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JIRA Solution Live DEMO Leon Hou • Linksoft Inc Live DEMO 2016

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Presentation on theme: "JIRA Solution Live DEMO Leon Hou • Linksoft Inc Live DEMO 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 JIRA Solution Live DEMO Leon Hou • Linksoft Inc • @ Live DEMO 2016
Dream it Plan it Do it Leon Hou • Linksoft Inc • @ Live DEMO 2016 V1.7.2

2 Outline Who use the JIRA? Whole JIRA Overview
Best Bug Tracking Solution for Any Business Type Best Agile Solution by JIRA Software Best Services Platform by JIRA Service Desk Best PMO Gear with Portfolio. Atlassain Solution Overview Enterprise Solution – Data center Bitbucket Itegration your code job with JIRA Confluence Section Bamboo Section Best Suggestion Add-ons Technical support & training Q&A

3 Who use the JIRA Over 50,000 companies have purchased our enterprise software Over 86 of Fortune 100 companies use Atlassian

4 Enterprise Solution

5 Yes!! We are expert . For All Atlassian Produces

6 Linksoft customer in Taiwan

7 Whole JIRA Overview

8 Agile Project Management
Services Platform Agile Project Management Bug Tracking

9 Best Bug Tracking Solution for Any Business Type

10 What’s Issue Tracking System
誰負責這個工作? 目前的工作進度? 需經過哪些流程處理? 如何快速搜尋到問題 權限管理 統計與圖表 任務警戒功能 ALL Support by JIRA

11 JIRA Core Advantage 簡易的連結你其他系統,跨系統整合你的ERP 或 CSM.
超高彈性的任務搜索與統計功能 & 有效的決策圖表. 依據你制定的條件,自動化監控你的任務,並自動提醒. 彈性的權限設置. 簡單的動作建立你複雜的工作流程. CSV . Bugzilla . Mantis . Trac 支援各種格式匯入. Hipchat Atlassian IM 直接整合,案子不用重打了,直接討論吧!

12 EZ Link All your system 透過Application link 直接與您客戶的JIRA連線,issue & report direct sync. 您的ERP / CSM …etc 資料需要整合,直接使用REST API 整合至JIRA 欄位. Dashboard 一站式整合所有所需資訊.

13 Highly flexible security
Base on Project Base on Issue

14 Highly flexible security
Flexible Project Role decide by Team Leader

15 EZ to your workflow 不同類型問題,可支援不同 工作流程 支援多種狀態及條件邏輯 設定,快速完成組織邏輯

16 Creating Issues and Comments via Email
Auto create new issue Mail add to comment

17 The best decision-make system
多系統資訊結合,一站式資訊工作. 豐富的視覺化圖表.要看甚麼您決定!! 您最佳的決策系統!!

18 Highly flexible search functions & effective chart
高度彈性Filter功能,跨專案,跨部門,您可自由選擇任何條件,自動搜索更新您的所有問題. 高度彈性Filter功能,直接設定您的專案時間門檻,自動警示與監控專案. Filter 搜索結果,自動產生圖表,成為您的視覺化決策系統. 只要設定一次Filter,可多人分享,並自動更新狀態!!

19 設定的資料條件,會每個一段時間自動搜索符合者
JIRA Filter 資料搜索需求 靜態搜索: 產生當下符合條件之資料. 動態搜索: 設定的資料條件,會每個一段時間自動搜索符合者 每日自動 匯報 專案監控: 依據條件產生專案圖表

20 Filter – 靜態搜索

21 Filter - 動態搜索

22 Filter - Subscribe

23 Existing data migration
現有資料移轉 CSV File ,直接轉移現有資料不流失. Bugzilla . Mantis . Trac 皆可直接轉移

24 Complete information integration
JIRA marketplace 數千種 Plug-in ,滿足各項管理需求 Test Management & Auto Testing . Timesheet 工時管理 Micro Soft project 匯入與甘特圖呈現. KPI Report Dashboard 工作模式

25 Real-time Discussion 工作專用聊天軟體.Web/Windows/OSX/Linux/Android/iOS
完美整合Atlassian系列產品. 聊天紀錄不刪檔,可快速搜索聊天紀錄內容

26 IDE Integration Other Integrations IDE

27 Complete education and training, and technical support
友環為JIRA台灣原廠認證 Expert. 提供全系列Atlassian 全系列產品,完整教育訓練. 台灣多種產業輔導經驗,範圍含括產官學. 依您的時間,預算,以及需求制訂課程,並由講師到貴公司指定地點教學. 原廠認證頁面

