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財團法人彰化基督教醫院 實證醫學暨臨床流病中心 精 神 科 廖以誠醫師

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1 財團法人彰化基督教醫院 實證醫學暨臨床流病中心 精 神 科 廖以誠醫師
EBM基本概念 (個別化的醫療品質促進) 與 如何形成PICO問題 財團法人彰化基督教醫院 實證醫學暨臨床流病中心 精 神 科 廖以誠醫師

2 人類在處理外在刺激時,在無意識 的層次具有推論外在世界的能力。 治療病人的決策,靠直覺?個人主 觀經驗?
直覺式的認知過程 -- 潛意識的推論 人類在處理外在刺激時,在無意識 的層次具有推論外在世界的能力。 治療病人的決策,靠直覺?個人主 觀經驗?

3 EBM 的 源 由 (1) 許多靠個人經驗的治療方式,被證明是無效,甚至有害的 醫療照顧日新月異,選項多樣化
每日需要主動接收有效(valid)資訊 大量的醫療研究文獻,品質良莠不齊 資訊來源多樣化(各類資料庫,各式在職教育,種類繁多,如何選擇?) 資料庫收錄文獻品質不一 在職教育可能演講者的資料過時且不夠完整 實務工作繁忙,再進修(閱讀文獻)的時間有限。

4 EBM 的 源 由 (2) 患者與家屬可以獲得相同醫療資訊,對醫療照護的期待增高。 醫療資源有限,有效且高品質醫療服務是全球趨勢
醫療人員隨著畢業(受訓)後,知識與技能「不進則退」。 臨床實務需要跟得上現時潮流,您做得到嗎? 如何節省時間?又能救治更多的生命? (Save time & save lives)

5 銀杏防老人癡呆 無效 【2008/11/20 聯合報】 認為銀杏可改善老年人記憶力與認知能力的人,要大失所望了。根據昨天出刊的美國醫學會期刊(JAMA),一項長達八年的實驗結果顯示,銀杏對預防老人失智症或其他癡呆病症,毫無效果。 時間從二○○○年到二○○八年,實驗對象逾三千人,平均年齡七十九歲,為迄今規模最大的臨床實驗。所有人被分成兩組,一組每天服用兩個銀杏錠(各為一百廿毫克),一組僅服用安慰劑。所有人每六個月會到指定的診所接受評估。 實驗開始時,所有老人均無老人失智症或癡呆現象,但每組每六人有一人有輕微的認知能力受損問題。追蹤六年後,兩組出現癡呆的人數約略相同,而且多數與老人失智症有關。

6 The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported in a public health advisory on Apr. 11, 2005 that the use of second generation antipsychotic medications, aripiprazole, olanzapine, quetiapine, and risperidone, for the treatment of behavioral symptoms in elderly patients with dementia is associated with increased mortality.

7 英研究:服抗精神分裂藥 老年癡呆更惡化 中國時報 2008.04.02
英研究:服抗精神分裂藥 老年癡呆更惡化 中國時報   阿茲海默氏症者慣常服用抗精神分裂病藥物,不過,英國最新研究顯示,此舉反而會使病情更加惡化。 根據倫敦國王學院、牛津大學與新堡大學最新聯合研究,長期而言,服用抗精神分裂病藥物,對出現中度行為問題的阿茲海默症患者泰半並無助益;而且,持續服用六個月,還會令病患的口語溝通能力明顯惡化。已展開的後續研究也初步顯示,阿茲海默氏症患者服用抗精神分裂症藥物,也可能會提高死亡率。 這項刊登在最新一期《PLoS醫學》(Public Library of Science Medicine)期刊的研究,對象係居住在倫敦等四個城市看護中心的一六五名阿茲海默氏症末期患者,其中,約有六十%的病患被餵食抗精神分裂病藥物,以控制諸如攻擊性的行為。據統計,英國約有七十萬人罹患俗稱老年癡呆症的阿茲海默氏症,預估卅年後人數將會倍增。

