禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm

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1 禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
青年聚會 Youth Meeting 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

2 Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!
請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!

3 為基督贏得這城市 充滿了主榮耀的城市 喜樂油代替了悲哀 讚美衣代替憂傷
Win this city for Christ ,a city full of God’s glory Gladness instead of mourning, praise instead of sorrow

4 為基督贏得這城市 充滿了主榮耀的城市 被擄的靈魂得釋放 被殺的羔羊得勝
Win this city for Christ,a city full of God’s glory The captives will be set free,the Lamb has the victory

5 O Lord, please anoint me to preach the year of God’s Jubilee
主啊 求你恩膏我 差我傳揚福音的禧年 O Lord, please anoint me to preach the year of God’s Jubilee

6 我们得力在乎平静安稳 我们得救在乎归回安息 主耶和华 我的磐石 我的心要坚定于你
In quietness and trust is our strength In repentance and rest is our salvation O Lord God, You are my rock My heart is steadfast in You

7 我们得力在乎平静安稳 我们得救在乎归回安息 主耶和华 我的拯救 我要全心来等候你
In quietness and trust is our strength In repentance and rest is our salvation O Lord God, my Redeemer I’ll wait for You with all my heart

8 Arise, O Lord, You will arise Await, O Lord, You will await
主阿兴起 你必然兴起 好怜悯我们 主阿等候 你必然等候 要施恩于我们 Arise, O Lord, You will arise To show us compassion Await, O Lord, You will await To be gracious to us

9 Hallelujah Hallelujah
哈利路亚 哈利路亚 Hallelujah Hallelujah

10 主耶和华 我的盼望 我要全心寻求你 主耶和华 我的神哪 等候你的便是有福
O Lord God, You are my hope I’ll seek You with all my heart O Lord God, You are my God Blessed are all who wait for You

11 奇異恩典 何等甘甜 我罪已得赦免 That saved a wretch like me 前我失喪 今被尋回 瞎眼今得看見
Amazing grace how sweet the sound 我罪已得赦免 That saved a wretch like me 前我失喪 今被尋回 I once was lost but now I am found 瞎眼今得看見 Was blind but now I see

12 如此恩典 使我敬畏 使我心得安慰 初信之時 即蒙恩惠 真是何等寶貴
如此恩典 使我敬畏 ‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear 使我心得安慰 And grace my fears relieved 初信之時 即蒙恩惠 How precious did that grace appear 真是何等寶貴 The hour I first believed

13 鎖鍊已脫 我得自由 我主我神 已經贖我 恩如洪濤滿溢 愛永不息 奇異恩典
My Chains are gone I have been set free 我主我神 已經贖我 My God my Savior has ransomed me 恩如洪濤滿溢 And like a flood His mercy reigns 愛永不息 奇異恩典 Unending love, Amazing Grace

14 主已應許 對我恩寵 主話堅我盼望 祂 是我盾我份 直到生生世世 The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures 祂 是我盾我份 He will my shield and portion be 直到生生世世 As long as life endures

15 世界 將如雪溶 太陽不再發光 The sun forbear to shine 召我在世之主 永遠屬我 主你永屬我
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow 太陽不再發光 The sun forbear to shine 召我在世之主 But God who called me here below 永遠屬我 主你永屬我 Will be forever mine You are forever mine

16 有位全能主宰 曾創造我心靈 遠在創世以前 已掌管我生命 I have a Maker He formed my heart
Before even time began My life was in His hand

17 祂認識我 祂明白我意念 祂聽見我呼求 擦乾我每滴淚 He knows my name He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls And hears me when I call

18 有位慈愛天父 曾賜給我生命 無論身在何處 祂永不離棄我 I have a Father He calls me His own
He'll never leave me No matter where I go

19 这是圣洁之地 神在这里 前来献上最深的敬拜 设立宝座在荣耀的敬拜里
This is holy ground, God’s in this place Come close to give the deepest worship Lord, take Your place, enthroned among our praise

20 我全心来敬拜你主 高举双手敬拜你主 在你大能荣耀的光中 我俯伏在你宝座前 With all my heart I worship You
I lift my hands to worship you So hungry I fall on my knees I will surrender at Your throne

21 我全心来敬拜你主 高举双手敬拜你主 在你大能荣耀的光中 我与众天使俯伏深深敬拜你
With all my heart I worship You I lift my hands to worship you In Your great light and glorious pow’r I will surrender at Your throne and worship You

22 我尋找 一個新婦之愛 單單 渴慕我心之愛 願傾心聽我 全心注視我 能夠讀懂 我的愛
(耶穌Jesus) 我尋找 一個新婦之愛 I’ve been searching for true bridal love 單單 渴慕我心之愛 Hearts that yearn for no one but Me 願傾心聽我 全心注視我 And eyes and heart fixed solely on Me 能夠讀懂 我的愛 Truly know my love for you

23 全然 滿足我心的愛 強烈溫柔地 吸引我 用全心 擁抱的愛 I’ve been longing for a perfect love
(新婦Bride) 我渴望 一個完全的愛 I’ve been longing for a perfect love 全然 滿足我心的愛 That can truly satisfy my heart 強烈溫柔地 吸引我 Strong yet gentle love that draws me 用全心 擁抱的愛 to such love I’ll surrender all

24 我傾心 你奉獻的愛 如珍珠 將你藏於我胸懷 請來享受我的愛 我沈醉 在你注視的愛
(耶穌Jesus) 我沈醉 在你注視的愛 I’m intoxicated in your true love 我傾心 你奉獻的愛 You’ve lavished all upon me 如珍珠 將你藏於我胸懷 I’ll keep you as a pearl in My heart 請來享受我的愛 Come and find delight in My love

25 你話語如蜜 沁我靈 不禁抬頭 望你一眼 你溫柔 溜進我心
(新婦)(Bride)你愛如美酒 迴盪我心 Your love stirs in my heart like sweet wine 你話語如蜜 沁我靈 Your words like honey fills my soul 不禁抬頭 望你一眼 As I lift my gaze to You 你溫柔 溜進我心 This gentle love of yours seeps in

26 與你相識 僅一天 猶如 已是千年 與你相聚 已有千年 彷彿如夢 是一天 A day with You will seem like
a thousand years have flown by 與你相聚 已有千年 A thousand years will pass like one day 彷彿如夢 是一天 As You’re with me That’s my sweetest dream

27 與你相識 僅一天 猶如 已是千年 與你相聚 已有千年 彷彿僅僅 在一瞬間 A day with You seems like
A thousand years have flown by 與你相聚 已有千年 A thousand years will pass like one moment 彷彿僅僅 在一瞬間 For you’re with me till eternity

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