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第四屆雲豹育成企業出題 Mobric specialize in “distributed object-oriented database model” and “large-scale parallel computing”. They chose to target the IoT market.

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Presentation on theme: "第四屆雲豹育成企業出題 Mobric specialize in “distributed object-oriented database model” and “large-scale parallel computing”. They chose to target the IoT market."— Presentation transcript:

1 第四屆雲豹育成企業出題 Mobric specialize in “distributed object-oriented database model” and “large-scale parallel computing”. They chose to target the IoT market. During the incubation, the joint mentors Chunghwa Telecom and The Syscom Group identified their strength and helped Mobric adjust their business model to target a much more promising market – biological genes. Each genome sequencing produced by the whole genome sequencing machine requires 100GB of capacity. The computing and saving takes hours and consumes hundreds of GB of DDR. Imagine the time and capacity needed for the whole genome sequencing, which can help diagnose, prevent and cure diseases, or even increase the agricultural and livestock production. Mobric can shorten the processing time by times. Chunghwa Telecom offered Mobric a solid cloud infrastructure and support in the business operations. The Syscom Group provides support for Mobric’s market development overseas. They also introduced gene and medical specialist in National Taiwan University and National Chun Hsing University. In 4 months time, Mobric has technology, product, operations, connections and market in place. Chunghwa Telecom gets to enter the market of “gene cloud” early and to be the first in providing this service to customers, hence will profit as first-to-market. The Syscom Group gets to enter the medical industry and be more competitive in overseas markets. Starwing is dedicated to developing effective O2O tools and use iBeacon with an app to push notifications to shoppers. When a shopper enters a shop, she earns certain “footpoints”. If she makes a purchase, she earns more points. The points can be exchanged for coupons, coffee and a number of things. Through big data, Starwing is able to make better predictions of the shopper’s purchasing patterns and push more precise offers and notifications to her. During the mentorship, Taiwan Mobile worked with Starwing to integrate the solution into Taiwan’s Mobile’s business solutions and market to shopping malls, government units, exhibitions, etc. They also worked out a profit sharing scheme.

2 題目 領域 主題 說明 物聯網 智慧衣 各種影音通訊、生理感測之電子元件(設備)與衣物(背心)整合運用於軍、警、消防、水利等執法單位及各種特殊活動(如:救災、登山、水上活動)。 智慧城市(交通) 自動駕駛(無人車/無人飛機)技術運用於提升交通安全、舒適與效率之各種應用與服務。 雲端應用 雲端服務 提供雲端服務、建立公共雲(public cloud)及/或私有雲(private cloud)時需要之雲端儲存服務(cloud storage service)與技術。 /安全監控 特別優化之PaaP技術平台能快速提供雲端化安全監控服務時需要整合多媒體的各種標準API (例如: 車辨、軌跡追蹤、影像濃縮、妥善率管理、等)。 智慧生活、智慧零售、商情分析 我們已經開發了個人化電子發票、P2P帳務管理、商品分類、、、等之App及API以及智慧廣告平台。 工業4.0 工廠自動化 本IoT PaaS已經被採用於生產力4.0所需之PaaS(包含Analytic platform)。

3 技術與計畫 領域 主題 工研院內相關的技術、產品與計畫 物聯網 智慧衣 小蘋果計劃團隊(下世代無線感測智能衣與雲端系統)
資通所/材化所(VideoCodec、多媒體影音通訊、行動通訊、軟性電子印刷、材料等技術) 智慧城市 (交通) 小蘋果計劃團隊(類人類視覺影像處理平台與產品) 資通所(ADAS、Telematics、車載通訊等技術) 雲端應用 雲端服務 資通所(Safebox產品/技術 & in-memory DB技術/計畫) /安全監控 資通所(IVS技術、CityEye計畫) 智慧生活、智慧零售、商情分析 資通所(FinTech技術/計畫 & Smart Advertisement Platform技術/計畫) 工業4.0 工廠自動化 資通所( IoT PaaS-Cerebro技術/計畫)

4 優勢與資源 下世代無線感測智能衣與雲端系統 類人類視覺影像處理 國際級的應用科技研發機構
擁有近6千位科技研發尖兵(博士: 24%; 碩士: 61%; 學士等: 15%) 成立四十年,累積超過2萬件專利,並新創及育成260家公司,包括台積電、聯電、台灣光罩、晶元光電、盟立自動化等上市櫃公司 落實產業化、帶動產業發展、持續深化技術前瞻性與跨領域技術整合 提供全方位的研發合作與商業顧問服務(新技術與新產品委託開發、小型試量產、製程改善、檢校量測,以及技術移轉、智權加值服務) 類人類視覺影像處理 下世代無線感測智能衣與雲端系統

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