8 慎思熟慮的認知過程 -- 有目的地演繹推理過程
Knowledge is the enemy of the disease

9 What is EBM ? -- 證據醫學、實證醫學
EBM:Evidence-based medicine EBM 的命名與概念成形乃1990 年加拿大 McMaster 大學內科部醫師Gordon Guyatt 於住院醫師訓練計畫中提出。 照顧個別病人(individual patients)時的臨床決策乃是基於以下四大層面的整合。 可獲得最好的研究證據( best available research evidence) 臨床經驗與技術 (clinical expertise &skills) 病人價值觀與喜好( patient values & preference) 病人的環境與設施( patient circumstances, clinical state & setting )

10 Evidence-Based Clinical Decisions 的 決 定 因 素
Clinical states, circumstances and environmental resources P’t preferences and actions Clinical expertise & experience LiveUpdate Research evidences Modified from R Brain Haynes et al.: Evid. Based Med. 2002;7;36-38.

11 EBM 的兩大目的 可獲得最佳外在研究證據 臨床專業醫療經驗與能力提升 降低醫療不確定性( Uncertainty ↓)
降低醫療變異性( Variation ↓) 病人之喜好、價值觀與環境資源

12 EBM 的發展與被應用 橫向觀點: 縱向觀點: EBM的基本精神不變 應用於各個專業領域 個別病人(individual)
臨床第一線醫療人員 Bottom-up EBM 一群病人(population,community) 衛生政策單位、醫院整體、醫療品質、醫療資訊或醫療保險等 Top-down EBM EBM的基本精神不變

13 Definition of EBN -- 實證護理
EBN:Evidence-based nursing practice is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of theory-derived, research-based information in making decisions about care delivery to individuals or group of patients and in consideration of individuals’ needs and preferences. 誠實、詳盡與明斷的運用「有理論、研究為基礎的資訊」於臨床護理決策(針對一個病人或一群病人),並考慮到個案的需求與喜好。 ----Ingersoll, 2000

14 實證心理執業 American Psychological Association Statement (2005.08)
Evidence-based practice in psychology (EBPP) the integration of the best available research with clinical expertise in the context of patient characteristics, culture, and preferences. the purpose of EBPP is to promote effective psychological practice and enhance public health by applying empirically supported principles of psychological assessment, case formulation, therapeutic relationship, and intervention. May–June American Psychologist, APA Presidential Task Force on Evidence-Based Practice

15 Evidence-based occupational therapy (實證職能治療)
Client-centred enablement of occupation based on client information a critical review of relevant research, expert consensus and past experience.

16 Evidence-Based Pharmacotherapy (實證藥物治療)
Evidence-based pharmacotherapy is the systematic, explicit and judicious use of best evidence in making decisions about drug treatment for patients both at the individual and population (policy) levels. When defining the pharmacotherapeutic profile of a drug , in addition to risk-benefit considerations, the economic aspects are evaluated too so that the most cost-effective treatments can be adopted.

17 Evidence-Based Laboratory Medicine (EBLM)實證檢驗醫學
搜尋google 約有35,200項符合“Evidence based Laboratory Medicine” 的查詢結果 搜尋PubMed Evidence-based laboratory medicine Field: Title 共21篇, 最早1999年Moore RA發表在Am Clin Lab. Concepts and principles of evidence-based laboratory medicine. 出版日期: 2003 ISBN 預覽此書

18 Evidence-Based Imaging 實證影像醫學

19 ACGME 認為住院醫師 需具備以下6大基本能力
Patient care Medical Knowledge Practice-based learning & improvement Interpersonal & communication skills Professionalism Systems-based practice The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, 2001

Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific evidence, and improve their patient care practices. 就是實證醫學(EBM)的能力。 民國92年PGY1要求實證醫學至少8小時的訓練 94-6月起 UGY相同要求 國外甚至臨床見習醫學生必需的訓練 The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, 2001

21 行政院衛生署教學醫院 教學費用補助計畫 醫療法第96條規定,教學醫院辦理醫師及其他醫事人員訓練,並接受醫學院、校學生臨床見習、實習。
教學費用不再齊頭式補助 醫師、醫事人員畢業後2~4年需有教學計畫 計畫目的: – 以病人為中心的醫療 – 跨領域的醫療團隊工作 – 基於實證醫學的專業執行 – 醫療品質促進 – 資訊技術利用

