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黄 热 病 YELLOW FEVER 上海出入境检验检疫局

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1 黄 热 病 YELLOW FEVER 上海出入境检验检疫局

2 什么是“黄热病” 黄热病:是由黄热病病毒引起,经伊蚊叮咬传播的一种急性传染病,国际上定为检疫传染病。
临床特征:突然发热、黄疸、恶心和呕吐,头及背部疼痛、蛋白尿等,严重时可出现肝肾功能衰竭和胃肠道出血等而危及生命。 潜伏期:被感染蚊子叮咬后3-6天出现症状,感染后约5%~20%出现临床疾病,其余为隐性感染。 当您来自黄热病疫区,伴有发热、黄疸、恶心呕吐、头及背部疼痛等症状,请及时咨询检验检疫人员,并可获得免费检测。

3 黄热病主要流行地区 安哥拉 世界上最主要的黄热病流行地区为非洲、南美洲。目前安哥拉正爆发流行, 2016年1月21日,安哥拉向世界卫生组织通报了黄热病疫情。截至2月8日共报告了164起疑似病例和37例死亡病例。 当您来自黄热病疫区,伴有发热、黄疸、恶心呕吐、头及背部疼痛等症状,请及时咨询检验检疫人员,并可获得免费检测。

4 黄热病的传播环节 病人和 隐性感染者 感染黄热病 病毒的伊蚊 人类 普遍易感
传染源 易感人群 传染媒介 病人和 隐性感染者 感染黄热病 病毒的伊蚊 人类 普遍易感 当您来自黄热病疫区,伴有发热、黄疸、恶心呕吐、头及背部疼痛等症状,请及时咨询检验检疫人员,并可获得免费检测。

5 如何预防黄热病 当您来自黄热病疫区,伴有发热、黄疸、恶心呕吐、头及背部疼痛等症状,请及时咨询检验检疫人员,并可获得免费检测。
预防接种黄热病疫苗是防止黄热病流行和保护个人的有效措施。 防蚊灭蚊是防止黄热病的有效措施。对来自疫区的各种交通工具应给予严密灭蚊处理。患者宜就地收治,予以防蚊隔离。 患者宜就地收治,予以防蚊隔离。 加强国境检疫,来自疫区的人员必须出示有效的预防接种证书,必要时留检观察。 当您来自黄热病疫区,伴有发热、黄疸、恶心呕吐、头及背部疼痛等症状,请及时咨询检验检疫人员,并可获得免费检测。

6 检疫措施 当您来自黄热病疫区,伴有发热、黄疸、恶心呕吐、头及背部疼痛等症状,请及时咨询检验检疫人员,并可获得免费检测。 国家质检总局公告
来自安哥拉的1岁以上人员,入境时应当向出入境检 验检疫机构出示有效的黄热病预防接种证书。对无 有效黄热病预防接种证书的人员,出入境检验检疫 机构须对该人员从离开该国境时计算,要求实施6天 的留验或居住地隔离。 出入境检验检疫机构应当加强对来自流行区人员的 体温检测、医学巡查等工作,对主动申报的或现场 发现的黄热病染疫人和染疫嫌疑人,出入境检验检 疫机构应当按规定程序采取隔离留验等医学措施。 如旅客在6天内到过黄热病疫区国家,且出现突然发 热、头及背部疼痛、恶心和呕吐等症状,需在入境 时及时向出入境检验检疫部门申报,检验检疫机构 可为旅客提供免费的检测措施和健康咨询。 根据国境卫生检疫法规定:未如实申报或隐瞒疫情 ,引起检疫传染病传播或者有引起检疫传染病传播 严重危险的,依照刑法有关规定追究刑事责任。 当您来自黄热病疫区,伴有发热、黄疸、恶心呕吐、头及背部疼痛等症状,请及时咨询检验检疫人员,并可获得免费检测。

7 健康提示 前往黄热病流行地区需要提前10天接种黄热病疫苗,具体接种事宜可向当地出入境检验检疫机构及其国际旅行卫生保健中心咨询,或登陆上海出入境检验检疫局网站( 在旅行时应注意防蚊、灭蚊,避免被蚊虫叮咬,一旦发现上述症状,要立即就医。 当您来自黄热病流行地区,伴有发热、黄疸、恶心呕吐、头及背部疼痛等症状,请及时咨询检验检疫人员,并可获得免费检测。

8 黄 热 病 YELLOW FEVER 上海出入境检验检疫局

9 What is yellow fever? Yellow Fever:Yellow fever is a viral disease, found in tropical regions of Africa and the Americas. It is transmitted via the bite of Aedes mosquitoes. It can produce devastating outbreaks, which can be prevented and controlled by mass vaccination campaigns. Clinic symptoms : the symptoms of fever, jaundice, nausea and vomiting, headache and back pain. Latentperiod:3-6 Days Travelers from yellow fever risk regions with the symptoms of fever, jaundice, nausea and vomiting, headache and back pain ,rash can get consultation and free detection at Quarantine Office.

10 Yellow fever endemic zone
Angola On 21 January 2016, the National IHR Focal Point of Angola notified WHO of an outbreak of yellow fever. As of 8 February, a total of 164 suspected cases and 37 deaths had been reported in Angola. Travelers from yellow fever risk regions with the symptoms of fever, jaundice, nausea and vomiting, headache and back pain ,rash can get consultation and free detection at Quarantine Office.

11 Basic link of transmission
Source of infection Vector of infection Susceptible population Universal human susceptibility Aedes mosquitoes Patients and the recessive infection Travelers from yellow fever risk regions with the symptoms of fever, jaundice, nausea and vomiting, headache and back pain ,rash can get consultation and free detection at Quarantine Office.

12 How to prevent yellow fever?
Vaccination is the most important preventive measure against yellow fever. Anti-mosquito is an effective measure to prevent yellow fever. Anti-mosquito Isolation Strengthen the border quarantine Travelers from yellow fever risk regions with the symptoms of fever, jaundice, nausea and vomiting, headache and back pain ,rash can get consultation and free detection at Quarantine Office.

13 Quarantine measures Any person who is older than one year from Angola shall produce valid yellow fever vaccination certificate to the inspection and quarantine institution to enter the country. For people without a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate, inspection and quarantine institutions may request 6-day detaining inspection calculated from the date when they leave the infected environment. If people from Angola have a fever, jaundice and other symptoms, they shall take the initiative to orally report to the inspection and quarantine institutions for entry; People with the above symptoms after entry into the country shall immediately seek medical treatment and report the latest travel experience to the doctor in order to receive timely diagnosis and treatment. Inspection and quarantine institutions shall strengthen the work such as body temperature detection, medical tour inspection, etc. to people from infected areas. For people who report the said symptoms, the discovered yellow fever patients and suspected yellow fever bearers, who have either initiative declared or been detected on the spot, inspection and quarantine institutions shall take isolation and other necessary medical tests for free. Travelers from yellow fever risk regions with the symptoms of fever, jaundice, nausea and vomiting, headache and back pain ,rash can get consultation and free detection at Quarantine Office.

14 Health Tip Travelers to the endemic area of yellow fever need to vaccination for 10 days in advance. Specific immunization matters can to the local entry-exit inspection and quarantine institution and its international travel health care center to consult, or visit the site of Shanghai entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau ( for further information. Travelers from yellow fever risk regions with the symptoms of fever, jaundice, nausea and vomiting, headache and back pain, rash can get consultation and free detection at Quarantine Office.

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