28 Best Agile Solution – Scrum . Kanban . Even Scrumban

29 Changing trends in software development

30 Agile framework – Scrum
Sprint (一般長度約兩周,或成品最短可見週期) Review meeting: 檢討是否符合用戶期望? 是否為End to End ? Retrospective meeting: 檢討開發流程與品質 Scrum 目的: 1.持續改善與檢討 2.取得團隊的velocity

31 How to Run Scrum ? 我們的會議將如同球隊的戰術討論, 整個團隊合作取的分數,失敗將是整個球隊的失敗

32 Scrum Overview

33 Story Story New Issue Type : Story Story 是不管如何做與可不可行的
Story 的撰寫需要是End to End 的方案(每一段Sprint皆可被檢測) Story 的 estimation 單位為Story Point

34 Story Point 綜合所有因素,累積產生Velocity 透過Velocity改尋求改善 產品概念認知差異大 心思各異,缺乏工程共識

35 JIRA Software Advantage
完美支援 Scrum . Kanban . Scrumban 所需流程與圖表 解決傳統Backlog 在大專案與複雜需求時,排序雜亂問題. 解決傳統Task Board ,無法及時反應任務變化的問題. 真正Scalable Scrum Solution ,一個Board 可同時支援所有團隊 讓Scrum的工作能與Version完美結合,Sprint的進度直接反應到Release Control. 自動化圖表,讓真實的數據輔助Retrospective,而不是讓Retrospective成為你的負擔.

36 EZ Run your Scrum Backlog

37 EZ Run your Scrum Sprint Run

38 Retrospective Report Burndown Chart for Sprint . Release . Version

39 Retrospective Report 持續累積每個Sprint的成果建立有效的Team Velocity

40 Retrospective Report Control Board 聚焦專案工時的預估與實際狀況 有效尋找專案瓶頸

41 Best Services Platform EZ Portal for any customer

42 JIRA 很好用但是對我們的頁面跟流程對客戶來說太複雜了,有沒有簡單的Portal讓客戶跟FAE互動,並了解誰在處理跟處理進度?
我們已經在用JIRA了,可是客戶還是用Mail回應問題,我們還得多一個Key單動作!! 我們在一個專案內,處理多個ODM客戶的問題,能不能只讓他們看到自己德問題? 客戶太多License的費用太不經濟了!!

43 最棒的是,Services Desk只計算 FAE 的 License 數量!!
簡單的Portal讓客戶掌握問題 客戶填單時,系統自動同步查詢知識庫案例 最棒的是,Services Desk只計算 FAE 的 License 數量!! 你可以無限建立你的客戶帳號,而且免費!!! FAE透過JIRA即時回應客戶或尋求RD分析與解決 客戶有問題即時線上填單 FAE 服務團隊 客戶

44 處理過的案子都成為知識庫內容

45 Why Services Desk 簡易服務業面,可輕鬆自訂服務項目
無須了解作業流程,僅須知道問題處理狀態與解決方案,不佔JIRA License Account 自訂SLA(Services Level Agreement) 持續檢討服務績效,改進組織效能 Real Time Report 立刻掌握您的服務狀態

46 User Type & License JIRA / Services Desk License consume No/No Yes/Yes
Customer Agent Collaborator JIRA / Services Desk License consume No/No Yes/Yes Yes/No Limitations Create and track their own requests Add comments to their own requests Add other participants to their own requests Assignee able User Services Desk Board Access View issues, comments and attachments Add internal comments to issues and delete their own comments

47 SLA On Going SLAs

48 Best PMO Gear Get visibility across all teams and projects with Portfolio.

49 Gantt Char for PMO

50 How is the schedule determined?
Priority of backlog items Sequence, start and end dates of releases Estimates (and required skill-level capacities) Teams and people's availability People's skills (who can do which type of work) Varying availability and absences (e.g. vacations, people available only from certain date etc...) Dependencies between backlog items Stages of work, activities that can happen in parallel vs. sequential activities Team's schedules (iterations and sprint lengths, or continuous, day-to-day schedule) Configurable constraints, for example how many people can work in parallel on a story ALL Support