22 EBM is a clinical skill The skills needed to find potentially relevant studies quickly and reliably, to separate the wheat from the chaff, and to apply sound research findings to patient care have today become as essential as skills with a stethoscope. ( Paul Glasziou BMJ 2008;337:a1253)

23 執行EBM的五個步驟 5A ( I ) Bottom-Up EBM: Problem-based approach
1. Asking 問問題(可以回答的問題) Converting the clinical uncertainties into an answerable question. 2.Accessing 找資料(可獲得最好的證據資訊) Search the database and tracking down the best available evidence. 3.Appraising 分析判斷(文獻的效度與重要性) Critical appraising that evidence for its validity and importance.

24 執行EBM的五個步驟 5A ( II ) Bottom-Up EBM: Problem-based approach
4. Applying 臨床應用(整合四大層面) Integrating the critical appraising with our clinical expertise and our patient’s unique biology, values and circumstances. 5. Auditing 評估成果(執行EBM的效率) Evaluating our effectiveness and efficiency in executing step 1- 4 and seeking ways to improve them both for next time.

25 Ask an answerable question? 問一個可以回答的問題?
Step 1 Ask an answerable question? 問一個可以回答的問題? Background & Foreground Questions (PICO) Types of Questions Priority to answer

26 Searching for the best available evidence 搜尋可獲得最佳的證據
Step 2 Searching for the best available evidence 搜尋可獲得最佳的證據 資料庫的種類 Databases 搜尋技巧與策略 Searching strategies 初步判定證據級數高低 Hierarchy of evidence (Keep searching until the BEST AVAILABLE evidence is located, not just RCTs!)

27 Step 2 資 料 庫 的 種 類(醫學資訊) Best evidence (Prefiltered) databases (最佳證據資料庫) Evidence-based guideline or Evidence-based textbook:NICE, Clinical Evidence, UpToDate…. 2o journals:EBM , EBN, ACPJC, EBM Review, Bandolier (article review) Cochrane database of systematic reviews Primary (Unfiltered) databases (原始文獻資料庫) 中華民國期刊論文, Medline, PubMed, ProQuest Nursing, CINAHL, ……. 『Burn your paper textbooks』??? 網路電子書, background knowledge

28 5S Levels Prefiltered Systems Summaries Synopses Syntheses Studies
Computerized decision support Systems Prefiltered Summaries Evidence-based textbooks or EB-CPG Evidence-based journal abstracts Synopses Systematic Reviews Syntheses Studies Original journal articles Modified from R Brain Haynes et al.: ACP Journal Club Nov/Dec 2006 | Vol 145 • Number 34;A8-A9.

29 Primary Study共9頁 Synopsis 只1頁 經過專家篩選評論之 2nd Journal 文章 (延後約半年出版,空窗期)
省 時

30 Therapy/Prevention, Aetiology/Harm
Levels of Evidence (Oxford CEBM 2009) Level of Evidence Therapy/Prevention, Aetiology/Harm Prognosis 1a Systematic Review (SR with homogeneity*) of RCTs SR (with homogeneity*) of inception studies, or a CPG validated on a test set 1b Individual RCT (with narrow Confidence Interval) Individual inception cohort study with 80% follow-up 1c All or none All or none case-series 2a SR (with homogeneity*) of cohort study SR (with homogeneity*) of either retrospective cohort studies or untreated control groups in RCTs 2b Individual cohort study (include low quality RCT; e.g., <80% follow-up) Retrospective cohort study or follow-up untreated control patients in an RCT; or CPG not validated in a test set. 2c “Outcomes” Research 3a SR (with homogeneity*) of case-control studies 3b Individual Case-Control Study 4 Case-series (and poor quality cohort and case-control studies) Case-series (and poor quality prognostic cohort studies) 5 Expert opinion without explicit critical appraisal, or based on physiology bench research or “first principles”

31 Critical appraisal 文獻的分析判斷
Step 3 文獻的結果是否有效度? (Validity) 文獻的結果是否有重要性? (Importance) 文獻的分析判斷前需先分類,不同種類的文獻,研究方法不同,評判方式也有異。 最常見的文獻種類:Therapy, Harm, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Systematic Review, Recommendations (Clinical Practice Guideline) ……. We set up six personal computers for internet search.

