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共享型专业教学资源库平台培训 客服中心培训部 彭少林 400-678-9886 QQ:1501455295

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1 共享型专业教学资源库平台培训 客服中心培训部 彭少林 QQ:

2 本次培训介绍 培训目标: 了解资源库平台的主要功能; 掌握资源库平台的基本操作; 培训用时: 2小时 培训方式: 讲演结合
培训目标: 了解资源库平台的主要功能; 掌握资源库平台的基本操作; 培训用时: 2小时 培训方式: 讲演结合 培训流程: 讲解→演示→答疑→总结

3 培训准备 平台地址: 学校的平台地址(建议使用IE浏览器登录) 准备工作: 获取访问平台的用户名和密码

4 主要内容 一、平台的基本介绍 二、资源库的建设步骤 三、操作和交流

5 内容一 平台的基本介绍 1、建设共享资源库平台的意义 2、平台用户角色 3、共享资源库平台的使用

6 情景——为什么要建资源库 我是一位新老师,每天都要进行备课,可是可供参考的资源太少,怎么办?
我是一名骨干老师,积累了大量教学资源,可是自己存储,容易丢失,也没法进行快捷的检索、查看及更新。希望能和其他老师进行资源的交换。怎么办? 我是一名院系负责人,学校专业实力雄厚,积累了许多优质专业资源,希望将这些资源展示出来怎么办?

7 建设共享型资源库平台的作用和意义 资源的上传 资源的展示及检索 专业教学资源库 资源的管理 共建共享
建设共享教学资源库有利于资源共享,减少老师重复劳动,提高备课效率,改变教学形式等具体意义如下: 1.提高设备利用率,实现教学多样化 2.利于开展课堂教学改革 3.提高教师工作效率

8 系统 管理员 教师 学生 匿名 用户 平台用户角色 信息中心的老师 专业负责人 院系负责人等 普通老师 校内、校外学习者 系统管理 网站管理
资源管理(目录管理、资源审核等) 用户管理 系统 管理员 信息中心的老师 专业负责人 院系负责人等 教师 普通老师 资源的上传 资源的检索、浏览、更新、引用 学生 校内、校外学习者 资源的检索、浏览、下载(有限制) 匿名 用户 资源的检索、浏览、下载(有限制)

9 院系、专业建设与管理 学院级机构管理包括:用户管理,专业管理,机构课程体系管理,资源管理等管理功能。(操作演示)

10 资源入库 资源上传:单个上传、批量上传(操作演示) 平台中资源共享(操作演示)

11 资源的展示与检索 浏览与检索模块功能列表: 资源浏览模块 资源检索 在线预览 在线点播 资源下载 内容检索模块 全文检索 自动分类 主题检测
关联分析 跨库检索 相似性检索

12 资源管理

13 内容二 资源库建设具体实施步骤 展示专业的设置 展示导航目录的设置 资源类型、标准的规范设置 资源的采集和准备 资源的上传(操作演示)
内容二 资源库建设具体实施步骤 展示专业的设置 展示导航目录的设置 资源类型、标准的规范设置 资源的采集和准备 资源的上传(操作演示) 资源的应用(操作演示)

14 1、展示专业的设置 新建展示专业界面(操作演示) 独一无二 可多个,同时负责下属子库
Today, Nokia is the world’s largest manufacturer of mobile devices – with approximately a billion people the world over using our products. We are recognized as one of the true pioneers of mobile communications, having shaped the industry from its infancy in the 1980s. This is a fast moving industry and it is now experiencing a transformation that is often referred to as “CONVERGENCE.” For Nokia, convergence is primarily about the increased importance of services in areas such as music, imaging, navigation and games, as devices become more and more capable of supporting these services. Convergence is changing the competitive landscape of our industry and is opening up new business opportunities for Nokia. This is why developing and growing our offering of consumer Internet services, as well as our enterprise solutions and software, is now a key area of focus for us.

15 2、展示导航目录的设置

16 3、资源类型、标准的规范设置 专业人才的培养标准 给本专业资源的建设提供指导意义
Today, Nokia is the world’s largest manufacturer of mobile devices – with approximately a billion people the world over using our products. We are recognized as one of the true pioneers of mobile communications, having shaped the industry from its infancy in the 1980s. This is a fast moving industry and it is now experiencing a transformation that is often referred to as “CONVERGENCE.” For Nokia, convergence is primarily about the increased importance of services in areas such as music, imaging, navigation and games, as devices become more and more capable of supporting these services. Convergence is changing the competitive landscape of our industry and is opening up new business opportunities for Nokia. This is why developing and growing our offering of consumer Internet services, as well as our enterprise solutions and software, is now a key area of focus for us.

17 专业资源建设的标准 对本专业资源的类型、格式、大小等范围的确定,有利于保持系统的稳定性。
Today, Nokia is the world’s largest manufacturer of mobile devices – with approximately a billion people the world over using our products. We are recognized as one of the true pioneers of mobile communications, having shaped the industry from its infancy in the 1980s. This is a fast moving industry and it is now experiencing a transformation that is often referred to as “CONVERGENCE.” For Nokia, convergence is primarily about the increased importance of services in areas such as music, imaging, navigation and games, as devices become more and more capable of supporting these services. Convergence is changing the competitive landscape of our industry and is opening up new business opportunities for Nokia. This is why developing and growing our offering of consumer Internet services, as well as our enterprise solutions and software, is now a key area of focus for us.

18 4、资源的采集和准备 Today, Nokia is the world’s largest manufacturer of mobile devices – with approximately a billion people the world over using our products. We are recognized as one of the true pioneers of mobile communications, having shaped the industry from its infancy in the 1980s. This is a fast moving industry and it is now experiencing a transformation that is often referred to as “CONVERGENCE.” For Nokia, convergence is primarily about the increased importance of services in areas such as music, imaging, navigation and games, as devices become more and more capable of supporting these services. Convergence is changing the competitive landscape of our industry and is opening up new business opportunities for Nokia. This is why developing and growing our offering of consumer Internet services, as well as our enterprise solutions and software, is now a key area of focus for us.

19 5、上传资源(演示操作)

20 将课程资源共享到资源中心

21 从资源中心调用课程资源


23 积分鼓励资源共建共享

24 案例展示 统一资源门户管理

25 子库导航

26 课程导航

27 主题导航



30 内容三 操作和交流 管理员——展示专业负责人(演示操作) 新建展示专业 展示专业管理 1、编辑展示专业 2、展示导航目录设置 网站管理

31 培训总结 1、资源建设三步骤: 资源上传→资源共享→资源展示 2、专业资源库建设的常见误区 脱离课程的二次开发建设; 资料的无序堆叠和积压;
资源库的一次建设而无后续更新。 资源库服务对象 3、专业资源库建设的突破口 专业教学资源与应用平台相结合:资源遵循开放性、共享性,平台具有可扩展性、校内外优质教学资源重组展示、教师学生使用方便。 专业 ,以专业为中心建设资源库,把学校内相关课程资源实现资源重构 共享 ,教学资源库不仅在校内课与课课程内部实现共享,同时也可共享给其他院校 教学资源库 ,教学资源库不是资料的堆叠, 而是资源的分类展示。全面展示院校建设的数字化成果 教学活动支持 ,资源不是二次建设而是从日常教学活动中抽取而来的,解决资源更新问题

32 感谢各位老师的参与! 广东轻工职业技术学院 番禺职业技术学院

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