51 Atlassian Solution Overview

52 Atlassain Solution 任務管理 服務平台 Issue 敏捷式專案管理 專案組合管理 Git Base 程式碼庫
知識管理系統 / Document Center Enterprise WiKi Issue 敏捷式專案管理 任務管理 專案組合管理 服務平台 Git Base 程式碼庫 Code Compare 程式碼變動整合 Code Review Continuous Integration / Build . Deploy . Test Management

53 Enterprise Solution – Data Center
high availability, performance at scale, and instant scalability

54 A look at the architecture

55 Atlassian Enterprise Offerings
Data Center JIRA Software JIRA Service Desk Confluence Bitbucket


57 Load Balancing Stickiness Strategies
Specific load balancing cookie Tomcat JSESSIONID cookie HA Proxy Expert services by Linksoft

58 The Architecture Load balancer Application nodes
The load balancer immediately detects the failure and automatically directs requests to the other nodes within seconds. You can use any load balancer that supports session affinity. Application nodes Data Center nodes share the workload of incoming requests. Shared database and storage Supports any shared file system, which stores: import/export files, plugins, Logos directory, shared caches, attachments, avatars and icons.

59 Active-active clustering
High availability Performance at scale Instant scalability

60 Performance at Scale Increase concurrent user capacity
Resilient under high load Guarantee quality of service More detail “In controlled load testing, we found 2 and 4 node JIRA Software Data Center clusters had near linear capacity increases with the same response time.” – Atlassian Performance Labs

61 Performance at Scale Add nodes with ease Rapid re-indexing
Delete it from the system and the system will regenerate it from another node Each node can re-index without locking the system Predictable costs

62 Disaster Recovery

63 Disaster Recovery Exclusive to Confluence Data Center, JIRA Software Data Center and JIRA Service Desk Data Center. Configure a cold single or multi-node standby site in a geographically separate location Index replication to the DR site provides fast failover Configure index replication, attachment updates and database synchronization to comply with your Disaster Recovery Plan’s (DRP) specific requirements Maintain HA and performance Recovery quickly – As your production instance to start Health checks

64 Best Git solution perfect integrate your code job with Job

65 Continuous Integration Trigger Build management
Integration Overview Create Branch Code Commit Sync Issue Create Code Review Code Review Cycle & Merge Build info Continuous Integration Trigger Build management

66 Issue with Code

67 Code Review & Issue

68 Code Review

69 Integration Advantage
找到問題就找到變動的程式碼,複雜的變動紀錄一清二楚. 專心程式碼審閱工作,不用多花時間在紀錄查找,審閱者快速得知審哪一段程式碼為何而審? 被審閱者快速得知審閱進度. 程式碼的審閱成為JIRA Workflow的一部分,沒有通過審閱者或沒有審過的程式碼工作,不能被結案. 程式碼合併(Merge)動作結合JIRA Workflow,提升軟體工程嚴謹度.

70 Powerful Collaborate Platform with Knowledge management & Document management

71 Where work becomes teamwork

72 Centralize & Organize 提供每個部門、團隊或專案一個專屬的空間(Space)存放資訊 。Confluence讓資訊有系統的歸檔及方便檢索.

73 Best templates to get you started
清楚的呈現會議流程、執行項目任務,提高會議效率。 根據您的專案分類或分享您所需的檔案。 提供文件分享及知識傳承的整合平台。 結合JIRA issue, 每個使用者能獲得所需的完整資訊。

74 企業級線上百科(Enterprise WiKi)
Confluence Overview 企業級線上百科(Enterprise WiKi) 強大的資料中心,提供文件管理、內容管理 完整的頁面紀錄 修改與操作紀錄,頁面版本快速恢復 超強內容搜索 有系統的整合JIRA issue 文件內容搜索(Word .Excel . PDF) 高度彈性權限 可依據Space / Page設定權限 直覺式編輯環境 Rich editor / Powerful Macro / Template 具備權限與公開彈性的團隊行事曆 可與您的Outlook.iCalendar.Google整合

75 知識管理系統 / Document Center
Save your issue to KM Issue 知識管理系統 / Document Center Enterprise WiKi 專案管理 工時.人力 Scrum / Kanban 即時線上客服平台 IT Services ODM/OEM 及時提供關聯性資料

76 處理過的案子都成為知識庫內容

77 Features

78 1. Share and view files in one place
First, users can now share and view files in Confluence. (click) As shown earlier they can drag and drop a file or image to add it to a Confluence page, but they can also make use of the new files button in the editor toolbar. (click) This button populates the ‘insert files and images’ dialog where its easy to manage files on your page, on the web, or on other pages in Confluence. (click) Then when looking at a file, you get the all-new rich file previewer - capable of previewing a variety of image file types, Office file types (including Word, Excel and PowerPoint) and PDFs. You can quickly go through the files, download them, browse the versions, upload a new version, and share an individual file with teammates just like you would a Confluence page. It’s a really exciting experience our development team has been working hard on.