32 Users’ Guides (消費指南) 提供「快速文獻評讀的指南」VIP 1.研究結果是否有效(效度, Validity)?
2.研究結果是什麼(重要性, Importance)? 3.研究結果是否能幫助我照護我的病患(實務, Practice)? (第四步驟) 提供「快速文獻評讀的指南」VIP

33 G Guyatt: Users’ Guides to The Medical Literature, 2002

34 評讀有關治療(介入)的文獻 效度與重要性 效度: 研究文獻是否隨機? 研究文獻的隨機過程是否隱密?
是否以病患一開始被隨機分配到的組別來作結果分析? 在治療剛開始時,每一組的(預後)特性是否相似? 病患、醫療從業人員、結果評估者以及資料分析者 是否都不知道病患被分到哪一組?(雙盲或三盲) 除了想要評估的治療介入之外,是否每組的研究對象 都被一致地對待? 研究個案追蹤的時間夠長、夠完整嗎? 重要性: 治療的效果有多大? 治療效果的估計有多精確?

35 Bias – sources & protection
Adapted from Edwin Chan, Singapore Branch, Australasian Cochrane Centre 2009 Source Protection Allocation (Baseline imbalance) Randomization Performance Blinding of caregivers, careful monitoring & analysis Placebo-effect Blinding of patients Attrition Careful follow-up & ITT analysis Detection Valid measurement Blinding of outcome assessors Analytical Careful analyses Reporting Report all relevant planned measurements

36 Apply to your patient 實際應用到你的病人
Step 4 Evidence is never enough 只有證據,永遠不足 如何 將證據“外推”,應用於個案 Can the results be applied to my patient? (Applicability) 有效且重要的證據能實際應用到我照顧的病人身上嗎? 適用性 Efficacy Effectiveness Efficiency We set up six personal computers for internet search.

37 證據能否外推 ? Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine Grades of Recommendation (May 2001) 建議等級 A: consistent level 1 studies (與證據等級1一致) B: consistent level 2 or 3 studies (與證據等級2,3一致) or extrapolations(外推) from level 1 studies C: level 4 studies (與證據等級4一致) or extrapolations (外推) from level 2 or 3 studies D: level 5 evidence (與證據等級5一致) or troublingly inconsistent or inconclusive studies of any level. (研究結果不一致或是沒有結論) 證據若外推,則建議等級下降

38 如何 將證據“外推”,應用於個案 ? 你的病人與研究文獻所收錄的病人,有無明顯差異?
例如:女性乳癌的研究,能否應用到男性乳癌患者? 評估你的病人接受與研究文獻所施行相同的治療(或處置),所得益處(及害處)將有多大? 應用到您的個案前,需先藉此修正文獻結果 你的單位或是你自己是否有能力(資源)施行相同的治療(或處置)?執行品質是否與研究機構相當?

39 個案自己的價值觀與喜好? 是否清楚與個案(及家屬)說明溝通? 是否有其他更好的取代治療方案? 個案對治療(或處置)的遵從性?
治療(或處置)的益處(與害處),個案(及家屬)是否清楚瞭解? 個案(與家屬)的價值觀及喜好,是否清楚評估? 是否有其他更好的取代治療方案? 個案對治療(或處置)的遵從性? 是否理智上同意合作(或不好意思拒絕),但潛意識行為並不配合,導致實際遵從性變差? 實際追蹤你的個案的成果(outcome)

40 Evaluation our performance 評估表現與施行效率
Step 5 Evaluation our performance 評估表現與施行效率 Self – Evaluation (自我評估) Evaluation (Audit) by Expert or peer (專家監督或同儕彼此評估) Audit by organization Audit by third party (NHI, Insurance) Audit by computer ???? EBM是思考與行為模式的改變

