Welcome to JiangSu SUNLIKE Group

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1 Welcome to JiangSu SUNLIKE Group

2 Sunlike Group SUNLIKE


4 目录 Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Projects SUNLIKE 集团简介 1-2
集团简介 Brief Introduction 2 集团总部办公大楼 Office Building 企业资信 Qualification 3 4 生产线总包项目 Projects 5 部分产品展示 Products Show 6 生产制造能力 Manufacture Ability 7 部分业绩 Achievements 8 部分合作商 Partners 9 网络销售 Internet Sales 产品主要出口国家 Main Exporting Countries 10 SUNLIKE

5 集团简介 Brief Introduction 升辉集团愿与新老朋友“同提升,共辉煌”!
江苏升辉装备集团股份有限公司地处经济发达的长三角经济区,是一家集研发、制造、工程总包为一体的综合性高科技企业。集团公司及成员企业先后获得“国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业”、“省文明单位”、“AAA级重合同守信用企业”等30多项省级以上殊荣,集团建有省级企业技术中心,同济大学博士后科研工作站,矿渣粉磨研究中心,活性石灰研究中心,并获得国家专利60多项,拥有对外贸易经营权、进出口权、国际工程总承包、建设工程安装等资质。 集团旗下3家全资子公司,五家控股公司,参股杉杉创投基金。集团总部占地60000㎡,集科研、办公、职教于一体;制造基地面积约200000㎡,配有重型落地镗铣床、卧式车床、立式车床、滚齿机、1000T油压机、120T龙门起重机、加工中心、退火炉等300台套大型加工切削设备,拥有国内先进技术的研发和设计团队,集团现有员工1000余名,其中工程师以上的技术人员200余名、教授级高工2名、高级工程师28名、建造师及造价工程师10余名。 集团的主导产品新一代立式磨机、辊压机具有国际领先水平,以其电耗低、产量高等显著特点深受用户青睐。新开发活性石灰回转窑配套的高效竖式预热器,具有预分解效率高、产品质量均匀、产量大等优点。针对以往双梁石灰窑的不足,研制出新型的石灰石煅烧工艺、控制技术,在关键性技术方面取得突破性进展。集团分公司通过多年的潜心研究,分别生产具有各自代表性的辅机产品。除尘设备、散装机械、均化库设备、工艺物料阀门、输送给料机械、破碎锤、耐热钢等十多类200余种产品均已通过AAA测量体系认证和ISO9001、ISO14001、OHSAS18001三标一体认证,部分产品已通过欧盟CE认证。 通过全体员工努力拼搏,升辉现已发展成为一个综合性的装备集团,为建材、冶金、矿山、煤炭、化工等行业承接工程设计、设备制造、土建施工、机电设备安装、人员培训及生产调试、运行优化等全方位的总承包服务。目前已为丹麦史密斯、日本川崎、德国莱歇、拉法基、海德堡、中国建材、中材国际、亚泰集团、冀东水泥、红狮集团、新疆西部建设、中盐吉兰泰、海鑫钢铁等国内外千余家企业提供了配套设备,同时承建了国内外水泥、矿渣微粉、活性石灰PC、EPC项目累计20余条。 升辉集团把“同提升,共辉煌”作为企业经营理念,把“高起点高定位”作为企业发展的主旋律,以市场需求为导向,以产品核心技术开发为依托,瞄准国际先进水平,向机电液一体化和智能化成套设备方向发展,为广大新老客户提供更优的产品及服务。 升辉集团愿与新老朋友“同提升,共辉煌”! SUNLIKE 1

