禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm

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1 禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
青年聚會 Youth Meeting 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

2 Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!
請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!

3 來吧 我們來登 耶和華的聖山 帶著那歡喜讚美敬拜 耶穌配得 配得我們敬拜的主
來吧 我們來登 耶和華的聖山 帶著那歡喜讚美敬拜 耶穌配得 配得我們敬拜的主 Come, let us climb the holy mountain of God We worship with great joy and praises Worthy, Jesus, You are worthy of our praise

4 來吧 我們來登 耶和華的聖山 祂的聖殿充滿了榮耀 祢是配得 配得敬拜的羔羊 Come, let us climb the holy mountain of God This temple is filled with His glory You are worthy, You are worthy of our praise

5 榮耀哈利路亞 你是榮耀君王 榮耀哈利路亞 耶穌榮耀的王 Glory alleluia You are the glorious King Glory alleluia Jesus, the glorious King

6 來吧 我們來登 耶和華的聖山 萬國和萬民都來讚美 被殺羔羊 配得敬拜的羔羊 Come,let us climb the holy mountain of God All the people and nations praise You The shed lamb, You are worthy of our praise

7 我已被贖回 藉著羔羊的血(x3) 聖靈充滿在我心 我罪完全被赦免

8 你聽見嗎 大響聲在遠方 當我們敬拜 猶大獅子發聲 堅固營壘 四圍環繞 在主同在中都倒塌
Can you hear it? Thunder in the distance When we worship, the Lion of Judah roars Strongholds crumble all around us In the presence of our Lord

9 勝利在我們當中 齊來呼喊 El Shaddai 眾仇敵必定逃跑 躲避祂目中火光
There’ll be victory in the camp At the shout of El Shaddai Every enemy will flee From the fire in His eyes

10 Every captive will be freed When we hear the shout of El Shaddai
主恩惠禧年來到 被擄者都得著釋放 當我們齊呼喊 El Shaddai Every captive will be freed In this year of Jubilee When we hear the shout of El Shaddai

11 頌讚和尊貴 榮耀與能力 都歸給那永在之神 從各方各國,所有受造物 俯伏敬拜永在之神
Blessing and honor, glory and power Be unto the Ancient of Days From every nation, all of creation Bow before the Ancient of Days

12 天地間萬口都要來 齊宣揚你榮耀 萬膝跪拜你寶座前 同敬拜
Every tongue in Heaven and earth Shall declare Your glory Every knee shall bow at Your throne In worship

13 You will be exalted oh God
你永遠被尊崇 哦神 你的國度必永不敗壞 哦 永在之神 You will be exalted oh God And Your kingdom Shall not pass away Oh Ancient of Days

14 你國度在全地永遠掌權 來歌頌那永在之神 因為無人能夠與你相比
Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth Sing unto the Ancient of Days For none can compare to Your matchless worth

15 Jesus, God’s righteousness revealed The Son of man, the Son of God
耶稣 神公义的彰显 他是人子 神独生子 他国降临 Jesus, God’s righteousness revealed The Son of man, the Son of God His kingdom comes

16 Jesus, redemption’s sacrifice Now glorified, now justified
耶稣 神牺牲的救赎 今得荣耀 今已称义 他国降临 Jesus, redemption’s sacrifice Now glorified, now justified His kingdom comes

17 他的国度永远长存 他的荣耀无法测度 君王的大能和尊贵 他的国度已来到
And this Kingdom will know no end And its glory shall no bounds For the majesty and power Of this kingdom’s King has come

18 他国度掌权 他统管万有 他的国度 满有权柄和能力 耶稣,神公义的彰显
他国度掌权 他统管万有 他的国度 满有权柄和能力 耶稣,神公义的彰显 And this Kingdom’s reign And this Kingdom’s power and authority Jesus, God’s righteousness revealed

19 Jesus, the expression of God’s love The Grace of God, the Word of God
耶稣 神慈爱的表明 神的恩典 神的话语 向我彰显 Jesus, the expression of God’s love The Grace of God, the Word of God Reveal to us

20 Jesus, God’s holiness displayed Now glorified, now justified
耶稣 神完全的圣洁 今得荣耀 今已称义 他国降临 Jesus, God’s holiness displayed Now glorified, now justified His kingdom comes

21 十字架上的光芒 溫柔又慈祥 帶著主愛的力量 向著我照亮
Shining on with tenderness Is the cross of love Lighting up my night and day Is the power of Your sacrifice

22 我的心不再隱藏 完全的擺上 願主愛來澆灌我 在愛中得自由釋放
Never again my heart be sealed I offer my all Fill me now, Lord, with Your love Set my soul free and make me whole

23 Shelter me with Your love
我願意降服 在你愛的懷抱中 I surrender all Shelter me with Your love

24 你是我的主 永遠在你懷抱中 你是我 你是我的主
Jesus, You’re my Lord Shelter me forevermore You are mine, Jesus, You’re my Lord

25 讓我進入主你的同在 我與眾天使圍繞寶座敬拜 喔 讓我進入主你的同在 我要單單敬拜你耶穌
Let me enter into Your presence I shall see all the angels around You worship Oh let me enter into Your presence And I’ll worship, and worship You alone

26 Bow down to Your throne (2x)
我要敬拜 敬拜 敬拜我的主 (2x) 我要跪下 跪下 在你寶座前 (2x) I will worship, worship Worship You alone (2x) I will bow down, bow down Bow down to Your throne (2x)

27 讓我進入主你的榮耀 我在你聖潔光中被你得著 喔 讓我進入主你的榮耀 我要單單為主你而活
Let me enter into Your glory I shall live in Your holy presence worship Oh let me enter into Your glory I will live, and live for You alone

28 頌讚榮耀 榮耀 榮耀歸羔羊 (2x) 頌讚聖潔 聖潔 聖潔的真神 (2x)
I sing glory, glory Glory to the Lamb (2x) I sing holy, holy Holy is the Lord (2x)

29 在這個時刻 我向主歌唱 唱出一首愛的詩歌 在這個時刻 我高舉雙手 向我的主高舉雙手
In moments like these, I sing out a song I sing out a love song to Jesus In moments like these, I lift up my hands I lift up my hands to the Lord

30 Singing I love You, Lord (3x)
我愛你 Singing I love You, Lord (3x) I love You

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