41 從研究證據到臨床實務的過程中有很多疏漏 Aware Accept Target Doable Recall Agree Done Valid Research If 80% achieved at each stage then 0.8 x 0.8 x 0.8 x 0.8 x 0.8 x 0.8 x 0.8 = 0.21 Glasziou, Haynes, EBM 2005

42 如何跨越醫療品質的鴻溝? Institute of Medicine (IOM) 2003
Health Professions Education: A Bridge to Quality Provide patient-center care Work in interdisciplinary teams Employ evidence-based practice Apply quality improvement Utilize informatics

43 將有效的研究結果應用到臨床實務 EBM 能預防其過程中的”疏漏” 救治更多的患者
Aware Accepted Applicable Able Acted on Agreed Adhered to Studies (primary research studies: sound & unsound) Systems (bottomline +/- ref) Synopses (user summary of research) Systematic Reviews & CATs (search; appraise; synthesis) Evidence-Based Medicine Questioning Skills in EBM 5 steps Evidence Resources Time (substitution) First pipeline - some folk miss best care 2nd pipeline - some folk get unnecessary (or harmful) care - opportunity costs So we need to get the evidence straight first!! Glasziou, Haynes, EBM 2005

44 以實證為基礎的臨床診療指引 Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guideline (EB-CPG)
乃針對一系列具體明確的臨床問題,有系統地發展適當之臨床規範,來協助醫療從業人員(與病人),做出適當醫療照護的決定。 以實證為基礎 有別於專家共識 需有一定的方法學,引用最佳的研究證據,做為臨床指引陳述的內容 是一系列證據的摘要彙整

45 何謂好的臨床診療指引? 有效性(valid) 重造性(reproducible)
多專業代表性(Representative/multidisciplinary) 清楚(clear) 彈性(flexible) 臨床實用性(clinical applicable) 可修訂性(reviewable) 經得起臨床審查(clinical audit) 合乎成本效益(cost-effective) 經過推廣後能改變醫療從業人員的臨床實務行為,最後改善病人的治療結果,促進醫療品質



48 EBM 與 「以病人為中心的安全醫療」的相關性?
臨床專業醫療(護理)經驗與能力提升(安全醫療講求減少錯誤與疏失) 可獲得最佳外在研究證據(安全醫療講求有效證據) EBM的基本精神: 就是「以病人為中心的安全醫療」 病人之價值觀、環境資源(以病人為中心的思維)

49 Doing the right thing right
EBM 與 醫療品質 相輔相成 Doing the right thing right EBM就像「內功」, 醫療品質就像「外功」, 兩者實為一體之兩面。 每位醫療人員對病人的建議與處置,都是「以實證為基礎的臨床決策」,其結果(Outcome)將是醫療品質最佳化。

50 3 modes of EBM practice Evidence Doer 實作者 5A Evidence User 使用者 3A - 4A
“Asking, Accessing, Appraising, Applying & Auditing” provides E-B care, but is expensive in time and resources Evidence User 使用者 3A - 4A “Asking, Accessing, Applying & Auditing (?)” much quicker and if carried out among Prefilered E-B resources, can provide E-B care Evidence Asker & Replicator 發問 與 複製者 1A Maybe “Asking (?) only” Trust and directly follow the recommendations of respected EBM leaders (experts) quickest, but should distinguish evidence-based from ego-based recommendations Modified from Sharon E Straus et al.: BMJ 2004;329:

51 財團法人彰化基督教醫院 實證醫學暨臨床流病中心 精 神 科 廖以誠醫師
如何形成PICO問題 實例演練 財團法人彰化基督教醫院 實證醫學暨臨床流病中心 精 神 科 廖以誠醫師

52 Does EBM mean everything ?
(SE Staus et al.: Evidence-based medicine – how to practice & teach EBM, ) A mastery of clinical skills of Patient-interviewing, history-taking, and physical examination, without which you can neither begin the process of EBM nor end it. Practice of continuous, lifelong, self-directed learning, without which you will rapidly become dangerously out of date. The spirit of Problem-Based Learning, PBL Maintain the humility without which you will become immune both to self-improvement and to advances in medicine.