6 集团简介 Brief Introduction
Jiangsu Sunlike Equipment Group Co., Ltd. is located in the Yangtze River Delta economic zone. It is the provincial medium-sized joint-stock enterprise which engages in producing, researching and development. Corporation and member companies has won more than 30 provincial level awards, such as the "National Torch Plan Key High-tech Enterprise", "civilized unit", "AAA level contract and trustworthy enterprise", the Group has a provincial enterprise technology center, Tongji University post-doctoral research station, slag grinding research center, active lime research center, and more than 60 national patents, with foreign trade business, import and export rights, international project contracting, construction, engineering, installation qualification. Group Company has three wholly owned subsidiaries, five holding companies, equity participation venture capital fund of Sansan. The company covers an area of ​​60000 square meters, form a scientific research, office working and vocational education company. Manufacturing land covers an area of ​​about 200,000 square meters, equipped with a floor-type boring and milling machines, horizontal lathes, vertical lathes, gear hobbing machine, 1000T hydraulic press, 120T gantry cranes, machining centers, annealing furnace, etc. 300 sets of machining equipment, has the advanced technology R & D and design team, the Group currently employs more than 1,000 employees which including more than 200 technical personnel engineers, 2 professor level senior engineers, 28 senior engineers and more than 10 constructors and cost engineers. Group leads a new generation of international advanced level vertical mill and roller presses. Its high yield notable features of low power consumption favored by the users. Newly developed active lime rotary kiln supporting with efficient vertical preheater has great advantage of high pre-decomposition efficiency, uniform product quality, big production. For the insufficient of the order dual-beam lime kiln, group developed a new type of limestone calcination process control technology and makes a breakthrough in key technologies. Group subsidiaries, through years of painstaking research, have their own representative auxiliary products. Dust removal equipment, bulk machinery, homogenizing silo equipment, process materials, valves, conveyor feed machinery, hammer, heat-resistant steel and more than 200 kinds of products have passed the AAA measurement system certification and ISO9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS18001 standard three-in-one certification, some products have passed CE certification. With the hard work by all staff, Sunlike has now developed into a comprehensive Equipment Group, undertaken engineering design, building materials, metallurgy, mining, coal, chemical industry, equipment manufacturing, civil construction, mechanical and electrical equipment installation, personnel training and production debugging, operation optimization and a full range of general contracting services. Now group has provided the equipment for Smith, Denmark, Kawasaki, Japan, Germany Loesche, Lafarge, Heidelberg, Chinese building materials, Sinoma International, Yatai Group, Jidong Cement, Red Lion Group, western Xinjiang, construction, salt Jilantai Haixin iron and steel more than one thousand enterprises at home and abroad, contracted to build the construction of more than 20 domestic and foreign cement, slag powder, the active lime PC, EPC projects. Sunlike Group puts "Promoting together, creating together" as a business philosophy and form “high starting point of high position “as the main theme of enterprise development. With the guide of market demand, the group relies on core technology development, aims at the international advanced level, develops to the direction of the hydraulic integration and intelligent equipment and provides better products and services for all customers. Shenghui Group is willing to "promoting together, creating together” with all customers! 2 SUNLIKE 6

7 集团总部办公大楼 Office Building

8 企业法人营业执照 Business License
企业资信 Qualifications 企业法人营业执照 Business License SUNLIKE 4

9 Tax Registration Certificate
企业资信 Qualifications Tax Registration Certificate 税务登记证 SUNLIKE 5

10 Organization Code Certificate
企业资信 Qualifications Organization Code Certificate 组织机构代码证 SUNLIKE 6

11 企业资信 Qualifications 相 关 证 书 Certificate SUNLIKE 7

12 Active Limestone Production Line
生产线总包项目展示 Projects Active Limestone Production Line 线 SUNLIKE 8 12

13 活 性 石 灰 立 窑 Active Lime Kiln
生产线总包项目展示 Projects 活 性 石 灰 立 窑 Active Lime Kiln SUNLIKE 9 13

14 生产线总包项目展示 Projects 矿 渣 微 粉 生 产 线 项 目 Slag Production Line SUNLIKE 10

15 部分产品展示 Products Show 石 灰 窑 Lime Kiln SUNLIKE 11 回转窑 Rotary Kiln
弗卡斯窑 Eph Kass Kiln 套筒窑 BASK 麦尔兹窑 Kiln Mayer SUNLIKE 11 15

16 部分产品展示 Products Show 立 磨 Mill 立磨减速机 Reducer 立磨摇臂 Rocker SUNLIKE 12

17 生产制造能力 Manufacture Ability
大型卧式车床 Horizontal Lathe 加工中心 Machining Center 卷板机 Bending Machine 立式车床 Vertical Lathe 摇臂钻床 Radial Drill 落地镗铣床 Boring Miller SUNLIKE 13

18 部分业绩表 Achievements SUNLIKE 14 18

19 部分业绩表 Achievements SUNLIKE 15 19

20 部分合作商 Partners SUNLIKE 16

21 销售网络 Internet Sales 地址:江苏省南通市海安县白甸镇建设路8号
电话: ; 传真: 17

22 产品主要出口国家 Main Exporting Countries

23 That’s all. Thank you! 谢谢观赏! SUNLIKE

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