79 2. Add feedback inline on files…
When looking at a file in the previewer you can start leaving feedback by dropping a pin anywhere on the file. You can see the yellow pin in the pop-up circle. Once this pin is dropped, it triggers an inline comment where you can leave feedback using page and file links, and emoticons. As mentioned this is such a useful experience and really exciting particularly for users that spend a lot of time working on Spreadsheets and PowerPoints.

80 …and pages too We also made it possible to give inline feedback on pages too. (click) All you need to do is highlight a word, sentence or paragraph, and it will trigger a small dialog. When you choose the comment button, it will trigger an inline comment. This is so awesome for reviewing long documents where previously you had to constantly scroll up and down to read and leave feedback for the author.

81 3. Discuss feedback As mentioned in the story, inline comments are great for having discussions and clarifying and improving feedback. If you’ve ever tried to discuss feedback via - its a complete nightmare. We’re really excited about how much better this experience is for people that work with files everyday.

82 4. Close your feedback loop
Finally - users can now resolve comments which triggers a notification to keep the contributors up to date about what suggestions were incorporated. To take a step back - we built this feedback loop because customers were asking about it - but also we felt it was a critical to increase the value for Business Teams who regularly work with files. This is an important bridge into Confluence for people that use files everyday.

83 The Roadmap Planner macro
Link your plans to relevant pages so there’s always context. Changing your plans is as easy as drag and drop. The roadmap planner macro is awesome for visualizing product, project, and team roadmaps with a light-weight timeline. We were often hearing about how product and project owners wanted a way to communicate a plan to stakeholders in a way that made sense to everybody. People were tired about being asked ‘what’s coming next?’ or ‘when is this shipping?’. (click) The roadmap planner macro is great because you can build out an entire schedule using lanes, bars, and markers and even add more context to work in flight by linking to relevant Confluence pages. (click) It’s also easy to adjust by just dragging and dropping bars on the timeline. (click) And lastly - i want to clarify that the roadmap planner macro isn’t just for product roadmaps. Every team has the need to communicate what they are working on a high-level timeline. We use it on the Confluence marketing team to communicate our quarterly plans and it works really well for us.

84 HipChat Integration HipChat is critical to Atlassian’s success and we are doing everything we can to work better with HipChat. In 5.7, you can integrate Confluence and HipChat to connect Confluence spaces and HipChat rooms which delivers push notifications in real-time from Confluence. We have a lot of exciting stuff on the roadmap to build this integration out - this is only the beginning.

85 A new space-saving editor
Lastly - we simplified our editor by moving the breadcrumbs and page title into the editor. We felt this was more intuitive, but also saved a ton of space and gave more room to the editor. It’s also an important step for us as we redesign the editor to make room for inline comments in the editor. Another cool addition is that we replaced the ‘cancel’ button with the ‘Close’ button to avoid accidental cancels that didn’t save a draft of your page.

86 Confluence Feedback Loop

87 Confluence Feedback Loop
在同一個平台檢閱或討論工作 檢閱和討論你的工作– 專案計畫、Excel表單、PowerPoints、或其他檔案 – 上傳至你的Page中. 即時性線型式團隊討論機制,使團隊內部討論不會有遺漏並且將團隊效益發揮到極大化。 Claire 在Confluence上分享了一個PowerPoint. 無論是 – Office文件、圖片、檔案 – 和您的團隊在同一個地方分享。 而你只需使用拖曳的方式就可將檔案上傳,系統會自動進行版本控制,所以不會有下載到舊版本的問題。 I wanted to quickly walk you through the basic marketing story. Confluence 5.7 is focused on giving users a new feedback loop where they can review and discuss work in one place. Giving feedback on a page or file is one of he most complicated processes during a person’s work day. It typically involves multiple versions of PowerPoint presentation with a variety of names, a long and hard to follow chain, and a ton of context switching as both the reviewer and the author have to jump back and forth between a file and its feedback to reference suggestions. It’s exhausting. Confluence 5.7, we want the feedback, discussions and resolutions happening all in one place. (click) So the story starts with Claire uploading a PowerPoint to a Confluence page so she can share it with her team and trust that it’s automatically versioned as newer versions are uploaded.