53 PBL ─ 定 義 Problem-Based Learning: 營造「以問題促進學習」的環境。
也就是說在學員學習之前先給他們一個問題,藉由這個問題,學員發現在解決問題以前,他們必需要學會一些新的知識。 學習過程有一定的思考模式與進行步驟

54 問題(個案劇場)的思考程序 澄清並定義問題 分析問題 產生假說(想法)或可能之解釋 確認解決問題所需的知識與其特性
確認哪些知識已經知道,哪些未知 列出學習目標的優先次序 確認適當的學習資源 自己學習準備新知識 整合原有與新學到的知識,應用到問題解決上 自我評估,回顧上述學習過程的效率,是否需改進

55 PBL於臨床工作的運用 PBL能給您什麼?
Critical thinking and Active problem solving skills 批判性思考,熱誠、主動面對現實生活問題,以整合、彈性與有用的知識為基礎,有效地解決問題 學習記憶效果較佳。 Self-directive, Self-assessed and lifetime learning 運用有效的自我學習技巧,養成終身學習的習慣 持續地自我監督與評估,強化學習成效 Interdependence and small group 當成為團隊的一員時,能有效地與人合作,互相學習

56 Ask an answerable question? 問一個可以回答的問題?
Step 1 Ask an answerable question? 問一個可以回答的問題? Background & Foreground Questions (PICO) Types of Questions Priority to answer

57 Step 1 臨床問題從哪裡來? (SE Straus et al. 2005: Evidence-based medicine – how to practice & teach EBM, 3rd ed.) 臨床發現 ( clinical findings ) 病因 ( etiology ) 疾病的臨床表徵( clinical menifestations of diseases ) 鑑別診斷與診斷檢查 ( DDx & diagnostic test ) 治療 ( therapy) 預後 ( prognosis ) 預防措施 ( prevention ) (生病)的經驗與意義 ( experience & meaning ) 自我進步 ( self-improvement )

58 個案與家屬關心的問題 (Simon Hatcher: Evidence-based Mental health care, 2005)
Step 1 個案與家屬關心的問題 (Simon Hatcher: Evidence-based Mental health care, 2005) What is wrong? (diagnosis) What else could it be? (differential diagnosis) What tests are helpful? (diagnostic tests) What treatments work? (therapy) What will happen? (prognosis) What prevents it? (prevention) What does it mean for me & my family? (meaning) What caused it? (etiology) Could it have been found sooner? (screening)

59 臨床問題的認知反應 (SE Straus et al
臨床問題的認知反應 (SE Straus et al. 2005: Evidence-based medicine – how to practice & teach EBM, 3rd ed.) Cognitive resonance 知道“知道” Cognitive dissonance 知道“不知道” 一般的Uncertainty Ignorance 不知道“不知道” 需要平時的自我成長與新知Update

60 Step 1 背景問題 (Background questions) (SE Straus et al. 2005: Evidence-based medicine – how to practice & teach EBM, 3rd ed.) 詢問有關疾病的一般性知識的問題 (Ask for general knowledge about a disorder) Two components: A question root (5W1H: who, what, where, when, how, why) A disorder, or an aspect of disorder “ What cause Schizophrenia?” “ When do complications of Alcohol dependence usually occur? “

61 Step 1 前景問題 ( Foreground questions ) (SE Straus et al. 2005: Evidence-based medicine – how to practice & teach EBM, 3rd ed.) 詢問有關處理病人所需特別知識的問題 (Ask for specific knowledge about managing patients with a disorder ) Four (or three): PICO Patient and/or Problem Intervention/ or Exposure Comparison intervention (if relevant) Outcomes Time EBM主要是針對 foreground questions

62 Background 與 Foreground 問題
EBM 是 MacMaster 內科住院醫師訓練的重心 台中榮總內科第四次「實證醫學」系列,種子教師,開始寫 Educational prescription and CATs From:

