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4th week Chinese 2 Objectives
1. measure words 2. new words of beverage 3.dialogue: Hi, come in please. Thank you. Please take a seat. what do you want to drink? I want a cup of …. Your house is big. How many rooms do you have? There are 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. The kitchen is next to garage. culture: Chinese Moon Festival
Assigned Seat Front John Wayne Nat José Zoe Caleb Justin Saud Kat Tim
John Wayne Nat José Zoe Caleb Justin Saud Kat Tim Taylor Lindsey
Monday objectives 1.measure words 2. new words of beverage
3.dialogue: Hi, come in please. Thank you. Please take a seat.
Measure words 个,Gè for people, small items, 瓶,píng for bottle
斤,jīn for weight. One 斤= 500 g 只,zhī for animal, egg, etc 杯,bēi for cup of…, glass of … 快,kuài, a piece of ( any slice) 盒, hé, a box of
个 瓶 斤 只 杯 快 盒 八块比萨 一个人 一个遥控器 三个游戏 五个晚上 一瓶水 两瓶可乐 五瓶牛奶 十瓶七喜 一斤糖 一斤牛肉
两斤猪肉 六斤鱼肉 只 三只狗 一只蛋 四只 杯 一杯水 四杯可乐 五杯牛奶 十杯七喜 快 一块蛋糕 八块比萨 盒 一盒糖 三盒蛋糕 四盒比萨
汽水Qìshuǐ 可乐Kělè, 七喜Qīxǐ 雪碧Xuěbì/sprite
3.dialogue: Hi, come in please. 你好!请进! Thank you. 谢谢!
Please take a seat. 请坐 ! Thank you. 谢谢~
Tuesday objectives TEKS: 1A, 2A, 2B, 3A TSW review the measure words
Activities: find 5 students to tell them what they want to drink and write it down in your spiral. TSW learn New words TSW learn the dialogue: provide drink to the visitor.
蛋糕 cake 一个蛋糕 糖 candy 一盒/ 糖 牛奶 milk 一杯牛奶
Dialogue: please copy down the dialogue
A.你好,请进! Hi, come in please. B.谢谢 !Thank you. A.请坐! Please take a seat. B.谢谢! Thank you.
Activities TTW guide the students to practice the dialogue. 5 mins
TSW work in pair to practice the dialogue. 5mins TSW present to class. 10 mins Learn more Chinese:
Wednesday objectives Review the new words Review the dialogue
Practice with dialogue What do you want to drink? I want to drink…. TSW use the new words to make a comic strips Voc. quiz Friday
牛肉Niúròu beef 猪肉Zhūròu pork 羊肉Yángròu lamb
鸡蛋Jīdàn egg 培根Péigēn bacon 起士Qǐ shì cheese
Thursday objectives Moon Festival project: form a group of 2 to choose 1 top from below. 1. Background on the Chinese moon legends and customs, including 2. Moon Goddess: who is Moon Goddess? What do Chinese people believe? What does Moon goddess do in the moon? 3. Jade Rabbit : who is it? What does it stand for? What does it do in the moon? What does Chinese people believe? 4. Traditional Foods : what are they? What are the similarity with the foods we serve in USA for holidays? 5. Moon cakes: stories relating to moon cakes. Please provide 2 detail stories about the moon cakes. receipt of Moon Cakes: The legend of Moon Festival
Friday objectives TEKS: 1A, 2A, 2b, 3a, 5a Review voc. Voc.quiz
Review the measure words Review the dialogue: Hi, come in please. Thank you. Please take a seat. What do you want to drink? I want to drink ….
Practice: Please put pinyin and English after each Chinese word
汽水 蛋糕 糖 雪碧 羊肉 牛奶 牛肉 猪肉 可乐 七喜
Voc.quiz: write a Chinese character correctly and you receive 2 extra points.