88 Confluence Feedback Loop
在同一個平台檢閱或討論工作 檢閱和討論你的工作– 專案計畫、Excel表單、PowerPoints、或其他檔案 – 上傳至你的Page中. 即時性線型式團隊討論機制,使團隊內部討論不會有遺漏並且將團隊效益發揮到極大化。 Jeff查看了PowerPoint並加上了他的留言 你可以快速的使用rich previews瀏覽線上檔案內容,並提供更方便的討論方式。 你只需要利用簡單的標記,就可在Comment中留下問題或意見,不需要使用其他程式或是透過 討論。 (click) Claire’s teammate Jeff can then view the presentation with an all-new file previewer. This is perfect for Jeff because he doesn’t have to download the PowerPoint to see it, he just opens it up right in his page. But Jeff can go one more step and click to add a pin anywhere on the powerpoint to give feedback that has context. Dropping a pin will trigger an inline comment where Jeff can give his other teammates to get their help, or even link to other Confluence pages or files to share more information. It’s so much easier to keep the conversation and feedback on the file, rather than siloing it in an chain.

89 Confluence Feedback Loop
在同一個平台檢閱或討論工作 檢閱和討論你的工作– 專案計畫、Excel表單、PowerPoints、或其他檔案 – 上傳至你的Page中. 即時性線型式團隊討論機制,使團隊內部討論不會有遺漏並且將團隊效益發揮到極大化。 Jane 加入了這個討論 利用Confluence上的討論機制,可有效避免問題的重複,也可以在不明確的回答中進行討論以釐清問題。有效的降低個人工作負 擔並提高團隊工作效益。 Jane can then chime into the discussion as she was called in by Jeff. What’s so powerful about having discussions on a file is that giving feedback can be collaborative and also ensure that no one is duplicating work. So as an author you’re avoiding your teammates giving redundant feedback, feedback is given on the most current version of a file, and your getting the highest quality feedback as your reviewers can work together to build off one another. It’s less work for you and less work for your team too.

90 Confluence Feedback Loop
在同一個平台檢閱或討論工作 檢閱和討論你的工作– 專案計畫、Excel表單、PowerPoints、或其他檔案 – 上傳至你的Page中. 即時性線型式團隊討論機制,使團隊內部討論不會有遺漏並且將團隊效益發揮到極大化。 Claire 修正了問題,並完成他的簡報 綜合團隊成員的意見,並修正問題,使你的簡報更加完美。 Confluence也會在Version History中留下這個討論記錄。 Finally, the best feedback loops are the ones that can actually be closed off. Once Claire has incorporated feedback, she can resolve it which triggers a notification to the contributor that their suggestion was added to document - closing the loop. We are really excited about this functionality in Confluence and we think our customers are going to love working with files in Confluence because now they can easily upload, view, comment, and version their files in ways they never could before.

91 Public . Private . Sync and Mapping ever schedule you want


93 CUSTOM VIEWS 選擇所要關注的行程或事件進行查閱

94 Secure your calendars 觀看或編輯限制條件,可以更清楚的知道誰可以編輯檢閱團隊行事曆

95 Reschedule with ease

96 Agile planning 把預定期程與團隊行事曆一併檢閱,可以有效的降低潛在的衝突,並可將此影響的衝擊降到最低,不至於影響到下一個期程

97 Continuous delivery, from code to deployment

98 What’s Bamboo CI(Continuous integration)沒有自動化編譯與測試能力等於白談.

99 Bamboo Overview Build & Test Result Developer Issue CI Server 平行編譯與測試
Build Script Test Suites Commit Triggers By Schedule By commit detected By Repository branch