63 Background 與 Foreground 問題的關係
EBM 是 MacMaster 內科住院醫師訓練的重心 台中榮總內科第四次「實證醫學」系列,種子教師,開始寫 Educational prescription and CATs 新手 老手 新手問較多的 background questions 老手問較多的 foreground questions

64 建立PICO問題的小秘訣 (

65 臨床重要性 Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters (POEM)
實證醫學觀點,給予更多的重視 死亡(mortality), 病態(morbidity), 生活品質(quality of life), 有良好信、效度的診斷工具或測驗 Disease-Oriented Evidence that Matters (DOEM) 實證醫學觀點,較少的重視 生理、藥理或病因等相關的結果

66 背 景 劇 場 個案為77歲阿茲海默氏失智症的女性患者。原本在神經內科,每天使用Galantamine 16mg治療。最近一個月開始出現明顯的被偷妄想,且合併情緒困擾與激動行為(會找同住的大媳婦理論)。 家屬深感困擾,尤其大媳婦原是主要照顧者,現在個案對她的敵意,明顯導致其照顧壓力,希望將個案送到安養中心。 當護士的大孫女,將祖母帶到精神科門診,希望能先用藥物治療

67 Uncertainty → PICO 問題 For old people suffering from dementia with delusion, does atypical antipsychotics (like risperidone ) compared to placebo, improve the delusion and agitation? G Guyatt: Users’ Guides to The Medical Literature, 2002

68 問題以PICO形式呈現 Patient / Problem 77 Y/O female Dementia with deluison
Intervention Atypical antipsychotics (eg. Risperidone) Comparison Placebo Outcome Decrease delusion and agitation (NPI scale) Type of Question: Therpay

69 Determining question type
Step 1 Determining question type Therapy 如何選擇好的治療、介入或預防措施 Harm / Etiology 如何確認疾病的病因或醫源性傷害 Diagnosis (tests) 如何選擇好的診斷工具或測驗 Prognosis 如何評估(預測)可能的臨床病程與併發症

70 確定問題的類別, 才能找尋到最佳研究設計之證據

71 Therapy/Prevention, Aetiology/Harm
Levels of Evidence (Oxford CEBM 2009) Level of Evidence Therapy/Prevention, Aetiology/Harm Prognosis 1a Systematic Review (SR with homogeneity*) of RCTs SR (with homogeneity*) of inception studies, or a CPG validated on a test set 1b Individual RCT (with narrow Confidence Interval) Individual inception cohort study with 80% follow-up 1c All or none All or none case-series 2a SR (with homogeneity*) of cohort study SR (with homogeneity*) of either retrospective cohort studies or untreated control groups in RCTs 2b Individual cohort study (include low quality RCT; e.g., <80% follow-up) Retrospective cohort study or follow-up untreated control patients in an RCT; or CPG not validated in a test set. 2c “Outcomes” Research 3a SR (with homogeneity*) of case-control studies 3b Individual Case-Control Study 4 Case-series (and poor quality cohort and case-control studies) Case-series (and poor quality prognostic cohort studies) 5 Expert opinion without explicit critical appraisal, or based on physiology bench research or “first principles”

72 EBM常見之專有名詞:研究方法I Case study (single case report 個案研究報告) Case series
針對一個案例之(沒有控制的)觀察性研究 Case series 針對兩個以上個案例之(沒有控制的)觀察性研究 An uncontrolled observational study involving an intervention and outcome for more than one person. Glossary of Terms in the Cochrane Collaboration Version 4.2.3, Updated Nov. 2004

73 EBM常見之專有名詞:研究方法II Case-control study 個案對照研究
屬於回溯性retrospective研究,先確立個案(cases,指具有某種疾病或特定結果outcome的人),再找出一群沒有疾病或特定結果之合適對照組 。 藉由比較有關之歸因或危險因子在個案組與對照組之發生次數與程度差異,檢驗特定結果與有關之歸因或危險因子之間的相關性。 Glossary of Terms in the Cochrane Collaboration Version 4.2.3, Updated Nov. 2004

