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乳腺中心实验室 2012级硕士 李满秀.

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1 乳腺中心实验室 2012级硕士 李满秀

2 研究背景 BRCA1 germline mutations 具有很高的乳腺癌及卵巢癌的患病风险,根据二次打击学说,BRCA1野生型等位基因的失活被认为是肿瘤发生过程中的限速环节,而这种失活形式常常为LOH。

3 ? 正常细胞在急骤的BRCA1功能丧失下难以生存,如纯合的BRCA1突变可导致小鼠早期胚胎死亡
loss of wild-type BRCA1是否是BRCA1-associated breast tumors 发生的始动环节,BRCA1突变相关肿瘤究竟是如何演变的。 BRCA1相关联的乳腺癌常同时伴有其他基因的体系突变,如P53,PTEN BRCA1突变携带者的正常细胞常呈现出异常的表型,如单倍剂量不足(haploinsufficiency)

4 55例BRCA1-associated和20例sporadic 乳腺癌
研究方法 55例BRCA1-associated和20例sporadic 乳腺癌 PTEN P53 BRCA1 LOH 每个肿瘤记数 个细胞 IHC immunofluorescence FISH

5 每个肿瘤计数100-200个细胞,记录3种基因的状态 (i. e. , wild-type =wt and mutant =mut)
PTENwtTP53wtBRCA1wt, PTENwtTP53wtBRCA1mut, PTENwtTP53mutBRCA1wt, PTENwtTP53mutBRCA1mut, PTENmutTP53wtBRCA1wt, PTENmutTP53wtBRCA1mut, PTENmutTP53mutBRCA1wt, PTENmutTP53mutBRCA1mut.

6 模型成立假设 (i) 浸润性肿瘤仍包含肿瘤演变过程中的各期细胞;
(ii) 如果所有的肿瘤细胞均包含突变X,而只有少部分细胞含有Y突变,那么突变X必然发生在Y之前; (iii) 携带一种或多种改变的肿瘤细胞其增值与死亡率无明显区别; (iv) 通过计数单个或联合改变的细胞可以验证肿瘤可能的演变路径; (v) 通过分析少部分细胞可以提供肿瘤整体的信息.


8 同一患者的组织,具单一因子突变的所有细胞中,突变量最多的为first event;
the first event确定后,比较携带两种因子改变的细胞中,剩下两种因子突变的个数,较多者确定为the second; 只要有具备三种突变的细胞存在,则剩余的因子为the third.


10 Loss of PTEN was the first event in 28/55 tumors, followed by mutation in p53 or BRCA1 LOH with about equal probability; Mutation in p53 was the second most common first event in 17/55 tumors, almost followed by BRCA1 LOH. BRCA1 LOH was the least common first event in 10/55, only followed by p53mutation sometimes.

11 loss of PTEN was the first event 的pathway 1改变的多为TNBC,TP53 or BRCA1 LOH为第一事件的pathway 2 肿瘤多为luminal。

12 在这些乳腺癌中,PTEN突变常见于ER阴性乳癌,而在luminal细胞中PTEN突变少见,因而考虑在luminal细胞中会不会存在PI3K的突变从而替代了PTEN的突变呢?
结果示:散发乳癌中,luminal型PI3K的突变率达6/10, 散发三阴中该比例为0/10. 而在BRCA1相关的55例患者中,检测到2例突变分别为(ER-,ER+).故推测BRCA1突变的luminal肿瘤发病途径与散发型不同。

13 瘤内异质性 The loss of wild-type BRCA1 may not be the first event in most BRCA1-associated breast tumors, and even in tumors that display apparent loss of the wild-type BRCA1 allele, not all tumor cells showed this change.



16 单倍定量不足 Loss of BRCA1在BRCA1-associated的乳腺癌中很少是 the first event ,乳腺上皮细胞中BRCA1单倍定量不足(haploinsufficient )为BRCA1突变乳腺癌风险增加提供了很好的解释。

17 Ki67, 增值标记物, PR-潜在的促分裂因子; Immunofluorescence检测发现: significantly more Ki67+, PR+, and Ki67+ PR+ cells in contralateral normal breast tissue of BRCA1 mutation carriers diagnosed with breast cancer compared with that observed in controls.


19 During the analysis of Ki67+ cells, we noticed occasional multipolar mitoses in normal breast tissues from BRCA1 mutation carriers, suggesting aberrant centrosome function. We found significantly higher (P ≤0.01) numbers of cells with more than 2 centrosomes in BRCA1 mutation carriers compared with controls


21 总结 1,The first event : loss of PTEN> P53 mutation> BRCA1 LOH;
2,BRCA1 LOH的肿瘤中,仍有部分细胞保留有BRCA1蛋白功能; 3,BRCA1突变携带者的正常乳腺具有细胞增值快,多级分化,中心粒增多等特点; 4,这些皆提示BRCA1 单倍定量不足的促进细胞增殖及异常分裂,增加BRCA1突变者患癌风险。

22 谢谢!

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