 索赔证明的可能来源
Example 1例1 Consultant engaged to test consignments and production of fuel for power station usage which must meet certain specification.监理对应对发电厂使用的燃料生产 与运送进行测试,已达到某种技术规范。 Power station fined for breaching air pollution consent levels and sought recovery against consultant.发电厂对违反空气污染标准进行罚款,要求监理做出赔偿。 Example 2例2 Consultant engaged to certify copper tubing produced by Chinese manufacturer for distribution in Canada.监理对在中国生产,在加拿大销售的铜管件出具证明。 Product subsequently found to be defective after extensive use / installation in residential properties throughout Canada.该产品在全加拿大住宅中广泛采用/安装后 发现质量存在问题。

16 Possible Sources of Claims for Certification 索赔证明的可能来源
Example 3例3 Consultant engaged to test product safety prior to release to consumers. 监理在产品出售给消费者前对产品安全性进行测试。 Product found to be defective resulting in injuries to third parties against product manufacturer who is seeking recourse against consultants.产品质 量存在问题,对第三方造成伤害,向生产商索赔,生产商向监理人员追索。 Example 4例4 Consultant engaged to inspect imported materials.监理对进口材料进行检 验。 While consultant signed off materials this was discovered to be incorrect. Client seeking recovery of financial losses such as penalties and additional duties.监理人员签字认可时发现材料不正确,客户要求对其所蒙受的经济损 失进行赔偿,如:要求其对罚款和额外付出的关税进行赔偿。

17 Why Risk Manage为什么要进行风险管理
Notwithstanding the existence of Professional Indemnity insurance avoidance of claims through risk management is preferred approach  尽管有职业责任保险,也要通过风险管理主动避免索赔,这是最好的方 法 Why?为什么? Professional organisation专业组织 Client relationships客户关系 Professional Indemnity claims:职业责任索赔: - Can be complex and time consuming操作非常复杂,耗时巨大 - Many costs will be incurred that are not covered by insurance将产生许 多保险不予赔付的费用

18 Why Risk Manage为什么要进行风险管理
Professional Indemnity claims (continued):职业责任索赔(续): Insured has conflicting positions with Client / Insurer:被保险人与客户 /保险人的立场对立: > Insured denying liability to client被保险人拒绝对客户进行赔偿 > Seeking indemnity from Insurer for possible “negligence”对可能的“过 失”向保险人寻求赔偿 > Insured desire to maintain “commercial” relationship with client被保险人 希望与客户维持“商业”关系 The policy indemnifies the Insured for its “legal liability”保单只赔付被 保险人的“法律责任” - The client does not pursue a claim direct against the policy客户并不会直 接按保单条款提出索赔 Deteriorating claims experience can result in:恶意索赔可能导致: - Increased insurance costs in future years未来几年中保险费提高 - More restrictive terms and conditions更多限制条款 - Non-availability of coverage (breach contractual obligations)不在保单赔 偿范围内(违反合约责任)

19 Risk Management风险管理 Risk Management:风险管理:
Risk management is the active process of identifying, assessing, communicating and managing the risks facing an organization to ensure that an organization meets its objectives. 风险管理是一个组织为实现其目标而对所面临的风险进 行主动识别、评估、沟通和管理的过程。

20 Risk Management风险管理 Identification and assessment process could include:识别和评估过程 可包括: 5. 低 4. 低到中 3. 中 2. 中到高 3. 高 1. 高 3. 中等 2. 严重 1. 重大 4. 轻微 5. 可忽略 4.轻微 5.可忽略 影响程度 影响程度

21 Risk Management风险管理 Management Processes include:管理过程包括:
Internal Operating / Technical and Quality Procedures内部运行/技术和质量程序 Contractual Risk management including:合同风险管理,包括: Scope of responsibility under contract合同责任范围 > Consistent with consultants understanding与监理人员的理解一致 > Reflective of consultants capabilities and skills反映监理人员的能力和技术 Limitation of liability责任限制 > What is the maximum liability in the event of a claim出现索赔时最大的责任是什么 > Is this a reasonable Risk / Reward allocation?风险/回报分配是否合理? Consequential losses / liquidated damages后续损失/已清偿损失 > What limitations are included under the contract合同包含了那些限制条款

22 Risk Management风险管理 Liability to third parties (personal injury / property damage)第三方责任(人身伤害/财产损失) > Are any limitations of liabilities included是否含有责任 限制 Injury to Employees对员工造成伤害 > Consultant and Client responsible for own employees?监理和客户各自负责自己的员工? Formal executed contracts正式执行的合同 > Is all work performed the subject of a formal agreement?是否所有工作均按正式协议进行?

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