Practical Medical English

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1 Practical Medical English
How to Write a Case Report

2 Objective & Requirements
本课教学目的与要求 通过对Case Report写作的有关要点学习(结合两个病例报告材料的具体讲解),要求学生初步熟悉、掌握英文病例报告的书写。再通过两个病例报告的翻译练习(一为英译中、另为中译英),要求学生进一步熟知不同病例报告的样式(包括较正式的笔头病例报告和适宜口头表达的病例报告)。

3 Focus & Difficulties 2. 本课的重点与难点
2. 本课的重点与难点 正式的病例报告的书写需含有这几栏内容,栏目名可用缩略语或全名,如Case Report(1)中的:C .C.(Chief Complaint)主诉;P.E.(Physical Examination体检;P.H.(Past History)既往史;Diagnosis 诊断;Routine Examination常规检查;Bimanual Palpation双手检查;Gynecological Examination妇科检查。

4 还有的病例报告适用于口头表达,如Case Report (4):
This is the first hospital admission for this 42-year-old male, who comes in with a chief complaint of vomiting of three days.

5 Language Points & Translation
T.38℃; P.80; R.16; B.P. 18.7/11.3Kpa. 体温(Temperature)38℃, 脉搏(Pulse)。80次/分,呼吸(Respiration)16次/分,血压(Blood Pressure)18.7/11.3Kpa. The chest was symmetrical, with the areolae slightly pigmented and devoid of palpable masses.

6 从上下文内容看,其两乳对称,乳晕加深,无肿块。
其中的chest是指病人的乳房(胸廓); devoid of 义为“缺乏,没有”;palpable是医学英语中的常用词,意指“(检查时,手)能触摸到的,可触知的”。

7 Analysis About 7 to 8 cm below the xiphoid, he experienced a boring pain that goes through to the back. 在剑突下约7 – 8厘米,病人感觉一种锥痛,直穿背部。 句中xiphoid原义为“剑状突起的,剑状的”,这里跟词前的定冠词一起特指人体一部位。句中的boring 动词bore钻(孔)的现在分词,作形容词。

8 He is well-oriented as to time, place, and person.
病人神智清楚 句中well-oriented to time, place and person means a well-established phrase in the reporting of a patient’s condition, meaning that the patient is fully conscious of what is going on around him.

9 Exercise 要求学生在课后完成讲义上的两个病例报告的翻译练习,并在下次课上进行作笔头和口头汇报,并进行讲评。

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