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White Plains High School

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1 White Plains High School
Address: White Plains High School, 550 North Street, White Plains, NY 10605 Website: 纽约地区最大的中文学校,340名少儿学生 语言课:  首开完整的马立平,美洲华语系统兼以其他教材,实现因材施教、学有所成的宗旨。 文化课:  音乐,舞蹈,戏剧,绘画,手工,武术,棋牌,计算机,爬藤课程几大系列,选择多, 思路清晰,有利于孩子长远培养目标。 学生成绩: 毕业班学生 HSK 平均分数高出华夏系统平均分24分。华夏总校北区辩论比赛我校荣 获第一名,并夺得所参加比赛四个最佳辩手奖中的三个。 教师队伍:拥有近五十余名优秀教师,更多有影响力的教师继续加盟我校 文体活动:一年四十余项活动,让孩子感受文化,运用中文,让家长享受充实的周末生活。 志愿者团队:锐意教学改革,课程更新,推出的评估体系让人耳目一新,在华夏总校产生影响 机构稳定:教改的努力可延续,避免短期行为,避免重起炉灶 校园环境:休息大厅可容纳数百人,教室明亮宽敞,多媒体教学,一流的体育设施 耳听为虚,眼见为实 Open House: June 2, Sunday 10:00 am – 3:00 pm White Plains High School

2 Address: White Plains High School, 550 North Street, White Plains, NY 10605
Website: HXGNY, a non-profit organization, focus on teaching Chinese language and promoting Chinese culture, as its precedent’s (HuaXia, NY) in the past sixteen years. Our school is committed to educating students to be competent in listening, speaking, reading and writing in Chinese, as well as to be confidence and proud as Chinese American. Teaching students with Chinese heritage is our primary mission, which is complemented by our commitments to serve local communities with Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) program and adult classes. School Days are Sundays from September to June with classes from 9:30am to 12:30pm. Currently we have 340 school age student, the largest in the Greater New York area. We offer Pre-K to Grade 9 Chinese classes as well as AP Chinese. In addition, we offer various extracurricular courses, culture classes, and Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) for Children as well as for adults.  HXGNY admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, and other school-administered programs.

3 HXGNY Course Offering for 2013-2014
少儿高班 G4&up 成人班 Adult 音乐/舞蹈/戏剧 Performing Arts Folk Dance 民族舞 Magic circus 魔术马戏 Performing Arts 戏剧舞台声乐 绘画/手工 Arts & Crafts Cartoon Drawing 卡通漫画 Drawing 绘画 Origami Paper Cutting 折纸剪纸 武术/太极 Martial Arts Martial Art 武术 Qigong 意力拳/气功 棋牌类 Board Games Chess 国际象棋 GO 围棋 计算机 Computer Skills iPad Apps Design 计算机游戏 Lego Robotics 机器人技术 爬藤系列课程 Ivy Track Olympic Math 奥林匹克数学 音乐/舞蹈/戏剧 Performing Arts Ballroom Dance 交谊舞 Latin Dance 拉丁舞 Chorus Club 合唱 Violin 少儿小提琴 计算机 Computer Skills Computer Language 计算机语言 Web & computer animation design/ 网络和电脑动画设计 爬藤系列课程 Ivy Track (G7&up) AP Calculus AP Physics AP Chinese SAT Verbal SAT Math SAT Physics English Writing/Reading 英文写作和阅读 俱乐部 Club Leadership Training 领导力培训俱乐部 Debate 辩论俱乐部 Chess Club 棋类俱乐部 Math Club 数学俱乐部 Chinese book reading club 中文阅读俱乐部 English book reading club 英语书读书会 English writing club 英语写作俱乐部 音乐/舞蹈/戏剧 Performing Arts Ballroom Dance 交谊舞 Folk Dance 民族舞 Latin Dance 拉丁舞 Line Dance 队列舞 Music Appreciation Class 音乐欣赏课 绘画/手工 Arts & Crafts Chinese Calligraphy 中国书法 Floral Art 插花艺术 Brush Painting/Art Club 美术俱乐部 武术/太极 Martial Arts Meditation & Health 禅修与健康 Yoga 瑜珈 Qigong 意力拳/气功 Tai Chi 太极 Sports Club 体育俱乐部 Tennis Club 网球俱乐部

4 Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) Program
Address: White Plains High School, 550 North Street, White Plains, NY 10605 Website: Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) Program  31 Sunday Sessions (9:30am – 12:30pm, two-hour language study and one-hour culture class) from Sept. to June. $690 per student, $650 for siblings, $50 discount for early registration before July 1st Experienced CSL Teachers Beginner, intermediate and advanced level Mandarin classes Non-profit organization supported by altruistic volunteers HXGNY admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, and other school-administered programs.

5 Open House Open House Open House Open House Please join us at
Huaxia Chinese School, Greater New York Huaxia Chinese School, Greater New York Huaxia Chinese School, Greater New York Huaxia Chinese School, Greater New York Open House Open House Open House Open House Date: Sun Jun 2, ’13 Address: White Plains HS 550 North Street, White Plains, NY 10605 Website: Contact: Date: Sun Jun 2, ’13 Address: White Plains HS 550 North Street, White Plains, NY 10605 Website: Contact: Date: Sun Jun 2, ’13 Address: White Plains HS 550 North Street, White Plains, NY 10605 Website: Contact: Date: Sun Jun 2, ’13 Address: White Plains HS 550 North Street, White Plains, NY 10605 Website: Contact:

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