患者入院和出院的护理 Admission and Discharge

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Presentation on theme: "患者入院和出院的护理 Admission and Discharge"— Presentation transcript:

1 患者入院和出院的护理 Admission and Discharge
王克芳 山东大学护理学院

2 Topic: Admission nursing(入院护理) Discharge nursing(出院护理)
Body mechanics(人体力学) Patient transfer(患者转运)

3 Section Ⅰ Admission nursing (患者入院的护理)

4 Goals of admission nursing
(入院护理目标) Patient and his families feel welcome and comfortable Patient is familiar with the hospital environment, and adapt to the patient role Observation and assessment of the patient's condition, develop care plans Patients receive timely treatment and care. 使病人及家属感到受欢迎和舒适 使病人熟悉医院环境,适应病人角色 观察和评估病人情况,拟定护理计划 使病人得到及时的治疗和护理。

5 Admission nursing Admitting department Patient’s unit
Patient arrival on the nursing unit Levels of nursing care

6 Physician’s admission permission certification Emergency situation
Admitting department Physician’s admission permission certification Emergency situation Elective treatment 一、入院程序 办理入院手续 实施卫生处置 护送入病房

7 Preparing patient’s unit
The patient’s unit is the area where most patient care is provided. The unit usually includes a bed, as well as other furniture and equipment used in the patient daily care.

8 Basic components of patient’s unit Furniture:
Preparing patient’s unit Basic components of patient’s unit Furniture: Hospital bed, mattresses, bedside, chair, lamp, overbed table and nurse call signals

9 Basic components of patient’s unit Furniture:
Preparing patient’s unit Basic components of patient’s unit Furniture: Safety and nursing care equipment Nasogastric suction equipment, blood pressure apparatus, oxygen, and Infusion stand

10 Preparing patient’s unit
Requirement of patient’s surrounding If you are a patient, what kind of hospital environment (especially patient unit) will you expect? 假如你是病人,你希望住院的环境(尤其是病人单位)什么样?

11 Preparing patient’s unit
Requirement of patient’s surrounding 温度(Temperature) oC 湿度(Humidity) 通风(ventilation) 噪音(noise) 35~45dB 光线(light)自然光源 人工光源 空间(space) 床距不少于1米 privacy 整洁(neatness) 装饰、色彩 相对湿度:在单位体积的空气中,一定的温度条件下,所含水蒸气的量与其达到饱和时含量的百分比50-60%

12 WHO制定的噪音标准 性质 标准(dB) bedroom Living Room Office Factory 20~25 30~60
25~60 70~75

13 我国保证健康安宁的环境噪音标准 适应范围 理想值(dB) 极限(dB) 睡眠 交谈 听力保护 特别安静区 (医院、疗养院) 一般住宅 工业区
35 50 75 45 90 55~60

14 四轻: ①说话轻 ②走路轻 ③操作轻 ④开关门窗轻

15 色彩与联想、情绪的关系 色彩 联想 情绪 红色 红黄色 黄色 绿色 蓝色 紫色 血 蜜桔 太阳 树叶 海 葡萄 热情、活跃 快活、爽朗
希望、光明 安息、和平 恬静、冷静 优美、温厚

16 Preparing patient’s unit
Making a bed for new patient 暂空床(open unoccupied bed ) 备用床(closed unoccupied bed ) 麻醉床(anesthetic or postoperative bed)

17 1 2 3 4

18 The patient’s arrival on the unit
Assisting the patient to the room

19 The patient’s arrival on the unit
Assisting the patient to the room Orienting the patient to the facility Bathroom Intercom system Individual equipment Client identification Hospital regulations Patient’s diet

20 The patient’s arrival on the unit
Assisting the patient to the room Orienting the patient to the facility Patient assessment Vital signs Weight Height Admission interview physical examination

21 The patient’s arrival on the unit
Assisting the patient to the room Orienting the patient to the facility Patient assessment Documenting the medical chart

22 填写住院病历和有关表格

23 住院病人一览表 床头/尾卡 姓名: 性 别: 诊断: 住院日期:名

24 The patient’s arrival on the unit
Assisting the patient to the room Orienting the patient to the facility Patient assessment Documenting the medical chart

25 Emergency admission 通知医生 准备床单位、 急救器材及药品,做好抢救准备
密切观察病情变化,积极配合医生进行抢救,并作好护理记录。 不能正确叙述病情和要求的病人、意识不清病人或婴幼儿等,需暂留陪送人员 ,以便询问病史。

