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Volunteer Chinese Teacher Program

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1 Volunteer Chinese Teacher Program
汉语教师志愿者项目简介 Brief Introduction to Volunteer Chinese Teacher Program 郭骄阳 Guo Jiaoyang 1

2 一、汉语教师志愿者项目实施简况 Basic facts of the program 二、汉语教师志愿者项目组织管理 Organization and Management of the program 三、汉语教师志愿者相关费用 Relevant Expenses 四、汉语教师志愿者的申请 Application to receive volunteer Chinese teacher

3 一、汉语教师志愿者项目简况 Basic facts of the program
2003年,作为试点,国家汉办向泰国和菲律宾派遣了首批志愿者,积累了经验。 In 2003 the first group of VCT were sent to Thailand and Philippines on a trial basis. 2004年3月26日,经中国教育部批准,该项目正式实施。 On Mar.26th,2004, the program was officially launched with the approval of the MOE.

4 国家汉办设立汉语教师志愿者中心(简称志愿者中心),负责承办志愿者计划的具体实施工作。
The Volunteer Chinese Teacher Center (hereafter Volunteer Center) was set up in Hanban to implement the VCT program. 截至目前,已向70多个国家累计派出9000多名志愿者。他们足迹遍布世界5大洲。 Up to now, there are more than 9000 volunteer Chinese teachers sent to more than 70 countries in Asia, Europe, America, Africa and Oceania.

5 国家 Countries

6 志愿者以其吃苦奉献的精神和出色的工作表现,给各国人民留下了美好的印象,被誉为“来自中国的天使”、“透视中国的名片”、“最可爱的人”,“像阳光和空气一样重要”。
The volunteers have impressed people of these countries with their endurance, devotion and outstanding performance. They are called ‘angels from China’, ‘the loveliest people’ and considered ‘as important as the sunshine and the air’.

7 实践证明,志愿者项目对帮助各国开展汉语教学、促进中国与世界各国的教育文化交流、增进中国人民与世界各国人民之间的了解和友谊发挥了积极作用。
Practice proves that the VCT Program has played a positive role in helping other countries to develop Chinese language teaching, in promoting the educational and cultural exchange between China and the world, and in enhancing the understanding and friendship between Chinese people and people all over the world.

8 二、汉语教师志愿者项目组织管理 Organization and Management of the program
国家汉办负责统筹规划和组织管理。Hanban is responsible for overall planning and management of the program. 2. 根据国外需求,国家汉办直接或委托有关省(市、自治区)教育厅或高校具体负责落实志愿者的招募、遴选、培训、派出等工作。Based on requests for volunteers by different countries, Hanban either directly organizes the recruitment, training and dispatch of volunteers, or entrusts the responsibility to the Departments of Education of concerned provinces, municipalities or autonomous regions, or universities.

9 3. 志愿者在外管理主要由驻外使领馆和接受志愿者的机构负责。After their arrival in the host country, volunteers are mainly supervised by the Chinese embassies or general consulates and the host institutions. 4. 在派出人数较多的地区派驻管理教师。 Administrative teachers are dispatched to regions where volunteers are in relatively big numbers.

10 志愿者服务期满后,委托有关机构或管理教师对其履职情况进行全面评估。
Upon the maturity of the volunteer’s term of service, the Volunteer Center entrusts certain organizations or the administrative teachers to conduct an overall assessment of the volunteer’s performance.

11 志愿者选拔条件 1. 志愿从事汉语国际推广工作,具 有奉献精神,身心健康,无犯罪 记录; 2. 学历:本科以上 3
志愿者选拔条件 1. 志愿从事汉语国际推广工作,具 有奉献精神,身心健康,无犯罪 记录; 2. 学历:本科以上 3. 掌握汉语、中华文化、当代中国 国情和教学理论知识,具备较好 的汉语教学实践能力、外语沟通 能力和跨文化交际能力,具有中 华才艺专长; 4. 普通话达到二级甲等以上;英语 达到大学英语四级以上; 5. 年龄一般在22岁至50岁之间。 选拔

12 Requirements for Volunteer Chinese Teachers
1. volunteer spirit, desire and readiness to teach Chinese abroad, physically and mentally healthy, no criminal record. 2. qualification: Bachelor degree or above in TCSL, Chinese language and literature, Chinese history, English, etc. 3. good command of Mandarin Chinese 4. good command of the language of the host country/English 5. age: 22-50 6. related experiences and skills preferred

13 培训 时间:1-4个月 Length: 1-4 months 内容:教学与管理、现代教育技术、教学观摩与实践、当代 中国国情与中华文化、中华才艺、能力拓展、跨文化 交际、赴任指导等 Modules: teaching methodologies and classroom management, Modern Technology in Education, Teaching Practice, Modern China, Chinese culture, Cross Culture Communication, Chinese traditional art and skills, Foreign language, Orientation for the new job, etc

14 考核:笔试、实践 Examination 证书:《汉语教师志愿者资格证书》 Certificate for Volunteer Chinese Teacher

15 结业典礼

16 派出 签证Visa 协议Agreement 服务年限: 1年,可申请延期,原则上不超过3年。 1-3 years
Length of service: 1-3 years

17 三、汉语教师志愿者相关费用 Relevant Expenses
国家汉办 培训费;派遣费;安置费;生活津贴;人身意外伤害保险;往返国际机票。 Hanban: Training expenses Expenses related to dispatch and settlement in the host country Monthly allowance Accidental insurance Round-tickets for international flights 外方 住房;医疗保险;当地交通;部分生活津贴;当地培训费;考察费等 The host: Accommodation Medical insurance Local transportation Monthly allowances (partial) Local training fee Research fee etc.

18 汉语教师志愿者的申请 Application to receive VCT

19 海外志愿者项目 2006年国家汉办在部分国家试行“汉语教师海外志愿者项目” 。
In 2006, Hanban initiated the “Program of Overseas Volunteer Chinese Teachers” in certain countries.   海外志愿者应具备的基本条件是:具有所在国合法居留身份的华人华侨和留学人员,自愿从事汉语教学工作,有奉献精神,具有外国和中国政府承认的本科及以上学历,汉语普通话达到规定标准,年龄限于22至60岁,身心健康,无犯罪纪录,具备一定的汉语教学经验和技能,具有所在国语言交际能力。 The basic qualifications for overseas volunteer Chinese teachers are: legal resident status in the country of residence; commission and devotion; minimum Bachelor’s degree from accredited universities; Mandarin proficiency; age between 22 to 60; physically and mentally healthy; no criminal record; Chinese teaching experience and skills; and communicative competence of local language.

20 海外志愿者项目由国家汉办统筹规划与管理,中国驻外使领馆教育(文化)处(组)受国家汉办委托指导受理机构负责海外志愿者的招募、遴选、培训、录用、签约、咨询、经费支付及日常管理等事务。
The Overseas Volunteer Program is initiated and operated by Hanban. Education (Cultural) offices of Chinese embassies in foreign countries are commissioned by Hanban to instruct authorized organizations to recruit and train overseas volunteers, to sign contracts, to provide consultation, to maintain account and to do routine administration work.

21 志愿者中心交流信息 Contact Information of Volunteer Center Tel: - Fax: - Address:北京西城区德胜门外大街129号402室 Room 402, No.129 Deshengmenwai Str.,Xicheng, Beijing Zip Code:100088 Website:

22 谢谢! Thank you!

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