1. 糖 2. 汽水 3. 蛋糕 4. 牛奶 5. 雪碧 6. 七喜 7. 羊肉 8. 牛肉 9. 猪肉 10. 可乐
Please make a sentence with each measure words
个,Gè for people, small items, 瓶,píng for bottle 斤,jīn for weight. One 斤= 500 g 只,zhī for animal, egg, etc 杯,bēi for cup of…, glass of … 快,kuài, a piece of ( any slice) 盒, hé, a box of
Want to learn more: find any 5 word in the following slides and you receive 5 points for your daily grade 玉兔 嫦娥 后羿 月球, 飞 节日 很 重要 关于 清楚 月饼 明白 好像 圆 团圆 幸福 会用三个句式“一边……一边……”“ 关于……”和“……对……”
二丶知识积累 1丶中秋节的来历: 相传,有个英雄名叫后羿。他拥有一把神弓,曾经一次射下九个太阳,并严令最后一个太阳按时起落,为民造福。他有个美丽的妻子名叫嫦娥。有一天,嫦娥偷吃了不老仙丹,飞落到离人间最近的月亮上成了仙。后羿很思念妻子,派人到嫦娥喜爱的后花园里,摆上香案,放上她平时最爱吃的圆圆的月饼,盼望嫦娥回来。百姓们闻知嫦娥奔月成仙的消息后,纷纷在月下摆设香案,吃月饼,向善良的嫦娥祈求吉祥平安。从此,中秋节拜月的风俗在民间传开了。 2丶介绍月饼: 月饼的形状是圆形的,有象征团圆的意思。它是中秋佳节必食之品。在节日之夜,人们吃月饼祈祝家人生活美满丶幸福丶平安。从种类来说,月饼有桂花月饼丶豆沙丶肉松丶黑芝麻丶蛋黄月饼等;月饼的味道皮薄酥软丶口感柔软非常美味。 三丶朗读训练 1丶 学生自由朗读课文,圈出不认识的字。 2丶老师示范朗读一遍短文,要求学生认读难读的字。 2丶 老师带读对话,学生跟读。 3丶 全班齐读,教师纠正读音。
1丶理解字词 师:教师解释“节日”“月饼”“团圆”“幸福”的意思。“团圆”家人散而复聚。如:⑴吃月饼是团圆的意思。⑵中秋节是一个团圆的节日。“幸福”(生活丶境遇)称心如意丶内心满足。如:中秋节全家聚在一起很幸福。学生造句理解。 生:圣诞节全家幸福的在一起。 生:中秋节吃月饼是幸福的事情。 师:教师解释“讲” “清楚”“明白”的意思。用动作表示“讲”的意思。组词“讲话”“讲台”。“清楚”事物容易让人理解丶辨认。“明白”内容丶意思等使人容易了解。两个词有时可以互用。如:⑴老师讲的内容我明白了。我听清楚了老师讲的内容。⑵对中国的中秋节,你清楚了吗?我明白了。 生:我明白了中秋节的故事。 生:我很清楚中秋节的故事。 师:教师讲解字词“重要”“感兴趣”。“重要”具有重要的意义丶作用和影响的。如:这个节日很重要。“感兴趣”“感”动词。感觉的意思。“兴趣”名词,喜好的情绪。“感兴趣”就是对某事物有喜好的情绪。如:我对中秋节的传说感兴趣。 生:圣诞节很重要。 生:我对中国的中秋节感兴趣。
2丶理解课文 通过教师提问,学生回答的方法,让学生理解课文。 师:每年的八月十五在中国是什么节? 生:八月十五是中秋节。 师:过中秋节的时候,中国人做些什么? 生:他们坐在一起,一边吃月饼一边看月亮。 师:中国人认为中秋节是怎样的节日? 生:中秋节是一个团圆的节日。 师:过节的时候大家心情怎么样? 生:快乐 生:幸福 五丶说话练习 1丶理解“……对……”“一边……一边……”和“关于……”句式 如:我对中秋节感兴趣。 我喜欢一边吃西瓜一边看月亮。 我知道了关于月亮的传说。 2丶学生造句理解句式。 生:我对万圣节很感兴趣。 生:我经常一边看电视一边吃零食。 生:我知道关于中国中秋节的故事。
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