100 Parallel Compile & Run Test

101 Get fast feedback

102 Painless CI on dev branches

103 Plan, track, build, deliver

104 Run tests in parallel

105 Best Suggestion Add-ons

106 Best Timesheet for JIRA

107 Team Members Click! 一鍵啟用、於背景自動計算工作時間 快速、即時的追蹤表格 輕鬆轉成各式統計分析圖表
※能更專注在工作上、不必費心紀錄時間 Click!

108 Project Managers 有效且快速、精準的分配 member / team / project 資源 準確的、即時的監督並衡量績效
甚至安排vacation time (sick time)

109 Plan times 以不同層級/角度規劃時間 彈性計算此人總共剩餘時間 以工作日來計算 規劃時間在此Issue上

110 Real-time response 派其他任務給此成員時,可知該日他剩餘工作時間

111 Traking bar by member

112 Traking bar by Issue

113 Traking bar by Project And you can check detail on it, too.

114 Traking bar by … There are more things you can do:

115 Working time Calendar

116 Time report

117 Click and run Click and run the time! 一鍵開始計時,可暫停可停止可結束

118 Integration of your QA Job

119 Integration of your QA Job
+ Unit Testing Frameworks Requirements Management Systems Automated Testing Tools

120 Dual system Cross Solution
In your JIRA workflow Auto link be your Test Case

121 JIRA with QA Job by Spiratest

122 SpiraTest

123 Feature Requirements Management Test Case Management Defect Tracking
Manual Testing Automated Testing Release Management Reporting Build Management

124 Automated Testing Integration with Rapise

125 Automated Testing Editing Test Scripts
including Rapise, QTP, Squish, TestComplete and Selenium.

126 Automated Testing Managing Automation Hosts
The automated test scripts managed in SpiraTest can be either executed on the local machine or scheduled for execution on a series of remote hosts.

127 Automated Testing Test Set Execution

128 JIRA with Spiratest JIRA System & Incidents & Issue Work Flow

129 Automated Tools SpiraTest can integrate with a variety of automated functional testing tools: HP QuickTest Pro™ functional testing system Selenium Remote Control functional testing framework TestComplete™ functional and load testing system Squish® multi-platform test automation system SmarteScript™ functional testing system Planned: HP LoadRunner load-testing system Compuware TestPartner Neotys load testing system Rational suite of test automation systems Additional open-source tools such as FitNesse

130 Automated Tools SpiraTest can integrate with a variety of automated unit testing tools and frameworks: NUnit and MS-Test frameworks for .NET JUnit & TestNG frameworks for Java PyUnit framework for Python TAP framework for Perl PHPUnit framework for PHP Test::Unit framework for Ruby

131 Automated Tools for C/C++ & Multi-OS
Robot framework For Linux & Win 32/64 bit Put the test function code then trigger by Spiratest Remote launcher

132 Technical support & training

133 Technical support & training
原廠技術支援 項目 時間 Q&A by or JIRA support system 購買後一年.由JIRA原廠開出License時間起計

134 What’s Consultant Hours
全方位企業級解決方案 Consultant Package 系統建置/管理/應用教學 介面與功能客製化工程與教學(AUI/SDK) 跨系統工程諮詢與教學(REST API / SDK) IT 方案諮詢與工程

135 導入流程說明 – Phase I Phase I Class : 建立JIRA 系統關鍵概念,使客戶擁有自行管理/建立專案能力,並協助設計出可上線系統 需求訪談 範圍目標:一個特定專案或是一個部門的專案流程系統化上線 課表 & 執行計畫 客戶簽署後,開始執行 Reschedule & Plan Phase I 課程與顧問活動 友環技術支援: 以電話.電郵.技術文件為主,視情況決定是否使用教育訓練時數至現場服務 執行期間2W~3W (最低建議1W) 內部推廣 內部需求修正

136 導入流程說明 – Phase II 範圍目標:全公司或其他BU進行實際運作教學.
1.確認新的導入單位 2.確認是否納入新的服務模組 如:KM . Test Management Phase II Class : 將Phase I實際上線系統經驗與操作,推廣至全公司,並決定後續導入工作 After Phase I Sync meeting 調整課表 & 執行計畫 確認是否進行計畫變更 ? Phase II 課程與顧問活動 Reschedule & Plan 執行期間2W~3W 友環技術支援: 以電話.電郵.技術文件為主,視情況決定是否使用教育訓練時數至現場服務 內部推廣 內部需求修正

137 導入流程說明 – Phase III Phase III Class : 針對客戶新的階段需求 如更多單位規模導入,或客製化需求開發,進行課程與顧問活動 After Phase II Sync meeting 調整課表 & 執行計畫 確認是否進行計畫變更 ? Reschedule & Plan Phase III 課程與顧問活動 Iterate Phase 執行期間3W~4W (最低建議3W) 統計與規劃出需客製化工作 友環技術支援: 以電話.電郵.技術文件為主,視情況決定是否使用教育訓練時數至現場服務 內部推廣 內部需求修正

138 Q&A

139 Thank you for listening

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