26 Levels of nursing care Patient's condition Self-care ability

27 特级护理 一级护理 二级护理 三级护理 Levels of nursing care Intensive care
First level of care Second level of care Third level of care 特级护理 一级护理 二级护理 三级护理

28 Intensive care Patients
Patient in critical condition, need to be observed at any time Severe trauma Multiple organ failure Organ transplant recipients

29 Intensive care 护理内容 ①专人24h护理,严密观察病情变化。
②制定护理计划,严格执行各项诊疗及护理措 施,及时准确逐项填写特别护理记录。 ③备好急救所需药品和用物。 ④做好基础护理,严防并发症,确保病人安全

30 First level of care Patients in critical condition, to be absolute bed rest all major post-operation Shock Bleeding Paralysis…… 病人病情危重,需绝对卧床休息

31 First level of care 护理内容 ①每15~30min巡视病人一次,观察病情变化。
②制定护理计划,严格执行各项诊疗及护理措施 ,及时准确逐 项填写特别护理记录。 ③做好基础护理,严防并发症,确保病人安全

32 Second level of care Patients in serious condition, who can not take care of themselves. Post-operation patient in stable condition Elderly Child 适应对象 病人病情较重,生活不能自理。大手术后病情稳定者/年老体弱不宜多活动 者/幼儿 ……

33 Second level of care 护理内容 ①每1—2h巡视病人一次,观察病情。 ②按护理常规护理。 ③给予必要的生活及心理协助

34 Third level of care Patients who can take care of themselves
Chronic disease patients Patients in rehabilitation Pre-elective surgery Patients 适应对象 病人病情较轻,生活能基本自理。一般慢性病人 疾病恢复期病人 择期手术前

35 Third level of care 护理内容 ①每日巡视病人2次,观察病情。 ②按护理常规护理。
③给予病人健康教育,监督病人遵守院规,满 足病人身心需要

36 特级护理 一级护理 二级护理 三级护理 Levels of nursing care Intensive care
First level of care Second level of care Third level of care 特级护理 一级护理 二级护理 三级护理

37 Section Ⅱ Discharge nursing (患者出院的护理)

38 Goals of admission nursing
(出院护理的目标) Teaching the patient for discharge Help patient finish all the steps for discharge Cleaning the patient unit for next patient 对病人进行出院指导 指导病人办理出院手续 清洁、整理床单位

39 Discharge preparation
The safe change of dressings The amount of rest and activities Detail dietary restrictions How to perform personal care The operation of equipment and care of tubes Medication administration Possible adverse signs and symptoms 通知病人及家属,协助其做好出院准备。 健康教育 关注病人情绪 征求意见

40 The day the patient discharge
Documentation 停止一切医嘱,用红笔在各种执行卡片(服药卡 、治疗卡、饮食卡、护理卡等)或有关表格单上 写“出院”字样,注明日期并签名。 撤去“病人一览表”上的诊断卡及床(尾)头卡。 执行出院医嘱

41 The day the patient discharge
Documentation 停止一切医嘱,用红笔在各种执行卡片(服药卡 、治疗卡、饮食卡、护理卡等)或有关表格单上 写“出院”字样,注明日期并签名。 撤去“病人一览表”上的诊断卡及床(尾)头卡。 填写出院病人登记本。 病人出院带药及指导 在体温单40-42℃横线之间,相应出院日和时间 栏内,用红钢笔纵行填写出院时间。

42 填写住院病历和有关表格

43 The day the patient discharge
Documentation Discharge the patient Cleaning the patient unit for next patient

44 The day the patient discharge
Cleaning the patient unit for next patient 撤去病床上污被服,放入污衣袋进一步处理 用消毒液擦拭床旁桌椅及床 床垫、床褥、棉胎、枕芯等放在日光下暴晒 或紫外线照射消毒 病室开窗通风 铺好备用床

45 教学目标 了解: 患者的入院程序 熟悉: 患者入院后的初步处理 患者出院护理内容 掌握: 分级护理的适应对象及护理内容

46 Questions……

47 Questions…… During patient's admission and discharge process, if the patient is unable to walk, how to transfer the patient? 在病人入院和出院的过程中,如果病人不能行走, 自理能力有限,如何转运病人? What are the key issues in the process of transfer of patients? How to solve? 在转运病人过程中的关键问题是什么?如何解决?

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