医学英语快速阅读 图解术语学 泌 尿 系 统 第6章- p46 杨明山.

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1 医学英语快速阅读 图解术语学 泌 尿 系 统 第6章- p46 杨明山

2 A little boy named Juliaanske

3 Manneken Pis, an emblem of Brussels, is a small bronze fountain sculpture, depicting a nude little boy urinating into the fountain's basin. One legend goes like this: in 14th century, Brussels was under siege by a foreign power. The city had held their ground for quite some time. The attackers had thought of a plan to place explosive charges. A little boy Juliaanske happened to be spying on them as they were preparing. He urinated on the burning fuse and thus saved the city.

4 大名叫"布鲁塞尔第一公民"像,建于1619年,雕像仅高50厘米。雕像来源于比利时民间传说故事,古代西班牙入侵者在撤离布鲁塞尔时,欲用炸药炸毁城市。幸亏小男孩夜出撒尿,浇灭了导火线。为纪念小英雄,雕刻了此像。不论传说是否属实,此雕像已成为到布鲁塞尔观光的客人必去的地方。1696年荷兰总督为他制造了第一件衣服,此后不断有富商及各国来宾将本国特色的服装馈赠给他,威廉连也就得以不时地上演时装秀。现市中心成立的一座博物馆专门收藏各国赠送的服装,其中还有中国赠送的中国人民解放军军装和布鲁塞尔建城千年时北京馈赠的汉族对襟小裤褂。在漫长的岁月中小威廉也几经磨难,1747年法国国王路易十五的士兵看中这可爱的铜像将其偷走。此事引起布鲁塞尔市民的极大义愤,后路易十五下令物归原主,并赠一套王宫禁卫军礼服。还封他为圣路易军团的骑士。此后小威廉像又遭十几次偷盗,但都大难不死保留至今。

5 1. 尿 urine urino- uro- -uria Micturition  [7miktjuE5riFEn]  频尿, 排尿

6 尿 urine water stream flow Urination urination [5juEri5neiFEn] 排尿
Retention 尿潴留

7 Urination [5juEri5neiFEn]

8 Micturition [7miktjuE5riFEn]
排尿 尿频

9 尿的 Urinary tract Uric acid

10 泌尿生殖的 Urogenital [juErEu5dVenitl] 泌尿生殖器的 (307) Genitourina (205)

11 尿失禁 incontinence [In5kCntInEns] 失禁
urinary incontinence

12 -uria:XX尿症 尿毒症 uremia [juE5ri:miE] urinaemia

13 Irritation sign of bladder 膀胱刺激症
urinary frequency 尿频 urinary urgency 尿急 (不用emergency) Dysuria [dis5juEriE] 尿痛 排尿困难 (不用urinary pain)

14 Other urinary symptoms
Proteinuria [7prEuti:n5juEriE] 蛋白尿 hematuria [7hi:mE5tjuriE] 血尿 pyuria [pai5juEriE] 脓尿 cylindruria [7silin5druEriE] 管型尿

15 hematuria [7hi:mE5tjuriE] 血尿

16 Cylindruria [7silin5druEriE] 管型尿

17 有机化学名称 Urea urea [5juEriE] 尿素 Uridine [5jJErIdi:n] 尿苷
Uracil [5juErEsil] 尿嘧啶 urokinase [7juErEu5kaineis] 尿激酶

18 uro-kin-ase [7juErEu5kaineis] 尿激酶

19 2. 肾 kidney reno- nephro-


21 Renal pyramid Interlobar artery Renal artery Renal vein Renal hilum Renal pelvis Ureter

22 08. Minor calyx 09. Renal capsule
10. Inferior r.capsule 13. Nephron 14. Minor calyx Major calyx

23 Renal failure 肾衰

24 Renal failure 肾衰

25 Renal colic [5kClik] 肾绞痛

26 注意区分 adrenalin [E5drenElin] 肾上腺素 isoproterenol [7aisEuprE5terEnCl]
异丙基肾上腺素 isoprenalin 异丙基肾上腺素 epinephrin 肾上腺素 norepinephrin 去甲肾上腺素

27 Nephron 肾单位

28 Nephritis 肾炎

29 Hydronephrosis [7haidrEune5frEusis] 肾盂积水


31 Nephrotic syndrome

32 3. 肾盂 pelvo- peylo-

33 肾盏 calyx, minor, major

34 肾小盏 minor renal calyx 肾大盏 major renal calyx

35 5.输尿管 ureter

36 6.膀胱 Bladder vesicle: cysto-

37 注意 bladder Gallbladder

38 Vesico-stomy 膀胱造口术

39 Cystoscopy [] 膀胱镜术
Fibrocystic [9faIbrEJ5sIstIk] disease 乳腺纤维囊肿 Cystic fibrosis 囊性纤维化

40 Cystoscopy // 膀胱镜术

41 氨基酸 cystine [5sIsti:n] 胱氨酸 cysteine [5sistii:n] 半胱氨酸

42 7. 尿道 urethro- meato- orifice

43 尿道口meatus [mi:5eitEs] 导管 道 口
urethral meatus internal orifice of urethra

44 Urethro-plasty [juE5ri:WrE7plAsti] 尿道成形术

45 8. 结石 Stone calculus Litho-

46 尿路结石 urinary stone urinary calculus

47 肾结石 renal stone renal calculus Nephrolithiasis [7nefrEuli5WaiEsis] 肾石病

48 结石症 lith-iasia Nephro-litho-tomy [9nefrEJlI`WCtEmI] 肾石切开术
(取石术不用 -ectomy)

49 Paleolithic age 旧石器时代

50 Neolithic age 新石器时代




54 Key Points 中文 Anglo-Saxon Latin Greek 膀胱 结石

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