74 EBM常見之專有名詞:研究方法III Cohort study 世代研究
是一種觀察性研究 (observational study),一群界定清楚的人 (the cohort) 被追蹤一段時間。檢驗結果( outcome) 在不同次群組之間是否有差異,例如有(或沒有)暴露在某種介入之次群組,觀察其結果發生率。 世代研究大多是前瞻性的,但也有少數是回溯性的(必須相關記錄非常清楚) Glossary of Terms in the Cochrane Collaboration Version 4.2.3, Updated Nov. 2004

75 G Guyatt: Users’ Guides to The Medical Literature, 2002

76 EBM常見之專有名詞:研究方法IV Randomised controlled trial (RCT) 隨機控制實驗
將一群合適的個案「隨機」分配到實驗組(有接受實驗介入)與對照組(沒有接受實驗介入),比較兩組結果之差異。 Glossary of Terms in the Cochrane Collaboration Version 4.2.3, Updated Nov. 2004

77 G Guyatt: Users’ Guides to The Medical Literature, 2002

78 EBM常見之專有名詞:研究方法V Systematic review (系統性回顧)
針對一個清楚的問題,使用有系統且清楚的方法去確認、篩選及評判相關原始研究文獻,選出高品質的文獻,針對其結果加以整合分析討論。 針對入選的原始文獻,若測量結果方式相似,則可以進一步用統計的方法加以統合分析(meta-analysis) 。若測量結果方式不相似,則無法進行統合分析。 Glossary of Terms in the Cochrane Collaboration Version 4.2.3, Updated Nov. 2004

79 EBM常見之專有名詞:研究方法VI Meta-analysis 統合分析
使用統計方法將系統性回顧文獻內所包含的各篇原始研究結果,加以統合分析。 有時是系統性回顧文獻合併統合分析的簡稱。 Glossary of Terms in the Cochrane Collaboration Version 4.2.3, Updated Nov. 2004

80 背 景 劇 場 23 歲女性,半年前因為憂鬱症(第一次發作)到您的門診,您開給她SSRI抗憂鬱藥物治療,個案對藥物反應不錯且醫囑順從性好(同意持續治療9至12個月)。 最近新聞報導抗憂鬱藥物會導致自殺增加,個案看到相關報導後產生焦慮,回診時向您詢問。 SSRI 會增加自殺嗎?我有此危險性嗎?可以停藥嗎? G Guyatt: Users’ Guides to The Medical Literature, 2002

81 ? SSRI 與 自殺

82 Uncertainty → PICO 問題 Do adults suffering from depression and taking SSRI medications, compared to patients taking placebo or TCA, may suffer an increased risk of suicide attempts ? G Guyatt: Users’ Guides to The Medical Literature, 2002

83 問題以PICO形式呈現 Patient / Problem 23Y/O female Major depression
Intervention SSRI Comparison Placebo or TCA Outcome Increased suicide attempts Type of Question: Harm G Guyatt: Users’ Guides to The Medical Literature, 2002

84 Example: Diagnosis Step 1 Patient / Problem
67Y/O male, clinically diagnosed probable moderate AD Intervention PET Comparison Nil / or brain CT Outcome Accuracy of the diagnosis of AD (golden reference standard) (better sensitivity/specificity, likelihood ratio, probability)

85 Example: Prognosis Step 1 Patient / Problem 67Y/O male with mild AD
Intervention / Exposure Additional cerebrovascular disease Comparison No cerebrovascular disease Outcome Survival over next 5 years

86 問題的形成與回答優先順序 Step 1 「PICO問題的形成」需對該疾病的相關知識有一定程度的瞭解。
時間有限,必需將問題列出優先順序,一般考量的觀點: 與病人健康福祉有關的問題 臨床上重複出現的問題 時間許可內,最方便回答的問題 與學習者自我需求有關的問題

87 臨床問題處理三部曲- 3S (SE Straus et al
臨床問題處理三部曲- 3S (SE Straus et al. 2005: Evidence-based medicine – how to practice & teach EBM, 3rd ed.) Selecting Scheduling Saving

88 意 見 分 享 經 驗 交 流

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